protected virtual void AppendEnumDefinition(TsEnum enumModel, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput output) { string typeName = this.GetTypeName(enumModel); string visibility = (output & TsGeneratorOutput.Enums) == TsGeneratorOutput.Enums || (output & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants ? "export " : ""; _docAppender.AppendEnumDoc(sb, enumModel, typeName); string constSpecifier = this.GenerateConstEnums ? "const " : string.Empty; sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("{0}{2}enum {1} {{", visibility, typeName, constSpecifier)); using (sb.IncreaseIndentation()) { int i = 1; string valuesList = ""; string descriptionsList = ""; foreach (var v in enumModel.Values) { _docAppender.AppendEnumValueDoc(sb, v); bool appendComma = enumModel.IsOutputValuesList || enumModel.IsOutputDescriptionsList || (i < enumModel.Values.Count); if (enumModel.IsValueAsStringOfName) { sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format(appendComma ? "{0} = '{0}'," : "{0} = '{0}'", v.Name)); if (enumModel.IsOutputValuesList) { valuesList += string.Format((i < enumModel.Values.Count) ? "{0}|" : "{0}", v.Name); } } else { sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format(appendComma ? "{0} = {1}," : "{0} = {1}", v.Name, v.Value)); if (enumModel.IsOutputValuesList) { valuesList += string.Format(i < enumModel.Values.Count ? "{0}|" : "{0}", v.Value); } } if (enumModel.IsOutputDescriptionsList) { descriptionsList += string.Format(i < enumModel.Values.Count ? "{0}|" : "{0}", v.Description); } i++; } if (enumModel.IsOutputValuesList) { sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format(enumModel.IsOutputDescriptionsList ? "_ValuesList = '{0}'," : "_ValuesList = '{0}'", valuesList)); } if (enumModel.IsOutputDescriptionsList) { sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("_DescriptionsList = '{0}'", descriptionsList)); } } sb.AppendLineIndented("}"); _generatedEnums.Add(enumModel); }
public void WhenInitialized_NameIsSet() { var typeName = new TsBasicType() { Context = typeof(EnumWithoutAttribute), TypeName = "EnumWithoutAttribute" }; var sut = new TsEnum(typeName); Assert.Same(typeName, sut.Name); }
public void WhenInitialized_ValuesIsEmptyCollection() { var typeName = new TsBasicType() { Context = typeof(EnumWithoutAttribute), TypeName = "EnumWithoutAttribute" }; var sut = new TsEnum(typeName); Assert.Empty(sut.Values); }
public virtual string WriteEnum(TsEnum netEnum) { var enumStr = string.Join("," + _config.NewLine, netEnum.Enums.Select(WriteEnumValue)).Indent(_indent); var exportStr = netEnum.IsPublic ? "export " : ""; return($"{exportStr}enum {netEnum.Name}" + _config.NewLine + @"{" + _config.NewLine + $"{enumStr}" + _config.NewLine + @"}"); }
public TsType GetType(Type clrType) { TsClass tsClass = null; if (Classes.TryGetValue(clrType, out tsClass)) { return(tsClass); } TsEnum tsEnum = null; if (Enums.TryGetValue(clrType, out tsEnum)) { return(tsEnum); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves TsType to the more specialized type. /// </summary> /// <param name="toResolve">The type to resolve.</param> /// <returns></returns> private TsType ResolveType(TsType toResolve, TsPropertyVisibilityFormatter propertyVisibilityFormatter, bool useOpenGenericDefinition = true) { if (!(toResolve is TsType)) { return(toResolve); } if (_knownTypes.ContainsKey(toResolve.Type)) { return(_knownTypes[toResolve.Type]); } else if (toResolve.Type.IsGenericType && useOpenGenericDefinition) { // We stored its open type definition instead TsType openType = null; if (_knownTypes.TryGetValue(toResolve.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), out openType)) { return(openType); } } else if (toResolve.Type.IsGenericType) { var genericType = TsType.Create(toResolve.Type, propertyVisibilityFormatter); _knownTypes[toResolve.Type] = genericType; return(genericType); } var typeFamily = TsType.GetTypeFamily(toResolve.Type); TsType type = null; switch (typeFamily) { case TsTypeFamily.System: type = new TsSystemType(toResolve.Type); break; case TsTypeFamily.Collection: type = this.CreateCollectionType(toResolve, propertyVisibilityFormatter); break; case TsTypeFamily.Enum: type = new TsEnum(toResolve.Type); break; default: type = TsType.Any; break; } _knownTypes[toResolve.Type] = type; return(type); }
protected override void AppendEnumDefinition(TsEnum enumModel, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput output) { string typeName = this.GetTypeName(enumModel); string visibility = ((output & TsGeneratorOutput.Enums) == TsGeneratorOutput.Enums || (output & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) ? "export " : ""; this._docAppender.AppendEnumDoc(sb, enumModel, typeName); string constSpecifier = this.GenerateConstEnums ? "const " : string.Empty; sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("{0}{2}enum {1} {{", visibility, typeName, constSpecifier)); using (sb.IncreaseIndentation()) { int i = 1; foreach (TsEnumValue v in enumModel.Values) { this._docAppender.AppendEnumValueDoc(sb, v); sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format((i < enumModel.Values.Count) ? "{0} = {1}," : "{0} = {1}", ToCamelCase(v.Name), v.Value)); i++; } } sb.AppendLineIndented("}"); this._generatedEnums.Add(enumModel); }
protected override void AppendEnumDefinition(TsEnum enumModel, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput output) { if (!AddNamespaceHeaderEnum(enumModel.Name, enumModel.Type.Assembly.FullName, sb)) { return; } if (_typesToIgnore.Contains(enumModel.Type)) { return; } var typeName = this.GetTypeName(enumModel); var visibility = string.Empty; _docAppender.AppendEnumDoc(sb, enumModel, typeName); var constSpecifier = this.GenerateConstEnums ? "const " : string.Empty; sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("{0}{2}enum {1} {{", visibility, typeName, constSpecifier)); using (sb.IncreaseIndentation()) { var i = 1; foreach (var v in enumModel.Values) { _docAppender.AppendEnumValueDoc(sb, v); var enumMemberAttribute = v.Field.GetCustomAttribute <EnumMemberAttribute>(); var name = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumMemberAttribute?.Value) ? enumMemberAttribute.Value : v.Name).QuoteMaybe(); sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format(i < enumModel.Values.Count ? "{0} = {1}," : "{0} = {1}", name, v.Value)); i++; } } sb.AppendLineIndented("}"); _generatedEnums.Add(enumModel); }
public void AppendEnumDoc(ScriptBuilder sb, TsEnum enumModel, string enumName) { }
protected override void AppendEnumDefinition(TsEnum enumModel, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput output) { base.AppendEnumDefinition(enumModel, sb, TsGeneratorOutput.Enums); }
private bool Ignore(TsEnum enumModel) => IsClrType(enumModel.Type);
private static void AddContent(StringBuilder builder, string indententionString, TsEnum type) { builder.Append(indententionString); if (type.IsExport) { builder.Append("export "); } builder.Append($"enum {type.Name} " + "{"); builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append(string.Join($",{Environment.NewLine}", type.Values.Select(x => $"{indententionString}\t{GenerateContent(x)}"))); builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append(indententionString + "}"); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves TsType to the more specialized type. /// </summary> /// <param name="toResolve">The type to resolve.</param> /// <returns></returns> private TsType ResolveType(TsType toResolve, bool useOpenGenericDefinition = true) { if (!(toResolve is TsType)) { return toResolve; } if (_knownTypes.ContainsKey(toResolve.Type)) { return _knownTypes[toResolve.Type]; } else if (toResolve.Type.IsGenericType && useOpenGenericDefinition) { // We stored its open type definition instead TsType openType = null; if (_knownTypes.TryGetValue(toResolve.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), out openType)) { return openType; } } else if (toResolve.Type.IsGenericType) { var genericType = TsType.Create(toResolve.Type); _knownTypes[toResolve.Type] = genericType; return genericType; } var typeFamily = TsType.GetTypeFamily(toResolve.Type); TsType type = null; switch (typeFamily) { case TsTypeFamily.System: type = new TsSystemType(toResolve.Type); break; case TsTypeFamily.Collection: type = this.CreateCollectionType(toResolve); break; case TsTypeFamily.Enum: type = new TsEnum(toResolve.Type); break; default: type = TsType.Any; break; } _knownTypes[toResolve.Type] = type; return type; }
/// <summary> /// Adds type and optionally referenced classes to the model. /// </summary> /// <param name="clrType">The type to add to the model.</param> /// <param name="includeReferences">bool value indicating whether classes referenced by T should be added to the model.</param> /// <returns>type added to the model</returns> public TsModuleMember Add(Type clrType, bool includeReferences, Dictionary <Type, TypeConvertor> typeConvertors = null) { var typeFamily = TsType.GetTypeFamily(clrType); if (typeFamily != TsTypeFamily.Class && typeFamily != TsTypeFamily.Enum) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type '{0}' isn't class or struct. Only classes and structures can be added to the model", clrType.FullName)); } if (clrType.IsNullable()) { return(this.Add(clrType.GetNullableValueType(), includeReferences, typeConvertors)); } if (typeFamily == TsTypeFamily.Enum) { var enumType = new TsEnum(clrType); this.AddEnum(enumType); return(enumType); } if (clrType.IsGenericType) { if (!this.Classes.ContainsKey(clrType)) { var openGenericType = clrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); var added = new TsClass(openGenericType); this.Classes[openGenericType] = added; if (includeReferences) { this.AddReferences(added, typeConvertors); foreach (var e in added.Properties.Where(p => p.PropertyType.Type.IsEnum)) { this.AddEnum(e.PropertyType as TsEnum); } } } } if (!this.Classes.ContainsKey(clrType)) { var added = new TsClass(clrType); this.Classes[clrType] = added; if (clrType.IsGenericParameter) { added.IsIgnored = true; } if (clrType.IsGenericType) { added.IsIgnored = true; } if (added.BaseType != null) { this.Add(added.BaseType.Type); } if (includeReferences) { this.AddReferences(added, typeConvertors); foreach (var e in added.Properties.Where(p => p.PropertyType.Type.IsEnum)) { this.AddEnum(e.PropertyType as TsEnum); } } foreach (var @interface in added.Interfaces) { this.Add(@interface.Type); } return(added); } else { return(this.Classes[clrType]); } }
public void WhenInitialized_NameIsSet() { var target = new TsEnum(typeof(ContactType)); Assert.Equal("ContactType", target.Name); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, it can examine or modify the enum model. /// </summary> /// <param name="enumModel">The model enum being visited.</param> public virtual void VisitEnum(TsEnum enumModel) { }
public void AppendEnumDoc(ScriptBuilder sb, TsEnum enumModel, string enumName) { AppendModelDoc(sb, enumModel.Type); }
private TsEnum GenerateEnum(Type type) { var names = type.GetEnumNames(); var values = type.GetEnumValues(); var entries = new Dictionary<string, long?>(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) entries.Add(names[i], Convert.ToInt64(values.GetValue(i))); var tsEnum = new TsEnum(GetName(type), entries); this.TypeLookup.Add(type, tsEnum); return tsEnum; }
/// <summary> /// Resolves references in the enum. /// </summary> /// <param name="enumModel"></param> public override void VisitEnum(TsEnum enumModel) { if (enumModel.Module != null) { enumModel.Module = this.ResolveModule(enumModel.Module.Name); } }
public ParameterResolution(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TypeResolver typeResolver, ResolutionContext context, Options options) { var p = parameterSymbol; var type = p.Type; //it it is generic type, try get some constraint type var cTypes = (type as ITypeParameterSymbol)?.ConstraintTypes; if (cTypes.HasValue) { type = cTypes.Value.First(); } var attrs = p.GetAttributes(); //Removing tuple' not worth it //var hasNamedTupleAttr = attrs.Any(a => a.AttributeClass.Name == nameof(NamedTupleAttribute)); var res = typeResolver.Resolve(type, context /*, hasNamedTupleAttr*/); this.Name = p.Name; this.FromName = p.Name; this.SearchRelayFormat = this.Name; var fromAttr = attrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass.Name.StartsWith("From")); // if (fromAttr != null) { switch (fromAttr.AttributeClass.Name) { case "FromUriAttribute": case "FromQueryAttribute": case "FromBodyAttribute": case "FromRouteAttribute": this.From = (ParameterFromKind)typeof(ParameterFromKind).GetField(fromAttr.AttributeClass.Name.Replace("Attribute", "")).GetValue(null); switch (fromAttr.AttributeClass.Name) { case "FromUriAttribute": case "FromQueryAttribute": KeyValuePair <string, TypedConstant>?nameArg = fromAttr.NamedArguments.ToList().FirstOrDefault(na => na.Key == "Name"); if (nameArg.HasValue) { var tConst = nameArg.Value.Value; if (tConst.Value != null) { this.FromName = tConst.Value.ToString(); this.SearchRelayFormat = $"{this.FromName}: {this.Name}"; } } break; } break; } } //Check if it is a Model being used to catch query/route parameters if (type.IsReferenceType) { var props = new List <string>(); var outProps = new List <string>(); var hasModifications = false; List <ISymbol> members = new List <ISymbol>(); var t = type; while (t != null) { members.AddRange(t.GetMembers()); t = t.BaseType; } foreach (var m in members) { if (m.Kind != SymbolKind.Field && m.Kind != SymbolKind.Property) { continue; } if (m.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public) { continue; } if (((m as IFieldSymbol)?.IsConst).GetValueOrDefault()) { continue; } var name = m.Name; if (!options.KeepPropsCase && !((m as IFieldSymbol)?.IsConst).GetValueOrDefault()) { name = name.ToCamelCase(); } if (m is IPropertySymbol) { //allProps.Add(m.Name); var propAttrs = m.GetAttributes(); var propFromAttr = propAttrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass.Name.StartsWith("From")); if (propFromAttr != null) { switch (propFromAttr.AttributeClass.Name) { case "FromRouteAttribute": hasModifications = true; //ignoredQueryProps.Add(m.Name); break; case "FromUriAttribute": case "FromQueryAttribute": KeyValuePair <string, TypedConstant>?nameArg = propFromAttr.NamedArguments.ToList().FirstOrDefault(na => na.Key == "Name"); if (nameArg.HasValue) { var tConst = nameArg.Value.Value; if (tConst.Value != null) { //renamedQueryProps.Add(p.Name, tConst.Value.ToString()); outProps.Add($"{tConst.Value.ToString()}: {this.Name}.{name}"); hasModifications = true; } } break; default: props.Add($"{name}: {this.Name}.{name}"); break; } } else { props.Add($"{name}: {this.Name}.{name}"); } } } if (hasModifications) { this.SearchRelayFormat = ""; if (props.Any()) { //Pensar melhor, no podemos colocar como parametros varias models com props de nomes iguais. //Por esse motivo fazemos o obj: {} //Ao mesmo tempo, isso é uma modelagem esquisita de api. Talvez devemos dar preferencia mesmo para a segunda opção //onde fica tudo na "raiz". Além disso, não testei ainda o comportamento do quando multiplos parametros //que clasheiam sujas props //O maior motivo, é que no caso de uma model que possui alguns itens na raiz, ficando ora model.coisa e $coisa2 //por ex, o se perde em seu modelbinding, considerando apenas no model.<algo>. //this.SearchRelayFormat = $"...({this.Name} ? {{ {this.FromName}: {{ {string.Join(", ", props)} }} }} : {{}})"; this.SearchRelayFormat = $"...({this.Name} ? {{ {string.Join(", ", props)} }} : {{}})"; } if (outProps.Any()) { if (props.Any()) { //Add comma this.SearchRelayFormat += ", "; } this.SearchRelayFormat += $"...({this.Name} ? {{{string.Join(", ", outProps)}}} : {{}})"; } } } string typeName = res.Declaration; if (TsEnum.IsEnum(type)) { if (res.IsEnum) { var enumNames = string .Join( " | ", type.GetMembers() .Where(m => m.Kind == SymbolKind.Field) .Select(m => $"'{m.Name}'")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumNames)) { typeName = $"{typeName} | {enumNames}"; } } } this.Type = res; this.IsOptional = p.IsOptional; this.Signature = $"{p.Name}{(p.IsOptional ? "?" : "")}: {typeName}" + (res.IsNullable ? " | null" : ""); this.Ignore = p.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass.Name == "FromServices"); }
public virtual string Format(TsEnum tsEnum) { using (var sbc = new StringBuilderContext(this)) { this.WriteIndent(); this.Write("enum {0} {{", Format(tsEnum.Name)); this.WriteNewline(); using (Indent()) { var values = tsEnum.Values.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { var postFix = i < values.Length - 1 ? "," : string.Empty; var entry = values[i]; this.WriteIndent(); if (entry.Value.HasValue) this.Write("{0} = {1}{2}", entry.Key, entry.Value, postFix); else this.Write("{0}{1}", entry.Key, postFix); this.WriteNewline(); } } this.WriteIndent(); this.Write("}"); this.WriteNewline(); return sbc.ToString(); } }
public void AppendEnumDoc(IndentedStringBuilder sb, TsEnum enumModel, string enumName) { }
async Task <TypeResolver> PrepareAsync() { var trees = _trees.ToList(); //TODO: Temp workaround.. investigate why referencing annotations assembly is nor working properly var attributes = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(@" using System; namespace WebTyped.Annotations { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class ClientTypeAttribute : Attribute { public ClientTypeAttribute(string typeName = null, string module = null) {} } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)] public class NamedTupleAttribute : Attribute { public NamedTupleAttribute() {} } } namespace System.Web.Http { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public class FromUriAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; set; } public Type BinderType { get; set; } public bool SuppressPrefixCheck { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public class FromBodyAttribute : Attribute {} } namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc{ [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public class FromQueryAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public class FromRouteAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public class FromBodyAttribute : Attribute {} } "); //References var mscorlib = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(object).Assembly.Location); //var webTypedAnnotations = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(ClientTypeAttribute).Assembly.Location); var systemRuntime = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(int).Assembly.Location); var linqExpressions = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(IQueryable).Assembly.Location); //Nullable var thisAssembly = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(this.GetType().Assembly.Location); //External assemblies var externals = new List <PortableExecutableReference>(); foreach (var path in assemblies) { if (File.Exists(path)) { externals.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(path)); } } //var nugetGlobalPackages = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) // ? "%userprofile%/.nuget/packages" // : "~/.nuget/packages"; if (packages.Any()) { //Finding nuget global-packages //var process = Process.Start("dotnet", "nuget locals global-packages --list"); //process.BeginOutputReadLine(); Process process = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = "dotnet", Arguments = "nuget locals global-packages --list", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; string globalPackagePath = ""; process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(globalPackagePath)) { globalPackagePath = e.Data; } }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => Debug.WriteLine($@"Error: {e.Data}"); process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); globalPackagePath = globalPackagePath.Replace("info : global-packages: ", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(globalPackagePath)) { Console.WriteLine($"Nuget global-packages not found"); } else { foreach (var pkg in packages) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.Version) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.Csproj)) { throw new Exception($"{pkg.Name} version not informed"); } var version = pkg.Version; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkg.Csproj)) { var reference = XDocument .Load(pkg.Csproj) .Descendants() .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name.LocalName == "PackageReference" && d.Attribute("Include").Value == pkg.Name); if (reference != null) { version = reference.Attribute("Version").Value; } } //var nugetGlobalPackages = $"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)}/.nuget/packages"; var pkgDir = $"{globalPackagePath}{pkg.Name}/{version}".ToLower(); if (!Directory.Exists(pkgDir)) { Console.WriteLine($"Package {pkg.Name} not found in {pkgDir}"); continue; } var dllPaths = Directory.GetFiles(pkgDir, $"*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var grouped = dllPaths.GroupBy(path => Path.GetFileName(path)); foreach (var g in grouped) { externals.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(g.First())); } //if(dllPath != null) //{ // externals.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(dllPath)); //} } } } var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create( "Comp", //Trees trees .Union(new SyntaxTree[] { attributes }) , //basic + external Assemblies new[] { mscorlib, systemRuntime, linqExpressions, //MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(Attribute).Assembly.Location), //thisAssembly /*, webTypedAnnotations*/ } .Union(externals) ); var typeResolver = new TypeResolver(_options); var tasks = new List <Task>(); var namedTypeSymbols = new ConcurrentBag <INamedTypeSymbol>(); var semanticModels = trees.ToDictionary(t => t, t => compilation.GetSemanticModel(t)); foreach (var t in trees) { tasks.Add(t.GetRootAsync().ContinueWith(tks => { var root = tks.Result; foreach (var @type in root.DescendantNodes().OfType <BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax>()) { var sm = semanticModels[t]; namedTypeSymbols.Add(sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(@type)); } })); } //Types in referenced assemblies var assembliesTypesMatcher = new Matcher(); referenceTypes.ToList().ForEach(t => assembliesTypesMatcher.AddInclude(t)); //var allSymbols = compilation.GetSymbolsWithName((str) => true); foreach (var e in externals) { //var ass = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(Path.GetFullPath(e.FilePath)); var assSymbol = compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(e) as IAssemblySymbol; //var tm = assSymbol.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers(); var named = GetNamedTypeSymbols(assSymbol.GlobalNamespace);// assSymbol.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers().OfType<INamedTypeSymbol>(); //var fullNames = named.Select(n => n.ToString().Split(" ").Last()); foreach (var n in named) { try { var fullName = n.ToString().Split(" ").Last(); if (assembliesTypesMatcher.Match(fullName).HasMatches) { namedTypeSymbols.Add(n); } } catch { } } //foreach(var fn in fullNames) //{ // try // { // if (assembliesTypesMatcher.Match(fn).HasMatches) // { // var name = fn; // var nts = assSymbol.GetTypeByMetadataName(name); // namedTypeSymbols.Add(nts); // } // } // catch { } //} //var named = assSymbol.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers().OfType<INamedTypeSymbol>(); //var typeNames = ass.GetTypes().Select(t => t.FullName); //foreach(var tn in typeNames) //{ // try // { // if (assembliesTypesMatcher.Match(tn).HasMatches) // { // namedTypeSymbols.Add(assSymbol.GetTypeByMetadataName(tn)); // } // } // catch { } //} } foreach (var tsk in tasks) { await tsk; } foreach (var s in namedTypeSymbols) { if (Service.IsService(s)) { typeResolver.Add(new Service(s, typeResolver, _options)); continue; } if (Model.IsModel(s)) { typeResolver.Add(new Model(s, typeResolver, _options)); continue; } if (TsEnum.IsEnum(s)) { typeResolver.Add(new TsEnum(s, typeResolver, _options)); continue; } } return(typeResolver); }
private void MapToTsType(Type type) { if (mTypeToTsTypeMap.ContainsKey(type)) { return; } var foundMapping = mAllMappings.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MatchesType.Invoke(type)); if (foundMapping != null) { mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = new TsMappedType(foundMapping.DestinationType, foundMapping.DestinationAssignmentTemplate); } else { Type itemType; Type keyItemType; Type valueItemType; if (IsDictionary(type, out keyItemType, out valueItemType)) { MapToTsType(keyItemType); MapToTsType(valueItemType); mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = new TsDictionary(mTypeToTsTypeMap[keyItemType], mTypeToTsTypeMap[valueItemType]); } else if (IsIEnumerableType(type, out itemType)) { MapToTsType(itemType); mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = new TsCollection(mTypeToTsTypeMap[itemType]); } else if (type.IsEnum) { var enumType = new TsEnum(type.Namespace, type.Name); var names = Enum.GetNames(type); var valuesArray = Enum.GetValues(type); var values = valuesArray.Cast <object>().Select(v => Convert.ToInt64(v)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { enumType.Members.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(names[i], values[i])); } mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = enumType; } // nullable enum else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>) && type.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsEnum) { var enumType = new TsEnum(type.GetGenericArguments()[0].Namespace, type.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name); var names = Enum.GetNames(type.GetGenericArguments()[0]); var valuesArray = Enum.GetValues(type.GetGenericArguments()[0]); var values = valuesArray.Cast <object>().Select(v => Convert.ToInt64(v)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { enumType.Members.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(names[i], values[i])); } mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = enumType; } else { // Check if current TypeWithProperties has a base class that is not object TsType baseTsType = null; if (type.IsClass && type != typeof(Object) && type.BaseType != typeof(Object)) { MapToTsType(type.BaseType); baseTsType = mTypeToTsTypeMap[type.BaseType]; } var tsType = new TsTypeWithProperties(type.Namespace, type.Name, baseTsType); mTypeToTsTypeMap[type] = tsType; var propertyInfos = type .GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public) .Where(p => p.GetMethod.IsPublic && !p.GetMethod.GetParameters().Any()); // iterate properties. foreach (var prop in propertyInfos) { MapToTsType(prop.PropertyType); tsType.Properties.Add(new TsProperty { Name = prop.Name, TsType = mTypeToTsTypeMap[prop.PropertyType] }); } } } }