Ejemplo n.º 1
 public UInt24UidFactory(Uint24 val = default(Uint24))
     if (val != 1)
         _nextUid = val + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ReleaseUniqueInt(Uint24 uid24)
            if ((Uint24)uid24 == 0)

 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a 3-byte signed integer value to the underlying stream.
 /// </summary>
 public void Write(Uint24 value)
     if (m_LittleEndian)
         m_Buffer[2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
         m_Buffer[1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
         m_Buffer[0] = (byte)value;
         m_Buffer[0] = (byte)(value >> 16);
         m_Buffer[1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
         m_Buffer[2] = (byte)value;
     m_Stream.Write(m_Buffer, 0, 3);
        public NP_SCUnitMovementsPacket_0x0066(ClientConnection net) : base(01, 0x0066)
            //          opcode count bc     c  time     flag ix     iy     iz     vel.x vel.y vel.z rot.x rot.y rot.z s.av0    s.av1    s.av2    s.s s.t s.z  s.st
            //3500 DD01 6600   0100  042D01 03 93560100 00   AF067B FB6A77 4E0A03 FCFF  FBFF  FFFF  1E00  EAFF  033C  78BE163A 0DAB6FBA E31E923A 00  00  B300 00
            //          opcode count bc     c  time     flag ix     iy     iz     vel.x vel.y vel.z rot.x rot.y rot.z a.dm.x a.dm.y a.dm.x a.s a.a a.f
            //2700 DD01 6600   0100  77C000 01 F2C90B00 00   CAAB79 AC3578 6A7303 0000  0000  0000  00    00    39    00     00     00     01  00  04
            //2700 DD01 6600   0100  7DFA00 01 99BE1A00 00   CAA979 BA3678 6A7303 23FF  4CFE  0000  00    00    3B    00     00     00     01  00  04

            //c: 1-actor; 2-vehicle; 3-ship; 4-shipRequest; 5-transfer; 6-default;

            short  count = 1; //count h
            Uint24 bc    = net.CurrentAccount.Character.LiveObjectId;

            ns.Write((short)count);         //count h id=0
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) //  - <for id="0">
                //bc = 0x012D04;
                ns.Write((Uint24)net.CurrentAccount.Character.LiveObjectId); //bc b size=3  //liveObjectId d3 from SCUnitStatePacket
                byte c = 3;
                ns.Write((byte)c);                                           //type c id=1
                int time = 0;
                ns.Write((int)time);                                         //time d
                byte flag = 0;
                ns.Write((byte)flag);                                        //flags c id=2

                switch (flag)                                                //  - <bitwise_switch id="2">
                case 0x10:                                                   //  - <case id="0x10">
                    int  scType = 0;
                    byte phase  = 0;
                    ns.Write((int)scType); //scType d
                    ns.Write((byte)phase); //phase c
                    break;                 //  </case>

                default:                   //  <case id="default
                } //  </bitwise_switch>
                switch (c)                   //  - <switch id="1">
                case 1:                      //  - <case id="1">
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //ix d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iy d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iz d3
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.z h
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //rot.x C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //rot.y C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //rot.z C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.deltaMovement.x C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.deltaMovement.y C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.deltaMovement.z C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.stance C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.alertness C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //actor.flags C
                    switch (flag)            //  - <bitwise_switch id="2">
                    case 0x20:               //  - <case id="0x20">
                        ns.Write((byte)0);   //actor.gcFlags C
                        ns.Write((byte)0);   //actor.gcPartId C
                        ns.Write((Uint24)0); //ix d3
                        ns.Write((Uint24)0); //iy d3
                        ns.Write((Uint24)0); //iz d3
                        ns.Write((byte)0);   //rot.x C
                        ns.Write((byte)0);   //rot.y C
                        ns.Write((byte)0);   //rot.z C
                        break;               //  </case>

                    case 0x40:               //  - <case id="0x40">
                        ns.Write((int)0);    //actor.climbData d
                        break;               //  </case>

                    case 0x60:               //  - <case id="0x60">
                        ns.Write((int)0);    //actor.gcId d
                        break;               //  </case>

                    case 0x80:               //  - <case id="0x80">
                        ns.Write((short)0);  //actor.fallVel h
                        break;               //  </case>

                    default:                 //  <case id="default
                    }                        //  </bitwise_switch>
                    break;                   //  </case>

                case 2:                      //  - <case id="2">
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //ix d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iy d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iz d3
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.z h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.z h
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //vehicle.angVel[0] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //vehicle.angVel[1] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //vehicle.angVel[2] f
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //vehicle.steering C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //vehicle.wheelVelCount C
                    break;                   //  </case>

                case 3:                      //  - <case id="3">
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //ix d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iy d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iz d3
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.z h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.z h
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //ship.angVel[0] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //ship.angVel[1] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //ship.angVel[2] f
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //ship.steering C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //ship.throttle C
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //ship.zoneId h
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //ship.stucked C
                    break;                   //  </case>

                case 4:                      //  - <case id="4">
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //shipRequest.throttle C
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //shipRequest.steering C
                    break;                   //  </case>

                case 5:                      //  - <case id="5">
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //ix d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iy d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iz d3
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.z h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.z h
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //transfer.angVel[0] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //transfer.angVel[1] f
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //transfer.angVel[2] f
                    ns.Write((int)0);        //transfer.steering d
                    ns.Write((int)0);        //transfer.pathPointIndex d
                    ns.Write((float)0);      //transfer.speed f
                    ns.Write((byte)0);       //transfer.reverse C
                    break;                   //  </case>

                default:                     //  - <case id="default">
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //ix d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iy d3
                    ns.Write((Uint24)0);     //iz d3
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //vel.z h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.x h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.y h
                    ns.Write((short)0);      //rot.z h
                    break;                   //  </case>
                } //  </switch>
            } //  </for>