public void Apply(SerializedProperty sp) { sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Rect").rectValue = rect; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue = name; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Border").vector4Value = border; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Alignment").intValue = (int)alignment; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Pivot").vector2Value = pivot; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_TessellationDetail").floatValue = tessellationDetail; sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_SpriteID").stringValue = spriteID.ToString(); if (internalID == 0L) { UnityType spriteType = UnityType.FindTypeByName("Sprite"); internalID = ImportSettingInternalID.MakeInternalID(sp.serializedObject, spriteType, name); } sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_InternalID").longValue = internalID; if (spriteBone != null) { SpriteBoneDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteBone); } if (spriteOutline != null) { SpriteOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spriteOutline); } if (spritePhysicsOutline != null) { SpritePhysicsOutlineDataTransfer.Apply(sp, spritePhysicsOutline); } if (vertices != null) { SpriteMeshDataTransfer.Apply(sp, vertices, indices, edges); } }
// Rename multiple entries at once to avoid situations where swapping names of two entries would break references static public void RenameMultiple(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, string[] oldNames, string[] newNames) { int classID = type.persistentTypeID; int left = oldNames.Length; SerializedProperty recycleMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InternalIDToNameTable"); foreach (SerializedProperty element in recycleMap) { SerializedProperty first = element.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty cid = first.FindPropertyRelative("first"); if (cid.intValue == classID) { SerializedProperty second = element.FindPropertyRelative("second"); int idx = Array.IndexOf(oldNames, second.stringValue); if (idx >= 0) { second.stringValue = newNames[idx]; if (--left == 0) { break; } } } } }
static public void RegisterInternalID(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, ICollection <long> ids, ICollection <string> names) { if (ids.Count != names.Count) { return; } SerializedProperty internalIDMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InternalIDToNameTable"); var startIdx = internalIDMap.arraySize; internalIDMap.arraySize += ids.Count; var id = ids.GetEnumerator(); id.Reset(); id.MoveNext(); var name = names.GetEnumerator(); name.Reset(); name.MoveNext(); if (internalIDMap.arraySize > 0) { SerializedProperty newEntry = internalIDMap.GetArrayElementAtIndex(startIdx); for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; ++i, id.MoveNext(), name.MoveNext()) { SerializedProperty first = newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty cid = first.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty lid = first.FindPropertyRelative("second"); cid.intValue = type.persistentTypeID; lid.longValue = id.Current; SerializedProperty sname = newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("second"); sname.stringValue = name.Current; newEntry.Next(false); } } }
public UnityType CreateOrEditUnityType(UnityType unityType) { if (unityType.UnityTypeId == 0) { return(CreateUnityType(unityType)); } return(UpdateUnityType(unityType)); }
public bool Matches(Object asset, string fullAssetName) { if (asset == null || !UnityType.IsInstanceOfType(asset)) { return(false); } return(Extensions == null || Extensions.Length == 0 || Extensions.Any(x => fullAssetName.EndsWith(x, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); }
public ActionResult CreateOrEdit(UnityType unityType) { if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { unityType = unityTypeService.CreateOrEditUnityType(unityType); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View("Form", unityType)); }
public UnityType GetById(int unityTypeId) { var unityType = context.UnityType.Find(unityTypeId); if (unityType == null) { unityType = new UnityType(); } return(unityType); }
static public long MakeInternalID(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, string name) { long id = ImportSettingInternalID.FindInternalID(serializedObject, type, name); if (id == 0L) { id = AssetImporter.MakeLocalFileIDWithHash(type.persistentTypeID, name, 0); RegisterInternalID(serializedObject, type, id, name); } return(id); }
// Constructor. public UnitySerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } type = (UnityType)(info.GetInt32("UnityType")); data = info.GetString("Data"); assembly = info.GetString("AssemblyName"); }
// Constructor. public UnitySerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if(info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } type = (UnityType)(info.GetInt32("UnityType")); data = info.GetString("Data"); assembly = info.GetString("AssemblyName"); }
private static void AddSimpleFoodToMeal(string name, decimal quantity, UnityType unityType, Meal meal, ProductContext productContext) { Food simpleFood = new Food { Name = name, NumberOfPeople = 90 }; simpleFood.Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(); simpleFood.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient { Product = productContext.Product.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == name), Quantity = quantity, UnityType = unityType }); meal.MealFoods.Add(new MealFood { Meal = meal, Food = simpleFood }); }
static List <EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData> CollectNativeTypeData() { var items = new List <EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData>(); foreach (var unityType in UnityType.GetTypes()) { items.Add(new EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData { name =, module = unityType.module }); } return(items); }
// Serialize a unity object. public static void Serialize(SerializationInfo info, UnityType type, String data, Assembly assembly) { info.SetType(typeof(UnitySerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("data", data); info.AddValue("UnityType", (int)type); if (assembly != null) { info.AddValue("AssemblyName", assembly.FullName); } else { info.AddValue("AssemblyName", String.Empty); } }
// Serialize a unity object. public static void Serialize(SerializationInfo info, UnityType type, String data, Assembly assembly) { info.SetType(typeof(UnitySerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("data", data); info.AddValue("UnityType", (int)type); if(assembly != null) { info.AddValue("AssemblyName", assembly.FullName); } else { info.AddValue("AssemblyName", String.Empty); } }
static public void RegisterInternalID(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, long id, string name) { SerializedProperty internalIDMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InternalIDToNameTable"); internalIDMap.arraySize++; SerializedProperty newEntry = internalIDMap.GetArrayElementAtIndex(internalIDMap.arraySize - 1); SerializedProperty first = newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty cid = first.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty lid = first.FindPropertyRelative("second"); cid.intValue = type.persistentTypeID; lid.longValue = id; SerializedProperty sname = newEntry.FindPropertyRelative("second"); sname.stringValue = name; }
private static void UpdateBuildReport(LinkerToEditorData dataFromLinker, IIl2CppPlatformProvider platformProvider) { var strippingInfo = platformProvider == null ? null : StrippingInfo.GetBuildReportData(platformProvider.buildReport); if (strippingInfo == null) { return; } foreach (var moduleInfo in { strippingInfo.AddModule(; foreach (var moduleDependency in moduleInfo.dependencies) { strippingInfo.RegisterDependency(StrippingInfo.ModuleName(,; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleDependency.icon)) { strippingInfo.SetIcon(, moduleDependency.icon); } // Hacky way to match the existing behavior if ( == "UnityConnectSettings") { strippingInfo.RegisterDependency(, "Required by UnityAnalytics"); } foreach (var scene in moduleDependency.scenes) { strippingInfo.RegisterDependency(, scene); var klass = UnityType.FindTypeByName(; if (klass != null && !klass.IsDerivedFrom(CodeStrippingUtils.GameManagerTypeInfo)) { if (scene.EndsWith(".unity")) { strippingInfo.SetIcon(scene, "class/SceneAsset"); } else { strippingInfo.SetIcon(scene, "class/AssetBundle"); } } } } } }
static List <EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData> CollectNativeTypeData() { var items = new List <EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData>(); foreach (var unityType in UnityType.GetTypes()) { items.Add(new EditorToLinkerData.NativeTypeData { name =, module = unityType.module, baseName = unityType.baseClass != null ? : null, baseModule = unityType.baseClass != null ? unityType.baseClass.module : null, }); } return(items); }
static List <EditorToLinkerData.TypeInSceneData> GetTypesInScenesInformation(string managedAssemblyDirectory, RuntimeClassRegistry rcr) { var items = new List <EditorToLinkerData.TypeInSceneData>(); foreach (var nativeClass in rcr.GetAllNativeClassesIncludingManagersAsString()) { var unityType = UnityType.FindTypeByName(nativeClass); var managedName = RuntimeClassMetadataUtils.ScriptingWrapperTypeNameForNativeID(unityType.persistentTypeID); var usedInScenes = rcr.GetScenesForClass(unityType.persistentTypeID); bool noManagedType = unityType.persistentTypeID != 0 && managedName == "UnityEngine.Object"; var information = new EditorToLinkerData.TypeInSceneData( noManagedType ? null : "UnityEngine.dll", noManagedType ? null : managedName, nativeClass, unityType.module, usedInScenes != null ? usedInScenes.ToArray() : null); items.Add(information); } foreach (var userAssembly in rcr.UsedTypePerUserAssembly) { // Some how stuff for assemblies that will not be in the build make it into UsedTypePerUserAssembly such as // ex: [UnityEditor.TestRunner.dll] UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.TestListCacheData // // Filter anything out where the assembly doesn't exist so that UnityLinker can be strict about being able to find // all of the types that are reported as being in the scene. if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(managedAssemblyDirectory, userAssembly.Key))) { continue; } foreach (var type in userAssembly.Value) { items.Add(new EditorToLinkerData.TypeInSceneData(userAssembly.Key, type, null, null, null)); } } return(items); }
private void RegisterEventHandlers() { if (m_RegisteredEventHandlers) { return; } SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGuiDelegate; Selection.selectionChanged += UpdateCache; EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += UpdateCache; UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolChanged += ActiveToolChanged; EditorApplication.quitting += EditorQuitting; GridPaintingState.brushChanged += OnBrushChanged; GridPaintingState.scenePaintTargetChanged += OnScenePaintTargetChanged; GridSnapping.snapPosition = OnSnapPosition; GridSnapping.activeFunc = GetActive; m_GridType = UnityType.FindTypeByName("Grid"); m_RegisteredEventHandlers = true; }
static public long FindInternalID(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, string name) { long id = 0; SerializedProperty internalIDMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InternalIDToNameTable"); foreach (SerializedProperty element in internalIDMap) { SerializedProperty first = element.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty cid = first.FindPropertyRelative("first"); if (cid.intValue == type.persistentTypeID) { SerializedProperty second = element.FindPropertyRelative("second"); if (second.stringValue == name) { SerializedProperty lid = first.FindPropertyRelative("second"); id = lid.longValue; return(id); } } } return(id); }
public UnityType Create(UnityType unityType) { context.Add(unityType); context.SaveChanges(); return(unityType); }
static public void Rename(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, string oldName, string newName) { RenameMultiple(serializedObject, type, new string[] { oldName }, new string[] { newName }); }
protected AdvancedDropdownItem RebuildTree() { m_SearchableElements = new List <AdvancedDropdownItem>(); AdvancedDropdownItem root = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(L10n.Tr("Add Default Type")); var type = UnityType.FindTypeByName("AssetImporter"); var presetTypes = UnityType.GetTypes() .Where(t => t.IsDerivedFrom(type) && !t.isAbstract) .Select(t => new PresetType(t.persistentTypeID)) .Union( TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom <ScriptedImporter>() .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract) .Select(t => new PresetType(t)) ) .Distinct() .Where(pt => pt.IsValidDefault()); // Add Importers var importersRoot = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(L10n.Tr("Importer")); root.AddChild(importersRoot); foreach (var presetType in presetTypes) { var menuPath = presetType.GetManagedTypeName(); var paths = menuPath.Split('.').Last(); var element = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(paths, presetType); importersRoot.AddChild(element); m_SearchableElements.Add(element); } // Add Components var menuDictionary = GetMenuDictionary(); menuDictionary.Sort(CompareItems); for (var i = 0; i < menuDictionary.Count; i++) { var menu = menuDictionary[i]; if (menu.Value == "ADD") { continue; } var menuPath = menu.Key; var paths = menuPath.Split('/'); var parent = root; for (var j = 0; j < paths.Length; j++) { var path = paths[j]; if (j == paths.Length - 1) { var element = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(path, menu.Value); parent.AddChild(element); m_SearchableElements.Add(element); continue; } var group = (PresetTypeDropdownItem)parent.children.SingleOrDefault(c => == path); if (group == null) { group = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(path); parent.AddChild(group); } parent = group; } } // Add ScriptableObjects var scriptableObjectRoot = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(L10n.Tr("ScriptableObject")); root.AddChild(scriptableObjectRoot); foreach (var entry in GetScriptableObjectMenuItem()) { var menuPath = entry.Item2; var paths = menuPath.Split('/'); AdvancedDropdownItem parent = scriptableObjectRoot; for (var j = 0; j < paths.Length; j++) { var path = paths[j]; if (j == paths.Length - 1) { var presetType = new PresetType(entry.Item1); var element = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(path, presetType); parent.AddChild(element); m_SearchableElements.Add(element); continue; } var group = parent.children.SingleOrDefault(c => == path); if (group == null) { group = new PresetTypeDropdownItem(path); parent.AddChild(group); } parent = group; } } return(root); }
static public bool RemoveEntryFromInternalIDTable(SerializedObject serializedObject, UnityType type, long id, string name) { int classID = type.persistentTypeID; SerializedProperty internalIDMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_InternalIDToNameTable"); bool found = false; int index = 0; foreach (SerializedProperty element in internalIDMap) { SerializedProperty first = element.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty cid = first.FindPropertyRelative("first"); if (cid.intValue == classID) { SerializedProperty second = element.FindPropertyRelative("second"); SerializedProperty lid = first.FindPropertyRelative("second"); string foundName = second.stringValue; long localid = lid.longValue; if (foundName == name && localid == id) { found = true; internalIDMap.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(index); return(found); } } index++; } return(found); }
UnitySerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) { _data = info.GetString("Data"); _unityType = (UnityType)info.GetInt32("UnityType"); _assemblyName = info.GetString("AssemblyName"); }
public UnityType Update(UnityType unityType) { context.Update(unityType); context.SaveChanges(); return(unityType); }
public void Delete(UnityType unityType) { context.Remove(unityType); context.SaveChanges(); }
public override bool ApplyRevert(bool apply) { if (apply) { if (containsMultipleSprites) { var oldNames = new List <string>(); var newNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_RectsCache.spriteRects.Count; i++) { SpriteRect spriteRect = (SpriteRect)m_RectsCache.spriteRects[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { = "Empty"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteRect.originalName)) { oldNames.Add(spriteRect.originalName); newNames.Add(; } } var so = new SerializedObject(m_SpriteDataProvider.targetObject); if (oldNames.Count > 0) { AssetImporter assetImporter = m_SpriteDataProvider.targetObject as AssetImporter; if (assetImporter != null) { UnityType spriteType = UnityType.FindTypeByName("Sprite"); assetImporter.RenameSubAssets(spriteType.persistentTypeID, oldNames.ToArray(), newNames.ToArray()); } } so.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); } var array = m_RectsCache != null?m_RectsCache.spriteRects.ToArray() : null; m_SpriteDataProvider.SetSpriteRects(array); if (m_RectsCache != null) { undoSystem.ClearUndo(m_RectsCache); } } else { if (m_RectsCache != null) { undoSystem.ClearUndo(m_RectsCache); m_RectsCache.spriteRects = m_SpriteDataProvider.GetSpriteRects().ToList(); spriteEditor.spriteRects = m_RectsCache.spriteRects; if (spriteEditor.selectedSpriteRect != null) { spriteEditor.selectedSpriteRect = m_RectsCache.spriteRects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.spriteID == spriteEditor.selectedSpriteRect.spriteID); } } } return(true); }
UnitySerializationHolder (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) { _data = info.GetString ("Data"); _unityType = (UnityType) info.GetInt32 ("UnityType"); _assemblyName = info.GetString ("AssemblyName"); }
public static UnityType[] GetModuleTypes(string moduleName) { int[] moduleClasses = ModuleMetadata.GetModuleClasses(moduleName); return((from id in moduleClasses select UnityType.FindTypeByPersistentTypeID(id)).ToArray <UnityType>()); }
private UnityType CreateUnityType(UnityType unityType) { return(unityTypeRepository.Create(unityType)); }
private UnityType UpdateUnityType(UnityType unityType) { return(unityTypeRepository.Update(unityType));; }
protected void AddNativeClassFromName(string className) { if (this.objectUnityType == null) { this.objectUnityType = UnityType.FindTypeByName("Object"); } UnityType type = UnityType.FindTypeByName(className); if ((type != null) && (type.persistentTypeID != this.objectUnityType.persistentTypeID)) { this.nativeClasses[type.persistentTypeID] = className; } }