Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Trigger all event notification callbacks.
    /// </summary>

    protected void TriggerCallbacks()
        if (!mExecuting)
            mExecuting = true;
            UIPopupListCustom old = current;
            current = this;

            // Legacy functionality
            if (mLegacyEvent != null)

            if (EventDelegate.IsValid(onChange))
            else if (eventReceiver != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName))
                // Legacy functionality support (for backwards compatibility)
                eventReceiver.SendMessage(functionName, mSelectedItem, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

            var cb = callback;
            if (cb != null)

            current    = old;
            mExecuting = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Manually close the popup list.
    /// </summary>

    static public void Close()
        if (current != null)
            current = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Manually close the popup list.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual void CloseSelf()
        if (mChild != null && current == this)
            mSelection = null;


            if (isAnimated)
                UIWidget[] widgets = mChild.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>();

                for (int i = 0, imax = widgets.Length; i < imax; ++i)
                    UIWidget w = widgets[i];
                    Color    c = w.color;
                    c.a = 0f;
                    TweenColor.Begin(w.gameObject, animSpeed, c).method = UITweener.Method.EaseOut;

                Collider[] cols = mChild.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>();
                for (int i = 0, imax = cols.Length; i < imax; ++i)
                    cols[i].enabled = false;
                Destroy(mChild, animSpeed);

                mFadeOutComplete = Time.unscaledTime + Mathf.Max(0.1f, animSpeed);
                mFadeOutComplete = Time.unscaledTime + 0.1f;

            mBackground = null;
            mHighlight  = null;
            mChild      = null;
            current     = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void OnEnable()
        SerializedProperty bit = serializedObject.FindProperty("bitmapFont");

        mType = (bit.objectReferenceValue != null) ? FontType.Bitmap : FontType.Dynamic;
        mList = target as UIPopupListCustom;

        if (mList.ambigiousFont == null)
            mList.ambigiousFont = NGUISettings.ambigiousFont;
            mList.fontSize      = NGUISettings.fontSize;
            mList.fontStyle     = NGUISettings.fontStyle;

        if (mList.atlas == null && mList.background2DSprite == null && mList.highlight2DSprite == null)
            mList.atlas            = NGUISettings.atlas;
            mList.backgroundSprite = NGUISettings.selectedSprite;
            mList.highlightSprite  = NGUISettings.selectedSprite;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Show the popup list dialog.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual void Show()
        if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && mChild == null && isValid && items.Count > 0)

            // Ensure the popup's source has the selection
            UICamera.selectedObject = (UICamera.hoveredObject ?? gameObject);
            mSelection = UICamera.selectedObject;
            source     = mSelection;

            if (source == null)
                Debug.LogError("Popup list needs a source object...");

            mOpenFrame = Time.frameCount;

            // Automatically locate the panel responsible for this object
            if (mPanel == null)
                mPanel = UIPanel.Find(transform);
                if (mPanel == null)

            // Calculate the dimensions of the object triggering the popup list so we can position it below it
            Vector3 min;
            Vector3 max;

            // Create the root object for the list
            mChild       = new GameObject("Drop-down List");
            mChild.layer = gameObject.layer;

            if (separatePanel)
                if (GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
                    Rigidbody rb = mChild.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    rb.isKinematic = true;
                else if (GetComponent <Collider2D>() != null)
                    Rigidbody2D rb = mChild.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                    rb.isKinematic = true;

                var panel = mChild.AddComponent <UIPanel>();
                panel.depth        = 1000000;
                panel.sortingOrder = mPanel.sortingOrder;

            current = this;

            var       pTrans = mPanel.cachedTransform;
            Transform t      = mChild.transform;
            t.parent = pTrans;
            Transform rootTrans = pTrans;

            if (separatePanel)
                var root = mPanel.GetComponentInParent <UIRoot>();
                if (root == null && UIRoot.list.Count != 0)
                    root = UIRoot.list[0];
                if (root != null)
                    rootTrans = root.transform;

            // Manually triggered popup list on some other game object
            if (openOn == OpenOn.Manual && mSelection != gameObject)
                startingPosition = UICamera.lastEventPosition;
                min              = pTrans.InverseTransformPoint(mPanel.anchorCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(startingPosition));
                max              = min;
                t.localPosition  = min;
                startingPosition = t.position;
                Bounds bounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(pTrans, transform, false, false);
                min              = bounds.min;
                max              = bounds.max;
                t.localPosition  = min;
                startingPosition = t.position;


            var f = fitScale;
            t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            t.localScale    = new Vector3(f, f, f);

            int depth = separatePanel ? 0 : NGUITools.CalculateNextDepth(mPanel.gameObject);

            // Add a sprite for the background
            if (background2DSprite != null)
                UI2DSprite sp2 = mChild.AddWidget <UI2DSprite>(depth);
                sp2.sprite2D = background2DSprite;
                mBackground  = sp2;
            else if (atlas != null)
                mBackground = NGUITools.AddSprite(mChild, atlas, backgroundSprite, depth);

            bool placeAbove = (position == Position.Above);

            if (position == Position.Auto)
                UICamera cam = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(mSelection.layer);

                if (cam != null)
                    Vector3 viewPos = cam.cachedCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(startingPosition);
                    placeAbove = (viewPos.y < 0.5f);

            mBackground.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
            mBackground.color = backgroundColor;

            // We need to know the size of the background sprite for padding purposes
            Vector4 bgPadding = mBackground.border;
            mBgBorder = bgPadding.y;
            mBackground.cachedTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, placeAbove ? bgPadding.y * 2f - overlap : overlap, 0f);

            // Add a sprite used for the selection
            if (highlight2DSprite != null)
                UI2DSprite sp2 = mChild.AddWidget <UI2DSprite>(++depth);
                sp2.sprite2D = highlight2DSprite;
                mHighlight   = sp2;
            else if (atlas != null)
                mHighlight = NGUITools.AddSprite(mChild, atlas, highlightSprite, ++depth);

            float hlspHeight = 0f, hlspLeft = 0f;

            if (mHighlight.hasBorder)
                hlspHeight = mHighlight.border.w;
                hlspLeft   = mHighlight.border.x;

            mHighlight.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
            mHighlight.color = highlightColor;

            float           labelHeight = activeFontSize * activeFontScale;
            float           lineHeight = labelHeight + padding.y;
            float           x = 0f, y = placeAbove ? bgPadding.y - padding.y - overlap : -padding.y - bgPadding.y + overlap;
            float           contentHeight = bgPadding.y * 2f + padding.y;
            List <UILabel>  labels        = new List <UILabel>();
            List <UISprite> sprites       = new List <UISprite>();

            // Clear the selection if it's no longer present
            if (!items.Contains(mSelectedItem))
                mSelectedItem = null;

            // Run through all items and create labels for each one
            for (int i = 0, imax = items.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                string s = items[i];

                UILabel lbl = NGUITools.AddWidget <UILabel>(mChild, mBackground.depth + 2);
                lbl.name         = i.ToString();
                lbl.pivot        = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;
                lbl.bitmapFont   = bitmapFont;
                lbl.trueTypeFont = trueTypeFont;
                lbl.fontSize     = fontSize;
                lbl.fontStyle    = fontStyle;
                lbl.text         = isLocalized ? Localization.Get(s) : s;
                lbl.modifier     = textModifier;
                lbl.color        = textColor;
                lbl.cachedTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(PaddingSize + bgPadding.x + padding.x - lbl.pivotOffset.x, y, -1f);
                lbl.overflowMethod = UILabel.Overflow.ResizeFreely;
                lbl.alignment      = alignment;
                lbl.effectStyle    = UILabel.Effect.Shadow;
                lbl.symbolStyle    = NGUIText.SymbolStyle.Colored;

                if (atlas != null)
                    //atlas에 white가 있어야 합니다..
                    UISprite sprite = NGUITools.AddSprite(mChild, atlas, "white", depth);
                    sprite.SetRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
                    sprite.cachedTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(PaddingSize / 3 + bgPadding.x + padding.x - lbl.pivotOffset.x, y - 8, -1f);
                    if (itemData.Count > i && itemData[i].GetType() == Color.white.GetType())
                        sprite.color = (Color)itemData[i];
                //    UISprite lbl

                contentHeight += lineHeight;

                y -= lineHeight;
                x  = Mathf.Max(x, lbl.printedSize.x);

                // Add an event listener
                UIEventListener listener = UIEventListener.Get(lbl.gameObject);
                listener.onHover   = OnItemHover;
                listener.onPress   = OnItemPress;
                listener.onClick   = OnItemClick;
                listener.parameter = s;

                // Move the selection here if this is the right label
                if (mSelectedItem == s || (i == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(mSelectedItem)))
                    Highlight(lbl, true);

                // Add this label to the list

            // The triggering widget's width should be the minimum allowed width
            x = Mathf.Max(x, (max.x - min.x) - (bgPadding.x + padding.x) * 2f);

            float   cx       = x;
            Vector3 bcCenter = new Vector3(cx * 0.5f, -labelHeight * 0.5f, 0f);
            Vector3 bcSize   = new Vector3(cx, (labelHeight + padding.y), 1f);

            // Run through all labels and add colliders
            for (int i = 0, imax = labels.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                UILabel lbl = labels[i];
                lbl.autoResizeBoxCollider = false;
                BoxCollider bc = lbl.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

                if (bc != null)
                    bcCenter.z = bc.center.z;
                    bc.center  = bcCenter;
                    bc.size    = bcSize;
                    BoxCollider2D b2d = lbl.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
                    b2d.center = bcCenter;
                    b2d.offset = bcCenter;
                    b2d.size = bcSize;

            int lblWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(x);
            x += (bgPadding.x + padding.x) * 2f;
            y -= bgPadding.y;

            // Scale the background sprite to envelop the entire set of items
            mBackground.width  = Mathf.RoundToInt(x);
            mBackground.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(contentHeight);

            // Set the label width to make alignment work
            for (int i = 0, imax = labels.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                UILabel lbl = labels[i];
                lbl.overflowMethod = UILabel.Overflow.ShrinkContent;
                lbl.width          = lblWidth;

            // Scale the highlight sprite to envelop a single item
            float scaleFactor = (atlas != null) ? 2f * atlas.pixelSize : 2f;
            float w           = x - (bgPadding.x + padding.x) * 2f + hlspLeft * scaleFactor;
            float h           = labelHeight + hlspHeight * scaleFactor;
            mHighlight.width  = Mathf.RoundToInt(w);
            mHighlight.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(h);

            // If the list should be animated, let's animate it by expanding it
            if (isAnimated)

                if (Time.timeScale == 0f || Time.timeScale >= 0.1f)
                    float bottom = y + labelHeight;
                    Animate(mHighlight, placeAbove, bottom);
                    for (int i = 0, imax = labels.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                        Animate(labels[i], placeAbove, bottom);
                        Animate(sprites[i], placeAbove, bottom);
                    AnimateScale(mBackground, placeAbove, bottom);

            // If we need to place the popup list above the item, we need to reposition everything by the size of the list
            if (placeAbove)
                var bgY = bgPadding.y * f;
                min.y           = max.y - bgPadding.y * f;
                max.y           = min.y + (mBackground.height - bgPadding.y * 2f) * f;
                max.x           = min.x + mBackground.width * f;
                t.localPosition = new Vector3(min.x, max.y - bgY, min.z);
                max.y = min.y + bgPadding.y * f;
                min.y = max.y - mBackground.height * f;
                max.x = min.x + mBackground.width * f;

            var absoluteParent = mPanel;            // UIRoot.list[0].GetComponent<UIPanel>();

            for (;;)
                var p = absoluteParent.parent;
                if (p == null)
                var pp = p.GetComponentInParent <UIPanel>();
                if (pp == null)
                absoluteParent = pp;

            if (pTrans != null)
                min = pTrans.TransformPoint(min);
                max = pTrans.TransformPoint(max);
                min = absoluteParent.cachedTransform.InverseTransformPoint(min);
                max = absoluteParent.cachedTransform.InverseTransformPoint(max);
                var adj = UIRoot.GetPixelSizeAdjustment(gameObject);
                min /= adj;
                max /= adj;

            // Ensure that everything fits into the panel's visible range
            var offset = absoluteParent.CalculateConstrainOffset(min, max);
            var pos    = t.localPosition + offset;
            pos.x           = Mathf.Round(pos.x);
            pos.y           = Mathf.Round(pos.y);
            t.localPosition = pos;
            t.parent        = rootTrans;