public InterceptingCatalogContext()
     var innerCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(Logger));
     MockInterceptor = new Mock<IExportedValueInterceptor>();
     Catalog = new InterceptingCatalog(innerCatalog, MockInterceptor.Object);
 public ConcreteTypeExportHandlerContext()
     ConcreteTypeHandler = new ConcreteTypeExportHandler();
     var typeCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(OrderProcessor));
     var orderProcessorContract = AttributedModelServices.GetContractName(typeof(OrderProcessor));
     var orderProcessPartDefinition = typeCatalog.Parts.Single(p => p.ExportDefinitions.Any(d => d.ContractName == orderProcessorContract));
     RepositoryImportDefinition = orderProcessPartDefinition.ImportDefinitions.First();
 public DynamicProxyValueInterceptorContext()
     var innerCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(Customer));
     var interceptor = new FreezableInterceptor();
     var valueInterceptor = new DynamicProxyInterceptor(interceptor);
     Catalog = new InterceptingCatalog(innerCatalog, valueInterceptor);
     Container = new CompositionContainer(Catalog);
        public void WhenItemsNotInCollection_GetThrows()
            // Prepare
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo1 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo2 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo3 = new ModuleInfo();

            ComposablePartCatalog catalog1 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog2 = new TypeCatalog();

            DownloadedPartCatalogCollection target = new DownloadedPartCatalogCollection();

            target.Add(moduleInfo1, catalog1);
            target.Add(moduleInfo2, catalog2);

            // Act
            Assert.ThrowsException<KeyNotFoundException>(() => target.Get(moduleInfo3));
            // Verify
        public void WhenItemsAdded_GetReturnsItems()
            // Prepare
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo1 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo2 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo3 = new ModuleInfo();

            ComposablePartCatalog catalog1 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog2 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog3 = new TypeCatalog();

            DownloadedPartCatalogCollection target = new DownloadedPartCatalogCollection();

            // Act
            target.Add(moduleInfo1, catalog1);
            target.Add(moduleInfo2, catalog2);
            target.Add(moduleInfo3, catalog3);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreSame(catalog1, target.Get(moduleInfo1));
            Assert.AreSame(catalog2, target.Get(moduleInfo2));
            Assert.AreSame(catalog3, target.Get(moduleInfo3));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ConventionCatalog_should_export_conventionpart()
            // Setup conventions using the semantic model
            // This is NOT the API that the user will be exposed to,
            // there will be a DSL at the front

            var exportConvention =
                new ExportConvention
                Members      = t => new[] { t },
                ContractType = x => typeof(IConventionPart),

            var importConvention =
                new ImportConvention
                Members      = t => new[] { ReflectionServices.GetProperty <IConventionPart>(p => p.Logger) },
                ContractType = x => typeof(ILogger)

            var convention =
                new PartConvention();

            convention.Condition = t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IConventionPart));

            var exportConvention2 =
                new ExportConvention
                Members      = t => new[] { typeof(NullLogger) },
                ContractType = x => typeof(ILogger),

            var convention2 =
                new PartConvention();

            convention2.Condition = t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ILogger));

            var model =
                new FakePartRegistry2(convention, convention2);

            // Setup container
            ConventionCatalog conventionCatalog =
                new ConventionCatalog(model);

            var typeCatalog =
                new TypeCatalog(typeof(AttributedPart));

            var aggregated =
                new AggregateCatalog(typeCatalog, conventionCatalog);

            var container =
                new CompositionContainer(aggregated);

            var part = new AttributedPart();

            var batch =
                new CompositionBatch();



            // Assert
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // important to call these before creating application host
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs

                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable Ctrl+tab selection of documents and controls within the app

                typeof(DomNodeNameSearchService),       // simple example of search input, results, and replacement, for DomNode names only
                typeof(DomNodePropertySearchService),   // complex example of search input, results, and replacement of any DomNode property

                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing
                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // visual list of undo/redo stack
                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All

                typeof(Outputs),                        // passes messages to all log writers
                typeof(ErrorDialogService),             // displays errors to the user in a message box

                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // custom command component to display Help/About dialog
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(Editor),                         // editor which manages event sequence documents
                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // loads schema and extends types
                typeof(PaletteClient),                  // component which adds items to palette
                typeof(EventListEditor),                // adds drag/drop and context menu to event sequence ListViews
                typeof(ResourceListEditor),             // adds "slave" resources ListView control, drag/drop and context menu
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form
            var batch = new CompositionBatch();
            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();
            var mainForm           = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "Simple DOM Editor Sample".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static CompositionContainer CreateWithAttributedCatalog(params Type[] types)
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(types);

            return(new CompositionContainer(catalog));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public StartupController()
     catalog = new TypeCatalog(_Startup.Parts)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Test case.
 /// </summary>
 static void RunImplicitArrayTest()
     var type    = typeof(CecilComponent);
     var typeCat = new TypeCatalog(type);
        public void Constructor2_EmptyEnumerableAsTypesArgument_ShouldSetPartsPropertyToEmptyEnumerable()
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(Enumerable.Empty <Type>());

Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void  Main()
            double start = LevelEditorCore.Timing.GetHiResCurrentTime();


            // It's important to call these before starting the app; otherwise theming and bitmaps
            //  may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

#if !DEBUG
            SplashForm.ShowForm(typeof(LevelEditorApplication), "LevelEditor.Resources.SplashImg.png");

            // Register the embedded image resources so that they will be available for all users of ResourceUtil,
            //  such as the PaletteService.

            // enable metadata driven property editing
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Add selected ATF components.
            TypeCatalog AtfCatalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(Outputs),                        // service that provides static methods for writing to IOutputWriter objects.
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter.
                typeof(CommandService),                 // menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardViewCommands),           // standard View commands: frame selection, frame all
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(StandardLockCommands),           // standard Edit menu lock/unlock commands
                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // multiple window layout support
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // window layout commands
                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // visual undo/redo

            TypeCatalog LECoreCatalog = new TypeCatalog(


            TypeCatalog thisAssemCatalog = new TypeCatalog(
                // To use Open Sound Control (OSC), enable these three components:
                //typeof(OscCommands),                    // Provides a GUI for configuring OSC support and to diagnose problems.
                //typeof(OscCommandReceiver)              // Executes this app's commands in response to receiving matching OSC messages.
                // Needs to come after all the other ICommandClients in the catalog.

            TypeCatalog renderingInteropCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            List <ComposablePartCatalog> catalogs = new List <ComposablePartCatalog>();

            // temp solution, look for statemachine plugin by name.
            string pluginDir = Application.StartupPath;
            string stmPlg    = pluginDir + "\\StateMachinePlugin.dll";
            if (File.Exists(stmPlg))
                Assembly stmPlgAssem = Assembly.LoadFrom(stmPlg);
                catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(stmPlgAssem));

            // load all dlls in \MEFPlugin
            string mefpluginDir = pluginDir + "\\MEFPlugin";
            if (Directory.Exists(mefpluginDir))
                var filepaths = Directory.GetFiles(mefpluginDir).Where(path => path.EndsWith(".dll"));
                foreach (var filepath in filepaths)
                    Assembly filepathAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(filepath);
                    catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(filepathAssembly));

            AggregateCatalog catalog = new AggregateCatalog(catalogs);

            // Initialize ToolStripContainer container and MainForm
            ToolStripContainer toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();
            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            MainForm mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer);
            mainForm.Text = "LevelEditor".Localize("the name of this application, on the title bar");

            CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
            CompositionBatch     batch     = new CompositionBatch();
            AttributedModelServices.AddPart(batch, mainForm);

            // Initialize components

            var gameEngine = container.GetExportedValue <IGameEngineProxy>();
            foreach (IInitializable initializable in container.GetExportedValues <IInitializable>())

            AutoDocumentService autoDocument = container.GetExportedValue <AutoDocumentService>();
            autoDocument.AutoLoadDocuments = false;
            autoDocument.AutoNewDocument   = true;
            mainForm.Shown += delegate { SplashForm.CloseForm(); };

            // The settings file is incompatible between languages that LevelEditor and ATF are localized to.
            // For example, the LayoutService saves different Control names depending on the language and so
            //  the Windows layout saved in one language can't be loaded correctly in another language.
            string language = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; //"en" or "ja"
            if (language == "ja")
                var    settingsService = container.GetExportedValue <SettingsService>();
                string nonEnglishPath  = settingsService.SettingsPath;
                nonEnglishPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(nonEnglishPath), "AppSettings_" + language + ".xml");
                settingsService.SettingsPath = nonEnglishPath;

            Application.Run(mainForm); // MAIN LOOP

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void Prepare()
            var dummyCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            var standardCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            var complexCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            var propertyInjectionCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            var multipleCatalog = new TypeCatalog(

            var openGenericCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(ImportGeneric <>), typeof(GenericExport <>));

            this.container = new CompositionContainer(
                new AggregateCatalog(dummyCatalog, standardCatalog, complexCatalog, propertyInjectionCatalog, multipleCatalog, openGenericCatalog), true);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void Main()
            // It's important to call these before starting the app; otherwise theming and bitmaps
            //  may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            Engine engine = new Engine();

            engine.StartEngine("TongCompiler", null);

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Enable metadata driven property editing for the DOM
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(

                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                //typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs

                typeof(DomNodeRefDictionary),           // Reference dictionary

                typeof(Outputs),                        // passes messages to all log writers
                typeof(ErrorDialogService),             // displays errors to the user in a message box


            // enable use of the system clipboard
            StandardEditCommands.UseSystemClipboard = true;

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form
            var batch    = new CompositionBatch();
            var mainForm = new ConsoleMainForm()
                Text = Application.ProductName,

            // Add the main Form instance, etc., to the container



            // Give components a chance to clean up.

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Prepare()
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(Singleton), typeof(Transient), typeof(Combined));

            this.container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: Program.cs Proyecto: zparr/ATF
        static void Main()

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Enable metadata driven property editing for the DOM
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(

                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService),              // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // component that loads XML schema and sets up types
                typeof(Editor)                          // component that manages UI documents

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form

            // Configure the main Form with a ToolStripContainer so the CommandService can
            //  generate toolbars.
            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();

            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            var mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "DOM Property Editor".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            var batch = new CompositionBatch();

            // batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            var propEditor = container.GetExportedValue <PropertyEditor>();

            propEditor.PropertyGrid.PropertySorting = Sce.Atf.Controls.PropertyEditing.PropertySorting.Categorized;
            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static void Main()
            // It's important to call these before starting the app; otherwise theming and bitmaps
            //  may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Register the embedded image resources so that they will be available for all users of ResourceUtil,
            //  such as the PaletteService.

            // enable metadata driven property editing
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                //typeof(LiveConnectService),             // allows easy interop between apps on same router subnet
                typeof(Outputs),                        // passes messages to all IOutputWriter components
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(RenameCommand),                  // allows for renaming of multiple selected objects

                //StandardPrintCommands does not currently work with Direct2D
                //typeof(StandardPrintCommands),        // standard File menu print commands

                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing
                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // visual list of undo/redo stack
                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All
                typeof(PerformanceMonitor),             // displays the frame rate and memory usage
                typeof(FileWatcherService),             // service to watch for changes to files
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(SkinService),                    // allows for customization of an application appearance by using inheritable properties that can be applied at run-time

                // Client-specific plug-ins
                typeof(TimelineEditor),                 // timeline editor component
                typeof(TimelineCommands),               // defines Timeline-specific commands
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                // Testing related
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();

            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            var mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "RobotDirector".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            var batch = new CompositionBatch();

            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));


            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

Ejemplo n.º 18
        static void AddTool1()
            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            TypeCatalog catalog = new TypeCatalog(

                typeof(SettingsServiceCommands),        // Setting service commands
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // multiple window layout support
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // window layout commands

                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app

                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(StandardLayoutCommands),         // standard Format menu layout commands
                typeof(StandardViewCommands),           // standard View menu commands

                //StandardPrintCommands does not currently work with Direct2D
                //typeof(StandardPrintCommands),        // standard File menu print commands

                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing

                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All

                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // visual list of undo/redo stack
                typeof(PrototypeLister),                // editable palette of instantiable item groups
                typeof(LayerLister),                    // editable tree view of layers

                typeof(Outputs),                        // passes messages to all log writers

                typeof(DiagramTheme),                   // rendering theme for diagrams
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls

                // Editors
                typeof(StatechartEditorSample.Editor),          // sample statechart editor
                typeof(StatechartEditorSample.SchemaLoader),    // loads statechart schema and extends types
                typeof(StatechartEditorSample.PaletteClient),   // component which adds palette items

                typeof(PythonService),                          // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),                     // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                          // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AutomationService)                       // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            // Configure the main Form
            var mainForm = new MainForm(new ToolStripContainer())
                Text = "State Chart Editor".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            var batchObjects = m_SharedComponents != null ? new List <object>(m_SharedComponents) : new List <object>();

            batchObjects.Add(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            mainForm.InitializeComposition(catalog, batchObjects);


            // Add to tab
            m_toolMainForm.Tabs.Add(new Sce.Atf.Gui.TitleBarTab.TitleBarTabItem(m_toolMainForm)
                Content = mainForm,
Ejemplo n.º 19
        static void Main()
            // important to call these before creating application host
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
#if !DEBUG
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(DomExplorer),                    //Debug view the DOM
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs

                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable Ctrl+tab selection of documents and controls within the app

                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor

                typeof(Outputs),                        // passes messages to all log writers
                typeof(ErrorDialogService),             // displays errors to the user a in message box

                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // custom command component to display Help/About dialog
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService),              // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

                //Worldsmith stuff
                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   //Loads the schema
                typeof(Project.DotaVPKService),         //Handles the VPK stuff, including reading from the VPK and building the DOM node

                //UI Elements
                // typeof(UnitPropertyEditor),


            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form
            var batch = new CompositionBatch();
            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();
            var mainForm           = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "Worldsmith".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(WorldsmithATF.Properties.Resources.WSIcon32)

            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public TypeCatalogTests()
     catalog = new TypeCatalog();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        static void Main()
            // important to call these before creating application host
            Application.DoEvents(); // see
#if true
            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // multiple window layout support
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // window layout commands
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(Outputs),                        // service that provides static methods for writing to IOutputWriter objects.
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter.

                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls

                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                //typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All

                typeof(Editor),                         // code editor component
                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // loads schema and extends types


            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();
            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            var mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer);
            mainForm.Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage));

            mainForm.Text = "Butterfly Engine".Localize();

            var batch = new CompositionBatch();

            // To make the tab commands (e.g., "Copy Full Path", "Open Containing Folder") available, we have to change
            //  the default behavior to work with this sample app's unusual Editor. In most cases, an editor like this
            //  would implement IDocumentClient and this customization of DefaultTabCommands wouldn't be necessary.
            var tabCommands = container.GetExportedValue <DefaultTabCommands>();
            tabCommands.IsDocumentControl = controlInfo => controlInfo.Client is Editor;

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
            var mainForm = new FormTest
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Export <T>()
            var typeCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(T));

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Should_be_able_to_cast_implicitly_to_type_catalog()
            TypeCatalog catalog = builder;

        public void Constructor3_EmptyArrayAsTypesArgument_ShouldSetPartsPropertyToEmpty()
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(new Type[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Should_be_able_to_add_assembly_by_name()
            TypeCatalog catalog = builder.Add(GetType().Assembly.FullName);

            Assert.Contains(GetType().Assembly, catalog.Assemblies);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void CompositionPoint_TypeArgument(Type type)
     var x = new TypeCatalog(type);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Should_be_able_to_include_types()
            TypeCatalog catalog = builder.Include(typeof(Controller));

            Assert.Equal(1, catalog.IncludeFilters.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // important to call these before creating application host
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(SettingsServiceCommands),        // Setting service commands
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // multiple window layout support
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // window layout commands
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(Outputs),                        // service that provides static methods for writing to IOutputWriter objects.
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter.
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(Editor),                         // code editor component
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService),              // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service
                typeof(PerforceService),                // Perforce plugin
                typeof(SubversionService),              // SVN plugin
                typeof(SourceControlCommands),          // source control commmands to interact with Perforce plugin
                typeof(SourceControlContext)            // source control context component

            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();

            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            var mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer);
            var image    = GdiUtil.GetImage("CodeEditor.Resources.File_edit.ico");

            mainForm.Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(image, 32, true);

            mainForm.Text = "Code Editor".Localize();

            var batch = new CompositionBatch();

            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // To make the tab commands (e.g., "Copy Full Path", "Open Containing Folder") available, we have to change
            //  the default behavior to work with this sample app's unusual Editor. In most cases, an editor like this
            //  would implement IDocumentClient and this customization of DefaultTabCommands wouldn't be necessary.
            var tabCommands = container.GetExportedValue <DefaultTabCommands>();

            tabCommands.IsDocumentControl = controlInfo => controlInfo.Client is Editor;

            var sourceControlCommands = container.GetExportedValue <SourceControlCommands>();
            sourceControlCommands.RefreshStatusOnSave = true;

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Should_be_able_to_exclude_type_by_name()
            TypeCatalog catalog = builder.Exclude(typeof(Controller).FullName);

            Assert.Equal(1, catalog.ExcludeFilters.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: Program.cs Proyecto: zparr/ATF
        static void Main()
            // It's important to call these before starting the app; otherwise theming and bitmaps
            //  may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Enable metadata driven property editing for the DOM
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(

                typeof(SingleInstanceService),          // enforces the single-instance constraint on a GUI application

                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs

                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app

                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands
                typeof(StandardLockCommands),           // standard Edit menu lock/unlock commands
                typeof(StandardLayoutCommands),         // standard Format menu layout commands
                typeof(StandardViewCommands),           // standard View menu commands

                //StandardPrintCommands does not currently work with Direct2D
                //typeof(StandardPrintCommands),        // standard File menu print commands

                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing
                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // vistual list of undo/redo stack
                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All

                typeof(PrototypeLister),                // editable palette of instantiable item groups

                typeof(Outputs),                        // service that provides static methods for writing to IOutputWriter objects.
                typeof(ErrorDialogService),             // displays errors to the user in a message box. Implements IOutputWriter.
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter.

                typeof(DiagramTheme),                   // rendering theme for diagrams

                typeof(Editor),                         // editor which manages statechart documents and controls
                typeof(PaletteClient),                  // component which adds items to palette
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // loads schema and extends types
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form
            var batch    = new CompositionBatch();
            var mainForm = new MainForm(new ToolStripContainer())
                Text = Application.ProductName,
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))


            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
        public void WhenItemsInCollection_TryGetReturnsTrueAndCatalog()
            // Prepare
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo1 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo2 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo3 = new ModuleInfo();

            ComposablePartCatalog catalog1 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog2 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog3 = new TypeCatalog();

            DownloadedPartCatalogCollection target = new DownloadedPartCatalogCollection();

            target.Add(moduleInfo1, catalog1);
            target.Add(moduleInfo2, catalog2);
            target.Add(moduleInfo3, catalog3);

            // Act
            bool actual = target.TryGet(moduleInfo3, out catalog3);    
            // Verify
            Assert.AreSame(catalog3, target.Get(moduleInfo3));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeCatalogBuilder"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeCatalog">The type catalog.</param>
        public TypeCatalogBuilder(TypeCatalog typeCatalog)
            Invariant.IsNotNull(typeCatalog, "typeCatalog");

            TypeCatalog = typeCatalog;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private static TypeCatalog CreateTypeCatalog()
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog();

            catalog.IncludeFilters.Add(type => ((typeof(Dummy1Controller) == type) || (typeof(Dummy2Controller) == type)));

            return catalog;
        public void WhenItemsCleared_TryGetReturnsFalse()
            // Prepare
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo1 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo2 = new ModuleInfo();
            ModuleInfo moduleInfo3 = new ModuleInfo();

            ComposablePartCatalog catalog1 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog2 = new TypeCatalog();
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog3 = new TypeCatalog();

            DownloadedPartCatalogCollection target = new DownloadedPartCatalogCollection();

            target.Add(moduleInfo1, catalog1);
            target.Add(moduleInfo2, catalog2);
            target.Add(moduleInfo3, catalog3);

            // Act

            ComposablePartCatalog catalog1b;
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog2b;
            ComposablePartCatalog catalog3b;

            bool actual1 = target.TryGet(moduleInfo1, out catalog1b);
            bool actual2 = target.TryGet(moduleInfo2, out catalog2b);
            bool actual3 = target.TryGet(moduleInfo3, out catalog3b);

            // Verify

Ejemplo n.º 35
        static void Main()

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Enable metadata driven property editing for the DOM
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                 // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                   // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(CommandService),                  // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),              // docking control host
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                  // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                     // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),       // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(FileDialogService),               // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),                // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),          // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),            // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),          // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),         // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),                // Help -> About command
                typeof(PythonService),                   // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                   // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),              // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService),               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service
                typeof(Outputs),                         // passes messages to all IOutputWriter components
                typeof(ShoutOutputService),              // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter

                typeof(Sce.Atf.Atgi.AtgiResolver),       // loads ATGI resources from a file
                typeof(Sce.Atf.Collada.ColladaResolver), // loads Collada resources from a file

                // this sample
                typeof(ModelViewer),                    // recognizes model file extensions and uses the above model resolvers to load models
                typeof(RenderCommands),                 // provides commands for switching the RenderView's rendering mode, etc.
                typeof(RenderView)                      // displays a 3D scene in a Windows Control

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form
            var batch    = new CompositionBatch();
            var mainForm = new MainForm(new ToolStripContainer())
                Text = "Model Viewer".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            var stdfile = container.GetExportedValue <StandardFileCommands>();

            stdfile.RegisterCommands = StandardFileCommands.CommandRegister.FileOpen;

            // Initialize components
            foreach (IInitializable initializable in container.GetExportedValues <IInitializable>())

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            // for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public void Should_be_able_to_exclude_type_flter()
            TypeCatalog catalog = builder.Exclude(type => typeof(Controller).IsAssignableFrom(type));

            Assert.Equal(1, catalog.ExcludeFilters.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        static void Main()
            // It's important to call these before starting the app; otherwise theming and bitmaps
            // may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Register the embedded image resources so that they will be available for all users of ResourceUtil,
            //  such as the PaletteService.

            // Enable metadata driven property editing for the DOM
            DomNodeType.BaseOfAllTypes.AddAdapterCreator(new AdapterCreator <CustomTypeDescriptorNodeAdapter>());

            // Create a type catalog with the types of components we want in the application
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(StatusService),                  // status bar at bottom of main Form
                typeof(Outputs),                        // service that provides static methods for writing to IOutputWriter objects.
                typeof(OutputService),                  // rich text box for displaying error and warning messages. Implements IOutputWriter.
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // multiple window layout support
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // window layout commands
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(CrashLogger),                    // logs unhandled exceptions to an ATF server
                typeof(UnhandledExceptionService),      // catches unhandled exceptions, displays info, and gives user a chance to save
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command
                typeof(TabbedControlSelector),          // enable ctrl-tab selection of documents and controls within the app
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(HelpAboutCommand),               // Help -> About command

                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardEditCommands),           // standard Edit menu commands for copy/paste
                typeof(StandardEditHistoryCommands),    // standard Edit menu commands for undo/redo
                typeof(StandardSelectionCommands),      // standard Edit menu selection commands

                typeof(PaletteService),                 // global palette, for drag/drop instancing
                typeof(HistoryLister),                  // visual list of undo/redo stack
                typeof(PropertyEditor),                 // property grid for editing selected objects
                typeof(GridPropertyEditor),             // grid control for editing selected objects
                typeof(PropertyEditingCommands),        // commands for PropertyEditor and GridPropertyEditor, like Reset,
                                                        //  Reset All, Copy Value, Paste Value, Copy All, Paste All
                typeof(CurveEditor),                    // edits curves using the CurveEditingControl

                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // component that loads XML schema and sets up types
                typeof(Editor),                         // component that manages UI documents
                typeof(PaletteClient),                  // component that adds UI types to palette
                typeof(TreeLister),                     // component that displays the UI in a tree control
                typeof(DefaultTabCommands),             // provides the default commands related to document tab Controls
                typeof(DomExplorer),                    // component that gives diagnostic view of DOM
                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            // Set up the MEF container with these components
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Configure the main Form with a ToolStripContainer so the CommandService can
            //  generate toolbars.
            var toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();

            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            var mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "Dom Tree Editor".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            // Add the main Form instance to the container
            var batch = new CompositionBatch();

            batch.AddPart(new WebHelpCommands("".Localize()));

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            //// Example of programmatic layout creation:
            //    var windowLayoutService = container.GetExportedValue<IWindowLayoutService>();
            //    var dockStateProvider = container.GetExportedValue<IDockStateProvider>();

            //    // Load custom XML and add it to the Window Layout Service
            //    int layoutNum = 0;
            //    Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            //    foreach (string resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
            //    {
            //        if (resourceName.Contains("Layout") && resourceName.EndsWith(".xml"))
            //        {
            //            var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            //            xmlDoc.Load(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName));

            //            layoutNum++;
            //            windowLayoutService.SetOrAddLayout(dockStateProvider, "Programmatic Layout " + layoutNum, xmlDoc.InnerXml);
            //        }
            //    }

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
 public TypeCatalogTests()
     catalog = new TypeCatalog();
Ejemplo n.º 39
        static void Main()
            // Important to call these before starting the app.  Otherwise theming and bitmaps may not render correctly.
            Application.DoEvents(); // see

            // Set up localization support early on, so that user-readable strings will be localized
            //  during the initialization phase below. Use XML files that are embedded resources.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
            Localizer.SetStringLocalizer(new EmbeddedResourceStringLocalizer());

            // Using MEF, declare the composable parts that will make up this application
            TypeCatalog catalog = new TypeCatalog(
                typeof(SettingsService),                // persistent settings and user preferences dialog
                typeof(CommandService),                 // handles commands in menus and toolbars
                typeof(ControlHostService),             // docking control host
                typeof(ContextRegistry),                // central context registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileExitCommand),        // standard File exit menu command

                typeof(FileDialogService),              // standard Windows file dialogs
                typeof(DocumentRegistry),               // central document registry with change notification
                typeof(StandardFileCommands),           // standard File menu commands for New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Close
                typeof(AutoDocumentService),            // opens documents from last session, or creates a new document, on startup
                typeof(RecentDocumentCommands),         // standard recent document commands in File menu
                typeof(MainWindowTitleService),         // tracks document changes and updates main form title
                typeof(AtfUsageLogger),                 // logs computer info to an ATF server
                typeof(WindowLayoutService),            // service to allow multiple window layouts
                typeof(WindowLayoutServiceCommands),    // command layer to allow easy switching between and managing of window layouts

                // Client-specific plug-ins
                typeof(Editor),                         // editor class component that creates and saves application documents
                typeof(SchemaLoader),                   // loads schema and extends types

                typeof(PythonService),                  // scripting service for automated tests
                typeof(ScriptConsole),                  // provides a dockable command console for entering Python commands
                typeof(AtfScriptVariables),             // exposes common ATF services as script variables
                typeof(AutomationService)               // provides facilities to run an automated script using the .NET remoting service

            // Create the MEF container for the composable parts
            CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

            // Create the main form, give it a toolstrip
            ToolStripContainer toolStripContainer = new ToolStripContainer();

            toolStripContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            MainForm mainForm = new MainForm(toolStripContainer)
                Text = "Sample Application".Localize(),
                Icon = GdiUtil.CreateIcon(ResourceUtil.GetImage(Sce.Atf.Resources.AtfIconImage))

            // Create an MEF composable part from the main form, and add into container
            CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();

            AttributedModelServices.AddPart(batch, mainForm);

            // Initialize components that require it. Initialization often can't be done in the constructor,
            //  or even after imports have been satisfied by MEF, since we allow circular dependencies between
            //  components, via the System.Lazy class. IInitializable allows components to defer some operations
            //  until all MEF composition has been completed.

            // Show the main form and start message handling. The main Form Load event provides a final chance
            //  for components to perform initialization and configuration.

            // Give components a chance to clean up.
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public TypeHelperContext()
     var catalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(DummyPart));
     var part = catalog.Parts.First();
     DummyPartImports = part.ImportDefinitions;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        static Global()
            var catalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(MyReportsResolver), typeof(MyTypeResolveService));

            container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);