Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool IsCherryType(Type type, CherryPickingMethods methods)
            bool r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;

            r0 = r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 = false;

            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.DataContract) == CherryPickingMethods.DataContract)
                r1 = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <DataContractAttribute>(type) != null;

            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.NewtonsoftJson) == CherryPickingMethods.NewtonsoftJson)
                r2 = TypeHelper.AttributeExists(type, "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute") != null;

            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.Serializable) == CherryPickingMethods.Serializable)
                r3 = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <SerializableAttribute>(type) != null;

            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.AspNet) == CherryPickingMethods.AspNet)//Asp.net does not seem to define good data annotation for cherry picking types
                r4 = true;

            if (methods == CherryPickingMethods.All)
                r0 = true;

            return(r0 | r1 | r2 | r3 | r4);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// How the type was cherry picked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CherryPickingMethods GetTypeCherryMethods(Type type)
            CherryPickingMethods r1, r2, r3;

            r1 = r2 = r3 = CherryPickingMethods.All;

            if (TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <DataContractAttribute>(type) != null)
                r1 = CherryPickingMethods.DataContract;

            if (TypeHelper.AttributeExists(type, "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute") != null)
                r2 = CherryPickingMethods.NewtonsoftJson;

            if (TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <SerializableAttribute>(type) != null)
                r3 = CherryPickingMethods.Serializable;

            return(r1 | r2 | r3);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static CherryType GetMemberCherryType(MemberInfo memberInfo, CherryPickingMethods methods, bool typeIsWithDataContract)
            CherryType[] r = { CherryType.None, CherryType.None, CherryType.None, CherryType.None, CherryType.None };

            //opt-in for DataContract through DataMemberAttribute , and the type may or may not be decorated by DataContractAttribute.
            // Enum will have all member fields being picked, regardless of the EnumMemberAttribute.
            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.DataContract) == CherryPickingMethods.DataContract)
                var a = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <DataMemberAttribute>(memberInfo);
                if (a == null)
                    r[1] = CherryType.None;
                    r[1] = a.IsRequired ? CherryType.BigCherry : CherryType.Cherry;

                if (typeIsWithDataContract)

            //opt-in for NewtonsoftJson through JsonPropertyAttribute,  , and the type may or may not be decorated by JsonObjectAttribute.
            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.NewtonsoftJson) == CherryPickingMethods.NewtonsoftJson)
                var a = TypeHelper.AttributeExists(memberInfo, "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnoreAttribute");
                if (a == null)
                    var a2 = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute>(memberInfo);
                    if (a2 != null)
                        r[2] = TypeHelper.GetRequired(a2, "Required", "Default") ? CherryType.BigCherry : CherryType.Cherry;
                        r[2] = CherryType.Cherry;
                    r[2] = CherryType.None;

            //opt-out for Serializable through NonSerializedAttribute
            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.Serializable) == CherryPickingMethods.Serializable)
                var a = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <NonSerializedAttribute>(memberInfo);
                if (a == null)
                    var a2 = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <RequiredAttribute>(memberInfo);
                    r[3] = a2 == null ? CherryType.Cherry : CherryType.BigCherry;
                    r[3] = CherryType.None;

            //opt-out for AspNet
            if ((methods & CherryPickingMethods.AspNet) == CherryPickingMethods.AspNet)
                var a = TypeHelper.ReadAttribute <RequiredAttribute>(memberInfo);
                r[4] = a == null ? CherryType.Cherry : CherryType.BigCherry;

            if (methods == CherryPickingMethods.All)
                r[0] = CherryType.Cherry;
