public GenericParameterReference(Module moduleBeingBuilt, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
            : base(moduleBeingBuilt)

            this.UnderlyingTypeParameter = underlyingTypeParameter;
        protected internal override object VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol, ArrayBuilder<SymbolDescriptionPart> builder)
            //variance and constraints are handled by methods and named types
            builder.Add(new SymbolDescriptionPart
                Kind = SymbolDescriptionPartKind.TypeParameterName,
                Text = symbol.Name,

            return null;
 private void AddTypeParameterVarianceIfRequired(TypeParameterSymbol symbol, ArrayBuilder<SymbolDescriptionPart> builder)
     if (format.GenericsFlags.HasFlag(GenericsFlags.IncludeVariance))
         switch (symbol.Variance)
             case VarianceKind.VarianceIn:
                 AddKeyword(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, builder);
             case VarianceKind.VarianceOut:
                 AddKeyword(SyntaxKind.OutKeyword, builder);
 public SynthesizedSubstitutedTypeParameterSymbol(Symbol owner, TypeMap map, TypeParameterSymbol substitutedFrom)
     : base(owner, map, substitutedFrom)
 internal Microsoft.Cci.IGenericParameterReference Translate(TypeParameterSymbol param)
     Contract.ThrowIfFalse(ReferenceEquals(param, param.OriginalDefinition));
     return param;
        private static void GetGenericTypeParameterSymbol(int position, NamedTypeSymbol namedType, out int cumulativeArity, out TypeParameterSymbol typeArgument)
            cumulativeArity = namedType.Arity;
            typeArgument    = null;

            int arityOffset = 0;

            var containingType = namedType.ContainingType;

            if ((object)containingType != null)
                int containingTypeCumulativeArity;
                GetGenericTypeParameterSymbol(position, containingType, out containingTypeCumulativeArity, out typeArgument);
                cumulativeArity += containingTypeCumulativeArity;
                arityOffset      = containingTypeCumulativeArity;

            if (arityOffset <= position && position < cumulativeArity)
                Debug.Assert((object)typeArgument == null);

                typeArgument = namedType.TypeParameters[position - arityOffset];
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void AddUserDefinedConversionsToExplicitCandidateSet(
            BoundExpression sourceExpression,
            TypeSymbol source,
            TypeSymbol target,
            ArrayBuilder <UserDefinedConversionAnalysis> u,
            TypeParameterSymbol constrainedToTypeOpt,
            NamedTypeSymbol declaringType,
            string operatorName,
            ref CompoundUseSiteInfo <AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo)
            Debug.Assert(sourceExpression != null || (object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);
            Debug.Assert(u != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)declaringType != null);
            Debug.Assert(operatorName != null);

            // SPEC: Find the set of applicable user-defined and lifted conversion operators, U.
            // SPEC: The set consists of the user-defined and lifted implicit or explicit
            // SPEC: conversion operators declared by the classes and structs in D that convert
            // SPEC: from a type encompassing E or encompassed by S (if it exists) to a type
            // SPEC: encompassing or encompassed by T.

            // The spec here essentially says that we add an applicable "regular" conversion and
            // an applicable lifted conversion, if there is one, to the candidate set, and then
            // let them duke it out to determine which one is "best".
            // This is not at all what the native compiler does, and attempting to implement
            // the specification, or slight variations on it, produces too many backwards-compatibility
            // breaking changes.
            // The native compiler deviates from the specification in two major ways here.
            // First, it does not add *both* the regular and lifted forms to the candidate set.
            // Second, the way it characterizes a "lifted" form is very, very different from
            // how the specification characterizes a lifted form.
            // An operation, in this case, X-->Y, is properly said to be "lifted" to X?-->Y? via
            // the rule that X?-->Y? matches the behavior of X-->Y for non-null X, and converts
            // null X to null Y otherwise.
            // The native compiler, by contrast, takes the existing operator and "lifts" either
            // the operator's parameter type or the operator's return type to nullable. For
            // example, a conversion from X?-->Y would be "lifted" to X?-->Y? by making the
            // conversion from X? to Y, and then from Y to Y?.  No "lifting" semantics
            // are imposed; we do not check to see if the X? is null. This operator is not
            // actually "lifted" at all; rather, an implicit conversion is applied to the
            // output. **The native compiler considers the result type Y? of that standard implicit
            // conversion to be the result type of the "lifted" conversion**, rather than
            // properly considering Y to be the result type of the conversion for the purposes
            // of computing the best output type.
            // Moreover: the native compiler actually *does* implement nullable lifting semantics
            // in the case where the input type of the user-defined conversion is a non-nullable
            // value type and the output type is a nullable value type **or pointer type, or
            // reference type**. This is an enormous departure from the specification; the
            // native compiler will take a user-defined conversion from X-->Y? or X-->C and "lift"
            // it to a conversion from X?-->Y? or X?-->C that has nullable semantics.
            // This is quite confusing. In this code we will classify the conversion as either
            // "normal" or "lifted" on the basis of *whether or not special lifting semantics
            // are to be applied*. That is, whether or not a later rewriting pass is going to
            // need to insert a check to see if the source expression is null, and decide
            // whether or not to call the underlying unlifted conversion or produce a null
            // value without calling the unlifted conversion.
            // DELIBERATE SPEC VIOLATION: See the comment regarding bug 17021 in
            // UserDefinedImplicitConversions.cs.

            if ((object)source != null && source.IsInterfaceType() || target.IsInterfaceType())

            foreach (MethodSymbol op in declaringType.GetOperators(operatorName))
                // We might have a bad operator and be in an error recovery situation. Ignore it.
                if (op.ReturnsVoid || op.ParameterCount != 1 || op.ReturnType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Error)

                TypeSymbol convertsFrom   = op.GetParameterType(0);
                TypeSymbol convertsTo     = op.ReturnType;
                Conversion fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteInfo);
                Conversion toConversion   = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteInfo);

                // We accept candidates for which the parameter type encompasses the *underlying* source type.
                if (!fromConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)source != null &&
                    source.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, source.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), convertsFrom, ref useSiteInfo).Exists)
                    fromConversion = ClassifyBuiltInConversion(source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteInfo);

                // As in dev11 (and the revised spec), we also accept candidates for which the return type is encompassed by the *stripped* target type.
                if (!toConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)target != null &&
                    target.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), ref useSiteInfo).Exists)
                    toConversion = ClassifyBuiltInConversion(convertsTo, target, ref useSiteInfo);

                // In the corresponding implicit conversion code we can get away with first
                // checking to see if standard implicit conversions exist from the source type
                // to the parameter type, and from the return type to the target type. If not,
                // then we can check for a lifted operator.
                // That's not going to cut it in the explicit conversion code. Suppose we have
                // a conversion X-->Y and have source type X? and target type Y?. There *are*
                // standard explicit conversions from X?-->X and Y?-->Y, but we do not want
                // to bind this as an *unlifted* conversion from X? to Y?; we want such a thing
                // to be a *lifted* conversion from X? to Y?, that checks for null on the source
                // and decides to not call the underlying user-defined conversion if it is null.
                // We therefore cannot do what we do in the implicit conversions, where we check
                // to see if the unlifted conversion works, and if it does, then don't add the lifted
                // conversion at all. Rather, we have to see if what we're building here is a
                // lifted conversion or not.
                // Under what circumstances is this conversion a lifted conversion? (In the
                // "spec" sense of a lifted conversion; that is, that we check for null
                // and skip the user-defined conversion if necessary).
                // * The source type must be a nullable value type.
                // * The parameter type must be a non-nullable value type.
                // * The target type must be able to take on a null value.

                if (fromConversion.Exists && toConversion.Exists)
                    if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType() && target.CanBeAssignedNull())
                        TypeSymbol nullableFrom         = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                        TypeSymbol nullableTo           = convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType() ? MakeNullableType(convertsTo) : convertsTo;
                        Conversion liftedFromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, nullableFrom, ref useSiteInfo);
                        Conversion liftedToConversion   = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, nullableTo, target, ref useSiteInfo);
                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Lifted(constrainedToTypeOpt, op, liftedFromConversion, liftedToConversion, nullableFrom, nullableTo));
                        // There is an additional spec violation in the native compiler. Suppose
                        // we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do "Y? y = new X();"  Clearly
                        // the intention is to convert from X-->Y via the implicit conversion, and then
                        // stick a standard implicit conversion from Y-->Y? on the back end. **In this
                        // situation, the native compiler treats the conversion as though it were
                        // actually X-->Y? in source for the purposes of determining the best target
                        // type of a set of operators.
                        // Similarly, if we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do
                        // an explicit conversion from X? to Y then we treat the conversion as
                        // though it really were X?-->Y for the purposes of determining the best
                        // source type of a set of operators.
                        // We perpetuate these fictions here.

                        if (target.IsNullableType() && convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsTo   = MakeNullableType(convertsTo);
                            toConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteInfo);

                        if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsFrom   = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                            fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsFrom, source, ref useSiteInfo);

                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Normal(constrainedToTypeOpt, op, fromConversion, toConversion, convertsFrom, convertsTo));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol(RetargetingModuleSymbol retargetingModule, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
            : base(underlyingTypeParameter)
            Debug.Assert((object)retargetingModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(!(underlyingTypeParameter is RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol));

            _retargetingModule = retargetingModule;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal Microsoft.Cci.IGenericParameterReference Translate(TypeParameterSymbol param)
     Contract.ThrowIfFalse(ReferenceEquals(param, param.OriginalDefinition));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public GenericParameterDefinition(Module moduleBeingBuilt, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
     : base(moduleBeingBuilt, underlyingTypeParameter)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal static void AssertReferencedIsUnmanagedAttribute(Accessibility accessibility, TypeParameterSymbol typeParameter, string assemblyName)
            var             attributes    = ((PEModuleSymbol)typeParameter.ContainingModule).GetCustomAttributesForToken(((PETypeParameterSymbol)typeParameter).Handle);
            NamedTypeSymbol attributeType = attributes.Single().AttributeClass;

            Assert.Equal("IsUnmanagedAttribute", attributeType.Name);
            Assert.Equal(assemblyName, attributeType.ContainingAssembly.Name);
            Assert.Equal(accessibility, attributeType.DeclaredAccessibility);

            switch (accessibility)
            case Accessibility.Internal:
                var isUnmanagedTypeAttributes = attributeType.GetAttributes().OrderBy(attribute => attribute.AttributeClass.Name).ToArray();
                Assert.Equal(2, isUnmanagedTypeAttributes.Length);

                Assert.Equal(WellKnownTypes.GetMetadataName(WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_CompilerGeneratedAttribute), isUnmanagedTypeAttributes[0].AttributeClass.ToDisplayString());
                Assert.Equal(AttributeDescription.CodeAnalysisEmbeddedAttribute.FullName, isUnmanagedTypeAttributes[1].AttributeClass.ToDisplayString());

            case Accessibility.Public:


                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(accessibility);
 public GenericMethodParameterReference(Module moduleBeingBuilt, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
     : base(moduleBeingBuilt, underlyingTypeParameter)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public SynthesizedSubstitutedTypeParameterSymbol(Symbol owner, TypeMap map, TypeParameterSymbol substitutedFrom, int ordinal)
     : base(owner, map, substitutedFrom, ordinal)
        private BoundExpression MakeNewT(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, TypeParameterSymbol typeParameter)
            // How "new T()" is rewritten depends on whether T is known to be a value
            // type, a reference type, or neither (see OperatorRewriter::VisitNEWTYVAR).

            if (typeParameter.IsValueType)
                // "new T()" rewritten as: "default(T)".
                return(new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, type: typeParameter));

            // For types not known to be value types, "new T()" requires
            // Activator.CreateInstance<T>().

            MethodSymbol method;

            if (!this.TryGetWellKnownTypeMember(syntax, WellKnownMember.System_Activator__CreateInstance_T, out method))
                return(new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, null, type: typeParameter, hasErrors: true));

            Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
            method = method.Construct(ImmutableArray.Create <TypeSymbol>(typeParameter));

            var createInstanceCall = new BoundCall(
                ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> .Empty,
                default(ImmutableArray <string>),
                default(ImmutableArray <RefKind>),
                isDelegateCall: false,
                expanded: false,
                invokedAsExtensionMethod: false,
                argsToParamsOpt: default(ImmutableArray <int>),
                resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                type: typeParameter);

            if (typeParameter.IsReferenceType)
                // "new T()" is rewritten as: "Activator.CreateInstance<T>()".
                // "new T()" is rewritten as: "(null == (object)default(T)) ? Activator.CreateInstance<T>() : default(T)".
                var defaultT = new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, type: typeParameter);
                return(new BoundConditionalOperator(
                               syntax: syntax,
                               rewrittenExpr: MakeConversion(
                                   syntax: syntax,
                                   rewrittenOperand: defaultT,
                                   conversionKind: ConversionKind.Boxing,
                                   rewrittenType: this.compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object),
                                   @checked: false),
                               operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.Equal),
                           constantValueOpt: null,
                           type: typeParameter));
 private static bool TypeParameterHasContraints(TypeParameterSymbol typeParam)
     return !typeParam.ConstraintTypes.IsEmpty() || typeParam.HasConstructorConstraint ||
         typeParam.HasReferenceTypeConstraint || typeParam.HasValueTypeConstraint;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public override Symbol VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static NamedTypeSymbol GetEffectiveBaseClass(this TypeParameterSymbol type)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override Microsoft.Cci.IReference VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol, bool a)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether there is any substitution of type parameters that will
        /// make two types identical.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t1">LHS</param>
        /// <param name="t2">RHS</param>
        /// <param name="substitution">
        /// Substitutions performed so far (or null for none).
        /// Keys are type parameters, values are types (possibly type parameters).
        /// Will be updated with new substitutions by the callee.
        /// Should be ignored when false is returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>True if there exists a type map such that Map(LHS) == Map(RHS).</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Derived from Dev10's BSYMMGR::UnifyTypes.
        /// Two types will not unify if they have different custom modifiers.
        /// </remarks>
        private static bool CanUnifyHelper(TypeSymbol t1, TypeSymbol t2, ref MutableTypeMap substitution)
            if (ReferenceEquals(t1, t2))
            else if ((object)t1 == null || (object)t2 == null)
                // Can't both be null or they would have been ReferenceEquals

            if (substitution != null)
                t1 = substitution.SubstituteType(t1);
                t2 = substitution.SubstituteType(t2);

            // If one of the types is a type parameter, then the substitution could make them ReferenceEquals.
            if (ReferenceEquals(t1, t2))

            // We can avoid a lot of redundant checks if we ensure that we only have to check
            // for type parameters on the LHS
            if (!t1.IsTypeParameter() && t2.IsTypeParameter())
                TypeSymbol tmp = t1;
                t1 = t2;
                t2 = tmp;

            // If t1 is not a type parameter, then neither is t2
            Debug.Assert(t1.IsTypeParameter() || !t2.IsTypeParameter());

            switch (t1.Kind)
            case SymbolKind.ArrayType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind)

                ArrayTypeSymbol at1 = (ArrayTypeSymbol)t1;
                ArrayTypeSymbol at2 = (ArrayTypeSymbol)t2;

                if (at1.Rank != at2.Rank || !at1.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(at2.CustomModifiers))

                return(CanUnifyHelper(at1.ElementType, at2.ElementType, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.PointerType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind)

                PointerTypeSymbol pt1 = (PointerTypeSymbol)t1;
                PointerTypeSymbol pt2 = (PointerTypeSymbol)t2;

                if (!pt1.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(pt2.CustomModifiers))

                return(CanUnifyHelper(pt1.PointedAtType, pt2.PointedAtType, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.NamedType:
            case SymbolKind.ErrorType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind)

                NamedTypeSymbol nt1 = (NamedTypeSymbol)t1;
                NamedTypeSymbol nt2 = (NamedTypeSymbol)t2;

                if (!nt1.IsGenericType)
                    return(!nt2.IsGenericType && nt1 == nt2);
                else if (!nt2.IsGenericType)

                int arity = nt1.Arity;

                if (nt2.Arity != arity || nt2.OriginalDefinition != nt1.OriginalDefinition)

                for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
                    if (!CanUnifyHelper(nt1.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[i], nt2.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[i], ref substitution))

                // Note: Dev10 folds this into the loop since GetTypeArgsAll includes type args for containing types
                return((object)nt1.ContainingType == null || CanUnifyHelper(nt1.ContainingType, nt2.ContainingType, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.TypeParameter:
                // These substitutions are not allowed in C#
                if (t2.TypeKind == TypeKind.Pointer || t2.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)

                TypeParameterSymbol tp1 = (TypeParameterSymbol)t1;

                // Perform the "occurs check" - i.e. ensure that t2 doesn't contain t1 to avoid recursive types
                // Note: t2 can't be the same type param - we would have caught that with ReferenceEquals above
                if (Contains(t2, tp1))

                if (substitution == null)
                    substitution = new MutableTypeMap();

                // MutableTypeMap.Add will throw if the key has already been added.  However,
                // if t1 was already in the substitution, it would have been substituted at the
                // start of this method and we wouldn't be here.
                substitution.Add(tp1, t2);


                return(t1 == t2);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static ImmutableArray <TypeSymbol> ConstraintTypes(this TypeParameterSymbol symbol)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when visiting a <see cref="TypeParameterSymbol" />; Override this with specific
 /// implementation; Calling <see cref="DefaultVisit" /> if it's not overridden
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="symbol">The visited symbol</param>
 /// <param name="argument">Additional argument</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual TResult VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol, TArgument argument)
     return(DefaultVisit(symbol, argument));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public virtual TResult VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether there is any substitution of type parameters that will
        /// make two types identical.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t1">LHS</param>
        /// <param name="t2">RHS</param>
        /// <param name="substitution">
        /// Substitutions performed so far (or null for none).
        /// Keys are type parameters, values are types (possibly type parameters).
        /// Will be updated with new substitutions by the callee.
        /// Should be ignored when false is returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>True if there exists a type map such that Map(LHS) == Map(RHS).</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Derived from Dev10's BSYMMGR::UnifyTypes.
        /// Two types will not unify if they have different custom modifiers.
        /// </remarks>
        private static bool CanUnifyHelper(TypeWithAnnotations t1, TypeWithAnnotations t2, ref MutableTypeMap substitution)
            if (!t1.HasType || !t2.HasType)

            if (TypeSymbol.Equals(t1.Type, t2.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) && t1.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t2.CustomModifiers))

            if (substitution != null)
                t1 = t1.SubstituteType(substitution);
                t2 = t2.SubstituteType(substitution);

            // If one of the types is a type parameter, then the substitution could make them equal.
            if (TypeSymbol.Equals(t1.Type, t2.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) && t1.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t2.CustomModifiers))

            // We can avoid a lot of redundant checks if we ensure that we only have to check
            // for type parameters on the LHS
            if (!t1.Type.IsTypeParameter() && t2.Type.IsTypeParameter())
                TypeWithAnnotations tmp = t1;
                t1 = t2;
                t2 = tmp;

            // If t1 is not a type parameter, then neither is t2
            Debug.Assert(t1.Type.IsTypeParameter() || !t2.Type.IsTypeParameter());

            switch (t1.Type.Kind)
            case SymbolKind.ArrayType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind || !t2.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t1.CustomModifiers))

                ArrayTypeSymbol at1 = (ArrayTypeSymbol)t1.Type;
                ArrayTypeSymbol at2 = (ArrayTypeSymbol)t2.Type;

                if (!at1.HasSameShapeAs(at2))

                return(CanUnifyHelper(at1.ElementTypeWithAnnotations, at2.ElementTypeWithAnnotations, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.PointerType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind || !t2.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t1.CustomModifiers))

                PointerTypeSymbol pt1 = (PointerTypeSymbol)t1.Type;
                PointerTypeSymbol pt2 = (PointerTypeSymbol)t2.Type;

                return(CanUnifyHelper(pt1.PointedAtTypeWithAnnotations, pt2.PointedAtTypeWithAnnotations, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.NamedType:
            case SymbolKind.ErrorType:
                if (t2.TypeKind != t1.TypeKind || !t2.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t1.CustomModifiers))

                NamedTypeSymbol nt1 = (NamedTypeSymbol)t1.Type;
                NamedTypeSymbol nt2 = (NamedTypeSymbol)t2.Type;

                if (nt1.IsTupleType)
                    if (!nt2.IsTupleType)

                    return(CanUnifyHelper(nt1.TupleUnderlyingType, nt2.TupleUnderlyingType, ref substitution));

                if (!nt1.IsGenericType)
                    return(!nt2.IsGenericType && TypeSymbol.Equals(nt1, nt2, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                else if (!nt2.IsGenericType)

                int arity = nt1.Arity;

                if (nt2.Arity != arity || !TypeSymbol.Equals(nt2.OriginalDefinition, nt1.OriginalDefinition, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2))

                var nt1Arguments = nt1.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics;
                var nt2Arguments = nt2.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics;

                for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
                    if (!CanUnifyHelper(nt1Arguments[i],
                                        ref substitution))

                // Note: Dev10 folds this into the loop since GetTypeArgsAll includes type args for containing types
                // TODO: Calling CanUnifyHelper for the containing type is an overkill, we simply need to go through type arguments for all containers.
                return((object)nt1.ContainingType == null || CanUnifyHelper(nt1.ContainingType, nt2.ContainingType, ref substitution));

            case SymbolKind.TypeParameter:
                // These substitutions are not allowed in C#
                if (t2.TypeKind == TypeKind.Pointer || t2.IsVoidType())

                TypeParameterSymbol tp1 = (TypeParameterSymbol)t1.Type;

                // Perform the "occurs check" - i.e. ensure that t2 doesn't contain t1 to avoid recursive types
                // Note: t2 can't be the same type param - we would have caught that with ReferenceEquals above
                if (Contains(t2.Type, tp1))

                if (t1.CustomModifiers.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    AddSubstitution(ref substitution, tp1, t2);

                if (t1.CustomModifiers.SequenceEqual(t2.CustomModifiers))
                    AddSubstitution(ref substitution, tp1, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(t2.Type));

                if (t1.CustomModifiers.Length < t2.CustomModifiers.Length &&
                    AddSubstitution(ref substitution, tp1,
                                                               customModifiers: ImmutableArray.Create(t2.CustomModifiers, t1.CustomModifiers.Length, t2.CustomModifiers.Length - t1.CustomModifiers.Length)));

                if (t2.Type.IsTypeParameter())
                    var tp2 = (TypeParameterSymbol)t2.Type;

                    if (t2.CustomModifiers.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                        AddSubstitution(ref substitution, tp2, t1);

                    if (t2.CustomModifiers.Length < t1.CustomModifiers.Length &&
                        AddSubstitution(ref substitution, tp2,
                                                                   customModifiers: ImmutableArray.Create(t1.CustomModifiers, t2.CustomModifiers.Length, t1.CustomModifiers.Length - t2.CustomModifiers.Length)));


Ejemplo n.º 25
 public GenericTypeParameterReference(Module moduleBeingBuilt, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
     : base(moduleBeingBuilt, underlyingTypeParameter)
 { }
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public override void VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol typeParameter)
 public override Microsoft.Cci.IReference VisitTypeParameter(TypeParameterSymbol symbol, bool a)
     return Translate(symbol);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public EmbeddedTypeParameter(EmbeddedMethod containingMethod, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter) :
     base(containingMethod, underlyingTypeParameter)
 public GenericTypeParameterDefinition(Module moduleBeingBuilt, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
     : base(moduleBeingBuilt, underlyingTypeParameter)
 { }
        public RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol(RetargetingModuleSymbol retargetingModule, TypeParameterSymbol underlyingTypeParameter)
            Debug.Assert((object)retargetingModule != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)underlyingTypeParameter != null);
            Debug.Assert(!(underlyingTypeParameter is RetargetingTypeParameterSymbol));

            this.retargetingModule       = retargetingModule;
            this.underlyingTypeParameter = underlyingTypeParameter;