Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds trees to the world.
        /// If treeProb parameter is set to TreeProbability.None then no trees will be added.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddTrees(ref BlockData[,,] blocks, TreeProbability treeProb)
            if (treeProb == TreeProbability.None)

            float woodbaseProbability = treeProb == TreeProbability.Some
                                ? WoodbaseSomeProbability
                                : WoodbaseHighProbability;

            for (int x = 1; x < _totalBlockNumberX - 1; x++)
                // this 20 is hard coded as for now but generally it would be nice if
                // this loop could know in advance where the lowest grass is
                for (int y = 20; y < _totalBlockNumberY - TreeHeight - 1; y++)
                    for (int z = 1; z < _totalBlockNumberZ - 1; z++)
                        if (blocks[x, y, z].Type != BlockType.Grass)

                        if (IsThereEnoughSpaceForTree(in blocks, x, y, z))
                            if (FractalFunc(x, y, z, WoodbaseSmooth, WoodbaseOctaves) < woodbaseProbability)
                                BuildTree(ref blocks, x, y, z);
    // Perlin function value of x is equal to its value of -x. Same for y.
    // To avoid it we need an offset, quite large one to be sure.
    public TerrainGenerator(GameSettings options)
        _worldSizeX        = options.WorldSizeX;
        _worldSizeZ        = options.WorldSizeZ;
        _totalBlockNumberX = _worldSizeX * World.ChunkSize;
        _totalBlockNumberY = World.WorldSizeY * World.ChunkSize;
        _totalBlockNumberZ = _worldSizeZ * World.ChunkSize;

        TreeProbability = options.TreeProbability;
        WaterLevel      = options.WaterLevel;
        SeedValue       = options.SeedValue;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds trees to the world.
        /// If treeProb parameter is set to TreeProbability.None then no trees will be added.
        /// In order to avoid potential collisions boundary cubes on x and z axis are ignored
        /// and therefore will never grow a tree resulting in slightly different although unnoticeable
        /// for player results.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddTreesParallel(TreeProbability treeProb)
            if (treeProb == TreeProbability.None)

            float woodbaseProbability = treeProb == TreeProbability.Some
                ? WoodbaseSomeProbability
                : WoodbaseHighProbability;

            var queue = new MultiThreadTaskQueue();

            // schedule one task per chunk
            for (int i = 0; i < World.Settings.WorldSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < World.Settings.WorldSizeZ; j++)
                    queue.ScheduleTask(AddTreesInChunkParallel, woodbaseProbability, i, j);

            queue.RunAllInParallel(); // this is synchronous