Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void MoveToUnit(UnitController1 unit)
        int xDis, zDis, moves;

        xDis = (int)Mathf.Abs(unit.transform.position.x - transform.position.x);
        zDis = (int)Mathf.Abs(unit.transform.position.z - transform.position.z);

        if (xDis >= zDis)
            if (xDis > 0)
                moves = 1;
                moves = -1;

            transform.position = new Vector3((transform.position.x + moves), transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
            if (zDis > 0)
                moves = 1;
                moves = -1;

            transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, (transform.position.z + moves));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //public int Width
    //    get { return width; }


    //public int Length
    //    get { return length; }

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Width  = width;
        Length = length;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, 1, length);
        transform.position   = new Vector3(width / 2, 0, length / 2);
        UnitController1 unitController = MapSpawner.units[0].GetComponent <UnitController1>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void Attack(UnitController1 target)
        target.Health -= attack;
        //Debug.Log(target + " has"+Health+" health.");

        if (target.Health <= 0)
            //Debug.Log(target + " has died.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void FindTarget()
        GameObject[] units     = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Unit");
        GameObject[] buildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Building");

        dis              = float.MaxValue;
        targetedUnit     = null;
        targetedBuilding = null;

        if (buildings != null)
            for (int a = 0; a < buildings.Length; a++)
                closestBuilding = buildings[a].GetComponent <BuildingController>();

                if (closestBuilding == null || closestBuilding.Team == Team)

                tempDis = (buildings[a].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude;

                if (tempDis < dis)
                    targetedBuilding = closestBuilding;
                    dis = tempDis;

        if (units != null)
            for (int b = 0; b < units.Length; b++)
                closestUnit = units[b].GetComponent <UnitController1>();

                if (closestUnit == null || closestUnit.Team == Team)

                tempDis = (units[b].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude;

                if (tempDis < dis)
                    targetedUnit = closestUnit;
                    dis          = tempDis;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void InitializeUnits()
        for (int i = 0; i < units.Length; i++)
            int x        = Random.Range(1, (int)map.transform.localScale.x);
            int z        = Random.Range(1, (int)map.transform.localScale.z);
            int unitType = Random.Range(0, 5); //exclusive of the max value
            int faction  = Random.Range(0, 2); // ''
            int hp       = 0;

            if (unitType == 0)
                units[i] = meleeUnitOr;
                hp       = 20;
            else if (unitType == 1)
                units[i] = meleeUnitBl;
                hp       = 20;
            else if (unitType == 2)
                units[i] = rangedUnitOr;
                hp       = 15;
            else if (unitType == 3)
                units[i] = rangedUnitBl;
                hp       = 15;
                units[i] = wizardUnit;
                hp       = 10;

            units[i].transform.position = new Vector3(x, (float)0.5, z);
            Instantiate(units[i]);//puts units on the map (one at a time)
            UnitController1 uc = units[i].GetComponent <UnitController1>();
            uc.hp = hp;

        for (int j = 0; j < buildings.Length; j++)
            int x            = Random.Range(1, (int)map.transform.localScale.x);
            int z            = Random.Range(1, (int)map.transform.localScale.z);
            int buildingType = Random.Range(0, 4); //exclusive of the max value
            int faction      = Random.Range(0, 2); // ''
            int hp           = 0;

            if (buildingType == 0)
                buildings[j] = factoryBuildingOr;
                hp           = 60;
            else if (buildingType == 1)
                buildings[j] = factoryBuildingBl;
                hp           = 60;
            else if (buildingType == 2)
                buildings[j] = resourceBuildingOr;
                hp           = 50;
            else if (buildingType == 3)
                buildings[j] = resourceBuildingBl;
                hp           = 50;

            buildings[j].transform.position = new Vector3(x, (float)0.5, z);
            BuildingController bc = buildings[j].GetComponent <BuildingController>();
            bc.hp = hp;