Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TransactionTest()
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);user=automegenerator;pwd=123456;initial catalog=SqlTypes");


            SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction();

            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo = new TypeTestDatabaseVO();

            TypeTestDAO dao = new TypeTestDAO();

            dao.Insert(conn, trans, vo);

            int ID = vo.TypeTestID.Value;


            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo2 = dao.Load(conn, null, ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(vo2, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void InsertUpdateDeleteTest()
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);user=automegenerator;pwd=123456;initial catalog=SqlTypes");


            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo = new TypeTestDatabaseVO();

            vo.BigIntTest   = 10654654;
            vo.BitTest      = true;
            vo.CharTest     = "Char";
            vo.DateTimeTest = DateTime.Now;
            vo.DecimalTest  = 10.5M;
            vo.FloatTest    = 10.5F;
            vo.MoneyTest    = 5.5M;
            vo.NCharTest    = "N";
            vo.NTextTest    = "NText";
            vo.NumericTest  = 5.5M;
            vo.NVarcharTest = "NVarchar";
            vo.RealTest     = 10.5F;
            //Using a Date/time with "0" seconds. Will truncate when inserted on database.
            vo.SmallDateTimeTest    = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01, 10, 20, 0);
            vo.SmallIntTest         = 5;
            vo.SmallMoneyTest       = 5.5M;
            vo.TextTest             = "Text";
            vo.TinyIntTest          = 5;
            vo.UniqueIdentifierTest = new Guid("{9FC64FF0-368D-4394-AF12-E4DD3A120C4F}");
            vo.VarCharTest          = "Teste";

            TypeTestDAO dao = new TypeTestDAO();

            dao.Insert(conn, null, vo);

            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo2 = dao.Load(conn, null, vo.TypeTestID);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in vo.GetType().GetProperties())
                object v1 = pi.GetValue(vo, null);
                object v2 = pi.GetValue(vo2, null);
                //Trimming strings, because Char types autocompletes with space. This is by design.
                if (v1 is string)
                    v1 = ((string)v1).Trim();
                if (v2 is string)
                    v2 = ((string)v2).Trim();

                //Date comparisons as string. DateTimeKind is different when retrieved from database.
                if (v1 is DateTime)
                    v1 = ((DateTime)v1).ToString();
                if (v2 is DateTime)
                    v2 = ((DateTime)v2).ToString();
                Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);

            vo2              = dao.Load(conn, null, vo.TypeTestID);
            vo2.BigIntTest   = 10;
            vo2.BitTest      = false;
            vo2.CharTest     = "asdf";
            vo2.DateTimeTest = DateTime.Now;
            vo2.DecimalTest  = 12.5M;
            vo2.FloatTest    = 11.5F;
            vo2.MoneyTest    = 55.5M;
            vo2.NCharTest    = "a";
            vo2.NTextTest    = "There goes a very long text (ntext)";
            vo2.NumericTest  = 654.5M;
            vo2.NVarcharTest = "NVarchar value";
            vo2.RealTest     = 10.50F;
            //Using a Date/time with "0" seconds. Will truncate when inserted on database.
            vo2.SmallDateTimeTest    = new DateTime(2009, 02, 10, 05, 15, 0);
            vo2.SmallIntTest         = 2;
            vo2.SmallMoneyTest       = 15.5M;
            vo2.TextTest             = "There goes a very long text (text)";
            vo2.TinyIntTest          = 15;
            vo2.UniqueIdentifierTest = new Guid("{BFB2F594-2DDE-45c2-A19A-85C1C6684FA8}");
            vo2.VarCharTest          = "Varchar value";
            dao.Update(conn, null, vo2);

            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo3 = dao.Load(conn, null, vo2.TypeTestID);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in vo.GetType().GetProperties())
                object v1 = pi.GetValue(vo2, null);
                object v2 = pi.GetValue(vo3, null);
                //Trimming strings, because Char types autocompletes with space. This is by design.
                if (v1 is string)
                    v1 = ((string)v1).Trim();
                if (v2 is string)
                    v2 = ((string)v2).Trim();

                //Date comparisons as string. DateTimeKind is different when retrieved from database.
                if (v1 is DateTime)
                    v1 = ((DateTime)v1).ToString();
                if (v2 is DateTime)
                    v2 = ((DateTime)v2).ToString();
                Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);

            dao.Delete(conn, null, vo2);
            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo4 = dao.Load(conn, null, vo2.TypeTestID);

            Assert.AreEqual(vo4, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ProcedureWithTwoRecordSetsTest()
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);user=automegenerator;pwd=123456;initial catalog=SqlTypes");


            TypeTestDatabaseVO vo = new TypeTestDatabaseVO();

            vo.BigIntTest   = 10654654;
            vo.BitTest      = true;
            vo.CharTest     = "Char";
            vo.DateTimeTest = DateTime.Now;
            vo.DecimalTest  = 10.5M;
            vo.FloatTest    = 10.5F;
            vo.MoneyTest    = 5.5M;
            vo.NCharTest    = "N";
            vo.NTextTest    = "NText";
            vo.NumericTest  = 5.5M;
            vo.NVarcharTest = "NVarchar";
            vo.RealTest     = 10.5F;
            //Using a Date/time with "0" seconds. Will truncate when inserted on database.
            vo.SmallDateTimeTest    = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01, 10, 20, 0);
            vo.SmallIntTest         = 5;
            vo.SmallMoneyTest       = 5.5M;
            vo.TextTest             = "Text";
            vo.TinyIntTest          = 5;
            vo.UniqueIdentifierTest = new Guid("{9FC64FF0-368D-4394-AF12-E4DD3A120C4F}");
            vo.VarCharTest          = "Teste";

            TypeTestDAO dao = new TypeTestDAO();

            dao.Insert(conn, null, vo);

            TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsProcInputVO parms = new TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsProcInputVO();

            parms.TypeTestID = vo.TypeTestID;

            TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsProcedureDAO dao2 = new TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsProcedureDAO();
            List <object> result = dao2.Execute(conn, null, parms);
            List <TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsRS1ProcOutputVO> l0 = (List <TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsRS1ProcOutputVO>)result[0];
            List <TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsRS2ProcOutputVO> l1 = (List <TypeTestWithTwoRecordSetsRS2ProcOutputVO>)result[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(l0.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(l1.Count, 1);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in vo.GetType().GetProperties())
                PropertyInfo pi2 = l0[0].GetType().GetProperty(pi.Name);
                object       v1  = pi.GetValue(vo, null);
                object       v2  = pi2.GetValue(l0[0], null);
                //Trimming strings, because Char types autocompletes with space. This is by design.
                if (v1 is string)
                    v1 = ((string)v1).Trim();
                if (v2 is string)
                    v2 = ((string)v2).Trim();

                //Date comparisons as string. DateTimeKind is different when retrieved from database.
                if (v1 is DateTime)
                    v1 = ((DateTime)v1).ToString();
                if (v2 is DateTime)
                    v2 = ((DateTime)v2).ToString();
                Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in vo.GetType().GetProperties())
                PropertyInfo pi2 = l1[0].GetType().GetProperty(pi.Name);
                object       v1  = pi.GetValue(vo, null);
                object       v2  = pi2.GetValue(l1[0], null);
                //Trimming strings, because Char types autocompletes with space. This is by design.
                if (v1 is string)
                    v1 = ((string)v1).Trim();
                if (v2 is string)
                    v2 = ((string)v2).Trim();

                //Date comparisons as string. DateTimeKind is different when retrieved from database.
                if (v1 is DateTime)
                    v1 = ((DateTime)v1).ToString();
                if (v2 is DateTime)
                    v2 = ((DateTime)v2).ToString();
                Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2);