Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ProcessDFNFile(UOXData.Script.Script myFile, string sName)
            // In each section, check for any SCRIPT tags
            // If we find any, and they're of the format [[x]], replace the x
            // with the valid script number found in the earlier lookup
            foreach (UOXData.Script.ScriptSection mSect in myFile.Sections)
                UOXData.Script.TagDataPair mPair = mSect.GetDataPair("SCRIPT");
                if (mPair != null)
                    if (mPair.Data.Value.Trim().StartsWith("[["))
                    {                           // we have to do the lookup/replacement here ... what fun!
                        string mValue   = mPair.Data.Value;
                        int    startIdx = mValue.LastIndexOf("[");
                        int    endIdx   = mValue.IndexOf("]");
                        int    toLookup = UOXData.Conversion.ToInt32(mValue.Substring(startIdx + 1, endIdx - (startIdx + 1)));
                        mPair.Data.Value = pkgConfig.GetTranslatedNumber(toLookup).ToString();
            // OK, we've updated our scripts, isn't this wonderful?
            // Create a new text file with the appropriate name
            // and then pass the stream to myFile.Save()

            string dfnPath  = pkgConfig.DFNPath + pkgConfig.GetDFNSection(sName.Replace("\\", "/")) + pkgConfig.DirPath;
            string filePath = GetPath(sName.Replace("\\", "/"));

            string [] paths        = filePath.Split('/');
            string    buildingPath = dfnPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(dfnPath))
            if (paths.Length > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; ++i)
                    buildingPath += "/" + paths[i];
                    if (!Directory.Exists(buildingPath))
            System.IO.StreamWriter ioStream = File.CreateText(buildingPath + GetFile(sName));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void cmdUOX3IniFind_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            opnFileDialog.Filter = "INI files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (opnFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                txtUOX3Ini.Text = opnFileDialog.FileName;
                iniScript       = new UOXData.Script.Script(txtUOX3Ini.Text);

                UOXData.Script.ScriptSection dirSect = iniScript.FindSection("directories");
                if (dirSect != null)
                    dfnPath = dirSect.FindTag("DEFSDIRECTORY");
                    dfnPath = "";
                txtUOX3Ini.Text = "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SetupInfo(UOXData.Script.Script iniScript)
            iniFile = iniScript;
            dfnPath = "";
            jsPath  = "";
            UOXData.Script.ScriptSection dirSect = iniScript.FindSection("directories");
            if (dirSect != null)
                dfnPath = dirSect.FindTag("DEFSDIRECTORY").Replace("\\", "/");
                jsPath  = dirSect.FindTag("SCRIPTSDIRECTORY").Replace("\\", "/");
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No definitions directory found!");

            configScripts    = new UOXData.Script.Script[3];
            configScripts[0] = new UOXData.Script.Script(jsPath + "/jse_fileassociations.scp");
            configScripts[1] = new UOXData.Script.Script(jsPath + "/jse_objectassociations.scp");
            configScripts[2] = new UOXData.Script.Script(jsPath + "/jse_typeassociations.scp");
            jsFiles          = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
            generalSetup     = new System.Collections.ArrayList[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                generalSetup[i] = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            dfnFiles = new System.Collections.ArrayList[(int)UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories.NUM_DEFS];
            for (int i = (int)UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories.FIRST_DEF; i < (int)UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories.NUM_DEFS; ++i)
                dfnFiles[i] = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            inUse = new UOXData.Script.ScriptSection();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Parse(UOXData.Script.Script stpInfo)
            UOXData.Script.ScriptSection mSection = null;

            mSection = stpInfo.FindSection("DESCRIPTION");
            if (mSection != null)
                UOXData.Script.TagDataPair t = mSection.GetDataPair("DIRECTORY");
                if (t != null)
                    dirPath = t.Data.Value.Replace("\\", "/");
                    if (dirPath[dirPath.Length - 1] != '/')
                        dirPath += "/";
                    dirPath = "custom/";
                dirPath = "custom/";
            // parse the individual DFN sections now and store what goes where
            for (int i = (int)UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories.FIRST_DEF; i < (int)UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories.NUM_DEFS; ++i)
                mSection = stpInfo.FindSection(((UOXData.Script.DFN_Categories)i).ToString());
                if (mSection != null)
                    foreach (UOXData.Script.TagDataPair t in mSection.TagDataPairs)
            // Now let's grab the JS file request stuff, and find some free mappings
            // so that we can update the config files
            mSection = stpInfo.FindSection("JS_FILES");
            if (mSection != null)
                foreach (UOXData.Script.TagDataPair t in mSection.TagDataPairs)
                    int freeNumber = FindFreeNumber(inUse);
                    if (freeNumber != -1)
                        jsFiles.Add(t.Tag, freeNumber);
                        inUse.Add(freeNumber.ToString(), t.Data.Value);

            // OK, we've built up our list of free numbers
            // Now let's update the relevant config files
            // with the newly acquired data
            UOXData.Script.ScriptSection tSection = null;
            string [] sectTypes = new string[6];
            sectTypes[0] = "COMMAND";
            sectTypes[1] = "MAGIC";
            sectTypes[2] = "CONSOLE";
            sectTypes[3] = "PACKET";
            sectTypes[4] = "SKILLUSE";
            sectTypes[5] = "GENERIC";
            mSection     = stpInfo.FindSection("CONFIGURE");
            if (mSection != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    UOXData.Script.TagDataPair t = mSection.GetDataPair(sectTypes[i]);
                    if (t != null)
                        if (i != 5)
                            tSection = configScripts[0].FindSection(sectTypes + "_SCRIPTS");
                            tSection = configScripts[0].FindSection("SCRIPT_LIST");

                        string[] values = t.Data.Value.Split(',');
                        for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; ++j)
                            bool containsKey = jsFiles.ContainsKey(values[j].Trim());
                            if (containsKey)
                                string tag  = ((int)jsFiles[values[j].Trim()]).ToString();
                                string data = dirPath + inUse.GetDataPair(tag).Data.Value;
                                tSection.Add(tag, data);
            // OK, the file associations config file has been updated
            // Let's do envoke now

            // Let's do type now
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void cmdSelectPackage_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            opnFileDialog.Filter = "Package files (*.zip)|*.zip|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (opnFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                setupInfo = null;
                txtPackageDetails.Text = "";
                currentZip             = opnFileDialog.FileName;
                zipFile = new ICSCZL.Zip.ZipFile(currentZip);
                System.Collections.IEnumerator blah = zipFile.GetEnumerator();

                while (blah.MoveNext())
                    ICSCZL.Zip.ZipEntry theEntry = (ICSCZL.Zip.ZipEntry)blah.Current;
                    if (theEntry.Name == "readme.txt")
                        int              size   = 2048;
                        byte[]           toDisp = new byte[2048];
                        System.IO.Stream s      = zipFile.GetInputStream(theEntry);
                        while (true)
                            size = s.Read(toDisp, 0, toDisp.Length);
                            if (size > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                                    this.txtPackageDetails.Text += (char)toDisp[i];
                    else if (theEntry.Name == "setup.info")
                        System.IO.Stream s = zipFile.GetInputStream(theEntry);
                        setupInfo = new UOXData.Script.Script(s);
                        pkgConfig = new SetupInfo(iniScript);
                mPackage = new Package(zipFile, pkgConfig);
                if (setupInfo == null)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Zip file does not contain a setup.info!  Likely an invalid package");
                currentZip = "";
                if (zipFile != null)
                    zipFile = null;
                setupInfo = null;