Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)

                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                IWebElement checkbox = element.FindElement(by);

                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:Checked" + "   Actual value:NotChecked", ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //todo[20150323][Tom] add log

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                String filePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, base.GetParameter("FilePath")));

                //set the document path


                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                string dynamicText = base.GetParameter("PrefixValue") + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));


                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Output.Key) == false)
                //    this.Output = new KeyValuePair<String, Tuple<Type, String>>(this.Output.Key, new Tuple<Type, String>(typeof(String), dynamicText));

                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest, true, dynamicText);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                String[] AttributeValue = base.GetParameter("Value").Split('@');

                String AttItem  = AttributeValue[0];
                String AttValue = AttributeValue[1];

                WebDriverWait wait    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                if (AttItem != null && AttValue.Equals(element.GetAttribute(AttItem).Trim()))
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:" + AttValue + "   Actual value:" + element.GetAttribute(AttItem).Trim(), ELogType.Info);
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                // this makes sure the element is visible before you try to do anything
                // for slow loading pages
                WebDriverWait wait    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                var           element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                Actions action = new Actions(container.Driver);

                /// TODO: Pass
                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                // Tell webdriver to wait
                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));

                // Test the autocomplete response - Explicit Wait
                IWebElement elem = wait.Until(x => x.FindElement(by));

                if (elem.Displayed)
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:Visible" + "   Actual value:NotVisible", ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                IWebElement elem = container.Driver.FindElement(by);

                if (!elem.Displayed)
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Output.Key) == false)
                    this.Output = new KeyValuePair <String, Tuple <Type, String> >(this.Output.Key, new Tuple <Type, String>(typeof(String), String.Empty));

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:NotVisible" + "   Actual value:Visible", ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                IWebElement chkBox = elem.FindElement(by);

                if (!chkBox.Selected)

                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                if (IsElementPresent(container, by) == false)
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:NotPresent" + "   Actual value:Present", ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                bool bolFullMatch = true;
                //    bolFullMatch = bool.Parse(base.GetParameter("FullMatch").ToString());


                //if (bolFullMatch)
                //    if (!(base.Parameters["Value"].ToString().Equals(element.FindElement(by).Text)))
                //    {
                //        /// TODO: Pass
                //        this.PassTest = true;
                //    }
                //    if (!(base.Parameters["Value"].ToString().Contains(element.FindElement(by).Text)))
                //    {
                //        /// TODO: Pass
                //        this.PassTest = true;
                //    }
                string text = base.GetParameter("Value").ToString();
                    bolFullMatch = bool.Parse(base.GetParameter("FullMatch").ToString());

                if (bolFullMatch)
                    if (!(text.Equals(element.FindElement(by).Text)))
                        /// TODO: Pass
                        this.PassTest = true;
                    if (!(element.FindElement(by).Text.Contains(text)))
                        /// TODO: Pass
                        this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value Not:" + text + "   Actual value:" + element.FindElement(by).Text, ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                for (int second = 0; ; second++)
                    if (second >= 60)
                        throw new Exception("timeout");
                        if (IsElementPresent(by, container) == false)
                    catch (Exception)

                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                bool bolPass = true;

                List <IWebElement> lstRows     = elem.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")).ToList();
                string             actualValue = "";
                for (int i = 1; i < lstRows.Count(); i++) //ignore header, start at row 1
                    List <IWebElement> lstCells = lstRows[i].FindElements(By.TagName("td")).ToList();
                        if (int.Parse(base.GetParameter("ColumnName").ToUpper().Replace("COLUMN", "")) >= lstCells.Count)
                            bolPass = false;
                        else if (int.Parse(base.GetParameter("ColumnName").ToUpper().Replace("COLUMN", "")) < 0)
                            bolPass = false;
                        bolPass = false;

                    for (int j = 0; j < lstCells.Count; j++)
                        if (base.GetParameter("ColumnName").ToUpper().Equals("COLUMN" + j.ToString()))
                                IWebElement chkElem = lstCells[j].FindElement(By.TagName(base.GetParameter("TagName")));
                                bolPass     = false;
                                actualValue = lstCells[j].GetAttribute("innerHTML") + ",";

                this.PassTest = bolPass;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value Not:" + base.GetParameter("TagName") + "   Actual value:" + actualValue, ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                DataTable dtWeb = new DataTable();

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                List <IWebElement> lstHeader = elem.FindElements(By.TagName("th")).ToList();

                //Treat header like a row
                for (int i = 0; i < lstHeader.Count(); i++)
                    dtWeb.Columns.Add("Column" + i.ToString());

                DataRow drHeader = dtWeb.NewRow();
                for (int i = 0; i < lstHeader.Count(); i++)
                    drHeader[i] = lstHeader[i].Text;

                List <IWebElement> lstRows = elem.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")).ToList();
                for (int i = 1; i < lstRows.Count(); i++) //ignore header, start at row 1
                    DataRow            drWeb    = dtWeb.NewRow();
                    List <IWebElement> lstCells = lstRows[i].FindElements(By.TagName("td")).ToList();
                    for (int j = 0; j < lstCells.Count; j++)
                        if (lstCells[j].Text.Trim().Equals(""))
                            /// TODO
                                drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].FindElement(By.TagName("i")).GetAttribute("class");
                                drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].Text;
                            drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].Text;

                string jsonString = "";

                //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Output.Key) == false)
                //    var json = dtWeb.SerializeToJSon();
                //    this.Output = new KeyValuePair<String, Tuple<Type, String>>(this.Output.Key, new Tuple<Type, String>(typeof(List<Dictionary<String, String>>), json));

                this.PassTest = true;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Output.Key) == false)
                    jsonString = dtWeb.SerializeToJSon();

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest, true, jsonString);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                var      selectElement = new SelectElement(element.FindElement(by));
                string[] targetValue   = base.GetParameter("Value").Split(',');
                string[] sourceValue   = selectElement.Options.Select(p => p.Text).ToArray();

                string actualValue = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < sourceValue.Length; i++)
                    actualValue = actualValue + sourceValue[i] + ",";
                if (actualValue.Length > 0)
                    actualValue = actualValue.Substring(0, actualValue.Length - 1);

                //if (targetValue.SequenceEqual(selectElement.Options.Select(p => p.Text).ToArray()))
                if (targetValue.SequenceEqual(sourceValue))
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:" + base.GetParameter("Value") + "   Actual value:" + actualValue, ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                var           element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                //find tooltip
                if (base.GetParameter("Value").Equals(container.Driver.FindElement(by).GetAttribute("data-original-title").Trim()))
                    WebDriverWait wait2    = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                    var           element2 = wait2.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div[contains(@class,'tooltip')]")));

                    if (IsElementPresent(By.XPath("//div[contains(@class,'tooltip')]"), container))
                        /// TODO: Pass
                        this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:" + base.GetParameter("Value") + "   Actual value:" + container.Driver.FindElement(by).GetAttribute("data-original-title").Trim(), ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                DataTable dtWeb = new DataTable();

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                List <IWebElement> lstHeader = elem.FindElements(By.TagName("th")).ToList();

                //Treat header like a row
                for (int i = 0; i < lstHeader.Count(); i++)
                    dtWeb.Columns.Add("Column" + i.ToString());

                DataRow drHeader = dtWeb.NewRow();
                for (int i = 0; i < lstHeader.Count(); i++)
                    drHeader[i] = lstHeader[i].Text;

                List <IWebElement> lstRows = elem.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")).ToList();
                for (int i = 1; i < lstRows.Count(); i++) //ignore header, start at row 1
                    DataRow            drWeb    = dtWeb.NewRow();
                    List <IWebElement> lstCells = lstRows[i].FindElements(By.TagName("td")).ToList();
                    for (int j = 0; j < lstCells.Count; j++)
                        if (lstCells[j].Text.Trim().Equals(""))
                            /// TODO
                                drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].FindElement(By.TagName("i")).GetAttribute("class");
                                drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].Text;
                            drWeb[j] = lstCells[j].Text;

                List <string> lstSource = new List <string>();
                List <string> lstTarget = new List <string>();

                for (int i = 1; i < dtWeb.Rows.Count; i++)

                string strActual = "";
                if (base.GetParameter("SortBy").ToUpper().Equals("ASC"))
                    lstTarget = lstTarget.OrderBy(p => p).ToList();
                    strActual = "DESC";
                    lstTarget = lstTarget.OrderByDescending(p => p).ToList();
                    strActual = "ASC";

                if (lstTarget.SequenceEqual(lstSource))
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:" + base.GetParameter("SortBy").ToUpper() + "   Actual value:" + strActual, ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                IWebElement element = container.Driver.FindElement(by);

                //edit: all the way. 38 rows of 45-49
                OpenQA.Selenium.IJavaScriptExecutor js = (OpenQA.Selenium.IJavaScriptExecutor)container.Driver;

                if (base.GetParameter("Value").Equals(element.GetAttribute("Value").Trim()))
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;
                else if (base.GetParameter("Value").Equals(js.ExecuteScript("return $('#" + invokeParameter.ToString() + "').val()").ToString().Trim()))
                    /// TODO: Pass
                    this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                    Logging.SaveLog("CommandId:" + this.Id + "=>Expecte value:" + base.GetParameter("Value") + "   Actual value:" + js.ExecuteScript("return $('#" + invokeParameter.ToString() + "').val()").ToString().Trim(), ELogType.Info);
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot start
                throw ex;
                //add by zhuqianqian ScreenShot end
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void Run(TestContainer container)
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand start
                if (!base.IsCommandContinue(container))
                    this.PassTest = true;
                    this.SkipTest = true;
                //* add for IsExecuteCommand end

                //Calendar locator
                string invokeMethodName;
                string invokeParameter;

                UICommandHelper cmdHelp = new UICommandHelper();
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("Target"), out invokeMethodName, out invokeParameter);

                By by = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeParameter }) as By;

                WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(container.Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container._commandTimeout));
                IWebElement   elem = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));

                //Next Month Locator
                string invokeNextMonthMethodName;
                string invokeNextMonthParameter;
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("NextMonthLocator"), out invokeNextMonthMethodName, out invokeNextMonthParameter);
                By          byOfNextMonth = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokeNextMonthMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokeNextMonthParameter }) as By;
                IWebElement elemNextMonth = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(byOfNextMonth));

                //Previous Month Locator
                string invokePreMonthMethodName;
                string invokePreMonthParameter;
                cmdHelp.ExtractMethodName(base.GetParameter("PreMonthLocator"), out invokePreMonthMethodName, out invokePreMonthParameter);
                By          byOfPreMonth = typeof(By).GetMethod(invokePreMonthMethodName).Invoke(null, new[] { invokePreMonthParameter }) as By;
                IWebElement elemPreMonth = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(byOfPreMonth));

                DateTime dtSelectDate = DateTime.ParseExact(base.GetParameter("Date"), "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
                int      yearDiff     = dtSelectDate.Year - DateTime.UtcNow.Year;
                int      monthDiff    = dtSelectDate.Month - DateTime.UtcNow.Month;
                int      dayDiff      = dtSelectDate.Day - DateTime.UtcNow.Day;
                int      selectDay    = dtSelectDate.Day;

                bool isFuture        = true;
                int  clickMonthTimes = 0;

                int totalDiffMonth = yearDiff * 12 + monthDiff;
                if (totalDiffMonth > 0)
                    clickMonthTimes = totalDiffMonth;
                else if (totalDiffMonth == 0)
                    clickMonthTimes = 0;
                    if (dayDiff <= 0)
                        isFuture = false;
                    clickMonthTimes = -(totalDiffMonth);
                    isFuture        = false;

                if (isFuture)
                    //IWebElement elemNextMonth = elem.FindElement(By.XPath("thead/tr[1]/th[3]"));
                    for (int i = 0; i < clickMonthTimes; i++)
                    //IWebElement elemPreviousMonth = elem.FindElement(By.XPath("thead/tr[1]/th[1]"));
                    for (int i = 0; i < clickMonthTimes; i++)

                //Select Day
                bool isFindFirstDay        = false;
                bool isFindoutAndClick     = false;
                List <IWebElement> lstRows = elem.FindElement(By.TagName("tbody")).FindElements(By.TagName("tr")).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < lstRows.Count(); i++)
                    List <IWebElement> lstCells = lstRows[i].FindElements(By.TagName("td")).ToList();
                    for (int j = 0; j < lstCells.Count; j++)
                        if (lstCells[j].Text.Trim().Equals("1"))
                            isFindFirstDay = true;
                        if (isFindFirstDay && lstCells[j].Text.Trim().Equals(selectDay.ToString()))
                            isFindoutAndClick = true;
                    if (isFindoutAndClick)

                this.PassTest = true;

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.Output = base.GetOutPut(this.Output.Key, this.Output, this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail start
                this.PassTest = GetTestPassExpected(this.PassTest);
                //* add for output and IsExpectedFail end

                //*add for ScreenShot start
                if (!this.PassTest)
                //*add for ScreenShot end
            catch (Exception ex)
                //*add for ScreenShot start
                //*add for ScreenShot end
                throw ex;