Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnFlowWindowScreenMenuGUI(FD.FlowWindow windowSource, GenericMenu menu)
            menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Components Editor..."), on: false, func: (object win) => {
                var window = win as FD.FlowWindow;
                var screen = window.GetScreen() as LayoutWindowType;
                if (screen != null)
                    //this.window = window;
                    this.screen = screen;
                    this.editor = Editor.CreateEditor(window.GetScreen()) as IPreviewEditor;

                    this.component          = null;
                    this.hovered            = null;
                    this.element            = null;
                    this.listScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
                    var serializedObject    = new SerializedObject(this.screen);
                    var layout     = serializedObject.FindProperty("layout");
                    var components = layout.FindPropertyRelative("components");
                    for (int i = 0; i < components.arraySize; ++i)
                        var component = components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);

                        var componentParametersEditor = this.screen.layout.components[i].OnComponentChanged(this.screen, this.screen.layout.components[i].component);
                        if (componentParametersEditor != null)
                            var e = Editor.CreateEditor(componentParametersEditor) as IParametersEditor;
                            this.screen.layout.components[i].componentParametersEditor = e;

                    this.settingsScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;

                    this.opened = true;
            }, userData: windowSource);
        private void DrawLayoutItem(WindowBase screen, WindowLayout layout, UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Types.Layout.Component component, float width)
            if (layout == null)

            var tempComponent = layout.elements.FirstOrDefault((e) => e != null && e.tag == component.tag);
            var selected      = (Selection.activeGameObject == tempComponent.gameObject);
            var oldColor      = GUI.color;

            var boxStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbar);

            boxStyle.fixedHeight   = 0f;
            boxStyle.stretchHeight = true;
            boxStyle.padding.right = -20;
            boxStyle.margin.right  = -20;

            var titleStyle = EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel;


            GUI.color = selected == true ? new Color(0.7f, 1f, 0.7f, 1f) : Color.white;
            EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(boxStyle, GUILayout.Width(width));

            if (GUILayout.Button(component.tag.ToString() + " (" + component.description + ")", titleStyle, GUILayout.Width(width)) == true)
                Selection.activeGameObject = tempComponent.gameObject;

            GUILayout.Label("Order:", GUILayout.Width(50f));
            var newOrder = EditorGUILayout.IntField(component.sortingOrder, EditorStyles.miniTextField, GUILayout.Width(50f));

            if (newOrder != component.sortingOrder)
                component.sortingOrder = newOrder;
                this.isScreenDirty     = true;

            if (component.sortingOrder == 0)
                GUILayout.Label("(Auto)", EditorStyles.miniLabel);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Set Auto", EditorStyles.miniButton) == true)
                    component.sortingOrder = 0;
                    this.isScreenDirty     = true;


            var newComponent = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(component.component, typeof(WindowComponent), false, GUILayout.Width(width)) as WindowComponent;

            if (newComponent != component.component)
                component.component = newComponent;
                this.isScreenDirty  = true;

            tempComponent.tempEditorComponent = component.component;

            var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true)
                Selection.activeGameObject = tempComponent.gameObject;

            GUI.color = oldColor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnGUI()
            if (Layout.styles == null)
                Layout.styles = new Styles();

            if (this.opened == true)
                const float settingsWidth = 320f;
                const float listHeight    = 200f;
                const float padding       = 5f;
                const float closeSize     = 30f;
                const float scrollWidth   = 16f;

                var rect            = new Rect(0f, -OFFSET, Screen.width, Screen.height - OFFSET).PixelPerfect();
                var rectContent     = new Rect(rect.x + MARGIN + settingsWidth + padding, rect.y + MARGIN, rect.width - MARGIN * 2f - padding - settingsWidth, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT).PixelPerfect();
                var rectList        = new Rect(MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN, settingsWidth, listHeight - padding).PixelPerfect();
                var rectSettings    = new Rect(MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN + listHeight, settingsWidth, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT - listHeight).PixelPerfect();
                var rectCloseButton = new Rect(rectContent.x + rectContent.width, rectContent.y - closeSize * 0.5f, closeSize, closeSize).PixelPerfect();

                GUI.Box(new Rect(rect.x + MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN, rect.width - MARGIN * 2f, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT).PixelPerfect(), string.Empty, Layout.styles.layoutBack);
                GUI.Box(rect, string.Empty, Layout.styles.backLock);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height).PixelPerfect(), string.Empty, Layout.styles.dropShadow);
                GUI.Box(rectList, string.Empty, Layout.styles.content);
                GUI.Box(rectSettings, string.Empty, Layout.styles.content);
                GUI.Box(rectContent, string.Empty, Layout.styles.contentScreen);

                    if (this.component != null)
                        const float offsetTop = 50f;

                        var viewRect   = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width, 0f).PixelPerfect();
                        var scrollView = new Rect(0f, 0f + offsetTop, rectSettings.width, rectSettings.height - offsetTop).PixelPerfect();

                        System.Action <WindowComponent> onChange = (WindowComponent component) => {
                            //Debug.Log(component + "!=" + this.component.component);
                            if (component != this.component.component)
                                this.component.componentParametersEditor = null;
                                this.component.componentParameters       = this.component.OnComponentChanged(this.screen, component);

                                if (this.component.componentParameters != null)
                                    var e = Editor.CreateEditor(this.component.componentParameters) as IParametersEditor;
                                    this.component.componentParametersEditor = e;


                        var c = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(5f, 5f, viewRect.width - 40f - 5f * 2f, 16f).PixelPerfect(), this.component.component, typeof(WindowComponent), allowSceneObjects: false) as WindowComponent;
                        if (c != this.component.component)

                        var nRect = new Rect(viewRect.width - 40f, 5f, 40f - 5f, 16f).PixelPerfect();
                        GUILayoutExt.DrawComponentChooser(nRect, this.screen.gameObject, this.component.component, (component) => {

                        if (this.component.component != null)
                            var editor = this.component.componentParametersEditor;

                            nRect.x     = 5f;
                            nRect.width = viewRect.width - 5f * 2f;
                            nRect.y    += nRect.height + 5f;
                            this.component.sortingOrder = EditorGUI.IntField(nRect, new GUIContent("Sorting Order"), this.component.sortingOrder);

                            if (editor != null)
                                var h = Mathf.Max(scrollView.height, (editor == null) ? 0f : editor.GetHeight());
                                viewRect = new Rect(scrollView.x, scrollView.y, viewRect.width - scrollWidth, h).PixelPerfect();

                                var oldSkin = GUI.skin;
                                GUI.skin = FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin;
                                this.settingsScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollView, this.settingsScrollPosition, viewRect, false, true);
                                GUI.skin = oldSkin;
                                    if (editor != null)
                                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 100f;
                                GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width - scrollWidth, rectSettings.height).PixelPerfect(), "Selected component have no parameters", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel);
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width - scrollWidth, rectSettings.height).PixelPerfect(), "Select an Element", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel);

                    const float itemHeight = 30f;


                    var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectList.width - scrollWidth, 0f).PixelPerfect();
                    this.allListHeight = 0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; ++i)
                        var root = this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.screen.layout.components[i].tag);
                        if (root.showInComponentsList == false)

                        if (this.screen.layout.components[i].component == null)

                        this.allListHeight += itemHeight;

                    viewRect.height = Mathf.Max(rectList.height, this.allListHeight);

                    var oldSkin = GUI.skin;
                    GUI.skin = FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin;
                    this.listScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectList.width, rectList.height).PixelPerfect(), this.listScrollPosition, viewRect, false, true);
                    GUI.skin = oldSkin;
                            var h = 0f;
                            this.hovered = null;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; ++i)
                                var root = this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.screen.layout.components[i].tag);
                                if (root.showInComponentsList == false)

                                var r = new Rect(0f, h, viewRect.width, itemHeight).PixelPerfect();
                                h += r.height;

                                var isSelected = (this.element == root);
                                if (isSelected == true)
                                    GUI.Label(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].description, Layout.styles.listButtonSelected);
                                    //r.width -= scrollWidth;
                                    if (GUI.Button(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].description, Layout.styles.listButton) == true)
                                        this.component = this.screen.layout.components.FirstOrDefault(c => c.tag == root.tag);
                                        this.element   = root;

                                    var inRect = rectList.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition - this.listScrollPosition + Vector2.up * 40f);
                                    if (GUI.enabled == true)
                                        EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(r, MouseCursor.Link);
                                    if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && inRect == true)
                                        this.hovered = this.screen.layout.components[i];
                                    //r.width += scrollWidth;

                                //r.width -= scrollWidth;
                                GUI.Label(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].tag.ToString(), Layout.styles.listTag);

                var selected = (this.hovered != null) ? this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.hovered.tag) : this.element;
                this.editor.OnPreviewGUI(Color.white, rectContent, Layout.styles.content, selected: selected, onSelection: (element) => {
                    this.component = this.screen.layout.components.FirstOrDefault(c => c.tag == element.tag);
                    this.element   = element;
                }, highlighted: this.highlighted);

                if (GUI.Button(rectCloseButton, string.Empty, Layout.styles.closeButton) == true)
                    this.opened = false;
		public override void OnGUI() {

			if (this.opened == true) {
				GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height), string.Empty, Layout.styles.dropShadow);

				const float settingsWidth = 320f;
				const float listHeight = 200f;
				const float padding = 5f;
				const float closeSize = 30f;
				const float scrollWidth = 16f;

				var rect = new Rect(0f, -OFFSET, Screen.width, Screen.height - OFFSET);
				var rectContent = new Rect(rect.x + MARGIN + settingsWidth + padding, rect.y + MARGIN, rect.width - MARGIN * 2f - padding - settingsWidth, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT);
				var rectList = new Rect(MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN, settingsWidth, listHeight - padding);
				var rectSettings = new Rect(MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN + listHeight, settingsWidth, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT - listHeight);
				var rectCloseButton = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - closeSize, rect.y, closeSize, closeSize);
				GUI.Box(new Rect(rect.x + MARGIN, rect.y + MARGIN, rect.width - MARGIN * 2f, rect.height - MARGIN * 2f - FlowSystemEditorWindow.TOOLBAR_HEIGHT), string.Empty, Layout.styles.layoutBack);
				GUI.Box(rect, string.Empty, Layout.styles.backLock);
				GUI.Box(rectList, string.Empty, Layout.styles.content);
				GUI.Box(rectSettings, string.Empty, Layout.styles.content);
				GUI.Box(rectContent, string.Empty, Layout.styles.contentScreen);
					if (this.component != null) {
						const float offsetTop = 50f;
						var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width, 0f);
						var scrollView = new Rect(0f, 0f + offsetTop, rectSettings.width, rectSettings.height - offsetTop);
						System.Action<WindowComponent> onChange = (WindowComponent component) => {

							//Debug.Log(component + "!=" + this.component.component);
							if (component != this.component.component) {
								this.component.component = component;
								this.component.componentParametersEditor = null;
								this.component.componentParameters = this.component.OnComponentChanged(this.screen, component);


						var c = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(5f, 5f, viewRect.width - 40f - 5f * 2f, 16f), this.component.component, typeof(WindowComponent), allowSceneObjects: false) as WindowComponent;
						if (c != this.component.component) {



						var nRect = new Rect(viewRect.width - 40f, 5f, 40f - 5f, 16f);
						GUILayoutExt.DrawComponentChooser(nRect, this.screen.gameObject, this.component.component, (component) => {


						if (this.component.component != null) {

							nRect.x = 5f;
							nRect.width = viewRect.width - 5f * 2f;
							nRect.y += nRect.height + 5f;
							this.component.sortingOrder = EditorGUI.IntField(nRect, new GUIContent("Sorting Order"), this.component.sortingOrder);

							var editor = this.component.componentParametersEditor;
							if (editor == null && this.component.componentParameters != null) {
								var e = Editor.CreateEditor(this.component.componentParameters) as IParametersEditor;
								this.component.componentParametersEditor = e;

							if (editor != null) {

								var h = Mathf.Max(scrollView.height, (editor == null) ? 0f : editor.GetHeight());
								viewRect = new Rect(scrollView.x, scrollView.y, viewRect.width - scrollWidth, h);

								var oldSkin = GUI.skin;
								GUI.skin = FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin;
								this.settingsScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollView, this.settingsScrollPosition, viewRect, false, true);
								GUI.skin = oldSkin;
									if (editor != null) {
										EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 100f;

							} else {

								GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width - scrollWidth, rectSettings.height), "Selected component have no parameters", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel);



					} else {
						GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectSettings.width - scrollWidth, rectSettings.height), "Select an Element", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel);


					const float itemHeight = 30f;


					var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectList.width - scrollWidth, 0f);
					this.allListHeight = 0f;
					for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; ++i) {
						var root = this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.screen.layout.components[i].tag);
						if (root.showInComponentsList == false) continue;

						if (this.screen.layout.components[i].component == null) {



						this.allListHeight += itemHeight;

					viewRect.height = Mathf.Max(rectList.height, this.allListHeight);

					var oldSkin = GUI.skin;
					GUI.skin = FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin;
					this.listScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0f, 0f, rectList.width, rectList.height), this.listScrollPosition, viewRect, false, true);
					GUI.skin = oldSkin;
							var h = 0f;
							this.hovered = null;
							for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; ++i) {

								var root = this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.screen.layout.components[i].tag);
								if (root.showInComponentsList == false) continue;

								var r = new Rect(0f, h, viewRect.width, itemHeight);
								h += r.height;

								var isSelected = (this.element == root);
								if (isSelected == true) {

									GUI.Label(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].description, Layout.styles.listButtonSelected);

								} else {
									//r.width -= scrollWidth;
									if (GUI.Button(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].description, Layout.styles.listButton) == true) {

										this.component = this.screen.layout.components.FirstOrDefault(c => c.tag == root.tag);
										this.element = root;


									var inRect = rectList.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition - this.listScrollPosition + Vector2.up * 40f);
									if (GUI.enabled == true) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(r, MouseCursor.Link);
									if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && inRect == true) {
										this.hovered = this.screen.layout.components[i];
									//r.width += scrollWidth;


								//r.width -= scrollWidth;
								GUI.Label(r, this.screen.layout.components[i].tag.ToString(), Layout.styles.listTag);



				var selected = (this.hovered != null) ? this.screen.layout.layout.GetRootByTag(this.hovered.tag) : this.element;
				this.editor.OnPreviewGUI(Color.white, rectContent, Layout.styles.content, selected: selected, onSelection: (element) => {

					this.component = this.screen.layout.components.FirstOrDefault(c => c.tag == element.tag);
					this.element = element;

				}, highlighted: this.highlighted);

				if (GUI.Button(rectCloseButton, string.Empty, Layout.styles.closeButton) == true) {
					this.opened = false;


		public override void OnFlowWindowScreenMenuGUI(FD.FlowWindow windowSource, GenericMenu menu) {

			menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Components Editor..."), on: false, func: (object win) => {

				var window = win as FD.FlowWindow;
				var screen = window.GetScreen() as LayoutWindowType;
				if (screen != null) {

					//this.window = window;
					this.screen = screen;
					this.editor = Editor.CreateEditor(window.GetScreen()) as IPreviewEditor;
					this.component = null;
					this.hovered = null;
					this.element = null;
					this.listScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
					var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(this.screen);
					var layout = serializedObject.FindProperty("layout");
					var components = layout.FindPropertyRelative("components");
					for (int i = 0; i < components.arraySize; ++i) {
						var component = components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
						this.screen.layout.components[i].OnComponentChanged(this.screen, this.screen.layout.components[i].component);
					this.settingsScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
					this.opened = true;


			}, userData: windowSource);
