public void TestAddRange()
            // Set up data
            bool success = false;
            var tweet1 = new Tweet()
                Text = "test tweet 1",
                Timestamp = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0),
            var tweet2 = new Tweet()
                Text = "test tweet 2",
                Timestamp = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0),
            List<Tweet> tweets = new List<Tweet>() { tweet1, tweet2 };

            // Execute
            using (var repository = new TweetRepository())
                success = repository.AddRange(tweets);

            // Validate
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Mine()
            // Get all games whos tweets need indexing
            using (var repository = new GameRepository())
                Games = (from game in repository.DataSet.Include("HomeTeam.Hashtags").Include("AwayTeam.Hashtags")
                         where game.TweetsRetrieved != RetrievalStatus.COMPLETED
                         && game.EventsRetrieved == RetrievalStatus.COMPLETED
                         && game.MatchDay >= MinGameDay
                         select game).OrderByDescending(g => g.Start).ToList();

            foreach (Game game in Games)
                long tweetCount = 0;
                _statuses = new ConcurrentQueue<List<Status>>();
                _completed = false;

                Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Mining tweets from {0} vs {1}{2}Start Time: {3}{2}",
                    game.HomeTeam.Name, game.AwayTeam.Name, Environment.NewLine, game.Start));


                while (!_completed)
                    List<Status> recieved = null;
                    if (_statuses.TryDequeue(out recieved))
                        // work to do
                        var tweets = from status in recieved
                                     select new Tweet()
                                         Timestamp = BSTDateTime.FromBSTDateTime(status.CreatedAt),
                                         Text = status.Text,
                                         TwitterId = (long)status.StatusID,
                                         Longitude = status.Coordinates.Longitude,
                                         Latitude = status.Coordinates.Latitude,
                                         RetweetCount = status.RetweetCount,
                                         Images = (from media in status.Entities.MediaEntities 
                                                   select new Image() 
                                                       Url = media.MediaUrl,
                                                       GameId = game.Id 
                                         GameId = game.Id

                        tweetCount += tweets.Count();

                        if (game.TweetsRetrieved == RetrievalStatus.NONE)
                            // update game status if nessessary
                            game.TweetsRetrieved = RetrievalStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
                            using (var repository = new GameRepository())

                        using (var repository = new TweetRepository())
                        // no work to do

                // update the game status
                game.TweetsRetrieved = RetrievalStatus.COMPLETED;
                game.TweetCount = tweetCount;
                using (var repository = new GameRepository())

                // update the activity chart
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("An error occured while creating chart points:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, e.Message));

                Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} vs {1} tweet mining compeleted{2}",
                    game.HomeTeam.Name, game.AwayTeam.Name, Environment.NewLine));
            return true;