public void Should_TypeId_NotContainNullValue() { var typeId = TypeId.Double; Assert.AreEqual(false, TypeUtil.IsNullValue(typeId)); }
public void TypeReference(TypeReference type, TypeReferenceContext context) { if ( (context != null) && (context.EnclosingType != null) ) { if (TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(type, context.EnclosingType)) { // Types can reference themselves, so this prevents recursive initialization. if (Stubbed && Configuration.GenerateSkeletonsForStubbedAssemblies.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { } else { WriteRaw("$.Type"); return; } } // The interface builder provides helpful shorthand for corlib type references. if (type.Scope.Name == "mscorlib" || type.Scope.Name == "CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary") { if (CorlibTypes.Contains(type.FullName)) { WriteRaw("$."); WriteRaw(type.Name); return; } } } if (type.FullName == "JSIL.Proxy.AnyType") { Value("JSIL.AnyType"); return; } else if (type.FullName == "JSIL.Proxy.AnyType[]") { TypeReference(TypeUtil.GetTypeDefinition(type), context); Space(); Comment("AnyType[]"); return; } var byref = type as ByReferenceType; var gp = type as GenericParameter; var at = type as ArrayType; if (byref != null) { TypeReferenceInternal(byref, context); } else if (gp != null) { TypeReferenceInternal(gp, context); } else if (at != null) { TypeReferenceInternal(at, context); } else { TypeReferenceInternal(type, context); } }
public JsonResult DoBaseUserList() { string text = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(base.Request["cid"]); int num = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(base.Request["type"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { switch (num) { default: return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "请选择操作" })); case 1: if (user != null) { AdminPermission adminPermission2 = new AdminPermission(user, user.MoudleID); if (!adminPermission2.GetPermission(4L)) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "没有权限", Url = "/NoPower/Index" })); } } try { FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.ModifyUserNullity(text, true); return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "冻结成功" })); } catch { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "冻结失败" })); } case 2: if (user != null) { AdminPermission adminPermission3 = new AdminPermission(user, user.MoudleID); if (!adminPermission3.GetPermission(4L)) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "没有权限", Url = "/NoPower/Index" })); } } try { FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.ModifyUserNullity(text, false); return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "解冻成功" })); } catch { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "解冻失败" })); } case 3: { if (user != null) { AdminPermission adminPermission = new AdminPermission(user, user.MoudleID); if (!adminPermission.GetPermission(8L)) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "没有权限", Url = "/NoPower/Index" })); } } string userIDList = "WHERE UserID in (" + text + ")"; try { FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.DeleteUser(userIDList); return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "删除成功" })); } catch { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "删除失败" })); } } } } return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "没有选择操作项" })); IL_0202: return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "没有进行任何操作" })); }
/// <summary> /// 获取.Net Framework数据类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="nativeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override DbType GetDbType(string nativeType) { return(TypeUtil.OracleDataType2DbType(nativeType)); }
public void MethodSignature(MethodReference method, MethodSignature signature, TypeReferenceContext context) { // The signature cache can cause problems inside methods for generic signatures. var cached = Configuration.Optimizer.CacheMethodSignatures.GetValueOrDefault(true); // We also don't want to use the cache for method definitions in skeletons. if (Stubbed && Configuration.GenerateSkeletonsForStubbedAssemblies.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { cached = false; } if (cached && ((context.InvokingMethod != null) || (context.EnclosingMethod != null))) { if (TypeUtil.IsOpenType(signature.ReturnType)) { cached = false; } else if (signature.ParameterTypes.Any(TypeUtil.IsOpenType)) { cached = false; } } if (cached) { WriteRaw("$sig.get"); LPar(); Value(signature.ID); Comma(); } else { LPar(); WriteRaw("new JSIL.MethodSignature"); LPar(); } var oldSignature = context.SignatureMethod; context.SignatureMethod = method; try { if ((signature.ReturnType == null) || (signature.ReturnType.FullName == "System.Void")) { WriteRaw("null"); } else { if ((context.EnclosingMethod != null) && !TypeUtil.IsOpenType(signature.ReturnType)) { TypeIdentifier(signature.ReturnType as dynamic, context, false); } else { TypeReference(signature.ReturnType, context); } } Comma(); OpenBracket(false); CommaSeparatedListCore( signature.ParameterTypes, (pt) => { if ((context.EnclosingMethod != null) && !TypeUtil.IsOpenType(pt)) { TypeIdentifier(pt as dynamic, context, false); } else { TypeReference(pt, context); } } ); CloseBracket(false); if (signature.GenericParameterNames != null) { Comma(); OpenBracket(false); CommaSeparatedList(signature.GenericParameterNames, context, ListValueType.Primitive); CloseBracket(false); } } finally { context.SignatureMethod = oldSignature; } RPar(); if (!cached) { RPar(); } }
public void GetType_NoThrowOnError() { Assert.Null(TypeUtil.GetType("Mxyzptlk", throwOnError: false)); }
private object ReduceTarget(object triggerArg) { var targ = _target; if (targ is IProxy) { targ = (targ as IProxy).GetTarget(triggerArg) as UnityEngine.Object; } switch (_find) { case FindCommand.Direct: { object obj = (_configured) ? targ : triggerArg; if (obj == null) { return(null); } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return(obj); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: return(GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj).HasTag(_queryString) ? obj : null); case ResolveByCommand.WithName: return(GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj).CompareName(_queryString) ? obj : null); case ResolveByCommand.WithType: return(ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString), GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj)) != null ? obj : null); } } break; case FindCommand.FindParent: { Transform trans = GameObjectUtil.GetTransformFromSource((_configured) ? targ : triggerArg); if (trans == null) { return(null); } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return(trans.parent); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: return(trans.FindParentWithTag(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithName: return(trans.FindParentWithName(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); foreach (var p in GameObjectUtil.GetParents(trans)) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, p); if (o != null) { return(o); } } return(null); } } } break; case FindCommand.FindInChildren: { Transform trans = GameObjectUtil.GetTransformFromSource((_configured) ? targ : triggerArg); if (trans == null) { return(null); } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return((trans.childCount > 0) ? trans.GetChild(0) : null); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: if (trans.childCount > 0) { using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildren(trans, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { if (lst[i].HasTag(_queryString)) { return(lst[i]); } } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: if (trans.childCount > 0) { return(trans.FindByName(_queryString)); } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: if (trans.childCount > 0) { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildren(trans, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, lst[i]); if (o != null) { return(o); } } } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindInEntity: { GameObject entity = GameObjectUtil.GetRootFromSource((_configured) ? targ : triggerArg); if (entity == null) { return(null); } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return(entity); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: return(entity.FindWithMultiTag(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithName: return(entity.FindByName(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); foreach (var t in GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildrenAndSelf(entity)) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, t); if (o != null) { return(o); } } return(null); } } } break; case FindCommand.FindInScene: { switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return(GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource((_configured) ? targ : triggerArg)); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: return(GameObjectUtil.FindWithMultiTag(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithName: return(GameObject.Find(_queryString)); case ResolveByCommand.WithType: return(ObjUtil.Find(SearchBy.Type, _queryString)); } } break; case FindCommand.FindEntityInScene: { switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: return(GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource((_configured) ? targ : triggerArg)); case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Current.HasTag(_queryString)) { return(e.Current); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Current.CompareName(_queryString)) { return(e.Current); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); while (e.MoveNext()) { var o = e.Current.GetComponentInChildren(tp); if (o != null) { return(o); } } } break; } } break; } return(null); }
public ExperienceAnalyticsTableControlResponse Get(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, string siteName) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); var reportData = new ExperienceAnalyticsTableControlData <dynamic>(); var count = 0; string cacheKey = "contactListCache"; //var reportCache = new Sitecore.Caching.Cache("ReportCache", 1024); //reportCache.Add("test", 12) try { sw.Start(); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - starts.", this); string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["analytics"].ConnectionString; MongoUrl mongoUrl = new MongoUrl(connectionString); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : CONNECTION ESTABLISHED.", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : SiteName - {siteName}, DateFrom - {dateFrom.ToString("dd-MM-yy")}, DateTo - {dateTo.ToString("dd-MM-yy")}", this); var client = new MongoClient(connectionString); var database = client.GetServer().GetDatabase(mongoUrl.DatabaseName); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - database fetched in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); IMongoQuery interactionQuery = null; BsonRegularExpression urlFilter1 = "[^/.]/industries/electricity/discover-the-active-grid"; BsonRegularExpression urlFilter2 = "[^/.]/industries/electricity/discover-the-active-grid/"; if (string.Equals(siteName, "All", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { interactionQuery = Query.And( Query.Or( Query.Matches("Pages.Url.Path", urlFilter1), Query.Matches("Pages.Url.Path", urlFilter2) ), Query.GTE("StartDateTime", new BsonDateTime(dateFrom)), Query.LTE("StartDateTime", new BsonDateTime(dateTo)) ); } else { interactionQuery = Query.And( Query.Or( Query.Matches("Pages.Url.Path", urlFilter1), Query.Matches("Pages.Url.Path", urlFilter2) ), Query.GTE("StartDateTime", new BsonDateTime(dateFrom)), Query.LTE("StartDateTime", new BsonDateTime(dateTo)), Query.EQ("SiteName", siteName) ); } Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - search query built in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); //Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : BSON Dates = DateFrom - {new BsonDateTime(dateFrom).ToString()}, DateTo - {new BsonDateTime(dateTo).ToString()}", this); var interactions = database.GetCollection <Interaction>("Interactions").Find(interactionQuery); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Interactions Query Executed.", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - Interactions fetched in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); var customReportCache = Sitecore.Caching.CacheManager.FindCacheByName("CustomReportCache"); if (customReportCache == null) { customReportCache = new Sitecore.Caching.Cache("CustomReportCache", 1000000); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Pushing CustomReportCache into Cache.", this); } else { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Reading CustomReportCache from Cache.", this); } Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - CustomReportCache fetched in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); if (interactions != null && interactions.Any()) { //Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : There are {interactions.Count().ToString()} filtered interactions ", this); //Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : Interaction String - {interactions.ToJson()}", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - Interactions found, working on getting contact ids.", this); IMongoQuery contactQuery = null; BsonArray contactidBsonArray = new BsonArray(interactions.Select(x => x.ContactId)); //Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : Contact Id String - {contactidBsonArray.ToJson()}", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - Contacts Ids fetched in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); contactQuery = Query.In("_id", contactidBsonArray); MongoCollection <User> contactsCollection = null; Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Started working on Contacts.", this); var cachedContacts = customReportCache.GetValue(cacheKey); if (cachedContacts != null) { contactsCollection = (MongoCollection <User>)cachedContacts; //Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : {test}", this); //contactsCollection = (MongoCollection<User>)customReportCache.GetValue(cacheKey); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Reading Contacts from Cache.", this); } else { contactsCollection = database.GetCollection <User>("Contacts"); customReportCache.Add(cacheKey, contactsCollection, TypeUtil.SizeOfObject(), DateTime.Now.AddHours(12)); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : Pushing Contacts into Cache. Size is {customReportCache.Size}", this); } Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - Contacts fetched in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Restart(); var contacts = contactsCollection.Find(contactQuery); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : Contacts Query Executed.", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : STOPWATCH - Contacts filtered in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds", this); sw.Stop(); if (contacts != null && contacts.Any()) { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : There are {contacts.Count().ToString()} filtered contacts ", this); int iteration = 1; foreach (var contact in contacts) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Personal.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Personal.Surname) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Identifiers.Identifier)) { var matchedInteraction = interactions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContactId.Equals(; var item = new { index = iteration - 1, srn = iteration, id =, emailid = contact.Identifiers.Identifier, fullname = $"{contact.Personal.FirstName} {contact.Personal.Surname}", sitename = matchedInteraction.SiteName, name = $"{contact.Personal.FirstName} {contact.Personal.Surname}", activitydate = matchedInteraction.EndDateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), visitvalue = matchedInteraction.Value, filtersitename = siteName }; reportData.AddItem(item); iteration++; } } } else { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : There are NO filtered contacts ", this); } } else { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info($" Custom Visitor Report : There are NO filtered interactions ", this); } Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : ACTIVITY COMPLETED", this); } catch (Exception e) { Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error($" Custom Visitor Report : {e.Message}", this); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(" Custom Visitor Report : ACTIVITY ENDE DUE TO ERROR", this); } var content = new ExperienceAnalyticsTableControlResponse() { Data = reportData, TotalRecordCount = count }; return(content); }
protected bool IsNullable(TypeReference type) { var git = TypeUtil.DereferenceType(type) as GenericInstanceType; return((git != null) && (git.Name == "Nullable`1")); }
public void VisitNode(JSCastExpression ce) { var currentType = ce.Expression.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var targetType = ce.NewType; JSExpression newExpression = null; if (targetType.FullName == "System.ValueType") { var replacement = ce.Expression; ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ce, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } else if ( TypeUtil.IsIntegralOrEnum(currentType) && (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Char) ) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic( JS.fromCharCode, new[] { ce.Expression }, true ); } else if ( (currentType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Char) && TypeUtil.IsIntegral(targetType) ) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod( JS.charCodeAt, ce.Expression, new[] { JSLiteral.New(0) }, true ); } else if ( IntroduceEnumCasts.IsEnumOrNullableEnum(currentType) ) { TypeInfo enumInfo; var isNullable = TypeUtil.IsNullable(currentType); if (isNullable) { int temp; var git = (GenericInstanceType)TypeUtil.FullyDereferenceType(currentType, out temp); enumInfo = TypeInfo.Get(git.GenericArguments[0]); } else { enumInfo = TypeInfo.Get(currentType); } if (enumInfo == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to extract enum type from typereference " + currentType); } if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Boolean) { newExpression = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.NotEqual, JSCastExpression.New(ce.Expression, TypeSystem.Int32, TypeSystem, true, true), new JSIntegerLiteral(0, typeof(Int32)), TypeSystem.Boolean ); } else if (TypeUtil.IsNumeric(targetType)) { if (isNullable) { newExpression = JSIL.ValueOfNullable( ce.Expression ); } else if ( ce.Expression is JSCastExpression && (((JSCastExpression)ce.Expression).Expression.GetActualType(TypeSystem).MetadataType == MetadataType.Int64 || ((JSCastExpression)ce.Expression).Expression.GetActualType(TypeSystem).MetadataType == MetadataType.UInt64) ) { newExpression = ce.Expression; } else { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod( JS.valueOf(targetType), ce.Expression, null, true ); } } else if (targetType.FullName == "System.Enum") { newExpression = ce.Expression; } else { // Debugger.Break(); } } else if ( (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Boolean) && (ce.Expression is JSAsExpression) && ((JSAsExpression)ce.Expression).GetActualType(TypeSystem) is GenericParameter ) { // C# expressions such as (t is T) (where T is a generic parameter). See issue #150. // Tested with AsWithGenericParameter.cs newExpression = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSBinaryOperator.NotEqual, ce.Expression, new JSNullLiteral(currentType), TypeSystem.Boolean ); } else if ( (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Boolean) && // A cast from Object to Boolean can occur in two forms: // An implied conversion, where an object expression is treated as a boolean (logicnot operation, etc). // In this case, we want to do 'obj != null' to make it a boolean. // An explicit conversion, where an object expression is unboxed to boolean. // In this case we want to leave it as-is. (ce.IsCoercion || (currentType.FullName != "System.Object")) ) { newExpression = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSBinaryOperator.NotEqual, ce.Expression, new JSDefaultValueLiteral(currentType), TypeSystem.Boolean ); } else if ( TypeUtil.IsNumeric(targetType) && TypeUtil.IsNumeric(currentType) && !TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(targetType, currentType, true) ) { if (currentType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Int64) { if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.UInt64) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression .InvokeMethod( TypeSystem.Int64, new JSFakeMethod("ToUInt64", TypeSystem.UInt64, new TypeReference[] { }, MethodTypeFactory), ce.Expression); } else { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression .InvokeMethod( TypeSystem.Int64, new JSFakeMethod("ToNumber", targetType, new TypeReference[] { TypeSystem.Double, TypeSystem.Boolean }, MethodTypeFactory), ce.Expression, GetInt64ConversionArgs(targetType)); } } else if (currentType.MetadataType == MetadataType.UInt64) { if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Int64) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression .InvokeMethod( TypeSystem.Int64, new JSFakeMethod("ToInt64", TypeSystem.Int64, new TypeReference[] { }, MethodTypeFactory), ce.Expression); } else { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression .InvokeMethod( TypeSystem.Int64, new JSFakeMethod("ToNumber", targetType, new TypeReference[] { TypeSystem.Double, TypeSystem.Boolean }, MethodTypeFactory), ce.Expression, GetInt64ConversionArgs(targetType)); } } else if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Int64) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic( new JSType(TypeSystem.Int64), new JSFakeMethod("FromNumber", TypeSystem.Int64, new[] { currentType }, MethodTypeFactory), new[] { ce.Expression }, true); } else if (targetType.MetadataType == MetadataType.UInt64) { newExpression = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeStatic( new JSType(TypeSystem.UInt64), new JSFakeMethod("FromNumber", TypeSystem.UInt64, new[] { currentType }, MethodTypeFactory), new[] { ce.Expression }, true); } else if ( TypeUtil.IsIntegral(currentType) || !TypeUtil.IsIntegral(targetType)) { // Ensure that we don't eliminate casts that reduce the size of a value if (TypeUtil.SizeOfType(currentType) < TypeUtil.SizeOfType(targetType)) { newExpression = ce.Expression; } } else { newExpression = new JSTruncateExpression(ce.Expression); } } else { // newExpression = JSIL.Cast(ce.Expression, targetType); } if (newExpression != null) { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ce, newExpression); VisitReplacement(newExpression); } else { // Debugger.Break(); VisitChildren(ce); } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { this.Init(property); EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); //################################ //FIRST LINE var rect = new Rect(position.xMin, position.yMin, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); rect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, label); var targetProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(PROP_TARGET); var w0 = Mathf.Min(rect.width * 0.3f, 80f); var w1 = rect.width - w0; var r0 = new Rect(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, w0, rect.height); var r1 = new Rect(r0.xMax, rect.yMin, w1, rect.height); var searchProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(PROP_SEARCHBY); var queryProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(PROP_QUERY); var eSearchBy = (SearchByAlt)searchProp.GetEnumValue <SearchBy>(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); eSearchBy = (SearchByAlt)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(r0, eSearchBy); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { searchProp.SetEnumValue((SearchBy)eSearchBy); } switch (eSearchBy) { case SearchByAlt.Direct: { var tp = (_configAttrib != null) ? _configAttrib.TargetType : typeof(UnityEngine.Object); targetProp.objectReferenceValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(r1, targetProp.objectReferenceValue, tp, true); } break; case SearchByAlt.Tag: { queryProp.stringValue = EditorGUI.TagField(r1, queryProp.stringValue); targetProp.objectReferenceValue = null; } break; case SearchByAlt.Name: { queryProp.stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(r1, queryProp.stringValue); targetProp.objectReferenceValue = null; } break; case SearchByAlt.Type: { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(queryProp.stringValue); if (!TypeUtil.IsType(tp, typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { tp = null; } tp = SPEditorGUI.TypeDropDown(r1, GUIContent.none, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), tp); queryProp.stringValue = (tp != null) ? tp.FullName : null; targetProp.objectReferenceValue = null; } break; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public JsonResult ValidateLogin() { //string a = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(base.Request["verifyCode"]); string text = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(base.Request["userName"]); string password = Utility.MD5(TypeUtil.ObjectToString(base.Request["password"])); Base_Users userByAccounts = FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.GetUserByAccounts(text); if (userByAccounts == null) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "账号不存在" })); } if (userByAccounts.IsMobileNeed) { //if (a == "") //{ // return Json(new // { // IsOk = false, // Msg = "请输入手机验证码" // }); //} if (base.Session["code"] == null) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "验证码不存在或已过期,请重新获取验证码" })); } //if (a != base.Session["code"].ToString()) //{ // if (base.Session["error"] == null) // { // base.Session["error"] = 1; // } // else // { // base.Session["error"] = Convert.ToInt32(base.Session["error"]) + 1; // } // if (Convert.ToInt32(base.Session["error"]) > 3) // { // base.Session["code"] = null; // return Json(new // { // IsOk = false, // Msg = "验证码错误多次,请重新获取!" // }); // } // return Json(new // { // IsOk = false, // Msg = "验证码错误!" // }); //} } userByAccounts = new Base_Users(); userByAccounts.Username = text; userByAccounts.Password = password; userByAccounts.LastLoginIP = GameRequest.GetUserIP(); Message message = FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.UserLogon(userByAccounts); string text2 = ""; if (!message.Success) { switch (message.MessageID) { case 100: text2 = "用户名或者密码错误"; break; case 101: text2 = "IP错误"; break; case 102: text2 = "没有此用户"; break; default: text2 = "登录错误"; break; } return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = text2 })); } userByAccounts = (message.EntityList[0] as Base_Users); if (userByAccounts == null || (userByAccounts.UserID != 1 && userByAccounts.RoleID < 0)) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "登录失败" })); } base.Session["code"] = null; base.Session["error"] = null; return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "登录成功" })); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the product filed value. /// </summary> /// <param name="container">The container.</param> /// <param name="column">The column.</param> /// <returns>The value of the field.</returns> protected virtual string GetProductFiledValue(T container, GridColumn column) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(container, "container"); Assert.ArgumentNotNull(column, "column"); string[] value = { null }; var matcher = Context.Entity.Resolve <MappingItemMatcher>(); foreach (var info in container.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value[0])) { break; } if (!info.CanRead) { continue; } var names = matcher.GetFieldNames(info); var info1 = info; foreach (var instanceValue in from name in names.TakeWhile(name => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value[0])) where column.FieldName == name select info1.GetValue(container, null)) { value[0] = TypeUtil.TryParse(instanceValue, string.Empty); if (!ID.IsID(value[0])) { continue; } var item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(value[0]) ?? Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(value[0]); if (item != null) { value[0] = item.DisplayName; } } } if (value[0] == null) { var propertyInfo = container.GetType().GetProperty("Specifications"); if (propertyInfo != null) { var specification = propertyInfo.GetValue(container, null); if (specification != null) { var methodInfo = specification.GetType().GetMethod("ContainsKey", new[] { typeof(string) }); if (true.Equals(methodInfo.Invoke(specification, new object[] { column.FieldName }))) { propertyInfo = specification.GetType().GetProperty("Item", new[] { typeof(string) }); if (propertyInfo != null) { var rawValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(specification, new object[] { column.FieldName }); value[0] = TypeUtil.TryParse(rawValue, string.Empty); if (ID.IsID(value[0])) { var item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(value[0]) ?? Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(value[0]); if (item != null) { value[0] = item.DisplayName; } } } } } } } if (value[0] != null || !(container is IEntity)) { return(value[0] ?? string.Empty); } var id = ((IEntity)container).Alias; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { return(value[0] ?? string.Empty); } var theItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(id); if (theItem == null) { return(value[0] ?? string.Empty); } value[0] = theItem[column.FieldName]; if (!ID.IsID(value[0])) { return(value[0] ?? string.Empty); } var linkedItem = theItem.Database.GetItem(value[0]); if (linkedItem != null) { value[0] = linkedItem.Name; } return(value[0] ?? string.Empty); }
public static void OnSceneTreeReflectField(SceneExplorerState state, ReferenceChain refChain, object obj, FieldInfo field, TypeUtil.SmartType smartType = TypeUtil.SmartType.Undefined, int nameHighlightFrom = -1, int nameHighlightLength = 0) { if (!SceneExplorerCommon.SceneTreeCheckDepth(refChain)) { return; } if (obj == null || field == null) { SceneExplorerCommon.OnSceneTreeMessage(refChain, "null"); return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUIWindow.HighlightStyle); SceneExplorerCommon.InsertIndent(refChain.Indentation); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; object value = null; try { value = field.GetValue(obj); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } if (value != null) { GUIExpander.ExpanderControls(state, refChain, field.FieldType); } if (field.IsInitOnly) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (MainWindow.Instance.Config.ShowModifiers) { GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.ModifierColor; if (field.IsPublic) { GUILayout.Label("public "); } else if (field.IsPrivate) { GUILayout.Label("private "); } GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.MemberTypeColor; GUILayout.Label("field "); if (field.IsStatic) { GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.KeywordColor; GUILayout.Label("static "); } if (field.IsInitOnly) { GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.KeywordColor; GUILayout.Label("const "); } } GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.TypeColor; GUILayout.Label(field.FieldType + " "); GUIMemberName.MemberName(field, nameHighlightFrom, nameHighlightLength); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUILayout.Label(" = "); GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.ValueColor; if (value == null || !TypeUtil.IsSpecialType(field.FieldType)) { GUILayout.Label(value?.ToString() ?? "null"); } else { try { var newValue = GUIControls.EditorValueField(refChain.UniqueId, field.FieldType, value); if (!newValue.Equals(value)) { field.SetValue(obj, newValue); } } catch (Exception) { GUILayout.Label(value.ToString()); } } GUI.enabled = true; GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUIButtons.SetupCommonButtons(refChain, value, valueIndex: 0, smartType); object paste = null; var doPaste = !field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly; if (doPaste) { doPaste = GUIButtons.SetupPasteButon(field.FieldType, value, out paste); } if (value != null) { GUIButtons.SetupJumpButton(value, refChain); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (value != null && !TypeUtil.IsSpecialType(field.FieldType) && state.ExpandedObjects.Contains(refChain.UniqueId)) { GUIReflect.OnSceneTreeReflect(state, refChain, value, false, smartType); } if (doPaste) { try { field.SetValue(obj, paste); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warning(e.Message); } } }
public void GetType_NoAssemblyQualifcation(string typeString, Type expectedType) { Assert.Equal(expectedType, TypeUtil.GetType(typeString, throwOnError: false)); }
public void VisitNode(JSInvocationExpression ie) { var type = ie.JSType; var method = ie.JSMethod; var thisExpression = ie.ThisReference; if (method != null) { if ( (type != null) && (type.Type.FullName == "System.Object") ) { switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case ".ctor": { var replacement = new JSNullExpression(); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } case "ReferenceEquals": { var lhs = ie.Arguments[0]; var rhs = ie.Arguments[1]; var lhsType = lhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var rhsType = rhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem); JSNode replacement; // Structs can never compare equal with ReferenceEquals if (TypeUtil.IsStruct(lhsType) || TypeUtil.IsStruct(rhsType)) { replacement = JSLiteral.New(false); } else { replacement = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSBinaryOperator.Equal, lhs, rhs, TypeSystem.Boolean ); } ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } case "GetType": { JSNode replacement; var thisType = JSExpression.DeReferenceType(thisExpression.GetActualType(TypeSystem), false); if ((thisType is GenericInstanceType) && thisType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Nullable")) { var git = (GenericInstanceType)thisType; replacement = new JSTernaryOperatorExpression( new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSBinaryOperator.NotEqual, thisExpression, new JSNullLiteral(thisType), TypeSystem.Boolean ), new JSTypeOfExpression(git.GenericArguments[0]), JSIL.ThrowNullReferenceException(), new TypeReference("System", "Type", TypeSystem.Object.Module, TypeSystem.Object.Scope, false) ); } else { replacement = JSIL.GetTypeOf(thisExpression); } ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } } } else if ( (type != null) && (type.Type.FullName == "System.ValueType") ) { switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case "Equals": { var replacement = JSIL.StructEquals(ie.ThisReference, ie.Arguments.First()); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } } } else if ( (type != null) && IsNullable(type.Type) ) { var t = (type.Type as GenericInstanceType).GenericArguments[0]; var @null = JSLiteral.Null(t); var @default = new JSDefaultValueLiteral(t); switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case ".ctor": JSExpression value; if (ie.Arguments.Count == 0) { value = @null; } else { value = ie.Arguments[0]; } var boe = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Assignment, ie.ThisReference, value, type.Type ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, boe); VisitReplacement(boe); break; case "GetValueOrDefault": var isNull = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Equal, ie.ThisReference, @null, TypeSystem.Boolean ); JSTernaryOperatorExpression ternary; if (ie.Arguments.Count == 0) { ternary = new JSTernaryOperatorExpression( isNull, @default, ie.ThisReference, type.Type ); } else { ternary = new JSTernaryOperatorExpression( isNull, ie.Arguments[0], ie.ThisReference, type.Type ); } if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { // HACK: Replacing the invocation inside a result reference is incorrect, so we need to walk up the stack // and replace the result reference with the ternary instead. _ResultReferenceReplacement = ternary; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, ternary); VisitReplacement(ternary); } break; case "get_HasValue": { var replacement = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.NotEqual, ie.ThisReference, @null, TypeSystem.Boolean ); if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { _ResultReferenceReplacement = replacement; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); } break; } case "get_Value": if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { _ResultReferenceReplacement = ie.ThisReference; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, ie.ThisReference); VisitReplacement(ie.ThisReference); } break; case "Equals": JSBinaryOperatorExpression equality = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression(JSOperator.Equal, ie.ThisReference, ie.Parameters.First().Value, type.Type); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, equality); VisitReplacement(equality); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(method.Method.Member.FullName); } return; } else if ( (type != null) && TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, type.Type) && (method.Method.Name == "Concat") ) { if (ie.Arguments.Count > 2) { if (ie.Arguments.All( (arg) => TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual( TypeSystem.String, arg.GetActualType(TypeSystem) ) )) { var boe = JSBinaryOperatorExpression.New( JSOperator.Add, ie.Arguments, TypeSystem.String ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, boe ); VisitReplacement(boe); } } else if ( // HACK: Fix for #239, only convert concat call into + if both sides are non-null literals (ie.Arguments.Count == 2) ) { var lhs = ie.Arguments[0]; var rhs = ie.Arguments[1]; var isAddOk = (lhs is JSStringLiteral) && (rhs is JSStringLiteral); var lhsType = TypeUtil.DereferenceType(lhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem)); if (!( TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, lhsType) || TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.Char, lhsType) )) { lhs = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(lhsType, JS.toString, lhs, null); isAddOk = true; } var rhsType = TypeUtil.DereferenceType(rhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem)); if (!( TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, rhsType) || TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.Char, rhsType) )) { rhs = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(rhsType, JS.toString, rhs, null); isAddOk = true; } if (isAddOk) { var boe = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Add, lhs, rhs, TypeSystem.String ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, boe ); VisitReplacement(boe); } } else if ( TypeUtil.GetTypeDefinition(ie.Arguments[0].GetActualType(TypeSystem)).FullName == "System.Array" ) { } else { var firstArg = ie.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, firstArg ); if (firstArg != null) { VisitReplacement(firstArg); } } return; } else if ( TypeUtil.IsDelegateType(method.Reference.DeclaringType) && (method.Method.Name == "Invoke") ) { var newIe = new JSDelegateInvocationExpression( thisExpression, ie.GetActualType(TypeSystem), ie.Arguments.ToArray() ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newIe); VisitReplacement(newIe); return; } else if ( (method.Reference.DeclaringType.Name == "RuntimeHelpers") && (method.Method.Name == "InitializeArray") ) { var array = ie.Arguments[0]; var arrayType = array.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var field = ie.Arguments[1].SelfAndChildrenRecursive.OfType <JSField>().First(); var initializer = JSArrayExpression.UnpackArrayInitializer(arrayType, field.Field.Member.InitialValue); var copy = JSIL.ShallowCopy(array, initializer, arrayType); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, copy); VisitReplacement(copy); return; } else if ( method.Reference.DeclaringType.FullName == "System.Reflection.Assembly" ) { switch (method.Reference.Name) { case "GetExecutingAssembly": { var assembly = Method.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly; var asmNode = new JSReflectionAssembly(assembly); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, asmNode); VisitReplacement(asmNode); return; } } } else if ( method.Method.DeclaringType.Definition.FullName == "System.Array" && (ie.Arguments.Count == 1) ) { switch (method.Method.Name) { case "GetLength": case "GetUpperBound": { var index = ie.Arguments[0] as JSLiteral; if (index != null) { var newDot = JSDotExpression.New(thisExpression, new JSStringIdentifier( String.Format("length{0}", Convert.ToInt32(index.Literal)), TypeSystem.Int32 )); if (method.Method.Name == "GetUpperBound") { var newExpr = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Subtract, newDot, JSLiteral.New(1), TypeSystem.Int32 ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newExpr); } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newDot); } } break; } case "GetLowerBound": ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, JSLiteral.New(0)); break; } } } VisitChildren(ie); }
public void GetType_ThrowOnError() { Assert.Throws <TypeLoadException>(() => TypeUtil.GetType("Mxyzptlk", throwOnError: true)); }
public static void OnSceneTreeReflectIList(SceneExplorerState state, ReferenceChain refChain, object myProperty, TypeUtil.SmartType elementSmartType = TypeUtil.SmartType.Undefined) { if (!SceneExplorerCommon.SceneTreeCheckDepth(refChain)) { return; } if (!(myProperty is IList list)) { return; } var oldRefChain = refChain; var collectionSize = list.Count; if (collectionSize == 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow; GUILayout.Label("List is empty!"); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return; } var listItemType = list.GetType().GetElementType(); var flagsField = listItemType?.GetField("m_flags"); var flagIsEnum = flagsField?.FieldType.IsEnum == true && Type.GetTypeCode(flagsField.FieldType) == TypeCode.Int32; GUICollectionNavigation.SetUpCollectionNavigation("List", state, refChain, oldRefChain, collectionSize, out var arrayStart, out var arrayEnd); for (var i = arrayStart; i <= arrayEnd; i++) { refChain = oldRefChain.Add(i); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUIWindow.HighlightStyle); SceneExplorerCommon.InsertIndent(refChain.Indentation); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; var value = list[(int)i]; var type = value?.GetType() ?? listItemType; var isNullOrEmpty = value == null || flagIsEnum && Convert.ToInt32(flagsField.GetValue(value)) == 0; if (type != null) { if (!isNullOrEmpty) { GUIExpander.ExpanderControls(state, refChain, type); } GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.TypeColor; GUILayout.Label($"{type} "); } GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.NameColor; GUILayout.Label($"{oldRefChain.LastItemName}.[{i}]"); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUILayout.Label(" = "); GUI.contentColor = MainWindow.Instance.Config.ValueColor; GUILayout.Label(value == null ? "null" : isNullOrEmpty ? "empty" : value.ToString()); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (!isNullOrEmpty) { GUIButtons.SetupCommonButtons(refChain, value, i, elementSmartType); } if (value != null) { GUIButtons.SetupJumpButton(value, refChain); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!isNullOrEmpty && !TypeUtil.IsSpecialType(type) && state.ExpandedObjects.Contains(refChain.UniqueId)) { GUIReflect.OnSceneTreeReflect(state, refChain, value, false); } } }
public void GetTypeConfigHost() { TestHost host = new TestHost((s, b) => { return(typeof(string)); }); Assert.Equal(typeof(string), TypeUtil.GetType(host, "Mxyzptlk", throwOnError: false)); }
private void Init(Type type) { this.type = type; InitClassExtractors(); fieldExtractors = new List <FieldExtractor>(); propertyExtractors = new List <PropertyExtractor>(); var fields = TypeUtil.GetFieldsIncludeBaseClass(type); var propertys = TypeUtil.GetPropertysIncludeBaseClass(type); foreach (var field in fields) { var fieldExtractor = GetAttributeExtractBy(type, field); var fieldExtractorTmp = GetAttributeExtractCombo(type, field); if (fieldExtractor != null && fieldExtractorTmp != null) { throw new Exception("Only one of 'ExtractByAttribute, ComboExtractAttribute or ExtractByUrl' can be added to a field!"); } else if (fieldExtractor == null && fieldExtractorTmp != null) { fieldExtractor = fieldExtractorTmp; } fieldExtractorTmp = GetAttributeExtractByUrl(type, field); if (fieldExtractor != null && fieldExtractorTmp != null) { throw new Exception("Only one of 'ExtractBy ComboExtract ExtractByUrl' can be added to a field!"); } else if (fieldExtractor == null && fieldExtractorTmp != null) { fieldExtractor = fieldExtractorTmp; } if (fieldExtractor != null) { fieldExtractor.ObjectFormatter = new ObjectFormatterBuilder <IObjectFormatter>().SetField(field).Build(); fieldExtractors.Add(fieldExtractor); } } foreach (var property in propertys) { var propertyExtractor = GetAttributeExtractBy(type, property); var propertyExtractorTmp = GetAttributeExtractCombo(type, property); if (propertyExtractor != null && propertyExtractorTmp != null) { throw new Exception("Only one of 'ExtractByAttribute, ComboExtractAttribute or ExtractByUrl' can be added to a field!"); } else if (propertyExtractor == null && propertyExtractorTmp != null) { propertyExtractor = propertyExtractorTmp; } propertyExtractorTmp = GetAttributeExtractByUrl(type, property); if (propertyExtractor != null && propertyExtractorTmp != null) { throw new Exception("Only one of 'ExtractBy ComboExtract ExtractByUrl' can be added to a field!"); } else if (propertyExtractor == null && propertyExtractorTmp != null) { propertyExtractor = propertyExtractorTmp; } if (propertyExtractor != null) { propertyExtractor.ObjectFormatter = new ObjectFormatterBuilder <IObjectFormatter>().SetProperty(property).Build(); propertyExtractors.Add(propertyExtractor); } } }
private System.Collections.IEnumerable ReduceTargets(object triggerArg) { switch (_find) { case FindCommand.Direct: { object obj = (_configured) ? _target : triggerArg; if (obj == null) { yield break; } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: yield return(obj); break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { var go = GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj); if (go.HasTag(_queryString)) { yield return(obj); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { var go = GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj); if (go.CompareName(_queryString)) { yield return(obj); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString), GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj)); if (o != null) { yield return(o); } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindParent: { Transform trans = GameObjectUtil.GetTransformFromSource((_configured) ? _target : triggerArg); if (trans == null) { yield break; } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: { var t = trans.parent; if (t != null) { yield return(t); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { foreach (var p in GameObjectUtil.GetParents(trans)) { if (p.HasTag(_queryString)) { yield return(p); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { foreach (var p in GameObjectUtil.GetParents(trans)) { if (p.CompareName(_queryString)) { yield return(p); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); foreach (var p in GameObjectUtil.GetParents(trans)) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, p); if (o != null) { yield return(o); } } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindInChildren: { Transform trans = GameObjectUtil.GetTransformFromSource((_configured) ? _target : triggerArg); if (trans == null) { yield break; } switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: if (trans.childCount > 0) { yield return(trans.GetChild(0)); } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: if (trans.childCount > 0) { using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildren(trans, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { if (lst[i].HasTag(_queryString)) { yield return(lst[i]); } } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: if (trans.childCount > 0) { using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildren(trans, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { if (lst[i].CompareName(_queryString)) { yield return(lst[i]); } } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: if (trans.childCount > 0) { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildren(trans, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, lst[i]); if (o != null) { yield return(o); } } } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindInEntity: { GameObject entity = GameObjectUtil.GetRootFromSource((_configured) ? _target : triggerArg); if (entity == null) { yield break; } ; switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: yield return(entity); break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { foreach (var o in entity.FindAllWithMultiTag(_queryString)) { yield return(o); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { foreach (var o in GameObjectUtil.FindAllByName(entity.transform, _queryString)) { yield return(o); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); using (var lst = TempCollection.GetList <Transform>()) { GameObjectUtil.GetAllChildrenAndSelf(entity.transform, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var o = ObjUtil.GetAsFromSource(tp, lst[i]); if (o != null) { yield return(o); } } } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindInScene: { switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: { var go = GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource((_configured) ? _target : triggerArg); if (go != null) { yield return(go); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { foreach (var o in GameObjectUtil.FindGameObjectsWithMultiTag(_queryString)) { yield return(o); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { foreach (var o in GameObjectUtil.FindAllByName(_queryString)) { yield return(o); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { foreach (var o in ObjUtil.FindAll(SearchBy.Type, _queryString)) { yield return(o); } } break; } } break; case FindCommand.FindEntityInScene: { switch (_resolveBy) { case ResolveByCommand.Nothing: { var go = GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource((_configured) ? _target : triggerArg); if (go != null) { yield return(go); } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithTag: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Current.HasTag(_queryString)) { yield return(e.Current); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithName: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Current.CompareName(_queryString)) { yield return(e.Current); } } } break; case ResolveByCommand.WithType: { var e = SPEntity.Pool.GetEnumerator(); var tp = TypeUtil.FindType(_queryString); while (e.MoveNext()) { var o = e.Current.GetComponent(tp); if (o != null) { yield return(o); } } } break; } } break; } }
public void GetType_ConfigurationManagerTypes(string typeString, Type expectedType) { Assert.Equal(expectedType, TypeUtil.GetType(typeString, throwOnError: false)); }
public DbType GetDbType(string nativeType, int precision = 0, int scale = 0) { return(TypeUtil.OracleDataType2DbType(nativeType, precision, scale)); }
protected virtual IEnumerable <Type> GetTypeImplementerMapping(Type[] interfaces, out IEnumerable <ITypeContributor> contributors, INamingScope namingScope) { var methodsToSkip = new List <MethodInfo>(); var proxyInstance = new ClassProxyInstanceContributor(targetType, methodsToSkip, interfaces, ProxyTypeConstants.Class); // TODO: the trick with methodsToSkip is not very nice... var proxyTarget = new ClassProxyTargetContributor(targetType, methodsToSkip, namingScope) { Logger = Logger }; IDictionary <Type, ITypeContributor> typeImplementerMapping = new Dictionary <Type, ITypeContributor>(); // Order of interface precedence: // 1. first target // target is not an interface so we do nothing var targetInterfaces = targetType.GetAllInterfaces(); var additionalInterfaces = TypeUtil.GetAllInterfaces(interfaces); // 2. then mixins var mixins = new MixinContributor(namingScope, false) { Logger = Logger }; if (ProxyGenerationOptions.HasMixins) { foreach (var mixinInterface in ProxyGenerationOptions.MixinData.MixinInterfaces) { if (targetInterfaces.Contains(mixinInterface)) { // OK, so the target implements this interface. We now do one of two things: if (additionalInterfaces.Contains(mixinInterface) && typeImplementerMapping.ContainsKey(mixinInterface) == false) { AddMappingNoCheck(mixinInterface, proxyTarget, typeImplementerMapping); proxyTarget.AddInterfaceToProxy(mixinInterface); } // we do not intercept the interface mixins.AddEmptyInterface(mixinInterface); } else { if (!typeImplementerMapping.ContainsKey(mixinInterface)) { mixins.AddInterfaceToProxy(mixinInterface); AddMappingNoCheck(mixinInterface, mixins, typeImplementerMapping); } } } } var additionalInterfacesContributor = new InterfaceProxyWithoutTargetContributor(namingScope, (c, m) => NullExpression.Instance) { Logger = Logger }; // 3. then additional interfaces foreach (var @interface in additionalInterfaces) { if (targetInterfaces.Contains(@interface)) { if (typeImplementerMapping.ContainsKey(@interface)) { continue; } // we intercept the interface, and forward calls to the target type AddMappingNoCheck(@interface, proxyTarget, typeImplementerMapping); proxyTarget.AddInterfaceToProxy(@interface); } else if (ProxyGenerationOptions.MixinData.ContainsMixin(@interface) == false) { additionalInterfacesContributor.AddInterfaceToProxy(@interface); AddMapping(@interface, additionalInterfacesContributor, typeImplementerMapping); } } // 4. plus special interfaces //#if FEATURE_SERIALIZATION if (targetType.IsSerializable) { AddMappingForISerializable(typeImplementerMapping, proxyInstance); } //#endif try { AddMappingNoCheck(typeof(IProxyTargetAccessor), proxyInstance, typeImplementerMapping); } catch (ArgumentException) { HandleExplicitlyPassedProxyTargetAccessor(targetInterfaces, additionalInterfaces); } contributors = new List <ITypeContributor> { proxyTarget, mixins, additionalInterfacesContributor, proxyInstance }; return(typeImplementerMapping.Keys); }
protected void TypeReferenceInternal(GenericParameter gp, TypeReferenceContext context) { var ownerType = gp.Owner as TypeReference; var ownerMethod = gp.Owner as MethodReference; if (context != null) { if (ownerType != null) { if (TypeUtil.TypesAreAssignable(TypeInfo, ownerType, context.SignatureMethodType)) { TypeReference resolved = null; var git = (context.SignatureMethodType as GenericInstanceType); if (git != null) { for (var i = 0; i < git.ElementType.GenericParameters.Count; i++) { var _ = git.ElementType.GenericParameters[i]; if ((_.Name == gp.Name) || (_.Position == gp.Position)) { resolved = git.GenericArguments[i]; break; } } if (resolved == null) { throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format( "Could not find generic parameter '{0}' in type {1}", gp, context.SignatureMethodType )); } } if (resolved != null) { if (resolved != gp) { TypeReference(resolved, context); return; } else { TypeIdentifier(resolved, context, false); return; } } } if (TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(ownerType, context.EnclosingMethodType)) { TypeIdentifier(gp, context, false); return; } if (TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(ownerType, context.DefiningType)) { OpenGenericParameter(gp.Name, context.DefiningType.FullName); return; } if (TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(ownerType, context.EnclosingType)) { WriteRaw("$.GenericParameter"); LPar(); Value(gp.Name); RPar(); return; } throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format( "Unimplemented form of generic type parameter: '{0}'.", gp )); } else if (ownerMethod != null) { Func <MethodReference, int> getPosition = (mr) => { for (var i = 0; i < mr.GenericParameters.Count; i++) { if (mr.GenericParameters[i].Name == gp.Name) { return(i); } } throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format( "Generic parameter '{0}' not found in method '{1}' parameter list", gp, ownerMethod )); }; var ownerMethodIdentifier = new QualifiedMemberIdentifier( new TypeIdentifier(ownerMethod.DeclaringType), new MemberIdentifier(TypeInfo, ownerMethod) ); if (ownerMethodIdentifier.Equals(ownerMethod, context.InvokingMethod, TypeInfo)) { var gim = (GenericInstanceMethod)context.InvokingMethod; TypeReference(gim.GenericArguments[getPosition(ownerMethod)], context); return; } if (ownerMethodIdentifier.Equals(ownerMethod, context.DefiningMethod, TypeInfo)) { Value(String.Format("!!{0}", getPosition(ownerMethod))); return; } if (ownerMethodIdentifier.Equals(ownerMethod, context.EnclosingMethod, TypeInfo)) { throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format( "Unimplemented form of generic method parameter: '{0}'.", gp )); } Value(String.Format("!!{0}", getPosition(ownerMethod))); return; } } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot resolve generic parameter without a TypeReferenceContext."); } throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format( "Unimplemented form of generic parameter: '{0}'.", gp )); }
private static bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { return(TypeUtil.IsDerived(objectType, typeof(SmartEnum <,>))); }
public ActionResult BaseRolePermission() { int num = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(base.Request["param"]); base.ViewData["data"] = null; base.ViewBag.RoleId = num; List <Base_ModuleInfo> list = new List <Base_ModuleInfo>(); if (num > 0) { base.ViewBag.RoleName = TypeUtil.GetRoleName(num); if (num == 1) { base.ViewBag.Tit = "<超级管理员默认具有全部权限>"; } else { DataSet moduleList = FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.GetModuleList(); DataSet modulePermissionList = FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.GetModulePermissionList(); DataSet rolePermissionList = FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.GetRolePermissionList(num); if (moduleList != null && moduleList.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in moduleList.Tables[0].Rows) { Base_ModuleInfo base_ModuleInfo = new Base_ModuleInfo(); int num2 = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(row["ModuleID"]); string text2 = base_ModuleInfo.Title = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(row["Title"]); base_ModuleInfo.ModuleID = num2; DataRow[] array = moduleList.Tables[0].Select("ParentID=" + num2); if (array != null && array.Count() > 0) { List <Base_ModuleSubInfo> list2 = new List <Base_ModuleSubInfo>(); DataRow[] array2 = array; foreach (DataRow dataRow2 in array2) { Base_ModuleSubInfo base_ModuleSubInfo = new Base_ModuleSubInfo(); string title = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(dataRow2["Title"]); int num3 = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(dataRow2["ModuleID"]); if (modulePermissionList != null && modulePermissionList.Tables.Count > 0 && modulePermissionList.Tables[0].Select("ModuleID=" + num3).Count() > 0) { base_ModuleSubInfo.Title = title; base_ModuleSubInfo.ModuleID = num3; DataRow[] array3 = modulePermissionList.Tables[0].Select("ModuleID=" + num3); List <Base_ModulePermissionInfo> list3 = new List <Base_ModulePermissionInfo>(); DataRow[] array4 = array3; foreach (DataRow dataRow3 in array4) { Base_ModulePermissionInfo base_ModulePermissionInfo = new Base_ModulePermissionInfo(); int num4 = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(dataRow3["PermissionValue"]); base_ModulePermissionInfo.PermissionTitle = TypeUtil.ObjectToString(dataRow3["PermissionTitle"]); base_ModulePermissionInfo.PermissionValue = num4; if (rolePermissionList != null && rolePermissionList.Tables.Count > 0 && rolePermissionList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] array5 = rolePermissionList.Tables[0].Select("RoleID=" + num + " and ModuleID=" + num3); int num5 = 0; if (array5 != null && array5.Count() > 0) { num5 = TypeUtil.ObjectToInt(array5[0]["OperationPermission"]); } base_ModulePermissionInfo.IsChecked = (num5 != 0 && TypeUtil.IsExit(num5, num4)); } else { base_ModulePermissionInfo.IsChecked = false; } list3.Add(base_ModulePermissionInfo); } base_ModuleSubInfo.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes = list3; } if (base_ModuleSubInfo != null) { list2.Add(base_ModuleSubInfo); } } if (list2 != null && list2.Count > 0) { base_ModuleInfo.Base_ModuleSubInfoes = list2; } } if (base_ModuleInfo != null && base_ModuleInfo.Base_ModuleSubInfoes != null && base_ModuleInfo.Base_ModuleSubInfoes.Count > 0) { list.Add(base_ModuleInfo); } } } } } if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach (Base_ModuleInfo item in list) { foreach (Base_ModuleSubInfo base_ModuleSubInfo2 in item.Base_ModuleSubInfoes) { if (base_ModuleSubInfo2.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes != null && base_ModuleSubInfo2.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes.Count > 0) { base_ModuleSubInfo2.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes = (from p in base_ModuleSubInfo2.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes where p.PermissionTitle != "" select p).ToList(); } } } foreach (Base_ModuleInfo item2 in list) { if (item2.Base_ModuleSubInfoes != null && item2.Base_ModuleSubInfoes.Count > 0) { item2.Base_ModuleSubInfoes = item2.Base_ModuleSubInfoes.Where(delegate(Base_ModuleSubInfo p) { if (p.Title != "") { return(p.Base_ModulePermissionInfoes != null); } return(false); }).ToList(); } } if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { list = list.Where(delegate(Base_ModuleInfo p) { if (p.Title != "" && p.Base_ModuleSubInfoes != null) { return(p.Base_ModuleSubInfoes.Count > 0); } return(false); }).ToList(); } } base.ViewData["data"] = list; return(View()); }
public void VisitNode(JSBinaryOperatorExpression boe) { var leftType = boe.Left.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var rightType = boe.Right.GetActualType(TypeSystem); // We can end up with a pointer literal in an arithmetic expression. // In this case we want to switch it back to a normal integer literal so that the math operations work. var leftPointer = boe.Left as JSPointerLiteral; var rightPointer = boe.Right as JSPointerLiteral; if (!(boe.Operator is JSAssignmentOperator)) { if (leftPointer != null) { boe.ReplaceChild(boe.Left, JSIntegerLiteral.New(leftPointer.Value)); } if (rightPointer != null) { boe.ReplaceChild(boe.Right, JSIntegerLiteral.New(rightPointer.Value)); } } JSExpression replacement = null; if (leftType.IsPointer && TypeUtil.IsIntegral(rightType)) { if ( (boe.Operator == JSOperator.Add) || (boe.Operator == JSOperator.AddAssignment) ) { replacement = new JSPointerAddExpression( boe.Left, boe.Right, boe.Operator == JSOperator.AddAssignment ); } else if ( (boe.Operator == JSOperator.Subtract) || (boe.Operator == JSOperator.SubtractAssignment) ) { // FIXME: Int32 is probably wrong replacement = new JSPointerAddExpression( boe.Left, new JSUnaryOperatorExpression(JSOperator.Negation, boe.Right, TypeSystem.Int32), boe.Operator == JSOperator.SubtractAssignment ); } } else if (leftType.IsPointer && rightType.IsPointer) { if (boe.Operator == JSOperator.Subtract) { // FIXME: Int32 is probably wrong replacement = new JSPointerDeltaExpression( boe.Left, boe.Right, TypeSystem.Int32 ); } else if (boe.Operator is JSComparisonOperator) { replacement = new JSPointerComparisonExpression(boe.Operator, boe.Left, boe.Right, boe.ActualType); } } if (replacement != null) { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(boe, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); } else { VisitChildren(boe); } }
public void ApplyPresetMPN(Maid maid, PresetData preset, bool applyBody, bool applyWear, bool castoff) { // 衣装チェンジ foreach (var mpn in preset.mpns) { if (!applyBody) { // bodyのMPNをスキップ if (TypeUtil.IsBody( { continue; } } if (!applyWear) { // wearのMPNをスキップ if (TypeUtil.IsWear( { continue; } } // menuファイルが存在しない場合はスキップ if (!_fileUtil.Exists(mpn.filename)) { continue; } var prop = maid.GetProp(; if (mpn.filename.Equals(prop.strFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogUtil.Debug("apply preset skip. mpn:",, ", file:", mpn.filename); continue; } if ( == MPN.body) { LogUtil.Log("ACCexプリセットのbodyメニューの適用は現在未対応です。スキップします。", mpn.filename); continue; } if (mpn.filename.EndsWith("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (castoff) { // 対象のMPNが空でかつ、指定アイテムが削除アイテムと同一であればスキップ if (prop.nFileNameRID == 0) { if (CM3.dicDelItem[].Equals(mpn.filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } } // LogUtil.Debug("apply prop(del): ", mpn.filename, ", old:", prop.strFileName); if (SetProp != null) { SetProp(maid,, mpn.filename, 0); } } continue; // } else if (mpn.filename.EndsWith(".mod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { } // LogUtil.Debug("apply prop: ", mpn.filename, ", old:", prop.strFileName); if (SetProp != null) { SetProp(maid,, mpn.filename, 0); } } }
public void Should_TypeId_ContainNullValue() { var typeId = TypeId.Double | TypeId.NullValue; Assert.AreEqual(true, TypeUtil.IsNullValue(typeId)); }