/// <summary>
        /// Adding quantities with different storage types
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="Q">Second Quantity Type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="firstQuantity"></param>
        /// <param name="secondQuantity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AnyQuantity <T> Add <Q>(AnyQuantity <T> firstQuantity, AnyQuantity <Q> secondQuantity)
            if (firstQuantity.Equals(secondQuantity))
                AnyQuantity <T> AQ = null;
                    AQ = QuantityDimension.QuantityFrom <T>(firstQuantity.Dimension);
                    //exception happen when adding two derived quantities together
                catch (QuantityNotFoundException)
                    //keep the first quantity configuration.
                    AQ = (AnyQuantity <T>)firstQuantity.Clone();

                T firstVal = (firstQuantity.Value);

                Q secondVal = (secondQuantity.Value);

                //correct the values according to left unit or first unit.
                //the resulted quantity has the values of the first unit.

                if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                    //factor from second unit to first unit
                    UnitPathStack stof = secondQuantity.Unit.PathToUnit(firstQuantity.Unit);

                    secondVal = MultiplyScalarByGeneric <Q>(stof.ConversionFactor, secondVal);

                var expr = Expression.Add(Expression.Constant(firstVal), Expression.Constant(secondVal));

                // Construct Lambda function which return one object.
                Expression <Func <T> > cq = Expression.Lambda <Func <T> >(expr);

                // compile the function
                Func <T> aqf = cq.Compile();

                // execute the function
                T result = aqf();

                if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                    //assign the unit of first quantity to the result.
                    AQ.Unit = firstQuantity.Unit;

                AQ.Value = result;

                throw new QuantitiesNotDimensionallyEqualException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestBaryeUnit()
            Barye u = new Barye();

            UnitPathStack up = u.PathToDefaultUnit();

            Assert.AreEqual(0.1, up.ConversionFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void PathToDefaultUnitTest()
            //from pico Gram to default Kilo Gram
            Unit target = new Gram();

            ((MetricUnit)target).UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.None;

            UnitPathStack actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit();
            double        expected = System.Math.Pow(10, -3);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target = new Metre();
            ((MetricUnit)target).UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.Tera;
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit();
            expected = System.Math.Pow(10, 12);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target   = new Unit(typeof(QuantitySystem.Quantities.Volume <>));
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit();
            expected = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target = new QuantitySystem.Units.Metric.Litre();
            //((SIUnit)target).UnitPrefix = SIPrefix.Kilo;
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit(); // from Litre to m^3
            expected = 1e-3;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target = new QuantitySystem.Units.Metric.Litre();
            ((MetricUnit)target).UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.Kilo;
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit(); // from Litre to m^3
            expected = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target = new QuantitySystem.Units.Metric.Bar();
            //((SIUnit)target).UnitPrefix = SIPrefix.Kilo;
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit(); // from Litre to m^3
            expected = 1e+5;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target   = new QuantitySystem.Units.Metric.Cgs.Dyne();
            actual   = target.PathToDefaultUnit();
            expected = 1e-5;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void PathFromUnitTest()
            double expected = 63360;

            Mile mil = new Mile();
            Inch i   = new Inch();

            UnitPathStack actual = i.PathFromUnit(mil);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void PathToDefaultUnitTest()
            //scenario 1: Mile To Foot

            UnitPathStack expected = new UnitPathStack();

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Mile(),
                Numerator   = 1,
                Denominator = 1

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Yard(),
                Numerator   = 1760,
                Denominator = 1

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Foot(),
                Numerator   = 3,
                Denominator = 1

            Mile mil = new Mile();

            UnitPathStack actual = mil.PathToDefaultUnit();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            Inch          f  = new Inch();
            UnitPathStack up = f.PathToDefaultUnit();

            Assert.AreEqual(1 / 12.0, up.ConversionFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void PathFromDefaultUnitTest()
            MetricUnit target = new Gram();

            target.UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.Milli;

            UnitPathStack actual   = target.PathFromDefaultUnit();
            double        expected = System.Math.Pow(10, 6);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            target            = new Metre();
            target.UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.Tera;
            actual            = target.PathFromDefaultUnit();
            expected          = System.Math.Pow(10, -12);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void PathFromDefaultUnitTest()
            //scenario 1: Mile To Foot

            UnitPathStack expected = new UnitPathStack();

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Foot(),
                Numerator   = 1,
                Denominator = 1

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Yard(),
                Numerator   = 1,
                Denominator = 3

                new UnitPathItem
                Unit        = new Mile(),
                Numerator   = 1,
                Denominator = 1760

            Mile mil = new Mile();

            UnitPathStack actual = mil.PathFromDefaultUnit();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void PathToUnitTest()
            double expected = 63360;

            Mile mil = new Mile();
            Inch i   = new Inch();

            UnitPathStack actual = mil.PathToUnit(i);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ConversionFactor);

            Gram g = new Gram();

            g.UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.None;

            Gram Mg = new Gram();

            Mg.UnitPrefix = MetricPrefix.Mega;

            actual = g.PathToUnit(Mg);

            Assert.AreEqual(1e-6, actual.ConversionFactor);

            Metre mr = new Metre();

            actual = i.PathToUnit(mr);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0254, actual.ConversionFactor);

            //now the idea is to make any combination of units to go to any combination of units
            QuantityDimension qd = QuantityDimension.ParseMLT("M1L0T-1");
            Unit u = Unit.DiscoverUnit(qd);

            Assert.AreEqual("<kg/s>", u.Symbol);
            Assert.AreEqual(qd, u.UnitDimension);
        public static bool Inequality(AnyQuantity <T> firstQuantity, AnyQuantity <T> secondQuantity)
            if (firstQuantity.Equals(secondQuantity))
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal) || typeof(T) == typeof(double) || typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(int) || typeof(T) == typeof(short))
                    #region Premitive
                    //use direct calculations

                    double firstVal = (double)(object)firstQuantity.Value;

                    double secondVal = (double)(object)secondQuantity.Value;

                    //correct the values according to left unit or first unit.
                    //the resulted quantity has the values of the first unit.

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //factor from second unit to first unit
                        UnitPathStack stof = secondQuantity.Unit.PathToUnit(firstQuantity.Unit);

                        secondVal = stof.ConversionFactor * secondVal;

                    return(firstVal != secondVal);

                    #region Custom Types

                    T firstVal = (firstQuantity.Value);

                    T secondVal = (secondQuantity.Value);

                    //correct the values according to left unit or first unit.
                    //the resulted quantity has the values of the first unit.

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //factor from second unit to first unit
                        UnitPathStack stof = secondQuantity.Unit.PathToUnit(firstQuantity.Unit);

                        secondVal = MultiplyScalarByGeneric(stof.ConversionFactor, secondVal);

                    var expr = Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Constant(firstVal), Expression.Constant(secondVal));

                    // Construct Lambda function which return one object.
                    Expression <Func <bool> > cq = Expression.Lambda <Func <bool> >(expr);

                    // compile the function
                    Func <bool> aqf = cq.Compile();

                    // execute the function
                    bool result = aqf();


                throw new QuantitiesNotDimensionallyEqualException();
        public static AnyQuantity <T> Subtract(AnyQuantity <T> firstQuantity, AnyQuantity <T> secondQuantity)
            if (firstQuantity.Equals(secondQuantity))
                AnyQuantity <T> AQ = null;
                    AQ = QuantityDimension.QuantityFrom <T>(firstQuantity.Dimension);

                    //exception happen when adding two derived quantities together
                catch (QuantityNotFoundException)
                    //keep the first quantity configuration.
                    AQ = (AnyQuantity <T>)firstQuantity.Clone();

                if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal) || typeof(T) == typeof(double) || typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(int) || typeof(T) == typeof(short))
                    //use direct calculations

                    double firstVal = (double)(object)firstQuantity.Value;

                    double secondVal = (double)(object)secondQuantity.Value;

                    //correct the values according to left unit or first unit.
                    //the resulted quantity has the values of the first unit.

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //factor from second unit to first unit
                        UnitPathStack stof = secondQuantity.Unit.PathToUnit(firstQuantity.Unit);

                        secondVal = stof.ConversionFactor * secondVal;

                    ////sum the values

                    double result = firstVal - secondVal;

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //assign the unit of first quantity to the result.
                        AQ.Unit = (Unit)firstQuantity.Unit.Clone();

                    AQ.Value = (T)(object)result;

                    T firstVal  = (firstQuantity.Value);
                    T secondVal = (secondQuantity.Value);

                    //correct the values according to left unit or first unit.
                    //the resulted quantity has the values of the first unit.

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //factor from second unit to first unit
                        UnitPathStack stof = secondQuantity.Unit.PathToUnit(firstQuantity.Unit);

                        secondVal = MultiplyScalarByGeneric(stof.ConversionFactor, secondVal);

                    var expr = Expression.Subtract(Expression.Constant(firstVal), Expression.Constant(secondVal));

                    // Construct Lambda function which return one object.
                    Expression <Func <T> > cq = Expression.Lambda <Func <T> >(expr);

                    // compile the function
                    Func <T> aqf = cq.Compile();

                    // execute the function
                    T result = aqf();

                    if (firstQuantity.Unit != null && secondQuantity.Unit != null)
                        //assign the unit of first quantity to the result.
                        AQ.Unit = firstQuantity.Unit;

                    AQ.Value = result;

                throw new QuantitiesNotDimensionallyEqualException();