Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Set's a unit to be the current unit in focus
    public void selectFocus(UnitScript unit)
        if (!paused) {

            focusedUnit = unit;

            if (unit != null && unit.getState() < 1) {
                List<HexScript> mapRow = Map.map [(int)unit.getPosition ().x];
                HexScript curHex = mapRow [(int)unit.getPosition ().y];
                // Reinitialize the hexSet to an empty set
                hexSet = new HashSet<HexScript>();
                // Populate the hexSet with moveable hexes
                hexSet = Map.unit_move_range(focusedUnit, true);
                //findMovement (focusedUnit.getMovement (), (Map.map [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition ().x]) [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition ().y], false);
                // For each moveable hex, indicate that it is moveable
                /*foreach (HexScript moveable in hexSet) {
                    moveable.setFocus (true);
                focusedHex = curHex;