Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Start generates a USD scene procedurally, containing a single cube with a material, shader
        // and texture bound. It then inspects the cube to discover the material. A Unity material is
        // constructed and the parameters are copied in a generic way. Similarly, the texture is
        // discovered and loaded as a Unity Texture2D and bound to the material.
        // Also See: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/MaterialsAccessingViaScript.html
        void Start()
            // Create a scene for this test, but could also be read from disk.
            USD.NET.Scene usdScene = CreateSceneWithShading();

            // Read the material and shader ID.
            var    usdMaterial = new MaterialSample();
            string shaderId;

            // ReadMaterial was designed for Unity and assumes there is one "surface" shader bound.
            if (!MaterialSample.ReadMaterial(usdScene, kCubePath, usdMaterial, out shaderId))
                throw new System.Exception("Failed to read material");

            // Map the shader ID to the corresponding Unity/USD shader pair.
            ShaderPair shader;

            if (shaderId == null || !m_shaderMap.TryGetValue(shaderId, out shader))
                throw new System.Exception("Material had no surface bound");

            // Read and process the shader-specific parameters.

            // UsdShade requires all connections target an attribute, but we actually want to deserialize
            // the entire prim, so we get just the prim path here.
            var shaderPath = new pxr.SdfPath(usdMaterial.surface.connectedPath).GetPrimPath();

            usdScene.Read(shaderPath, shader.usdShader);

            // Construct material & process the inputs, textures, and keywords.

            var mat = new UnityEngine.Material(shader.unityShader);

            // Apply material keywords.
            foreach (string keyword in usdMaterial.requiredKeywords ?? new string[0])

            // Iterate over all input parameters and copy values and/or construct textures.
            foreach (var param in shader.usdShader.GetInputParameters())
                if (!SetMaterialParameter(mat, param.unityName, param.value))
                    throw new System.Exception("Incompatible shader data type: " + param.ToString());

            foreach (var param in shader.usdShader.GetInputTextures())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.connectedPath))
                    // Not connected to a texture.

                // Only 2D textures are supported in this example.
                var usdTexture = new Texture2DSample();

                // Again, we want the prim path, not the attribute path.
                var texturePath = new pxr.SdfPath(param.connectedPath).GetPrimPath();
                usdScene.Read(texturePath, usdTexture);

                // This example also only supports explicit sourceFiles, they cannot be connected.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usdTexture.sourceFile.defaultValue))

                // For details, see: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/MaterialsAccessingViaScript.html
                foreach (string keyword in param.requiredShaderKeywords)

                var data     = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(usdTexture.sourceFile.defaultValue);
                var unityTex = new Texture2D(2, 2);
                mat.SetTexture(param.unityName, unityTex);
                Debug.Log("Set " + param.unityName + " to " + usdTexture.sourceFile.defaultValue);

                unityTex.Apply(updateMipmaps: true, makeNoLongerReadable: false);

            // Create and bind the geometry.

            // Create a cube and set the material.
            // Note that geometry is handled minimally here and is incomplete.
            var cubeSample = new CubeSample();

            usdScene.Read(kCubePath, cubeSample);

            var go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

            go.transform.SetParent(transform, worldPositionStays: false);
            go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (float)cubeSample.size;
            m_cube = transform;

            go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = mat;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static GameObject Import(
            USD.NET.Scene scene,
            GameObject rootObj,
            Dictionary <SdfPath, GameObject> objectMap,
            UpdateMask mask,
            out List <string> warnings,
            List <string> pathsToUpdate = null)
            // TODO: generalize this to avoid having to dig down into USD for sparse reads.
            TfToken brushToken             = new pxr.TfToken("brush");
            TfToken faceVertexIndicesToken = new pxr.TfToken("faceVertexIndices");

            warnings = new List <string>();

            // Would be nice to find a way to kick this off automatically.
            // Redundant calls are ignored.
            if (!InitUsd.Initialize())

            // PLAN: Process any UsdStage either constructing or updating GameObjects as needed.
            // This should include analysis of the time samples to see what attributes are
            // actually varying so they are updated minimally.
            UsdPrimVector prims = null;

            if (pathsToUpdate == null)
                prims = scene.Stage.GetAllPrims();
                prims = new UsdPrimVector();
                foreach (var path in pathsToUpdate)
                    prims.Add(scene.Stage.GetPrimAtPath(new pxr.SdfPath(path)));

            for (int p = 0; p < prims.Count; p++)
                // TODO: prims[p] generates garbage.
                UsdPrim     usdPrim = prims[p];
                UsdGeomMesh usdMesh = new UsdGeomMesh(usdPrim);

                if (!usdMesh)

                ExportUsd.BrushSample sample = new ExportUsd.BrushSample();

                if (mask == UpdateMask.All)
                    scene.Read(usdPrim.GetPath(), sample);
                    // TODO: Generalize this as a reusable mechanism for sparse reads.
                    if (mask == UpdateMask.Topology)
                        sample.brush = new Guid((string)usdPrim.GetCustomDataByKey(brushToken));
                        var fv = usdPrim.GetAttribute(faceVertexIndicesToken).Get(scene.Time);
                        sample.faceVertexIndices = USD.NET.IntrinsicTypeConverter.FromVtArray((VtIntArray)fv);
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                GameObject strokeObj;
                Mesh       unityMesh;

                // Construct the GameObject if needed.
                if (!objectMap.TryGetValue(usdPrim.GetPath(), out strokeObj))
                    // On first import, we need to pull in all the data, regardless of what was requested.
                    mask = UpdateMask.All;

                    BrushDescriptor brush = BrushCatalog.m_Instance.GetBrush(sample.brush);
                    if (brush == null)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("Invalid brush GUID at path: <{0}> guid: {1}",
                                               usdPrim.GetPath(), sample.brush);
                    strokeObj = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(brush.m_BrushPrefab);

                    // Register the Prim/Object mapping.
                    objectMap.Add(usdPrim.GetPath(), strokeObj);

                    // Init the game object.
                    strokeObj.transform.parent = rootObj.transform;
                    strokeObj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = brush.Material;
                    strokeObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = new Mesh();
                    strokeObj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    unityMesh = strokeObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
                    unityMesh = strokeObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                // Points
                // Note that points must come first, before all other mesh data.
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Points) == UpdateMask.Points)
                    unityMesh.vertices = sample.points;

                // Bounds
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Bounds) == UpdateMask.Bounds)
                    var bc = strokeObj.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

                    bc.center = sample.extent.center;
                    bc.size   = sample.extent.size;

                    unityMesh.bounds = bc.bounds;

                // Topology
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Topology) == UpdateMask.Topology)
                    unityMesh.triangles = sample.faceVertexIndices;

                // Normals
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Normals) == UpdateMask.Normals)
                    unityMesh.normals = sample.normals;

                // Color & Opacity
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Colors) == UpdateMask.Colors && sample.colors != null)
                    unityMesh.colors = sample.colors;

                // Tangents
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.Tangents) == UpdateMask.Tangents && sample.tangents != null)
                    unityMesh.tangents = sample.tangents;

                // UVs
                if ((mask & UpdateMask.UVs) == UpdateMask.UVs)
                    SetUv(unityMesh, 0, sample.uv);
                    SetUv(unityMesh, 1, sample.uv2);
                    SetUv(unityMesh, 2, sample.uv3);
                    SetUv(unityMesh, 3, sample.uv4);
            } // For each prim
