Ejemplo n.º 1
		public CCScheduler(){
			_timeScale = 1.0f;
			// used to trigger CCTimer#update
			updateSelector = "update";
//			impMethod = (TICK_IMP) [CCTimerTargetSelector instanceMethodForSelector:updateSelector];

			// updates with priority
			updates0 = new utList<tListEntry>();
			updatesNeg = new utList<tListEntry>();
			updatesPos = new utList<tListEntry>();
			hashForUpdates = new UTHash<int, tHashUpdateEntry>();
			// selectors with interval
			currentTarget = null;
			currentTargetSalvaged = false;
			hashForTimers =  new UTHash<int, tHashTimerEntry>();
			updateHashLocked = false;
			_paused = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
		public CCActionManager(){
			_targets = new UTHash<int, tHashElement>();