Ejemplo n.º 1
 public IEnumerator MoveToCoroutine(Vector3 destPos, TweenDefinition moveToDefinition)
     return TweenToCoroutine(new TweenTransform(destPos), moveToDefinition);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public IEnumerator MoveToCoroutine(Vector3 destPos, TweenDefinition moveToDefinition)
     return(TweenToCoroutine(new TweenTransform(destPos), moveToDefinition));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /** Change position, rotation and scale. */
        public IEnumerator TweenToCoroutine(TweenTransform tweenTransform, TweenDefinition definition)
            int movingId = tweenTransform.ChangePosition && tweenTransform.Position != transform.position ? ++_movingId : -1;
            int rotatingId = tweenTransform.ChangeRotation && tweenTransform.Rotation != transform.rotation ? ++_rotatingId : -1;
            int scalingId = tweenTransform.ChangeScale && !IsLocalScaleMulti(tweenTransform.LocalScaleMulti) ? ++_scalingId : -1;

            if (movingId == -1 && rotatingId == -1 && scalingId == -1)
                yield break;

            Debug.Log("TweenTo " + tweenTransform.Position + " gameObject " + gameObject);

            // position nosmooth
            Vector3 deltaPos = (tweenTransform.Position - transform.position);
            Vector3 deltaNormalized = deltaPos;
            Vector3 velocity;
            float factor;

            // starting values
            Vector3 startScale = transform.localScale;
            Vector3 newScale = _startingScale * tweenTransform.LocalScaleMulti;
            Quaternion startRot = transform.rotation;
            Vector3 startPos = transform.position;

            // precompute duration
            float duration = 1;
            if (movingId != -1)
                duration = GetMoveTime(transform.position, tweenTransform.Position, definition.StartSpeed, definition.Acceleration);
            else if (scalingId != -1)
                duration = (newScale - startScale).sqrMagnitude;
                duration = Quaternion.Angle(tweenTransform.Rotation, startRot);

            // smoothdamp
            float smoothSpeed = 0;

            float timeFactor = 1 / duration;
            float t = 0;
            float smoothT = 0;

            // for time
            //			float timeEnd = Time.time + definition.ForTime;
            float timeStart = Time.time;

            while (true)
            /* debug
                if (_movingId != -1)
                    transform.position = tweenTransform.Position;
                if (_rotatingId != -1)
                    transform.rotation = tweenTransform.Rotation;
                if (_scalingId != -1)
                    transform.localScale = newScale;
            //				if (definition.ForTime != 0 && Time.time >= timeEnd)
            //					break;

                t = t + Time.deltaTime * timeFactor;

                if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.NoSmooth)
                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        // TODO: some bug here (from minion on table to opponent hero it takes longer time than from opponent hero to minion on table)
                        velocity = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, deltaNormalized, Time.deltaTime);
                        factor = definition.StartSpeed;
                        if (definition.Acceleration != 0)
                            factor = factor + definition.Acceleration * (Time.time - timeStart);

            //						Debug.Log("MOVE base velocity " + velocity + " factor " + factor + " timeDelta " + Time.deltaTime);
                        velocity = velocity * factor;
                        transform.position += velocity;

                        if (t >= 1)
                            transform.position = tweenTransform.Position;
            //							Debug.Log("MOVE END from " + transform.position + " to " + tweenTransform.Position);
                            movingId = -1;

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, t);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, t);

                    if (t >= 1)

                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothOut)
                    smoothT = Mathf.SmoothDamp(smoothT, 1f, ref smoothSpeed, duration);

                    if (smoothT > 0.999f)
                        smoothT = 1;

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)
                // TODO: GS opposite to smooth out
                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothIn)
                    smoothT = Mathf.SmoothDamp(smoothT, 1f, ref smoothSpeed, duration);

                    if (smoothT > 0.999f)
                        smoothT = 1;

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)
                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothInOut)
             				smoothT = Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, t);

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)

                yield return null;


            Debug.Log("TweenTo ENDED " + tweenTransform == null ? "null" : tweenTransform.Position + " gameObject " + gameObject);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /** Change position, rotation and scale. */
        public IEnumerator TweenToCoroutine(TweenTransform tweenTransform, TweenDefinition definition)
            int movingId   = tweenTransform.ChangePosition && tweenTransform.Position != transform.position ? ++_movingId : -1;
            int rotatingId = tweenTransform.ChangeRotation && tweenTransform.Rotation != transform.rotation ? ++_rotatingId : -1;
            int scalingId  = tweenTransform.ChangeScale && !IsLocalScaleMulti(tweenTransform.LocalScaleMulti) ? ++_scalingId : -1;

            if (movingId == -1 && rotatingId == -1 && scalingId == -1)
                yield break;

            Debug.Log("TweenTo " + tweenTransform.Position + " gameObject " + gameObject);

            // position nosmooth
            Vector3 deltaPos        = (tweenTransform.Position - transform.position);
            Vector3 deltaNormalized = deltaPos;

            Vector3 velocity;
            float   factor;

            // starting values
            Vector3    startScale = transform.localScale;
            Vector3    newScale   = _startingScale * tweenTransform.LocalScaleMulti;
            Quaternion startRot   = transform.rotation;
            Vector3    startPos   = transform.position;

            // precompute duration
            float duration = 1;

            if (movingId != -1)
                duration = GetMoveTime(transform.position, tweenTransform.Position, definition.StartSpeed, definition.Acceleration);
            else if (scalingId != -1)
                duration = (newScale - startScale).sqrMagnitude;
                duration = Quaternion.Angle(tweenTransform.Rotation, startRot);

            // smoothdamp
            float smoothSpeed = 0;

            float timeFactor = 1 / duration;
            float t          = 0;
            float smoothT    = 0;

            // for time
//			float timeEnd = Time.time + definition.ForTime;
            float timeStart = Time.time;

            while (true)
/* debug
 *                              if (_movingId != -1)
 *                                      transform.position = tweenTransform.Position;
 *                              if (_rotatingId != -1)
 *                                      transform.rotation = tweenTransform.Rotation;
 *                              if (_scalingId != -1)
 *                                      transform.localScale = newScale;
 *                              break;
//				if (definition.ForTime != 0 && Time.time >= timeEnd)
//					break;

                t = t + Time.deltaTime * timeFactor;

                if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.NoSmooth)
                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        // TODO: some bug here (from minion on table to opponent hero it takes longer time than from opponent hero to minion on table)
                        velocity = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, deltaNormalized, Time.deltaTime);
                        factor   = definition.StartSpeed;
                        if (definition.Acceleration != 0)
                            factor = factor + definition.Acceleration * (Time.time - timeStart);

//						Debug.Log("MOVE base velocity " + velocity + " factor " + factor + " timeDelta " + Time.deltaTime);
                        velocity            = velocity * factor;
                        transform.position += velocity;

                        if (t >= 1)
                            transform.position = tweenTransform.Position;
//							Debug.Log("MOVE END from " + transform.position + " to " + tweenTransform.Position);
                            movingId = -1;

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, t);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, t);

                    if (t >= 1)
                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothOut)
                    smoothT = Mathf.SmoothDamp(smoothT, 1f, ref smoothSpeed, duration);

                    if (smoothT > 0.999f)
                        smoothT = 1;

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)
                // TODO: GS opposite to smooth out
                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothIn)
                    smoothT = Mathf.SmoothDamp(smoothT, 1f, ref smoothSpeed, duration);

                    if (smoothT > 0.999f)
                        smoothT = 1;

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)
                else if (definition.Type == TweenDefinition.TransformType.SmoothInOut)
                    smoothT = Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, t);

                    if (movingId == _movingId)
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, tweenTransform.Position, smoothT);

                    if (rotatingId == _rotatingId)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, tweenTransform.Rotation, smoothT);

                    if (scalingId == _scalingId)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, newScale, smoothT);

                    if (smoothT >= 1)

                yield return(null);


            Debug.Log("TweenTo ENDED " + tweenTransform == null ? "null" : tweenTransform.Position + " gameObject " + gameObject);