// Displays the HTML page
        public ActionResult Index()
            cache.GetOrSet("employees", () => db.UltiPro);          // Load Employees into Cache

            // Get correct username from windows authenticate
            WindowsPrincipal principal = (WindowsPrincipal)User;
            string           first_name;
            string           last_name;
            string           eecudfield;

            using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)) {
                UserPrincipal up = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, principal.Identity.Name);
                ViewData["UserName"] = up.Name;
                first_name           = up.GivenName;
                last_name            = up.Surname;
                eecudfield           = Regex.Replace(User.Identity.Name, ".*\\\\(.*)", "$1", RegexOptions.None);

            // Get an exact match of Nominator info from the database
            // var currUser = db.UltiPro.AsEnumerable().Select( user => user ).Where( user => user.first_name.Equals( first_name ) && user.last_name.Equals( last_name ) );
            var currUser = db.UltiPro.SingleOrDefault(user => user.eecudfield01.Contains(eecudfield));

            UltiPro us = currUser;
            // If no exact match

            //if( !currUser.Any() ) {
            //    currUser = db.UltiPro.AsEnumerable().Select( user => user ).Where( user => user.first_name.Contains( first_name ) && user.last_name.Contains( last_name ) ); // Get an approximate match
            //    us = (currUser.Any()) ? currUser.ToList<UltiPro>()[0] : null;
            //else us = currUser.ToList<UltiPro>()[0];

            WindowsIdentity id = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

            ViewData["empID"]               = (us != null) ? us.employee_number : "";
            ViewData["WindowsID"]           = id.Name;
            ViewData["nominator_last"]      = (us != null) ? us.last_name : "";
            ViewData["nominator_first"]     = (us != null) ? us.first_name : "";
            ViewData["nominator_middle"]    = (us != null) ? us.middle_name : "";
            ViewData["nominator_full_name"] = (us != null) ? ((us.middle_name != null) ? String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", us.first_name, us.middle_name, us.last_name) : String.Format("{0} {1}", us.first_name, us.last_hire_date)) : "";
        public async Task <JsonResult> CreateTeam(EOM_Nomination[] eOM_Nominations)
            Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            List <string> nominees           = new List <string>();
            List <string> groups             = new List <string>();

            string statMsg = String.Format("Nominated By: {0}\nNomination Reason: {1}\n\n\n", eOM_Nominations[0].Nominator_Employee_Full_Name, eOM_Nominations[0].Nomination_Reason);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                foreach (EOM_Nomination entry in eOM_Nominations)
                    if (EntryInModel(entry))
                        entry.Submission_Date = DateTime.Now;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // If group name
                        if (entry.Nominee_Employee_Number == null)
                            statMsg += String.Format("Group: {0}\n", entry.Nominee_Emp_or_Team_Name);
                        // else nominee
                            statMsg += String.Format("Nominee ID: {0}\nNominee Name: {1}\n\n", entry.Nominator_Employee_Number, entry.Nominee_Emp_or_Team_Name);
                dict.Add("Message", "Success");

                var     nominator = db.UltiPro.AsEnumerable().Select(user => user).Where(user => user.employee_number == eOM_Nominations[0].Nominator_Employee_Number);
                UltiPro u         = nominator.ToList()[0];
                handleNotification(eOM_Nominations[0], statMsg);

                return(Json(dict, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            dict.Add("Message", "Failure");
            return(Json(dict, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private void handleNotification(EOM_Nomination eom, string statMsg = null)
            // Get nominator
            var     nominator = db.UltiPro.AsEnumerable().Select(user => user).Where(user => user.employee_number == eom.Nominator_Employee_Number);
            UltiPro u         = nominator.ToList()[0];

            Mail   m = new Mail();
            string nominationType;

            // nominator email address
            string nominatorEmail = String.Format("{0}.{1}@lowndes-law.com", u.first_name, u.last_name);
            string eeucid         = String.Format("{0}@lowndes-law.com", u.eecudfield01);

            // Email for single nomination
            if (statMsg == null)
                // Send email to nomination submitter
                string messageToNominator = String.Format("Thank you for your nomination of {0}. This email is just a confirmation that your nomination was recorded successfully", eom.Nominee_Emp_or_Team_Name);
                m.SendMessage(nominatorEmail, eeucid, "Thank you for your Applause, Applause Nomination", messageToNominator);

                // Build msg for bccRecipients
                statMsg        = String.Format("Nominated By: {0}\nNomination Reason: {1}\nNominee ID: {2}\nNominee Name: {3}\n", eom.Nominator_Employee_Full_Name, eom.Nomination_Reason, eom.Nominator_Employee_Number, eom.Nominee_Emp_or_Team_Name);
                nominationType = "New Applause, Applause Nomination";
            // Email for group nomination
                string messageToNominator = String.Format("Thank you for your teamwork award nomination. This email is a confirmation that your nomination was recorded successfully");
                m.SendMessage(nominatorEmail, eeucid, "Thank you for your Teamwork Award Nomination", messageToNominator);

                nominationType = "New Teamwork Award Nomination";

            string[] bccRecipients = new string[] { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" };
            string   mainRecipient = "*****@*****.**";

            m.SendMessage(mainRecipient, bccRecipients, eeucid, nominationType, statMsg);