Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostSend2FACode([FromBody] string provider)
            if (provider.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            var user = await _signInManager.GetTwoFactorAuthenticationUserAsync();

            if (user == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("PostSend2FACode :: No verified user found, returning 404");

            var from = _globalSettings.Smtp.From;
            // Generate the token and send it
            var code = await _userManager.GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync(user, provider);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
                _logger.LogWarning("PostSend2FACode :: Could not generate 2FA code");
                return(BadRequest("Invalid code"));

            var subject = _textService.Localize("login", "mfaSecurityCodeSubject",
                                                // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(user.Culture, _textService, _globalSettings));

            var message = _textService.Localize("login", "mfaSecurityCodeMessage",
                                                // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(user.Culture, _textService, _globalSettings),
                                                new[] { code });

            if (provider == "Email")
                var mailMessage = new EmailMessage(from, user.Email, subject, message, true);

                await _emailSender.SendAsync(mailMessage, Constants.Web.EmailTypes.TwoFactorAuth);
            else if (provider == "Phone")
                await _smsSender.SendSmsAsync(await _userManager.GetPhoneNumberAsync(user), message);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task SendUserInviteEmailAsync(UserBasic?userDisplay, string?from, string?fromEmail, IUser?to, string?message)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(((int?)userDisplay?.Id).ToString());

            var token = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

            // Use info from SMTP Settings if configured, otherwise set fromEmail as fallback
            var senderEmail = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_globalSettings.Smtp?.From) ? _globalSettings.Smtp.From : fromEmail;

            var inviteToken = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",

            // Get an mvc helper to get the URL
            var action = _linkGenerator.GetPathByAction(
                ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName <BackOfficeController>(),
                area   = Constants.Web.Mvc.BackOfficeArea,
                invite = inviteToken

            // Construct full URL using configured application URL (which will fall back to request)
            Uri applicationUri = _httpContextAccessor.GetRequiredHttpContext().Request.GetApplicationUri(_webRoutingSettings);
            var inviteUri      = new Uri(applicationUri, action);

            var emailSubject = _localizedTextService.Localize("user", "inviteEmailCopySubject",
                                                              // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                              UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(to?.Language, _localizedTextService, _globalSettings));
            var emailBody = _localizedTextService.Localize("user", "inviteEmailCopyFormat",
                                                           // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                           UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(to?.Language, _localizedTextService, _globalSettings),
                                                           new[] { userDisplay?.Name, from, message, inviteUri.ToString(), senderEmail });

            // This needs to be in the correct mailto format including the name, else
            // the name cannot be captured in the email sending notification.
            // i.e. "Some Person" <*****@*****.**>
            var toMailBoxAddress = new MailboxAddress(to?.Name, to?.Email);

            var mailMessage = new EmailMessage(senderEmail, toMailBoxAddress.ToString(), emailSubject, emailBody, true);

            await _emailSender.SendAsync(mailMessage, Constants.Web.EmailTypes.UserInvite, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task SendUserInviteEmailAsync(UserBasic userDisplay, string from, string fromEmail, IUser to, string message)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(((int)userDisplay.Id).ToString());

            var token = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

            var inviteToken = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}",

            // Get an mvc helper to get the URL
            var action = _linkGenerator.GetPathByAction(
                ControllerExtensions.GetControllerName <BackOfficeController>(),
                area   = Constants.Web.Mvc.BackOfficeArea,
                invite = inviteToken

            // Construct full URL using configured application URL (which will fall back to request)
            var applicationUri = _hostingEnvironment.ApplicationMainUrl;
            var inviteUri      = new Uri(applicationUri, action);

            var emailSubject = _localizedTextService.Localize("user", "inviteEmailCopySubject",
                                                              //Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                              UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(to.Language, _localizedTextService, _globalSettings));
            var emailBody = _localizedTextService.Localize("user", "inviteEmailCopyFormat",
                                                           //Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                           UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(to.Language, _localizedTextService, _globalSettings),
                                                           new[] { userDisplay.Name, from, message, inviteUri.ToString(), fromEmail });

            // This needs to be in the correct mailto format including the name, else
            // the name cannot be captured in the email sending notification.
            // i.e. "Some Person" <*****@*****.**>
            var toMailBoxAddress = new MailboxAddress(to.Name, to.Email);

            var mailMessage = new EmailMessage(null /*use info from smtp settings*/, toMailBoxAddress.ToString(), emailSubject, emailBody, true);

            await _emailSender.SendAsync(mailMessage, Constants.Web.EmailTypes.UserInvite, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostRequestPasswordReset(RequestPasswordResetModel model)
            // If this feature is switched off in configuration the UI will be amended to not make the request to reset password available.
            // So this is just a server-side secondary check.
            if (_securitySettings.AllowPasswordReset == false)

            var identityUser = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);

            if (identityUser != null)
                var user = _userService.GetByEmail(model.Email);
                if (user != null)
                    var from = _globalSettings.Smtp.From;
                    var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(identityUser);

                    var callbackUrl = ConstructCallbackUrl(identityUser.Id, code);

                    var message = _textService.Localize("login", "resetPasswordEmailCopyFormat",
                                                        // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                        UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(identityUser.Culture, _textService, _globalSettings),
                                                        new[] { identityUser.UserName, callbackUrl });

                    var subject = _textService.Localize("login", "resetPasswordEmailCopySubject",
                                                        // Ensure the culture of the found user is used for the email!
                                                        UmbracoUserExtensions.GetUserCulture(identityUser.Culture, _textService, _globalSettings));

                    var mailMessage = new EmailMessage(from, user.Email, subject, message, true);

                    await _emailSender.SendAsync(mailMessage, Constants.Web.EmailTypes.PasswordReset);

                    _userManager.NotifyForgotPasswordRequested(User, user.Id.ToString());
