Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ResolveVariable(ILExpression expr, ILExpression instance = null, ILExpression index = null)
            Debug.Assert(expr != null);
            UnresolvedVar uv = expr.Operand as UnresolvedVar;

            Debug.Assert(uv != null);
            ILVariable v = null;

            if (uv.Extra != 0)
                Debug.Assert(instance == null);
                instance = new ILExpression(GMCode.Constant, new ILValue(uv.Extra)); // create a fake instance value
            instance = instance.MatchSingleArgument();
            if (instance.Code == GMCode.Constant)
                ILValue value = instance.Operand as ILValue;
                v = ILVariable.CreateVariable(uv.Name, (int)value, this.locals);
            else if (instance.Code == GMCode.Var)
                v = ILVariable.CreateVariable(uv.Name, 0, this.locals);
                (instance.Operand as ILVariable).Type = GM_Type.Instance; // make sure its an instance
                throw new Exception("humm");
            if (uv.Operand >= 0)
                Debug.Assert(index != null);
                index = index.MatchSingleArgument();
                if (index.Code == GMCode.Var)
                    ILVariable ivar = index.Operand as ILVariable; // indexs can only be ints, but they can be negitive?
                    ivar.Type = GM_Type.Int;
                index = null;
            Debug.Assert(v != null);
            expr.Code    = GMCode.Var;
            expr.Operand = v;
            if (index != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Changed the design on this, just emulated the dup by replacing dup and inserting the values needed for the two unresolved assigns, it SHOULD all resolve
        // though the pump
        void FixComplexPop(IList <ILNode> nodes, ILExpression var_expr, int start, UnresolvedVar uv) // uv is only used for debugging
            UnresolvedVar popVar = null;                                                             // the pop var that we dupped

            for (int i = start; i < nodes.Count; i++)                                                // need to find the matching pop, should be only a push up
                if (nodes[i].Match(GMCode.Pop, out popVar))
                    Debug.Assert(popVar.Name == uv.Name && uv.Operand == popVar.Operand && uv.Extra == popVar.Extra); // only thing we can compare
                    ILExpression expr   = nodes[i] as ILExpression;
                    ILExpression assign = new ILExpression(GMCode.Assign, null, new ILExpression(var_expr));
                    nodes[i] = assign;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        bool ComplexPopStack(IList <ILNode> nodes, ILExpression expr, int pos)
            int           dupType = 0;
            ILExpression  instance;
            UnresolvedVar uv = null;                                                                // compiler warning

            if (nodes.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 1).Match(GMCode.Dup, out dupType) && dupType == 0 && // stack var
                expr.Match(GMCode.Push, out instance) &&
                nodes.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 2).Match(GMCode.Push, out uv))
                expr = nodes[pos + 2] as ILExpression;
                Debug.Assert(expr.Operand is UnresolvedVar);
                expr.AddILRange(nodes[pos + 1]); // add the dup to the offsets
                nodes.RemoveRange(pos, 2);       // dup and instance
                ResolveVariable(expr, instance);
                nodes[pos] = new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, null, expr);
                FixComplexPop(nodes, expr, pos + 1, uv);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // This is like assign add, ++, etc
        bool ComplexPopArray(IList <ILNode> nodes, ILExpression expr, int pos)
            ILLabel       l        = nodes[0] as ILLabel;
            int           dupType  = 0;
            ILExpression  instance = null;
            ILExpression  index    = null;
            UnresolvedVar uv       = null;                                                          // compiler warning

            if (nodes.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 2).Match(GMCode.Dup, out dupType) && dupType == 1 && // stack var
                expr.Match(GMCode.Push, out instance) &&
                nodes.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 1).Match(GMCode.Push, out index) &&
                nodes.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 3).Match(GMCode.Push, out uv))
                expr = nodes[pos + 3] as ILExpression;
                Debug.Assert(expr.Operand is UnresolvedVar);
                expr.AddILRange(nodes[pos + 2]);        // add the dup to the offsets
                nodes.RemoveRange(pos, 3);
                ResolveVariable(expr, instance, index); // fix it this way so we keep all the ILRanges
                nodes[pos] = new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, null, expr);
                FixComplexPop(nodes, expr, pos + 1, uv);