Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void DLG_Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UI_Menu_Panel.Location     = new Point((ClientSize.Width / 2) - (UI_Menu_Panel.Width / 2), 10);
            UI_Pause_Panel.Location    = new Point((ClientSize.Width / 2) - (UI_Menu_Panel.Width / 2), 10);
            UI_GameOver_Panel.Location = new Point((ClientSize.Width / 2) - (UI_Menu_Panel.Width / 2), 400);

            #region Debug Mode
            if (DEBUG_MODE)
                DebugWindow = new DLG_Debug();

                setValCallback += new SetValDel(DebugWindow.TranslateInformation);

            // Create NEW RANDOM BACKGROUND
            _generatedBG = new BackgroundImg(ClientRectangle);

            // Enemy Two test
            //_enemyTwo = new EnemyTwo(ClientRectangle);

            // Sound testing fun!
            //SoundPlayer lazer = new SoundPlayer();
            //lazer.SoundLocation = "Lazer.wav";

            //_sounds.Add("Lazer", lazer);

            // Boss rock test
            //_testRock = new RockBoss(new PointF(300, 300), Rock.State.boss);

            // Init wave calc
            _wc = new WaveCalculator(_waveNumber);

            // Spawn the first wave
            for (int i = 0; i < _wc.Rocks; i++)
                _rockContainer.Add(new Rock(new PointF(_rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Width), _rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Height)), Rock.State.large));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Game tick loop
        private void Game_Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_playerLives == 0)
                //_ii = new InputInterface();
                _starting = true;

            if (_ii.Pause)
                #region Debug Mode
                if (DEBUG_MODE)
                    Text = string.Format("DEBUG MODE - Player pos - X: {0:F2} Y: {1:F2}", _player._pos.X, _player._pos.Y);
                    if (DebugWindow.currentSelection == "Player")
                    else if (DebugWindow.currentSelection == "EnemyOne")
                    else if (DebugWindow.currentSelection == "EnemyTwo")

                if (_starting && _ii.Shoot)
                    UI_B_Start_Click(null, null);
                    _starting = false;


                using (BufferedGraphicsContext bgc = new BufferedGraphicsContext())
                    using (BufferedGraphics bg = bgc.Allocate(CreateGraphics(), ClientRectangle))
                        // Draw stars / planet ----
                        _generatedBG.imgStars.ForEach(x => bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(x.starColor), x.GetPath()));

                        if (_generatedBG.hasPlanets)
                            _generatedBG.imgPlanets.ForEach(x => bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(x.planetCol), x.GetPath()));
                        // ------------------------

                        if (!_starting)
                            // draw all dead shapes (collisions)
                            //foreach (var hit in _deadShapes)
                            //bg.Graphics.FillRegion(new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow), hit);

                            #region Player Calcs

                            // player boost
                            if (_player._boosting)
                                _player._particles.Add(new ExhaustParticle(_player));
                            foreach (ExhaustParticle ep in _player._particles)
                                bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(ep.myColor), ep.GetPath());

                            // player Bullets
                            if (_player._shooting)
                                _player._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_player));
                            foreach (BulletParticle bp in _player._bullets)
                                bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(BulletParticle.myColor), bp.GetPath());

                            _player.Tick(_ii, ClientRectangle);
                            bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(_player._alpha, Color.Red)), _player.GetPath());


                            // All rocks
                            foreach (Rock r in _rockContainer)
                                r.Render(bg, ClientSize);

                            #region Enemy One & Enemy Two & Boss calc example
                            //~~~~Enemy one
                            //if (_enemyOne._shooting)
                            //    _enemyOne._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyOne));

                            //foreach (BulletParticle bp in _enemyOne._bullets)
                            //    bp.Tick();
                            //    bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(BulletParticle.myColor), bp.GetPath());
                            //bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.Blue), _enemyOne.GetPath());

                            //// ~~~~ Enemy two
                            //if (_enemyTwo._shooting)
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 0));
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 60));
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 120));
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 180));
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 240));
                            //    _enemyTwo._bullets.Add(new BulletParticle(_enemyTwo, 300));
                            //foreach (BulletParticle bp in _enemyTwo._bullets)
                            //    bp.Tick();
                            //    bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(BulletParticle.myColor), bp.GetPath());
                            //bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.Green), _enemyTwo.GetPath());

                            // ~~~~ BOSS ROCK

                            #region UI

                            bg.Graphics.DrawString("Wave: " + _waveNumber, new Font("Times New Roman", 24), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 10, 10);
                            bg.Graphics.DrawString("Score: " + _playerScore, new Font("Times New Roman", 24), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 10, 44);

                            for (int i = 0; i < _playerLives; i++)
                                bg.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), _player.GetPathForLifeSymbol(25 + (50 * i), 110));


                            foreach (BulletParticle bp in _player._bullets)
                                List <Rock> possibleHits = (
                                    from shape in _rockContainer
                                    where Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Abs(shape.Pos.X - bp.location.X), 2) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs(shape.Pos.Y - bp.location.Y), 2)) < 10000 // Mirroring?????????
                                    select shape).ToList();

                                // itterate through possible hit list
                                for (int i = 0; i < possibleHits.Count(); i++)
                                    // regions of intersections
                                    Region r1 = new Region(possibleHits[i].GetPath(ClientSize));
                                    Region r2 = new Region(bp.GetPath());

                                    // create intersection of the two shapes that are close

                                    // they hit
                                    if (!r1.IsEmpty(CreateGraphics()))
                                        // add region to linked list of hits

                                        if (possibleHits[i] is RockBoss && (possibleHits[i] as RockBoss)._health > 1)
                                            (possibleHits[i] as RockBoss)._health--;
                                            possibleHits[i].IsMarkedForDeath = true;

                                        bp.KILLMENOW = true;

                            if (!UI_Menu_Panel.Visible)
                                List <Rock> possiblePlayerHits = (
                                    from shape in _rockContainer
                                    where Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Abs(shape.Pos.X - _player._pos.X), 2) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs(shape.Pos.Y - _player._pos.Y), 2)) < 250 // boss is big (might be a problem)
                                    select shape).ToList();

                                // itterate through possible hit list
                                for (int i = 0; i < possiblePlayerHits.Count(); i++)
                                    if ((possiblePlayerHits[i]._alpha == 255) && (_player._alpha == 255))
                                        // regions of intersections
                                        Region r1 = new Region(possiblePlayerHits[i].GetPath(ClientSize));
                                        Region r2 = new Region(_player.GetPath());

                                        // create intersection of the two shapes that are close

                                        // they hit
                                        if (!r1.IsEmpty(CreateGraphics()))
                                            possiblePlayerHits[i].IsMarkedForDeath = true;
                                            _player._gotHit = true;

                            List <Rock> SmallerRocksToAdd = new List <Rock>();

                            //_rockContainer.RemoveAll(x => x.IsMarkedForDeath);
                            foreach (Rock r in _rockContainer)
                                // 25, 45, 65
                                if (r.IsMarkedForDeath)
                                    if (r._tileSize == (int)Rock.State.medium)
                                        SmallerRocksToAdd.Add(new Rock(r.Pos, Rock.State.small));
                                        SmallerRocksToAdd.Add(new Rock(r.Pos, Rock.State.small));
                                        SmallerRocksToAdd.Add(new Rock(r.Pos, Rock.State.small));

                                        _playerScore += 250;
                                    else if (r._tileSize == (int)Rock.State.large)
                                        SmallerRocksToAdd.Add(new Rock(r.Pos, Rock.State.medium));
                                        SmallerRocksToAdd.Add(new Rock(r.Pos, Rock.State.medium));

                                        _playerScore += 500;
                                        _playerScore += 100;


                            _rockContainer.RemoveAll(x => x.IsMarkedForDeath);
                            SmallerRocksToAdd.ForEach(x => _rockContainer.Add(x));

                            if (_player._gotHit)
                                if (_playerLives > 0)


                if (!_starting)
                    if (_rockContainer.Count == 0)
                        _playerScore += _waveNumber * 1000;

                        _wc = new WaveCalculator(_waveNumber++);

                        if (_wc.BossWave)
                            _rockContainer.Add(new RockBoss(new PointF(_rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Width), _rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Height)), Rock.State.boss));
                            for (int i = 0; i < _wc.Rocks; i++)
                                _rockContainer.Add(new Rock(new PointF(_rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Width), _rnd.Next(0, ClientRectangle.Height)), Rock.State.large));