Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult RegisterExternal(string state)
            ApplicationUserLogin userLogin;

            state = state.ToLower();

            if (state == "facebook")
                var token = FacebookAuthenticator.RetrieveAccessToken(GetQueryString(this.Request, "code"));
                userLogin = FacebookAuthenticator.CreateUserLogin(token);
            else if (state == "google")
                var token = GoogleAuthenticator.RetrieveAccessToken(GetQueryString(this.Request, "code"));
                userLogin = GoogleAuthenticator.CreateUserLogin(token);
            else if (state == "twitter")
                var authToken    = GetQueryString(this.Request, "oauth_token");
                var authVerifier = GetQueryString(this.Request, "oauth_verifier");

                userLogin = TwitterAuthenticator.CreateUserLogin(authToken, authVerifier);

            var result    = this._userRepo.CreateExternalUser(userLogin);
            var userToken = ApplicationUserManager.CreateToken(result.User);

            // Returns the user token in text/plain format to help our deficient friend IE
            var resp = this.Request.CreateResponse();

            resp.Content = new StringContent(userToken, Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain");

            if (result.UserCreated)
                resp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Created;

            resp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

        void ShowTwitterAuthenticationFlow()
            var auth = TwitterAuthenticator.GetTwitterAuthenticator((bool sucessful) =>
                //dismisses twitter dialog
                DismissViewController(true, () =>
                    if (sucessful)
                        var popToViewController = NavigationController.ViewControllers.Where(c => c.GetType() == typeof(MyOutletsViewController)).First();
                        NavigationController.PopToViewController(popToViewController, true);
            var ui = auth.GetUI();

            PresentViewController(ui, true, null);
    public IEnumerator SendData(string logString, string stackTrace, string type)
        TwitterAuthenticator Authenticator = null;
        TwitterInteractor    Interactor    = null;

        if (Authenticator == null)
            Authenticator = TwitterAuthenticator.Instance;

        Debug.Log("have authenticator.");

        // See if the accesstoken and access secret have already been entered before
        string accesstoken  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Access Token");
        string accessSecret = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Access Secret");

        // If the access token and access secret have been set before, then load them back into the API
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accesstoken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessSecret))
            // Set the tokens to the previously received tokens
            Authenticator.setTokens(accesstoken, accessSecret);
            Interactor = new TwitterInteractor(Authenticator);

        Debug.Log("Logging to google forms.");
        WebClient client = new WebClient();

        var keyValue = new NameValueCollection();

        keyValue.Add("entry.1996553891", Interactor.getLoggedInUserScreenName()); // twitter screename
        keyValue.Add("entry.4768965464", Interactor.getCurrentUser());            // full name
        keyValue.Add("entry.1696860947", stackTrace);                             // stack trace
        keyValue.Add("entry.441305901", logString);                               // error condition
        keyValue.Add("entry.174248846", DateTime.Now.ToString());                 // error date and tiem
        keyValue.Add("entry.736989736", type.ToString());                         // error type

        Uri uri = new Uri("https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhhipZz7EgdRDacPna2m-gOnV97phLahegPhWcmJdRgD2SEA/formResponse");

        byte[] response = client.UploadValues(uri, "POST", keyValue);
        yield return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult GetRequestToken()
            twOAuth = new TwitterAuthenticator(
                // real consumer key
                // fake consumer key

                // real consumer secret
                // fake consumer secret

                // real callback
                // face callback

            requestTokenResult = twOAuth.GetRequestToken();

            return(new RedirectResult(twOAuth.UserAuthorizationUrl));
        public async Task Test_TwitterController_TwitterAuth_Fail()

            //Twitter Client returns IsAuthenticated false
            this.MockTwitterClient = this.InitMockTwitterClient(this.SecuritySettings, false);

            TwitterAuthModel facebookAuthModel = new TwitterAuthModel
                APIKey = "<api key>"

            TwitterAuthenticator authenticator = new TwitterAuthenticator(this.SecuritySettings.TwitterSecuritySettings,

            var controller = new TwitterController(authenticator);

            var result = await controller.Create(facebookAuthModel);

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result);
            this.MockTwitterClient.Verify(x => x.PostSecurityRequest(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public HomeTimelineNavigatable(TwitterAuthenticator authenticator) : base(authenticator)
     twitterObjects = new List <Status>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public DMUsersNavigatable(TwitterAuthenticator authenticator) : base(authenticator)
     twitterObjects = new List <User>();
    public void initializeAuthComponent()
        if (Authenticator == null)
                Authenticator = TwitterAuthenticator.Instance;
            catch (Exception e)

        if (Authenticator == null)
            DisplayManager.PushNotification("Something went wrong with your twitter authentication. If this persists please contact the development team.");
            navigateToTwitterAuthPage("Authenticator is null");

        // See if the accesstoken and access secret have already been entered before
        string accesstoken  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Access Token");
        string accessSecret = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Access Secret");

        // If the access token and access secret have been set before, then load them back into the API
        if (Remember && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(accesstoken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessSecret))
            // Set the tokens to the previously received tokens
            makeTwitterAPICallNoReturnVal(() => Authenticator.setTokens(accesstoken, accessSecret));
                Interactor = new TwitterInteractor(Authenticator);
            catch (Exception e)

            if (Interactor == null)
                DisplayManager.PushNotification("Something went wrong with your twitter authentication. If this persists please contact the development team.");
                navigateToTwitterAuthPage("Interactor is null");

            // Recover from errors having to do with exceptions in home timeline thread
            Interactor.getHomeTimelineNavigatable().OnExp = exception =>
                Crashlytics.RecordCustomException("Twitter Exception", "thrown exception", exception.StackTrace);

                DisplayManager.PushNotification("Something went wrong with your twitter implementation.");

            // Recover from errors having to do with exceptions in dm users thread
            Interactor.getDmUsersNavigatable().OnExp = exception =>
                Crashlytics.RecordCustomException("Twitter Exception", "thrown exception", exception.StackTrace);

                DisplayManager.PushNotification("Something went wrong with your twitter implementation.");

        else         // Otherwise, we need to authenticate the user.