Ejemplo n.º 1
            public override TokenStreamComponents CreateComponents(string fieldName, TextReader reader)
                UAX29URLEmailTokenizer tokenizer = new UAX29URLEmailTokenizer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, reader);

                tokenizer.MaxTokenLength = int.MaxValue; // Tokenize arbitrary length URLs
                TokenFilter filter = new URLFilter(tokenizer);

                return(new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, filter));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void FiddlerApplicationAfterSessionComplete(Session oSession)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(URLFilter) == false)
                URLFilter = URLFilter.Replace("http://", "");
                if (URLFilter.Split(' ').Any(item => oSession.url.Contains(item) == false))

            var httpitem = new HttpItem {
                Parameters = oSession.oRequest.headers.ToString()

            if ((oSession.BitFlags & SessionFlags.IsHTTPS) != 0)
                httpitem.URL = "https://" + oSession.url;
                httpitem.URL = "http://" + oSession.url;

            httpitem.Postdata = Encoding.Default.GetString(oSession.RequestBody);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpitem.Postdata) == false)
                httpitem.Method = MethodType.POST;
                ControlExtended.UIInvoke(() => Documents.Add(httpitem));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentFilter) == false)
                if (ContentFilter.Split(' ').Any(item => oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString().Contains(item) == false))

            XLogSys.Print.Info("已经成功获取嗅探字段" + oSession.url);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Posts a message to the editor of an article that it has been submitted to a review forum
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submitterID"></param>
        /// <param name="editorID"></param>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <param name="H2G2ID"></param>
        /// <param name="siteID"></param>
        /// <param name="reviewForumID"></param>
        /// <param name="forumID"></param>
        /// <param name="threadID"></param>
        /// <param name="postID"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="comments"></param>
        public void NotifyAuthorOnPersonalSpace(int submitterID, int editorID, string userName, int H2G2ID,
                                            int siteID, int reviewForumID, int forumID, int threadID, int postID, 
                                            string subject, string comments)
            XmlElement submitReviewForum = AddElementTag(RootElement, "SUBMIT-REVIEW-FORUM");
	        int userForumID = 0;

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("fetchpersonalspaceforum"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userid", editorID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("siteid", siteID);

                // Check to see if we found anything
                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    userForumID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumID");
            if (userForumID == 0)
                throw new DnaException("No Personal Space Forum - Failed to send message to Personal Space");

            if (submitterID == 0)
                AddErrorXml("NO-USER","Failed to get User details", submitReviewForum);
            User submitter = new User(InputContext);

	        string submitterName = submitter.UserName; 

	        ReviewForum reviewForum = new ReviewForum(InputContext);
	        reviewForum.InitialiseViaReviewForumID(reviewForumID, false);

	        string generatedSubject = "Your entry has been submitted to '" +  reviewForum.ReviewForumName + "'";

	        string generatedBody = "Entry: " + subject + " - A" + H2G2ID + " \n";
	        generatedBody += "Author: " + userName + " - U" + editorID + " \n";
	        generatedBody += "Submitter: " + submitterName + " - U" + submitterID + "\n\n";

	        generatedBody += "This is an automated message.\n\n";

	        generatedBody += "Your entry above has been submitted to the Review Forum '" +  reviewForum.ReviewForumName + "'" 
				           + " by the Researcher named above. For more information about what happens next check out <./>ReviewForums-Next</.>.\n\n";
	        generatedBody += "You can see the discussion about your entry at " + "F" + forumID + "?thread=" + threadID + "\n\n";

	        generatedBody += "If you'd rather your entry wasn't in this Review Forum then you can remove it by visiting "
				           + "<./>" + reviewForum.UrlFriendlyName + "</.> and clicking on the relevant 'Remove' link."
				           + " To prevent it being put into a Review Forum in the future, please click on the 'Edit Entry' button and tick the 'Not for Review' box.\n\n";

	        if (forumID > 0)
		        // Check the user input for profanities!
		        //ProfanityFilter profanityFilter = new ProfanityFilter(InputContext);
                string matchingProfanity = String.Empty;
                List<Term> terms = null;
		        ProfanityFilter.FilterState filterState = ProfanityFilter.CheckForProfanities(InputContext.CurrentSite.ModClassID, generatedSubject + " " + generatedBody, out matchingProfanity, out terms, forumID);

		        bool forceModeration = false;
		        if (filterState == ProfanityFilter.FilterState.FailBlock)
					AddErrorXml("profanityblocked", matchingProfanity, submitReviewForum);
		        else if (filterState == ProfanityFilter.FilterState.FailRefer)
			        forceModeration = true;

                if(InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("General", "IsURLFiltered") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
		            URLFilter URLFilter = new URLFilter(InputContext);
                    List<string> nonAllowedURLs = new List<string>();
		            URLFilter.FilterState URLFilterState = URLFilter.CheckForURLs(generatedSubject + " " + generatedBody, nonAllowedURLs);
		            if (URLFilterState == URLFilter.FilterState.Fail)
			            //return immediately - these don't get submitted
					    AddErrorXml("nonAllowedURLsFound", "For example " + nonAllowedURLs[0], submitReviewForum);
                //Filter for email addresses.
                if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("Forum", "EmailAddressFilter") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
                    if (EmailAddressFilter.CheckForEmailAddresses(generatedSubject + " " + generatedBody))
                        //return immediately - these don't get submitted
                        AddErrorXml("EmailAddressFilter", "Email Address Found.", submitReviewForum);

                string hash = String.Empty;
                string hashString = generatedSubject + "<:>" + generatedBody + "<:>" + submitterID + "<:>" + userForumID + "<:>0";

                // Setup the stored procedure object
                using (IDnaDataReader reader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("posttoforum"))
                    reader.AddParameter("userID", submitterID);
                    reader.AddParameter("forumid", userForumID);
                    reader.AddParameter("inreplyto", DBNull.Value);
                    reader.AddParameter("threadid", DBNull.Value);
                    reader.AddParameter("subject", generatedSubject);
                    reader.AddParameter("content", generatedBody);
                    reader.AddParameter("poststyle", 2);
                    reader.AddParameter("Hash", DnaHasher.GenerateHash(hashString));
                    reader.AddParameter("forcemoderation", forceModeration);
                    // Now call the procedure
 public override TokenStreamComponents CreateComponents(string fieldName, TextReader reader)
     UAX29URLEmailTokenizer tokenizer = new UAX29URLEmailTokenizer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, reader);
     tokenizer.MaxTokenLength = int.MaxValue; // Tokenize arbitrary length URLs
     TokenFilter filter = new URLFilter(tokenizer);
     return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, filter);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // GET: AuditLogs
        public ActionResult Index(string currentURLFilter, string URLFilter, string currentIPAddressFilter, string IPAddressFilter, string currentUserFilter, string UserFilter, int?page)
            if (UserFilter != null)
                page = 1;
                UserFilter = currentUserFilter;
            if (IPAddressFilter != null)
                page = 1;
                IPAddressFilter = currentIPAddressFilter;
            if (URLFilter != null)
                page = 1;
                URLFilter = currentURLFilter;

            ViewBag.CurrentUserFilter      = UserFilter;
            ViewBag.CurrentIPAddressFilter = IPAddressFilter;
            ViewBag.CurrentURLFilter       = URLFilter;

            List <AuditLog> AuditRecords = db.AuditRecords.OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeAccessed).ToList();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserFilter))
                AuditRecords = AuditRecords.Where(s => s.UserName.ToLower().Contains(UserFilter.ToLower())).ToList();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddressFilter))
                AuditRecords = AuditRecords.Where(s => s.IPAddress.ToLower().Contains(IPAddressFilter.ToLower())).ToList();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(URLFilter))
                AuditRecords = AuditRecords.Where(s => (s.URLAccessed ?? "").ToLower().Contains(URLFilter.ToLower())).ToList();
            int pageSize   = 100;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            return(View(AuditRecords.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));