Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Creates ellement
        public UIEllementMeta Make(UI ui, XmlNode node, Transform parent, object context)
            //Filter Attributes
            string tags = this._name;
            Dictionary<string, string> attrs = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
            foreach (XmlAttribute field in node.Attributes) {

                if(field.Name.ToLower() == "id")
                    tags += " "+field.Value;
                }else if (this._fields.Contains (field.Name)) {
                    if (!attrs.ContainsKey (field.Name)) {
                        attrs.Add (field.Name, field.Value);

            //Creating object.
            GameObject g = new GameObject (this._name);
            g.transform.parent = parent;

            UIEllementMeta meta  = new UIEllementMeta (g,node, tags);

            if (this.Builder != null) {
                this.Builder (ui, g, meta, attrs, context);

            return meta;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void bindText(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("bind")) {
                Text txt = this.getText (self, meta.Node);

                string bind = attributes ["bind"];

                //If the bind is set to value, we presume the super structure contianing the ellement is handling the setting of the bindpath. Otherwise we pull the bind path.
                if (bind != "value") {
                    meta.BindPath = bind;

                UIEllementBinding binding = () => {

                    if(meta.BindPath != null)
                    string propName = null;
                    int propIndex = -1;

                    //Array indexed values are refed using #name:#index
                    int pos = meta.BindPath.IndexOf (":");
                    if (pos != -1) {
                        propName = meta.BindPath.Substring (0, pos);
                        propIndex = Convert.ToInt32 (meta.BindPath.Substring (pos+1, meta.BindPath.Length - (pos + 1)));
                    } else {
                        propName = meta.BindPath;

                    Type type = context.GetType ();
                    PropertyInfo info = type.GetProperty (propName);
                    if (info != null) {
                        if (propIndex == -1) {
                            txt.text = info.GetValue (context, null).ToString ();
                        } else if (info.PropertyType.GetInterfaces ().Contains (typeof(IList))) { // Because I'm lazey, currently only implementing for lists
                            IList value = (IList)info.GetValue (context, null);
                            txt.text = value [propIndex].ToString ();
                        } else {
                            txt.text = meta.Node.Value;
                    } else {
                        txt.text = meta.Node.Value;

                binding.Invoke ();
                meta.UpdateBinding += binding;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected void textFontSize(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("size")) {
         Text txt = this.getText (self, meta.Node);
         txt.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32 (attributes ["size"]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /*End Binding*/
 /*Start Text*/
 protected void textMaterial(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("material") && UIAssets.Self != null) {
         Text txt = this.getText (self, meta.Node);
         txt.material = UIAssets.Self.Materials.Find (x => x.name == attributes ["material"]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected void textColor(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("color")) {
         Text txt = this.getText (self, meta.Node);
         txt.color = readColor (attributes ["color"]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void textFont(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("font") && UIAssets.Self != null) {
                Text txt = this.getText (self, meta.Node);

                Font font = UIAssets.Self.Fonts.Find (x => x.name == attributes ["font"]);
                if (font != null) {

                    txt.font = font;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected void imgMaterial(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("material") && UIAssets.Self != null) {
         Image img = this.getImage (self, meta.Node);
         Material m = UIAssets.Self.Materials.Find (x => x.name == attributes ["material"]);
         if (m != null) {
             img.material = m;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //Calculate the positioning of an ellement
        protected void position(UI renderer, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
            Vector2 min = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 max = Vector2.one;

            //If the min and max fields have been set use them, otherwise default to fullscreen
            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("min")) {
                min = readCord (attributes ["min"]);

            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("max")) {
                max = readCord (attributes ["max"]);

            meta.Rect.anchorMin = min;
            meta.Rect.anchorMax = max;

            meta.Rect.localScale = Vector3.one;
            meta.Rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, 1);
            meta.Rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors (RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, 1);
            meta.Rect.offsetMin = Vector2.zero;
            meta.Rect.offsetMax = Vector2.zero;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void imgBackground(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("background") && UIAssets.Self != null) {
                Image img = this.getImage (self, meta.Node);

                if (attributes ["background"].IndexOf ("$") == 0) {

                } else {

                    Sprite s = UIAssets.Self.Images.Find (x => x.name == attributes ["background"]);
                    if (s != null) {
                        img.sprite = s;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected void imageRenderMode(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("renderMode")) {
         Image img = this.getImage (self, meta.Node);
         img.type = (Image.Type)Enum.Parse (typeof(Image.Type), attributes ["renderMode"]);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /*End Text*/
 /*Start Image*/
 protected void imageColor(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (attributes.ContainsKey ("color")) {
         Image img = this.getImage (self, meta.Node);
         img.color = this.readColor (attributes ["color"]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /*End Image*/
        protected void foreachChild(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
            if (attributes.ContainsKey ("foreach")) {

                UIEllementBinding binding = () => {

                    meta.ContinueRenderChildren = false;

                    string propName = attributes ["foreach"];
                    Type t = context.GetType ();
                    PropertyInfo prop = t.GetProperty (propName);

                    if (prop != null) {
                        if (prop.PropertyType.GetInterfaces ().Contains (typeof(IList))) {
                            IList data = (IList)prop.GetValue (context, null);

                            /* Create needed ellements */
                            if (meta.Object.transform.childCount < data.Count) {
                                foreach (object entry in data) {
                                    foreach (XmlNode child in meta.Node.ChildNodes) {
                                        meta.AddChild (render.Render (child, self.transform, context));

                            //Toggle on ellements that we'll be using, disable the ones we won't be using
                            int ellementsNeeded = 0;
                            List<UIEllementMeta> active = new List<UIEllementMeta> ();
                            foreach (UIEllementMeta child in meta) {
                                //Enable ellements
                                if (ellementsNeeded < data.Count) {
                                    child.Object.SetActive (true);
                                    child.BindPath = propName;
                                    active.Add (child);
                                } else { //Disable elements
                                    child.Object.SetActive (false);

                            //Layout enabled ellements
                            this.groupLayout (active);


                binding.Invoke ();
                meta.UpdateBinding += binding;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /* Start Binding */
 protected void bindView(UI render, GameObject self, UIEllementMeta meta, Dictionary<string, string> attributes, object context)
     if (context.GetType ().GetInterfaces ().Contains (typeof(IUIBindable)) && meta.Node.ParentNode == null) {
         IUIBindable bindable = (IUIBindable)context;
         bindable.View = meta;