Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Virtual so clients can override header behavior and rendering entirely
        public virtual void OnGUI(Rect rect, float xScroll)
            Event evt = Event.current;

            if (m_GUIView == null)
                m_GUIView = GUIView.current;


            if (m_ResizeToFit && evt.type == EventType.Repaint)
                m_ResizeToFit = false;
                ResizeColumnsWidthsProportionally(rect.width - GUI.skin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth - state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns);

            // We create a guiclip to let the header be able to scroll horizontally according to the tree view's horizontal scroll
            // If the tree view is inside a UI Toolkit scroll view, however, we don't need the x scroll offset.
            Vector2 scrollOffset = Vector2.zero;
            var     container    = UIElementsUtility.GetCurrentIMGUIContainer();
            var     uiScrollView = container?.GetFirstAncestorOfType <ScrollView>();

            if (uiScrollView == null)
                scrollOffset = new Vector2(-xScroll, 0f);
            GUIClip.Push(rect, scrollOffset, Vector2.zero, false);
                Rect localRect = new Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
                m_TotalHeaderRect = localRect;

                // Background ( We always add the width of the vertical scrollbar to accommodate if this is being shown below e.g by a tree view)
                float widthOfAllColumns = state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns;
                float backgroundWidth   = (localRect.width > widthOfAllColumns ? localRect.width : widthOfAllColumns) + GUI.skin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth;
                Rect  backgroundRect    = new Rect(0, 0, backgroundWidth, localRect.height);
                GUI.Label(backgroundRect, GUIContent.none, DefaultStyles.background);

                // Update column rects (cached for clients to have fast access to column rects by using GetCellRect)

                // Columns
                for (int v = 0; v < state.visibleColumns.Length; v++)
                    currentColumnIndex = state.visibleColumns[v];

                    MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = state.columns[currentColumnIndex];

                    Rect        headerRect           = m_ColumnRects[v];
                    const float limitHeightOfDivider = 4f;
                    Rect        dividerRect          = new Rect(headerRect.xMax - 1, headerRect.y + limitHeightOfDivider, 1f, headerRect.height - 2 * limitHeightOfDivider);

                    // Context menu
                    if (evt.type == EventType.ContextClick && headerRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))

                    // Resize columns logic
                    Rect dragRect = new Rect(dividerRect.x - m_DividerWidth * 0.5f, localRect.y, m_DividerWidth, localRect.height);
                    bool hasControl;
                    var  newColumnWidth = EditorGUI.WidthResizer(dragRect, column.width, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth, out hasControl);
                    if (column.width != newColumnWidth)
                        column.width = newColumnWidth;
                    if (hasControl && evt.type == EventType.Repaint)
                        DrawColumnResizing(headerRect, column);

                    // Draw divider (can be overridden)
                    DrawDivider(dividerRect, column);

                    // Draw header (can be overridden)
                    ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, currentColumnIndex);

                currentColumnIndex = -1;

                // Context menu when clicked outside of a column header
                if (evt.type == EventType.ContextClick && backgroundRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))