     *  Create a lower-resolution uniform grid based on another
     *  src - Source uniform grid upon which to base dimensions of this one
     *  iDecimation - amount by which to reduce the number of grid cells in each dimension. Typically this would be 2.
     *  The number of cells is decimated.  The number of points is different.
    public virtual void Decimate(UniformGridGeometry src, int iDecimation)
        mGridExtent   = src.mGridExtent;
        mMinCorner    = src.mMinCorner;
        mNumPoints[0] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(0) / iDecimation + 1);
        mNumPoints[1] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(1) / iDecimation + 1);
        mNumPoints[2] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(2) / iDecimation + 1);

        if (iDecimation > 1)
        {   // Decimation could reduce dimension and integer arithmetic could make value be 0, which is useless if src contained any data.
            mNumPoints[0] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[0]);
            mNumPoints[1] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[1]);
            mNumPoints[2] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[2]);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    void CreateTracers()
        Vector3 numCells             = new Vector3(grid.GetNumCells(0), grid.GetNumCells(1), grid.GetNumCells(2));
        Vector3 relativeCenterOfGrid = new Vector3(grid.GetCellExtent().x / 2, grid.GetCellExtent().y / 2, grid.GetCellExtent().z / 2);

        for (uint i = 0; i < numCells.x; ++i)
            for (uint j = 0; j < numCells.y; ++j)
                for (uint k = 0; k < numCells.z; ++k)
                    ParticleSystem.Particle newTracer = new ParticleSystem.Particle();
                    uint[] indices = { i, j, k };
                    newTracer.position   = (grid.PositionFromIndices(indices) + relativeCenterOfGrid);
                    newTracer.startColor = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 50);
                    newTracer.startSize  = 0.2f;
                    newTracer.lifetime   = 9999;
    void AssignVorticity(float fMagnitude, uint numVortonsMax, IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution)
        Vector3             vDimensions = vorticityDistribution.GetDomainSize(); // length of each side of grid box
        Vector3             vCenter     = (vorticityDistribution).GetCenter();   // Center of vorticity distribution
        Vector3             vMin        = (vCenter - 0.5f * vDimensions);        // Minimum corner of box containing vortons
        Vector3             vMax        = (vMin + vDimensions);                  // Maximum corner of box containing vortons
        UniformGridGeometry skeleton    = new UniformGridGeometry(numVortonsMax, vMin, vMax, true);

        // number of grid cells in each direction of virtual uniform grid
        int[] numCells = { (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(0))
                           ,                 (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(1))
                           ,                 (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(2)) };

        // Total number of cells should be as close to numVortonsMax as possible without going over.
        // Worst case allowable difference would be numVortonsMax=7 and numCells in each direction is 1 which yields a ratio of 1/7.
        // But in typical situations, the user would like expect total number of virtual cells to be closer to numVortonsMax than that.
        // E.g. if numVortonsMax=8^3=512 somehow yielded numCells[0]=numCells[1]=numCells[2]=7 then the ratio would be 343/512~=0.67.
        while (numCells[0] * numCells[1] * numCells[2] > numVortonsMax)
        {   // Number of cells is excessive.
            // This can happen when the trial number of cells in any direction is less than 1 -- then the other two will likely be too large.
            numCells[0] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[0] / 2);
            numCells[1] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[1] / 2);
            numCells[2] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[2] / 2);

        float[] oneOverN     = { 1.0f / (float)(numCells[0]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[1]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[2]) };
        Vector3 gridCellSize = new Vector3(vDimensions.x * oneOverN[0], vDimensions.y * oneOverN[1], vDimensions.z * oneOverN[2]);
        float   vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y * gridCellSize.z, 1.0f / 3.0f) * 0.5f;

        if (0.0f == vDimensions.z)
        {   // z size is zero, so domain is 2D.
            vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y, 0.5f) * 0.5f;
        Vector3 vNoise = (0.0f * gridCellSize);

        // Iterate through each point in a uniform grid.
        // If probe position is inside vortex core, add a vorton there.
        // This loop could be rewritten such that it only visits points inside the core,
        // but this loop structure can readily be reused for a wide variety of configurations.
        Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // vorton position

        int[] index = new int[3];                         // index of each position visited

        for (index[2] = 0; index[2] < numCells[2]; ++index[2])
        {   // For each z-coordinate...
            position.z = ((float)(index[2]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.z + vMin.z;
            for (index[1] = 0; index[1] < numCells[1]; ++index[1])
            {   // For each y-coordinate...
                position.y = ((float)(index[1]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.y + vMin.y;
                for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < numCells[0]; ++index[0])
                {   // For each x-coordinate...
                    position.x = ((float)(index[0]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.x + vMin.x;
                    position  += Random.Range(-1, 1) * (vNoise);
                    Vector3 vorticity = Vector3.zero;
                    vorticityDistribution.AssignVorticity(ref vorticity, position, vCenter);
                    Vorton vorton = new Vorton(position, vorticity * fMagnitude, vortonRadius);
                    if (vorticity.sqrMagnitude > global.GlobalVar.sTiny)
                    {   // Vorticity is significantly non-zero.
        Create a lower-resolution uniform grid based on another
        src - Source uniform grid upon which to base dimensions of this one
        iDecimation - amount by which to reduce the number of grid cells in each dimension. Typically this would be 2.

        The number of cells is decimated.  The number of points is different.
    public virtual void Decimate(UniformGridGeometry src, int iDecimation)
        mGridExtent = src.mGridExtent;
        mMinCorner = src.mMinCorner;
        mNumPoints[0] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(0) / iDecimation + 1);
        mNumPoints[1] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(1) / iDecimation + 1);
        mNumPoints[2] = (int)(src.GetNumCells(2) / iDecimation + 1);

        if (iDecimation > 1)
        {   // Decimation could reduce dimension and integer arithmetic could make value be 0, which is useless if src contained any data.
            mNumPoints[0] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[0]);
            mNumPoints[1] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[1]);
            mNumPoints[2] = Mathf.Max(2, mNumPoints[2]);

    void AssignVorticity(float fMagnitude, uint numVortonsMax, IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution)
        Vector3 vDimensions = vorticityDistribution.GetDomainSize(); // length of each side of grid box
        Vector3 vCenter = (vorticityDistribution).GetCenter(); // Center of vorticity distribution
        Vector3 vMin = (vCenter - 0.5f * vDimensions) ; // Minimum corner of box containing vortons
        Vector3 vMax = (vMin + vDimensions) ; // Maximum corner of box containing vortons
        UniformGridGeometry skeleton = new UniformGridGeometry(numVortonsMax, vMin, vMax, true ) ;
        // number of grid cells in each direction of virtual uniform grid
        int[] numCells = {   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(0))
                         ,   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(1))
                         ,   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(2)) };

        // Total number of cells should be as close to numVortonsMax as possible without going over.
        // Worst case allowable difference would be numVortonsMax=7 and numCells in each direction is 1 which yields a ratio of 1/7.
        // But in typical situations, the user would like expect total number of virtual cells to be closer to numVortonsMax than that.
        // E.g. if numVortonsMax=8^3=512 somehow yielded numCells[0]=numCells[1]=numCells[2]=7 then the ratio would be 343/512~=0.67.
        while (numCells[0] * numCells[1] * numCells[2] > numVortonsMax)
        {   // Number of cells is excessive.
            // This can happen when the trial number of cells in any direction is less than 1 -- then the other two will likely be too large.
            numCells[0] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[0] / 2);
            numCells[1] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[1] / 2);
            numCells[2] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[2] / 2);

        float[] oneOverN = { 1.0f / (float)(numCells[0]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[1]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[2]) };
        Vector3 gridCellSize = new Vector3(vDimensions.x * oneOverN[0] , vDimensions.y * oneOverN[1], vDimensions.z * oneOverN[2] ) ;
        float vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y * gridCellSize.z, 1.0f / 3.0f) * 0.5f;
        if (0.0f == vDimensions.z)
        {   // z size is zero, so domain is 2D.
            vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y, 0.5f) * 0.5f;
        Vector3 vNoise = (0.0f * gridCellSize) ;

        // Iterate through each point in a uniform grid.
        // If probe position is inside vortex core, add a vorton there.
        // This loop could be rewritten such that it only visits points inside the core,
        // but this loop structure can readily be reused for a wide variety of configurations.
        Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // vorton position
        int[] index = new int[3]; // index of each position visited

        for (index[2] = 0; index[2] < numCells[2]; ++index[2])
        {   // For each z-coordinate...
            position.z = ((float)(index[2]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.z + vMin.z;
            for (index[1] = 0; index[1] < numCells[1]; ++index[1])
            {   // For each y-coordinate...
                position.y = ((float)(index[1]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.y + vMin.y;
                for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < numCells[0]; ++index[0])
                {   // For each x-coordinate...
                    position.x = ((float)(index[0]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.x + vMin.x;
                    position += Random.Range(-1, 1) * (vNoise);
                    Vector3 vorticity = Vector3.zero;
                    vorticityDistribution.AssignVorticity(ref vorticity, position, vCenter);
                    Vorton vorton = new Vorton(position, vorticity * fMagnitude, vortonRadius);
                    if (vorticity.sqrMagnitude > global.GlobalVar.sTiny)
                    {   // Vorticity is significantly non-zero.