Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                gridView1.FocusedRowHandle -= 1;
                gridView1.FocusedRowHandle += 1;
            catch { }

            string sErr = "";

            int iCount = 0;

                string sProcess = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(0, gridColProcess).ToString().Trim();

                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Conn);
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    string   sSQL     = "select getdate()";
                    DateTime dNow     = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
                    DateTime dNowDate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

                    int    iYear   = dNow.Year;
                    int    iPeriod = dNow.Month;
                    string s期间     = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(iYear.ToString() + "-" + iPeriod.ToString() + "-01").ToString("yyyyMM");
                    sSQL = "select isnull(bflag_ST,0) as bflag from GL_mend where iYPeriod = '" + s期间 + "'";
                    DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                    if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Access module state failure");
                    int i结账 = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dt.Rows[0]["bflag"]);
                    if (i结账 > 0)
                        throw new Exception(dNow.ToString("yyyy-MM") + " have checked out");

                    #region 必须销售类型是“WP”,状态非关闭。 回写销售订单数量,并新增其它出库单(数量增加红字出库单,数量减少蓝字出库单)

                    for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++)
                        long   lSOsID   = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColiSOsID));
                        string sBarCode = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColLotNO).ToString().Trim();

                        decimal dLotQTY   = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColLOTQTY));
                        decimal dOrderQTY = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColcbdefine4));

                        string siSOsID = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColiSOsID).ToString().Trim();

                        sSQL = @"
select LOTQTY from [dbo].[_BarCodeLabel] where Barcode = '{0}' and iSOsID =  {1}
                        sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, sBarCode, lSOsID);
                        DataTable dtBarCodeLabel = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        if (dLotQTY == BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCodeLabel.Rows[0]["LOTQTY"]))

                        decimal dQTYtc = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtBarCodeLabel.Rows[0]["LOTQTY"]) - dLotQTY;

                        if (dLotQTY > dOrderQTY)
                            sErr = sErr + "Row " + (i + 1).ToString() + " lotqty is err\n";

                        if (gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColLOTQTY).ToString().Trim() == "")
                            sErr = sErr + "Row " + (i + 1).ToString() + " lotqty is err\n";

                        if (BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColLOTQTY).ToString().Trim()) == 0)
                            sErr = sErr + "Row " + (i + 1).ToString() + " lotqty is 0 err\n";

                        sSQL = @"update [_BarCodeLabel] set [Status] = '调整', orderqty = aaaaaa, LOTQTY = aaaaaa where BarCode = 'bbbbbb' and iSOsID = " + gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColiSOsID).ToString().Trim();
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dLotQTY.ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", sBarCode);
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        Model.BarStatus model = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.Model.BarStatus();
                        model.BarCode     = sBarCode;
                        model.iSOsID      = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColiSOsID));
                        model.Type        = "调整";
                        model.RoutingFrom = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColProcess).ToString().Trim();
                        model.RoutingTo   = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColProcess).ToString().Trim();
                        model.UpdateTime  = dNow;
                        model.QTY         = dLotQTY;
                        model.CreateUid   = sUserID;
                        model.CreateDate  = dNow;
                        DAL.BarStatus dal = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.BarStatus();
                        sSQL    = dal.Add(model);
                        iCount += DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
declare @iID int 
select @iID = max(iID)
from _BarStatus
where [BarCode] = '{0}' and iSOsID = '{1}'
    and iID < (
        select max(iID) as maxID
        from _BarStatus
        where [BarCode] = '{0}' and iSOsID = '{1}'

update _BarStatus set EndTime = '{2}' where iID = @iID and [BarCode] = '{0}' and iSOsID = '{1}'
                        sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, model.BarCode, model.iSOsID, dNow);
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"update SO_SODetails set iQuantity = aaaaaa where iSOsID =  bbbbbb";
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dLotQTY.ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", lSOsID.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
update SO_SODetails set iMoney = iQuantity * iUnitPrice,iSum = iTaxUnitPrice * iQuantity,iTax = iTaxUnitPrice * iQuantity - iQuantity * iUnitPrice
    ,iNatMoney = iNatUnitPrice * iQuantity , iNatSum = iNatMoney * (1 + iTaxRate / 100),iNatTax = iNatMoney * (1 + iTaxRate / 100) - iNatUnitPrice * iQuantity
where iSOsID =  bbbbbb
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", lSOsID.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        #region  步生成其它出库单

                        sSQL = @"
select * 
from SO_SOMain a inner join SO_SODetails b on a.ID = b.ID
    left join _SystemSet c on a.cSTCode = c.cSTCode
    inner join Inventory d on b.cInvCode = d.cInvCode
where b.iSOsID = aaaaaa
order by b.autoid
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lSOsID.ToString().Trim());
                        DataTable dtSOMain = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        if (dtSOMain == null || dtSOMain.Rows.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("Sale Order not exists err");

                        string sCTCode = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cSTCode"].ToString().Trim();

                        //DateTime dDate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["dDate"]);
                        DateTime dDate = DateTime.Today;
                        sSQL = "select isnull(bflag_ST,0) as bflag from GL_mend where iYPeriod = '" + dDate.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'";
                        dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
                        if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("Access module state failure");
                        int i结账RD = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dt.Rows[0]["bflag"]);
                        if (i结账RD > 0)
                            throw new Exception(dDate.ToString("yyyy-MM") + " have checked out");

                        sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory with (ROWLOCK) Where cSeed = 'aaaaaa' AND cContentRule = 'YYYY' AND CardNumber = '0302' ORDER BY cNumber DESC";
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dDate.ToString("yyyy"));
                        dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        long lCodeRD = 0;
                        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            lCodeRD = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                            lCodeRD = 0;

                        long lIDRD        = -1;
                        long lIDRDDetails = -1;
                        sSQL = @"
declare @p5 int
set @p5=aaaaaa
declare @p6 int
set @p6=bbbbbb
exec sp_GetId N'00',N'dddddd',N'rd',cccccc,@p5 output,@p6 output,default
select @p5, @p6
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lIDRD.ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", lIDRDDetails.ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("cccccc", 1.ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("dddddd", sAccID);
                        dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

                        lIDRD        = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) - 1;
                        lIDRDDetails = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0][1]) - 1;

                        //ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();

                        Model.RdRecord09 modelRD = new Model.RdRecord09();
                        lIDRD     += 1;
                        modelRD.ID = lIDRD;

                        modelRD.bRdFlag    = 0;
                        modelRD.cVouchType = "09";
                        modelRD.cBusType   = "其他出库";
                        modelRD.cSource    = "库存";
                        //modelRD.cBusCode =

                        modelRD.cWhCode = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cWhCode"].ToString().Trim();        //需要仓库默认值
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cWhCode"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                            throw new Exception("Please set default warehouse");

                        modelRD.dDate = dDate;        //需要默认值

                        lCodeRD += 1;
                        string sCodeRD = lCodeRD.ToString();
                        while (sCodeRD.Length < 6)
                            sCodeRD = "0" + sCodeRD;
                        modelRD.cCode   = "MR" + dNow.ToString("yyyy") + sCodeRD;
                        modelRD.cRdCode = "AD";      //需要默认值
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cRdCode"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                            throw new Exception("Please set RdCode");
                        //modelRD.cDepCode = ""
                        modelRD.cHandler = sUserName;
                        modelRD.bTransFlag = false;
                        modelRD.cMaker   = sUserName;
                        modelRD.cDefine1 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine1"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine2 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine2"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine3 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine3"].ToString();

                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine4"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine4 = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine4"]);
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine5"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine5 = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine5"]);
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine6"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine6 = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine6"]);
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine7"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine7 = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine7"]);
                        modelRD.cDefine8  = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine8"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine9  = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine9"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine10 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine10"].ToString();
                        modelRD.dVeriDate = dDate;
                        modelRD.bpufirst  = false;
                        modelRD.biafirst  = false;
                        modelRD.VT_ID     = 85;
                        modelRD.bIsSTQc   = false;
                        modelRD.cDefine11 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine11"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine12 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine12"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine13 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine13"].ToString();
                        modelRD.cDefine14 = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine14"].ToString();

                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine15"].ToString() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine15 = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine15"]);
                        if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine16"].ToString() != "")
                            modelRD.cDefine16 = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cDefine16"]);
                        modelRD.bOMFirst         = false;
                        modelRD.bFromPreYear     = false;
                        modelRD.bIsLsQuery       = false;
                        modelRD.bIsComplement    = 0;
                        modelRD.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
                        modelRD.ireturncount     = 0;
                        modelRD.iverifystate     = 0;
                        modelRD.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
                        modelRD.dnverifytime = dNow;
                        modelRD.bredvouch    = 0;
                        modelRD.iPrintCount = 0;
                        DAL.RdRecord09 dalRD = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.RdRecord09();
                        sSQL = dalRD.Add(modelRD);
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        lIDRDDetails += 1;

                        Model.rdrecords09 modelsRD = new Model.rdrecords09();
                        modelsRD.AutoID = lIDRDDetails;

                        modelsRD.ID       = modelRD.ID;
                        modelsRD.cInvCode = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();

                        //if (dtSOMain.Rows[0]["iNum"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                        //    modelsRD.iNum = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtSOMain.Rows[0]["iNum"]);
                        modelsRD.iQuantity = dQTYtc;

                        modelsRD.cBatch = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridColcBatch).ToString().Trim();

                        modelsRD.iFlag = 0;
                        modelsRD.bLPUseFree = false;
                        modelsRD.bCosting = true;
                        modelsRD.bVMIUsed = false;
                        modelsRD.iExpiratDateCalcu = 0;
                        modelsRD.iordertype = 0;
                        modelsRD.isotype = 0;
                        modelsRD.csocode = dtSOMain.Rows[0]["cSOCode"].ToString().Trim();
                        modelsRD.irowno = 1;

                        DAL.rdrecords09 dalsRD = new DAL.rdrecords09();
                        sSQL   = dalsRD.Add(modelsRD);
                        iCount = iCount + DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
if exists
    (select * from  CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode'
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
    update  CurrentStock set iQuantity = isnull(iQuantity,0) + @iQuantity  
    where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode' 
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
        declare @itemid varchar(20); 
        declare @iCount int;  
        select @iCount=count(itemid) from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
        if( @iCount > 0 )
	        select @itemid=itemid from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
            select @itemid=max(itemid+1) from CurrentStock  
            insert into CurrentStock(cWhCode,cInvCode,iQuantity,itemid, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10,cBatch,iSoDid)
            values('@cWhCode','@cInvCode', @iQuantity,@itemid, @cFree1, @cFree2, @cFree3, @cFree4, @cFree5, @cFree6, @cFree7, @cFree8, @cFree9, @cFree10,@cBatch,'') 
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cInvCode", modelsRD.cInvCode);
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cWhCode", modelRD.cWhCode);
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iQuantity", (-1 * modelsRD.iQuantity).ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iNum", (-1 * modelsRD.iNum).ToString());
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree10", modelsRD.cFree10 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree10 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree1", modelsRD.cFree1 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree1 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree2", modelsRD.cFree2 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree2 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree3", modelsRD.cFree3 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree3 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree4", modelsRD.cFree4 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree4 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree5", modelsRD.cFree5 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree5 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree6", modelsRD.cFree6 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree6 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree7", modelsRD.cFree7 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree7 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree8", modelsRD.cFree8 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree8 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree9", modelsRD.cFree9 == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cFree9 + "'");
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cBatch", modelsRD.cBatch == null ? "''" : "'" + modelsRD.cBatch + "'");
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForStock N'09',N'aaaaaa',1,0 ,1
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lIDRD.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForTrackStock N'09',N'aaaaaa', 0 ,1
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lIDRD.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
exec IA_SP_WriteUnAccountVouchForST 'aaaaaa',N'09'
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lIDRD.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        if (lIDRD > 1000000000)
                            lIDRD = lIDRD - 1000000000;
                        if (lIDRDDetails > 1000000000)
                            lIDRDDetails = lIDRDDetails - 1000000000;
                        sSQL = "update UFSystem..UA_Identity set iFatherId = " + lIDRD.ToString() + ",iChildId = " + lIDRDDetails + " where cAcc_Id = '" + sAccID + "' and cVouchType = 'rd'";
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                        sSQL = @"
if exists(select * from VoucherHistory where CardNumber = '0302' and cSeed = 'aaaaaa' AND cContentRule = 'YYYY')
	update VoucherHistory set cNumber = bbbbbb  where CardNumber = '0302' and cSeed = 'aaaaaa' AND cContentRule = 'YYYY'
	insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dDate.ToString("yyyy"));
                        sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", lCodeRD.ToString());
                        DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);



                    if (sErr.Length > 0)
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    if (iCount > 0)



                        gridControl1.DataSource = DbHelperSQL.Query(sSQLBar);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    throw new Exception(ee.Message);
            catch (Exception ee)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int TransVouch_Audit_U8V111(SqlTransaction tran, string sCode, string sAccID, string sUserName)
            string sErr = "";
            int    iCou = 0;

            string   sSQL     = "select getdate()";
            DateTime dNow     = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
            DateTime dNowDate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            sSQL = @"
FROM dbo.TransVouch a INNER JOIN dbo.TransVouchs b ON a.ID = b.ID
WHERE a.cTVCode = 'aaaaaaaa'
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaaaa", sCode);
            DataTable dtTr = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

            if (dtTr == null || dtTr.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Audit err");

            DateTime dtmCode = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(dtTr.Rows[0]["dVerifyDate"]);

            sSQL = @"UPDATE TransVouch SET cVerifyPerson = 'aaaaaa',dVerifyDate = 'bbbbbb',dnverifytime = 'cccccc' WHERE cTVCode = 'dddddd'";
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", sUserName);
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", dNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("cccccc", dNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("dddddd", sCode);
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            long lID        = -1;
            long lIDDetails = -1;

            sSQL = @"
declare @p5 int
set @p5=aaaaaa
declare @p6 int
set @p6=bbbbbb
exec sp_GetId N'00',N'dddddd',N'rd',1,@p5 output,@p6 output,default
select @p5, @p6
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", lIDDetails.ToString());
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("dddddd", sAccID);
            DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];

            lID        = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) - 1;
            lIDDetails = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0][1]) - 1;

            #region 其他入库单

            sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory with (ROWLOCK) WHERE (CardNumber = '0301') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'aaaaaa') ORDER BY cNumber DESC";
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dtmCode.ToString("yyyy"));
            dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
            long lRd08Code = 0;
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lRd08Code = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                lRd08Code = 0;
            lRd08Code += 1;

            string sRd08Code = lRd08Code.ToString();

            Model.RdRecord08 modRd08 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.Model.RdRecord08();

            lID               += 1;
            modRd08.ID         = lID;
            modRd08.bRdFlag    = 1;
            modRd08.cVouchType = "08";
            modRd08.cBusType   = "调拨入库";
            modRd08.cSource    = "调拨";
            modRd08.cBusCode   = sCode;
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cIWhCode"].ToString().Trim().ToString().Trim() == "")
                throw new Exception("请设置转入仓库");
            modRd08.cWhCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cIWhCode"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd08.dDate   = dNowDate;

            string sCodeRD = lRd08Code.ToString();
            while (sCodeRD.Length < 6)
                sCodeRD = "0" + sCodeRD;
            modRd08.cCode = "MI" + dNowDate.Year.ToString() + sCodeRD;

            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cIRdCode"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                throw new Exception("请设置入库类别");
            modRd08.cRdCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cIRdCode"].ToString().Trim();
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cIDepCode"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                modRd08.cDepCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cIDepCode"].ToString().Trim();
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cPersonCode"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                modRd08.cPersonCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cPersonCode"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd08.bTransFlag       = false;
            modRd08.cMaker           = dtTr.Rows[0]["cVerifyPerson"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd08.cHandler         = dtTr.Rows[0]["cVerifyPerson"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd08.dVeriDate        = dNowDate;
            modRd08.bpufirst         = false;
            modRd08.biafirst         = false;
            modRd08.VT_ID            = 67;
            modRd08.bIsSTQc          = false;
            modRd08.bOMFirst         = false;
            modRd08.bFromPreYear     = false;
            modRd08.bIsComplement    = 0;
            modRd08.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
            modRd08.ireturncount     = 0;
            modRd08.iverifystate     = 0;
            modRd08.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
            modRd08.dnmaketime       = dNow;
            modRd08.dnverifytime     = dNow;
            modRd08.cSourceLs        = "1";
            modRd08.iPrintCount      = 0;
            modRd08.csysbarcode      = "||st08||" + modRd08.cCode;

            DAL.RdRecord08 dalrd08 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.RdRecord08();
            sSQL  = dalrd08.Add(modRd08);
            iCou += DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            for (int i = 0; i < dtTr.Rows.Count; i++)
                lIDDetails += 1;
                Model.rdrecords08 modRds08 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.Model.rdrecords08();
                modRds08.AutoID   = lIDDetails;
                modRds08.ID       = modRd08.ID;
                modRds08.cInvCode = dtTr.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                if (BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]) != 0)
                    modRds08.iNum = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]);
                modRds08.iQuantity     = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                modRds08.cBatch        = dtTr.Rows[i]["cTVBatch"].ToString().Trim();
                modRds08.cVouchCode    = 0;
                modRds08.iSOutNum      = 0;
                modRds08.iSOutQuantity = 0;
                modRds08.iFlag         = 0;
                modRds08.iTrIds        = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtTr.Rows[i]["autoID"]);
                modRds08.iNQuantity    = modRds08.iQuantity;
                modRds08.iNNum         = modRds08.iNNum;
                modRds08.cMassUnit     = 0;
                modRds08.bCosting      = true;
                modRds08.bVMIUsed      = false;
                modRds08.iordertype    = 0;
                modRds08.irowno        = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTr.Rows[i]["irowno"]);
                modRds08.cbsysbarcode  = "||st08||" + modRd08.cCode + "|" + modRds08.irowno.ToString();
                DAL.rdrecords08 dalRDs08 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.rdrecords08();
                sSQL  = dalRDs08.Add(modRds08);
                iCou += DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                sSQL = @"
if exists
    (select * from  CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode'
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
    update  CurrentStock set iQuantity = isnull(iQuantity,0) + @iQuantity  
    where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode' 
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
        declare @itemid varchar(20); 
        declare @iCount int;  
        select @iCount=count(itemid) from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
        if( @iCount > 0 )
	        select @itemid=itemid from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
            select @itemid=max(itemid+1) from CurrentStock  
            insert into CurrentStock(cWhCode,cInvCode,iQuantity,itemid, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10,cBatch,iSoDid)
            values('@cWhCode','@cInvCode', @iQuantity,isnull(@itemid,1), @cFree1, @cFree2, @cFree3, @cFree4, @cFree5, @cFree6, @cFree7, @cFree8, @cFree9, @cFree10,@cBatch,'') 
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cInvCode", modRds08.cInvCode);
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cWhCode", modRd08.cWhCode);
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iQuantity", modRds08.iQuantity.ToString());
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iNum", modRds08.iNum.ToString());
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree10", modRds08.cFree10 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree10 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree1", modRds08.cFree1 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree1 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree2", modRds08.cFree2 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree2 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree3", modRds08.cFree3 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree3 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree4", modRds08.cFree4 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree4 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree5", modRds08.cFree5 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree5 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree6", modRds08.cFree6 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree6 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree7", modRds08.cFree7 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree7 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree8", modRds08.cFree8 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree8 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree9", modRds08.cFree9 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cFree9 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cBatch", modRds08.cBatch == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds08.cBatch + "'");
                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForStock N'08',N'aaaaaa',1,0 ,1
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForTrackStock N'08',N'aaaaaa', 0 ,1
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec IA_SP_WriteUnAccountVouchForST 'aaaaaa',N'08'
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
if exists(select * from VoucherHistory where  (CardNumber = '0301') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'bbbbbb'))
	update VoucherHistory set cNumber = aaaaaa  where  (CardNumber = '0301') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'bbbbbb')
	insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lRd08Code.ToString());
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", dNow.ToString("yyyy"));
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            #region 其他出库单

            sSQL = "select cNumber from VoucherHistory with (ROWLOCK) WHERE (CardNumber = '0302') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'aaaaaa') ORDER BY cNumber DESC";
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", dtmCode.ToString("yyyy"));
            dt   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataset(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL).Tables[0];
            long lRd09Code = 0;
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lRd09Code = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dt.Rows[0]["cNumber"]);
                lRd09Code = 0;
            lRd09Code += 1;

            string sRd09Code = lRd09Code.ToString();

            Model.RdRecord09 modRd09 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.Model.RdRecord09();

            lID               += 1;
            modRd09.ID         = lID;
            modRd09.bRdFlag    = 0;
            modRd09.cVouchType = "09";
            modRd09.cBusType   = "调拨出库";
            modRd09.cSource    = "调拨";
            modRd09.cBusCode   = sCode;
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cOWhCode"].ToString().Trim().ToString().Trim() == "")
                throw new Exception("请设置转出仓库");
            modRd09.cWhCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cOWhCode"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd09.dDate   = dNowDate;

            string sCodeRD09 = lRd09Code.ToString();
            while (sCodeRD09.Length < 6)
                sCodeRD09 = "0" + sCodeRD09;
            modRd09.cCode = "MR" + dNowDate.Year.ToString() + sCodeRD09;

            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cORdCode"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                throw new Exception("请设置出库类别");
            modRd09.cRdCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cORdCode"].ToString().Trim();
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cODepCode"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                modRd09.cDepCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cODepCode"].ToString().Trim();
            if (dtTr.Rows[0]["cPersonCode"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                modRd09.cPersonCode = dtTr.Rows[0]["cPersonCode"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd09.bTransFlag       = false;
            modRd09.cMaker           = dtTr.Rows[0]["cVerifyPerson"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd09.cHandler         = dtTr.Rows[0]["cVerifyPerson"].ToString().Trim();
            modRd09.dVeriDate        = dNowDate;
            modRd09.bpufirst         = false;
            modRd09.biafirst         = false;
            modRd09.VT_ID            = 85;
            modRd09.bIsSTQc          = false;
            modRd09.bOMFirst         = false;
            modRd09.bFromPreYear     = false;
            modRd09.bIsComplement    = 0;
            modRd09.iDiscountTaxType = 0;
            modRd09.ireturncount     = 0;
            modRd09.iverifystate     = 0;
            modRd09.iswfcontrolled   = 0;
            modRd09.dnmaketime       = dNow;
            modRd09.dnverifytime     = dNow;
            modRd09.cSourceLs        = "1";
            modRd09.iPrintCount      = 0;
            modRd09.csysbarcode      = "||st09||" + modRd09.cCode;

            DAL.RdRecord09 dalrd09 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.RdRecord09();
            sSQL  = dalrd09.Add(modRd09);
            iCou += DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            for (int i = 0; i < dtTr.Rows.Count; i++)
                lIDDetails += 1;
                Model.rdrecords09 modRds09 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.Model.rdrecords09();
                modRds09.AutoID   = lIDDetails;
                modRds09.ID       = modRd09.ID;
                modRds09.cInvCode = dtTr.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                if (BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]) != 0)
                    modRds09.iNum = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVNum"]);
                modRds09.iQuantity     = BaseFunction.ReturnDecimal(dtTr.Rows[i]["iTVQuantity"]);
                modRds09.cBatch        = dtTr.Rows[i]["cTVBatch"].ToString().Trim();
                modRds09.cVouchCode    = 0;
                modRds09.iSOutNum      = 0;
                modRds09.iSOutQuantity = 0;
                modRds09.iFlag         = 0;
                modRds09.iTrIds        = BaseFunction.ReturnLong(dtTr.Rows[i]["autoID"]);
                modRds09.iNQuantity    = modRds09.iQuantity;
                modRds09.iNNum         = modRds09.iNNum;
                modRds09.cMassUnit     = 0;
                modRds09.bCosting      = true;
                modRds09.bVMIUsed      = false;
                modRds09.iordertype    = 0;
                modRds09.irowno        = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(dtTr.Rows[i]["irowno"]);
                modRds09.cbsysbarcode  = "||st09||" + modRd09.cCode + "|" + modRds09.irowno.ToString();
                DAL.rdrecords09 dalRDs09 = new UFIDA.U8.UAP.CustomApp.ControlForm.DAL.rdrecords09();
                sSQL  = dalRDs09.Add(modRds09);
                iCou += DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

                sSQL = @"
if exists
    (select * from  CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode'
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
    update  CurrentStock set iQuantity = isnull(iQuantity,0) - @iQuantity  
    where cInvCode = '@cInvCode' and cWhCode = '@cWhCode' 
        and isnull(cFree1,'') = @cFree1 
        and isnull(cFree2,'') = @cFree2
        and isnull(cFree3,'') = @cFree3
        and isnull(cFree4,'') = @cFree4
        and isnull(cFree5,'') = @cFree5
        and isnull(cFree6,'') = @cFree6
        and isnull(cFree7,'') = @cFree7
        and isnull(cFree8,'') = @cFree8
        and isnull(cFree9,'') = @cFree9
        and isnull(cFree10,'') = @cFree10
        and isnull(cBatch,'') = @cBatch 
        declare @itemid varchar(20); 
        declare @iCount int;  
        select @iCount=count(itemid) from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
        if( @iCount > 0 )
	        select @itemid=itemid from CurrentStock where cInvCode = '@cInvCode';
            select @itemid=max(itemid+1) from CurrentStock  
            insert into CurrentStock(cWhCode,cInvCode,iQuantity,itemid, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10,cBatch,iSoDid)
            values('@cWhCode','@cInvCode', @iQuantity,isnull(@itemid,1), @cFree1, @cFree2, @cFree3, @cFree4, @cFree5, @cFree6, @cFree7, @cFree8, @cFree9, @cFree10,@cBatch,'') 
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cInvCode", modRds09.cInvCode);
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cWhCode", modRd09.cWhCode);
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iQuantity", modRds09.iQuantity.ToString());
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@iNum", modRds09.iNum.ToString());
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree10", modRds09.cFree10 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree10 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree1", modRds09.cFree1 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree1 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree2", modRds09.cFree2 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree2 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree3", modRds09.cFree3 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree3 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree4", modRds09.cFree4 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree4 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree5", modRds09.cFree5 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree5 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree6", modRds09.cFree6 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree6 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree7", modRds09.cFree7 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree7 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree8", modRds09.cFree8 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree8 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cFree9", modRds09.cFree9 == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cFree9 + "'");
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("@cBatch", modRds09.cBatch == null ? "''" : "'" + modRds09.cBatch + "'");
                DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForStock N'09',N'aaaaaa',1,0 ,1
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec ST_SaveForTrackStock N'09',N'aaaaaa', 0 ,1
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
exec IA_SP_WriteUnAccountVouchForST 'aaaaaa',N'09'
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lID.ToString());
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            if (lID > 1000000000)
                lID = lID - 1000000000;
            if (lIDDetails > 1000000000)
                lIDDetails = lIDDetails - 1000000000;
            sSQL = "update UFSystem..UA_Identity set iFatherId = " + lID.ToString() + ",iChildId = " + lIDDetails + " where cAcc_Id = '" + sAccID + "' and cVouchType = 'rd'";
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);

            sSQL = @"
if exists(select * from VoucherHistory where  (CardNumber = '0302') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'bbbbbb'))
	update VoucherHistory set cNumber = aaaaaa  where  (CardNumber = '0302') AND (cContent = '日期') AND (cContentRule = 'YYYY') AND (cSeed = 'bbbbbb')
	insert into VoucherHistory(CardNumber,cContent,cContentRule,cSeed,cNumber,bEmpty)
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lRd09Code.ToString());
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("bbbbbb", dNow.ToString("yyyy"));
            DbHelperSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sSQL);
