/// <summary> /// Allows the computer to have a turn /// Pre: User had stood or has reached 21 /// Post: Allows the Comptuer to have a turn /// </summary> private void ComputersTurn() { TwentyOne.DealACard(DEALER); DisplayHandValue(DEALER); TwentyOne.DetermineWinner(); DisplayGamesWon(); if (TwentyOne.HandValue(DEALER) > TwentyOne.MAXVALUE) { DealerHasBusted.Visible = true; } }
// GET: Game public ActionResult GetValue() { TwentyOne game = new TwentyOne() { Player = "User", CurrentValue = 0 }; Session["game"] = game; return(View(game)); }
// GET: TwentyOne public ActionResult TwentyOne() { var twentyOneModel = new TwentyOne { PresentValue = 0, ActiveGameStatus = new GameStatus() }; Session["activeGame"] = twentyOneModel; return(View(twentyOneModel)); }
/// <summary> /// Displays the Users hand Value and updates the players hand image /// </summary> private void DisplayHandValue(int player) { if (player == PLAYER) { lblPlayersHandValue.Text = TwentyOne.HandValue(PLAYER).ToString(); DisplayGuiHand(TwentyOne.GetHand(PLAYER), playerTableLayoutPanel); } else { lblDealersHandvalue.Text = TwentyOne.HandValue(DEALER).ToString(); DisplayGuiHand(TwentyOne.GetHand(DEALER), dealerTableLayoutPanel); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a card to a Users Hand and then checks if they have gone bust or not /// Pre: They must not have 21 already and have hit the hit button /// Post: Deals a card to the player /// </summary> private void btnHit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TwentyOne.AddCard(PLAYER); DisplayGuiHand(TwentyOne.GetHand(PLAYER), playerTableLayoutPanel); CheckHandForAce(); lblPlayersHandValue.Text = TwentyOne.HandValue(PLAYER).ToString(); if (TwentyOne.HandValue(PLAYER) > TwentyOne.MAXVALUE) { TwentyOne.DetermineWinner(); PlayerHasBusted.Visible = true; DisplayGamesWon(); DisableButtons(); } }
// GET: TwentyOne public ActionResult TwentyOne() { var twentyOneModel = new TwentyOne { GameFields = new List <GameField> { new GameField(1, 1, "", "hotpink"), new GameField(2, 2, "", "hotpink"), new GameField(0, 0, "disabled", ""), new GameField(0, 3, "disabled", "") }, ActiveGameStatus = new GameStatus() }; Session["activeGame"] = twentyOneModel; return(View(twentyOneModel)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the game of 21 /// </summary> private void btnDealCards_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TwentyOne.SetUpGame(); DisplayGuiHand(TwentyOne.GetHand(DEALER), dealerTableLayoutPanel); DisplayGuiHand(TwentyOne.GetHand(PLAYER), playerTableLayoutPanel); TwentyOne.DisplayHand(DEALER); TwentyOne.DisplayHand(PLAYER); DisplayHandValue(PLAYER); DisplayHandValue(DEALER); lblValue.Text = TwentyOne.GetNumOfUserAcesWithValueOne().ToString(); DealerHasBusted.Visible = false; PlayerHasBusted.Visible = false; btnDealCards.Enabled = false; btnHit.Enabled = true; btnStand.Enabled = true; CheckHandForAce(); CheckHandForAce(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the hand if it has an Ace or not, and allows the user to specify its value /// Pre: A Ace in the players hand /// Post: Changes the value of the Ace /// </summary> public void CheckHandForAce() { if (TwentyOne.CheckAces(PLAYER)) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Would You like the ace to be 1?", "You have been dealt and Ace", // The MessageBox's caption. MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { TwentyOne.IncreaseNumOfUserAcesWithValueOne(); lblValue.Text = TwentyOne.GetNumOfUserAcesWithValueOne().ToString(); } } DisplayHandValue(PLAYER); if (TwentyOne.HandValue(PLAYER) == TwentyOne.MAXVALUE) { DisableButtons(); ComputersTurn(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); Trace.AutoFlush = true; do { DisplayMenu(mainMenu); menuOption = GetMenuOption(EXIT, HIGHEST_MENU_NUMBER); switch (menuOption) { case SIMPLE_TWO_UP: TwoUp.PlayConsole(); break; case TWENTY_ONE: TwentyOne.PlayConsole(); break; case CRAZY_EIGHTS: CrazyEights.PlayConsole(); break; case PIG: Pig.PlayConsole(); break; case EXIT: DisplayEndMessage(); break; default: Trace.WriteLine("Major Logical error - this message should not appear!"); break; } // end switch } while (menuOption != EXIT); } //end Main
//Displays the games won private void DisplayGamesWon() { lblPlayerGamesWonValue.Text = TwentyOne.GetNumOfGamesWon(PLAYER).ToString(); lblDealerGamesWonValue.Text = TwentyOne.GetNumOfGamesWon(DEALER).ToString(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime datetime = new DateTime(1995, 5, 23, 8, 32, 45); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Grand Hotel and Casino." + "Let's start by telling me your name: "); string playerName = Console.ReadLine(); if (playerName.ToLower() == "admin") { List <ExceptionEntity> Exceptions = ReadExceptions(); foreach (var exception in Exceptions) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Id + "| "); Console.WriteLine(exception.ExceptionType + "| "); Console.WriteLine(exception.ExceptionMessage + "| "); Console.WriteLine(exception.TimeStamp + "| "); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); return; } bool Validanswer = false; int bank = 0; while (!Validanswer) { Console.WriteLine("And how much money did you bring today?"); Validanswer = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out bank); if (!Validanswer) { Console.WriteLine("please enter digits only,no decimals"); } } //Console.WriteLine("And how much money did you bring today?"); //bank = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}. Would you like to join a game of 21 right now? " + playerName); string answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (answer == "yes" || answer == "yeah" || answer == "y" || answer == "ya") { Player player = new Player(playerName, bank); player.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\VrinMan Dulay\Documents\test.txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); file.WriteLine(player.Id); } Game game = new TwentyOne(); game += player; player.isActivePlaying = true; while (player.isActivePlaying && player.Balance > 0) { try { game.Play(); } catch (FraudException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); updateDBWtihException(ex); Console.ReadLine(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An error Occured. Please Contact to your system administrator"); updateDBWtihException(ex); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } game -= player; Console.WriteLine("Thank you for playing!"); } Console.WriteLine("Feel free to look around the casino. Bye for now."); Console.ReadLine(); //Deck deck = new Deck(); //deck.Shuffle(3); //foreach(Card card in deck.Cards) //{ // Console.WriteLine(card.Face + " of " + card.Suit); //} //Console.WriteLine(deck.Cards.Count); //Console.ReadLine(); }