public static double GetPowerProfileVelocity(double Vi, double Vf, double D, double d)
            // Vi = initial velocity of segment
            // Vf = final velocity of segment
            // D = distance of segment
            // d = distance to the end of the segment

            if (profile_power_param == null)
                profile_power_param = Services.Params.GetParam("profile power", "speed", 1.25);

            double fact = d / D;

            if (fact > 1)
                fact = 0;
            if (fact < 0)
                fact = 0;
            fact = Math.Pow(fact, 1 / profile_power_param.Value);
            return(fact * (Vi - Vf) + Vf);
        static CurvaturePathFollowing()
            // obtain values of tunable Parameters
            TunableParamTable table = Services.Params;

            q1_param = table.GetParam("steering q1", "steering", 0);
            q2_param = table.GetParam("steering q2", "steering", 0);
            r_param  = table.GetParam("steering r", "steering", 10000);

            offtrack_error_max_param = table.GetParam("offtrack error max", "steering", 2);