Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void Prepare(AssetCompilerContext context, AssetItem assetItem, string targetUrlInStorage, AssetCompilerResult result)
            var   asset             = (SpriteFontAsset)assetItem.Asset;
            UFile assetAbsolutePath = assetItem.FullPath;
            var   colorSpace        = context.GetColorSpace();

            var fontTypeSdf = asset.FontType as SignedDistanceFieldSpriteFontType;

            if (fontTypeSdf != null)
                // copy the asset and transform the source and character set file path to absolute paths
                var assetClone     = AssetCloner.Clone(asset);
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                assetClone.FontSource    = asset.FontSource;
                fontTypeSdf.CharacterSet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontTypeSdf.CharacterSet) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, fontTypeSdf.CharacterSet) : null;

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(assetItem);
                result.BuildSteps.Add(new SignedDistanceFieldFontCommand(targetUrlInStorage, assetClone, assetItem.Package));
            if (asset.FontType is RuntimeRasterizedSpriteFontType)
                UFile fontPathOnDisk = asset.FontSource.GetFontPath(result);
                if (fontPathOnDisk == null)
                    result.Error($"Runtime rasterized font compilation failed. Font {asset.FontSource.GetFontName()} was not found on this machine.");
                    result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(assetItem);
                    result.BuildSteps.Add(new FailedFontCommand());

                var fontImportLocation = FontHelper.GetFontPath(asset.FontSource.GetFontName(), asset.FontSource.Style);

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(assetItem);
                result.BuildSteps.Add(new ImportStreamCommand {
                    SourcePath = fontPathOnDisk, Location = fontImportLocation
                result.BuildSteps.Add(new RuntimeRasterizedFontCommand(targetUrlInStorage, asset, assetItem.Package));
                var fontTypeStatic = asset.FontType as OfflineRasterizedSpriteFontType;
                if (fontTypeStatic == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to compile a non-offline rasterized sprite font with the compiler for offline resterized fonts!");

                // copy the asset and transform the source and character set file path to absolute paths
                var assetClone     = AssetCloner.Clone(asset);
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                assetClone.FontSource       = asset.FontSource;
                fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet): null;

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(assetItem);
                result.BuildSteps.Add(new OfflineRasterizedFontCommand(targetUrlInStorage, assetClone, colorSpace, assetItem.Package)
                    InputFilesGetter = () => GetInputFiles(assetItem)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, SpriteFontAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            var colorSpace = context.GetColorSpace();

            if (asset.FontType is SignedDistanceFieldSpriteFontType)
                var fontTypeSDF = asset.FontType as SignedDistanceFieldSpriteFontType;

                // copy the asset and transform the source and character set file path to absolute paths
                var assetClone     = (SpriteFontAsset)AssetCloner.Clone(asset);
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                assetClone.FontSource    = asset.FontSource;
                fontTypeSDF.CharacterSet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontTypeSDF.CharacterSet) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, fontTypeSDF.CharacterSet) : null;

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new SignedDistanceFieldFontCommand(urlInStorage, assetClone)
            if (asset.FontType is RuntimeRasterizedSpriteFontType)
                UFile fontPathOnDisk;

                fontPathOnDisk = asset.FontSource.GetFontPath();

                var fontImportLocation = FontHelper.GetFontPath(asset.FontSource.GetFontName(), asset.FontSource.Style);

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new ImportStreamCommand {
                        SourcePath = fontPathOnDisk, Location = fontImportLocation
                    new RuntimeRasterizedFontCommand(urlInStorage, asset)
                var fontTypeStatic = asset.FontType as OfflineRasterizedSpriteFontType;
                if (fontTypeStatic == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to compile a dynamic sprite font with compiler for signed distance field fonts");

                // copy the asset and transform the source and character set file path to absolute paths
                var assetClone     = (SpriteFontAsset)AssetCloner.Clone(asset);
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                assetClone.FontSource       = asset.FontSource;
                fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, fontTypeStatic.CharacterSet): null;

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new OfflineRasterizedFontCommand(urlInStorage, assetClone, colorSpace)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, SpriteFontAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            var colorSpace = context.GetColorSpace();

            if (asset.IsDynamic)
                UFile fontPathOnDisk;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Source))
                    var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                    fontPathOnDisk = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);
                    if (!File.Exists(fontPathOnDisk))
                        result.Error("The font source '{0}' does not exist on the PC.", asset.FontName);
                    // set the source filename as font name instead of the font family.
                    asset.FontName = fontPathOnDisk.GetFileName();
                    fontPathOnDisk = GetFontPath(asset, result);
                    if (fontPathOnDisk == null)
                        result.Error("The font named '{0}' could not be located on the PC.", asset.FontName);
                var fontImportLocation = FontHelper.GetFontPath(asset.FontName, asset.Style);

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new ImportStreamCommand {
                        SourcePath = fontPathOnDisk, Location = fontImportLocation
                    new DynamicFontCommand(urlInStorage, asset)
                // copy the asset and transform the source and character set file path to absolute paths
                var assetClone     = (SpriteFontAsset)AssetCloner.Clone(asset);
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                assetClone.Source       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Source) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source): null;
                assetClone.CharacterSet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.CharacterSet) ? UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.CharacterSet): null;

                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new StaticFontCommand(urlInStorage, assetClone, colorSpace)
Ejemplo n.º 4
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public override Task <ResultStatus> Execute(IExecuteContext executeContext, BuilderContext builderContext)
                var steps = new List <BuildStep>();

                var urlRoot = originalSourcePath.GetParent();

                var fileStream = new FileStream(originalSourcePath.ToWindowsPath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                using (var recordedEffectCompile = new EffectLogStore(fileStream))

                    foreach (var entry in recordedEffectCompile.GetValues())
                        var effectCompileRequest = entry.Key;

                        var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters();
                        compilerParameters.Platform = context.GetGraphicsPlatform();
                        compilerParameters.Profile  = context.GetGameSettingsAsset().DefaultGraphicsProfile;
                        steps.Add(new CommandBuildStep(new EffectCompileCommand(context, urlRoot, effectCompileRequest.EffectName, compilerParameters, package)));

                Steps = steps;

                return(base.Execute(executeContext, builderContext));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, SpriteSheetAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem);

            // create the registry containing the sprite assets texture index association
            var imageToTextureIndex = new Dictionary <SpriteInfo, int>();

            // create and add import texture commands
            if (asset.Sprites != null)
                var gameSettingsAsset = context.GetGameSettingsAsset();

                // sort sprites by referenced texture.
                var spriteByTextures = asset.Sprites.GroupBy(x => x.Source).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < spriteByTextures.Length; i++)
                    // skip the texture if the file is not valid.
                    var textureFile = spriteByTextures[i].Key;
                    if (!TextureFileIsValid(textureFile))

                    var spriteAssetArray = spriteByTextures[i].ToArray();
                    foreach (var spriteAsset in spriteAssetArray)
                        imageToTextureIndex[spriteAsset] = i;

                    // create an texture asset.
                    var textureAsset = new TextureAsset
                        Id               = Guid.Empty, // CAUTION: It is important to use an empty GUID here, as we don't want the command to be rebuilt (by default, a new asset is creating a new guid)
                        Alpha            = asset.Alpha,
                        Format           = asset.Format,
                        GenerateMipmaps  = asset.GenerateMipmaps,
                        PremultiplyAlpha = asset.PremultiplyAlpha,
                        ColorKeyColor    = asset.ColorKeyColor,
                        ColorKeyEnabled  = asset.ColorKeyEnabled,

                    // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
                    var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                    var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, spriteAssetArray[0].Source);

                    // add the texture build command.
                        new TextureAssetCompiler.TextureConvertCommand(
                            SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureUrl(urlInStorage, i),
                            new TextureConvertParameters(assetSource, textureAsset, context.Platform, context.GetGraphicsPlatform(), gameSettingsAsset.DefaultGraphicsProfile, gameSettingsAsset.TextureQuality)));

                result.BuildSteps.Add(new WaitBuildStep()); // wait the textures to be imported

            if (!result.HasErrors)
                result.BuildSteps.Add(new SpriteSheetCommand(urlInStorage, new SpriteSheetParameters(asset, context.Platform), imageToTextureIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestGetParent()
            var dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"E:\a\b");

            var dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"/a/b");

            dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            // Test on file
            var filePath1 = new UFile(@"/a/b.txt");

            dirPathParent1 = filePath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, TGroupAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            result.BuildSteps = new ListBuildStep();

            // Evaluate if we need to use a separate the alpha texture
            SeparateAlphaTexture = TextureCommandHelper.ShouldSeparateAlpha(asset.Alpha, asset.Format, context.Platform, context.GetGraphicsProfile());

            // create the registry containing the sprite assets texture index association
            SpriteToTextureIndex = new Dictionary <TImageInfo, int>();

            // create and add import texture commands
            if (asset.Images != null)
                // return compilation error if one or more of the sprite does not have a valid texture
                var noSourceAsset = asset.Images.FirstOrDefault(x => !TextureFileIsValid(x.Source));
                if (noSourceAsset != null)
                    result.Error("The texture of image '{0}' either does not exist or is invalid", noSourceAsset.Name);

                // sort sprites by referenced texture.
                var spriteByTextures = asset.Images.GroupBy(x => x.Source).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < spriteByTextures.Length; i++)
                    var spriteAssetArray = spriteByTextures[i].ToArray();
                    foreach (var spriteAsset in spriteAssetArray)
                        SpriteToTextureIndex[spriteAsset] = i;

                    // create an texture asset.
                    var textureAsset = new TextureAsset
                        Id               = Guid.Empty, // CAUTION: It is important to use an empty GUID here, as we don't want the command to be rebuilt (by default, a new asset is creating a new guid)
                        Alpha            = asset.Alpha,
                        Format           = asset.Format,
                        GenerateMipmaps  = asset.GenerateMipmaps,
                        PremultiplyAlpha = asset.PremultiplyAlpha,
                        ColorKeyColor    = asset.ColorKeyColor,
                        ColorKeyEnabled  = asset.ColorKeyEnabled,

                    // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
                    var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                    var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, spriteAssetArray[0].Source);

                    // add the texture build command.
                        new TextureAssetCompiler.TextureConvertCommand(
                            ImageGroupAsset.BuildTextureUrl(urlInStorage, i),
                            new TextureConvertParameters(assetSource, textureAsset, context.Platform, context.GetGraphicsPlatform(), context.GetGraphicsProfile(), context.GetTextureQuality(), SeparateAlphaTexture)));

                result.BuildSteps.Add(new WaitBuildStep()); // wait the textures to be imported
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, ModelAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (!EnsureSourceExists(result, asset, assetAbsolutePath))

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            var gameSettingsAsset         = context.GetGameSettingsAsset();
            var allow32BitIndex           = gameSettingsAsset.DefaultGraphicsProfile >= GraphicsProfile.Level_9_2;
            var allowUnsignedBlendIndices = context.GetGraphicsPlatform() != GraphicsPlatform.OpenGLES;
            var extension = asset.Source.GetFileExtension();

            if (ImportFbxCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new ImportFbxCommand
                        SourcePath                = assetSource,
                        Location                  = urlInStorage,
                        Allow32BitIndex           = allow32BitIndex,
                        AllowUnsignedBlendIndices = allowUnsignedBlendIndices,
                        Compact        = asset.Compact,
                        PreservedNodes = asset.PreservedNodes,
                        Materials      = asset.Materials,
                        ScaleImport    = asset.ScaleImport,
            else if (ImportAssimpCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
                    new ImportAssimpCommand
                        SourcePath                = assetSource,
                        Location                  = urlInStorage,
                        Allow32BitIndex           = allow32BitIndex,
                        AllowUnsignedBlendIndices = allowUnsignedBlendIndices,
                        Compact        = asset.Compact,
                        PreservedNodes = asset.PreservedNodes,
                        Materials      = asset.Materials,
                        ScaleImport    = asset.ScaleImport,
                result.Error("No importer found for model extension '{0}. The model '{1}' can't be imported.", extension, assetSource);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the absolute path on the disk of an <see cref="UFile"/> that is relative to the asset location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetAbsolutePath">The absolute path of the asset on the disk.</param>
        /// <param name="relativePath">The path relative to the asset path that must be converted to an absolute path.</param>
        /// <returns>The absolute path on the disk of the <see cref="relativePath"/> argument.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The <see cref="relativePath"/> argument is a null or empty <see cref="UFile"/>.</exception>
        protected static UFile GetAbsolutePath(UFile assetAbsolutePath, UFile relativePath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                throw new ArgumentException("The relativePath argument is null or empty");
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, relativePath);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, SoundAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            result.BuildSteps = new ListBuildStep {
                new ImportStreamCommand
                    DisableCompression = asset is SoundMusicAsset, // Media player need a not compressed file on Android and iOS
                    SourcePath         = assetSource,
                    Location           = urlInStorage,
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestUPathGetParent()
            // First directories
            var dir = new UDirectory("c:/");

            Assert.Equal("c:/", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("c:/a");
            Assert.Equal("c:/", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("c:/a/b");
            Assert.Equal("c:/a", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("/");
            Assert.Equal("/", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("/a");
            Assert.Equal("/", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("/a/b");
            Assert.Equal("/a", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("a");
            Assert.Equal("", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            dir = new UDirectory("a/b");
            Assert.Equal("a", dir.GetParent().FullPath);

            // Now with files.
            var file = new UFile("c:/a.txt");

            Assert.Equal("c:/", file.GetParent().FullPath);

            file = new UFile("c:/a/b.txt");
            Assert.Equal("c:/a", file.GetParent().FullPath);

            file = new UFile("/a.txt");
            Assert.Equal("/", file.GetParent().FullPath);

            file = new UFile("/a/b.txt");
            Assert.Equal("/a", file.GetParent().FullPath);

            file = new UFile("a.txt");
            Assert.Equal("", file.GetParent().FullPath);

            file = new UFile("a/b.txt");
            Assert.Equal("a", file.GetParent().FullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, ModelAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (!EnsureSourcesExist(result, asset, assetAbsolutePath))

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            var gameSettingsAsset         = context.GetGameSettingsAsset();
            var renderingSettings         = gameSettingsAsset.Get <RenderingSettings>();
            var allow32BitIndex           = renderingSettings.DefaultGraphicsProfile >= GraphicsProfile.Level_9_2;
            var allowUnsignedBlendIndices = context.GetGraphicsPlatform(AssetItem.Package) != GraphicsPlatform.OpenGLES;
            var extension = asset.Source.GetFileExtension();

            // Find skeleton asset, if any
            AssetItem skeleton = null;

            if (asset.Skeleton != null)
                skeleton = AssetItem.Package.FindAssetFromAttachedReference(asset.Skeleton);

            var importModelCommand = ImportModelCommand.Create(extension);

            if (importModelCommand == null)
                result.Error("No importer found for model extension '{0}. The model '{1}' can't be imported.", extension, assetSource);

            importModelCommand.Mode                      = ImportModelCommand.ExportMode.Model;
            importModelCommand.SourcePath                = assetSource;
            importModelCommand.Location                  = urlInStorage;
            importModelCommand.Allow32BitIndex           = allow32BitIndex;
            importModelCommand.AllowUnsignedBlendIndices = allowUnsignedBlendIndices;
            importModelCommand.Materials                 = asset.Materials;
            importModelCommand.ScaleImport               = asset.ScaleImport;
            importModelCommand.PivotPosition             = asset.PivotPosition;
            importModelCommand.SkeletonUrl               = skeleton?.Location;

            result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, TextureAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (asset.Source == null)
                result.Error("Source cannot be null for Texture Asset [{0}]", asset);

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            result.BuildSteps = new ListBuildStep {
                new TextureConvertCommand(urlInStorage,
                                          new TextureConvertParameters(assetSource, asset, context.Platform, context.GetGraphicsPlatform(), context.GetGraphicsProfile(), context.GetTextureQuality(), false))
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the source of an <see cref="AssetImport"/> exists. If the given asset is not an <see cref="AssetImport"/>, this method simply returns <c>true</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The <see cref="AssetCompilerResult"/> in which to output log of potential errors.</param>
        /// <param name="assetImport">The asset to check.</param>
        /// <param name="assetAbsolutePath">The absolute path of the asset on the disk</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the source file exists, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Any of the argument is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        protected static bool EnsureSourceExists(AssetCompilerResult result, T assetImport, UFile assetAbsolutePath)
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");
            if (assetImport == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assetImport");
            if (assetAbsolutePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("assetAbsolutePath");

            var asset = assetImport as AssetImport;

            // The asset has no source, so there is no failure
            if (asset == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Source))
                result.Error("Source is null for Asset [{0}]", asset);

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            // Ensure the file exists
            if (!File.Exists(assetSource))
                result.Error("Unable to find the source file '{1}' for Asset [{0}]", asset, assetSource);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the sources of an <see cref="Asset"/> exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The <see cref="AssetCompilerResult"/> in which to output log of potential errors.</param>
        /// <param name="asset">The asset to check.</param>
        /// <param name="assetAbsolutePath">The absolute path of the asset on the disk</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the source file exists, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Any of the argument is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        protected static bool EnsureSourcesExist(AssetCompilerResult result, T asset, UFile assetAbsolutePath)
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(result));
            if (asset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asset));
            if (assetAbsolutePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assetAbsolutePath));

            var collector     = new SourceFilesCollector();
            var sourceMembers = collector.GetSourceMembers(asset);

            foreach (var member in sourceMembers)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.Value))
                    result.Error($"Source is null for Asset [{asset}] in property [{member.Key}]");

                // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
                var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
                var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, member.Value);

                // Ensure the file exists
                if (!File.Exists(assetSource))
                    result.Error($"Unable to find the source file '{assetSource}' for Asset [{asset}]");

Ejemplo n.º 16
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public override Task <ResultStatus> Execute(IExecuteContext executeContext, BuilderContext builderContext)
                var steps = new List <BuildStep>();

                var urlRoot = originalSourcePath.GetParent();

                var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((EffectLogAsset)assetItem.Asset).Text));

                using (var recordedEffectCompile = new EffectLogStore(stream))

                    foreach (var entry in recordedEffectCompile.GetValues())
                        steps.Add(EffectCompileCommand.FromRequest(context, assetItem.Package, urlRoot, entry.Key));

                Steps = steps;

                return(base.Execute(executeContext, builderContext));
Ejemplo n.º 17
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public override Task <ResultStatus> Execute(IExecuteContext executeContext, BuilderContext builderContext)
                var steps = new List <BuildStep>();

                var urlRoot = originalSourcePath.GetParent();

                var fileStream = new FileStream(originalSourcePath.ToWindowsPath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                using (var recordedEffectCompile = new EffectLogStore(fileStream))

                    foreach (var entry in recordedEffectCompile.GetValues())
                        steps.Add(EffectCompileCommand.FromRequest(context, package, urlRoot, entry.Key));

                Steps = steps;

                return(base.Execute(executeContext, builderContext));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, ModelAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (asset.Source == null)
                result.Error("Source cannot be null for Texture Asset [{0}]", asset);

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);

            var allow32BitIndex           = context.GetGraphicsProfile() >= GraphicsProfile.Level_9_2;
            var allowUnsignedBlendIndices = context.GetGraphicsPlatform() != GraphicsPlatform.OpenGLES;
            var extension = asset.Source.GetFileExtension();

            // compute material and lighting configuration dictionaries here because some null reference can occur
            var materials = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <Guid, string> >();
            var lightings = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <Guid, string> >();

            foreach (var meshParam in asset.MeshParameters)
                if (meshParam.Value.Material != null)
                    materials.Add(meshParam.Key, new Tuple <Guid, string>(meshParam.Value.Material.Id, meshParam.Value.Material.Location));

                // Transform AssetReference to Tuple<Guid,UFile> as AssetReference or ContentReference is not serializable (to generate the command hash)
                // TODO: temporary while the LightingParameters is a Member of MeshMaterialParameter class
                // TODO: should be passed directly in the Parameters of the mesh - no extra case is required
                if (meshParam.Value.LightingParameters != null)
                    lightings.Add(meshParam.Key, new Tuple <Guid, string>(meshParam.Value.LightingParameters.Id, meshParam.Value.LightingParameters.Location));

            if (ImportFbxCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                result.BuildSteps = new ListBuildStep
                    new ImportFbxCommand
                        SourcePath                = assetSource,
                        Location                  = urlInStorage,
                        Allow32BitIndex           = allow32BitIndex,
                        AllowUnsignedBlendIndices = allowUnsignedBlendIndices,
                        Compact        = asset.Compact,
                        PreservedNodes = asset.PreservedNodes,
                        Materials      = materials,
                        Lightings      = lightings,    // TODO: remove when lighting parameters will be behind a key
                        Parameters     = asset.MeshParameters.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value.Parameters),
                        ViewDirectionForTransparentZSort = asset.ViewDirectionForTransparentZSort.HasValue ? asset.ViewDirectionForTransparentZSort.Value : -Vector3.UnitZ,
                    new WaitBuildStep(),
            else if (ImportAssimpCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                result.BuildSteps = new ListBuildStep
                    new ImportAssimpCommand
                        SourcePath                = assetSource,
                        Location                  = urlInStorage,
                        Allow32BitIndex           = allow32BitIndex,
                        AllowUnsignedBlendIndices = allowUnsignedBlendIndices,
                        Compact        = asset.Compact,
                        PreservedNodes = asset.PreservedNodes,
                        Materials      = materials,
                        Lightings      = lightings,    // TODO: remove when lighting parameters will be behind a key
                        Parameters     = asset.MeshParameters.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value.Parameters),
                    new WaitBuildStep(),
                result.Error("No importer found for model extension '{0}. The model '{1}' can't be imported.", extension, assetSource);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, AnimationAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (!EnsureSourceExists(result, asset, assetAbsolutePath))

            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = GetAbsolutePath(assetAbsolutePath, asset.Source);
            var extension      = assetSource.GetFileExtension();
            var buildStep      = new AssetBuildStep(AssetItem);

            // Find skeleton asset, if any
            AssetItem skeleton = null;

            if (asset.Skeleton != null)
                skeleton = AssetItem.Package.FindAssetFromAttachedReference(asset.Skeleton);

            var sourceBuildStep = ImportModelCommand.Create(extension);

            if (sourceBuildStep == null)
                result.Error("No importer found for model extension '{0}. The model '{1}' can't be imported.", extension, assetSource);

            sourceBuildStep.Mode                = ImportModelCommand.ExportMode.Animation;
            sourceBuildStep.SourcePath          = assetSource;
            sourceBuildStep.Location            = urlInStorage;
            sourceBuildStep.AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode;
            sourceBuildStep.AnimationRootMotion = asset.RootMotion;
            sourceBuildStep.ScaleImport         = asset.ScaleImport;
            sourceBuildStep.SkeletonUrl         = skeleton?.Location;

            var additiveAnimationAsset = asset as AdditiveAnimationAsset;

            if (additiveAnimationAsset != null)
                var baseUrlInStorage   = urlInStorage + "_animation_base";
                var sourceUrlInStorage = urlInStorage + "_animation_source";

                var baseAssetSource = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, additiveAnimationAsset.BaseSource);
                var baseExtension   = baseAssetSource.GetFileExtension();

                sourceBuildStep.Location = sourceUrlInStorage;

                var baseBuildStep = ImportModelCommand.Create(extension);
                if (baseBuildStep == null)
                    result.Error("No importer found for model extension '{0}. The model '{1}' can't be imported.", baseExtension, baseAssetSource);

                baseBuildStep.Mode                = ImportModelCommand.ExportMode.Animation;
                baseBuildStep.SourcePath          = baseAssetSource;
                baseBuildStep.Location            = baseUrlInStorage;
                baseBuildStep.AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode;
                baseBuildStep.AnimationRootMotion = asset.RootMotion;
                baseBuildStep.ScaleImport         = asset.ScaleImport;
                baseBuildStep.SkeletonUrl         = skeleton?.Location;

                // Import base and main animation

                // Wait for both import fbx commands to be completed
                buildStep.Add(new WaitBuildStep());

                // Generate the diff of those two animations
                buildStep.Add(new AdditiveAnimationCommand(urlInStorage, new AdditiveAnimationParameters(baseUrlInStorage, sourceUrlInStorage, additiveAnimationAsset.Mode)));
                // Import the main animation

            result.BuildSteps = buildStep;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void TestGetParent()
            var dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"E:\a\b");

            var dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"/a/b");

            dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            // Test on file
            var filePath1 = new UFile(@"/a/b.txt");

            dirPathParent1 = filePath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected override void Compile(AssetCompilerContext context, string urlInStorage, UFile assetAbsolutePath, AnimationAsset asset, AssetCompilerResult result)
            // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
            var assetDirectory = assetAbsolutePath.GetParent();
            var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, asset.Source);
            var extension      = assetSource.GetFileExtension();
            var buildStep      = new ListBuildStep();

            var additiveAnimationAsset = asset as AdditiveAnimationAsset;

            if (additiveAnimationAsset != null)
                var baseUrlInStorage   = urlInStorage + "_animation_base";
                var sourceUrlInStorage = urlInStorage + "_animation_source";

                var baseAssetSource = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, additiveAnimationAsset.BaseSource);

                // Import base and main animation
                if (ImportFbxCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportFbxCommand {
                        SourcePath = assetSource, Location = sourceUrlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportFbxCommand {
                        SourcePath = baseAssetSource, Location = baseUrlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode
                else if (ImportAssimpCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportAssimpCommand {
                        SourcePath = assetSource, Location = sourceUrlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportAssimpCommand {
                        SourcePath = baseAssetSource, Location = baseUrlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode
                // Wait for both import fbx commands to be completed
                buildStep.Add(new WaitBuildStep());

                // Generate the diff of those two animations
                buildStep.Add(new AdditiveAnimationCommand(urlInStorage, new AdditiveAnimationParameters(baseUrlInStorage, sourceUrlInStorage, additiveAnimationAsset.Mode)));
                // Import the main animation
                if (ImportFbxCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportFbxCommand {
                        SourcePath = assetSource, Location = urlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode
                else if (ImportAssimpCommand.IsSupportingExtensions(extension))
                    buildStep.Add(new ImportAssimpCommand {
                        SourcePath = assetSource, Location = urlInStorage, ExportType = "animation", AnimationRepeatMode = asset.RepeatMode

            result.BuildSteps = buildStep;