Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// converts a tree, represented as <see cref="TreeNodeTmp"/> (heap objects)
            /// into a compact array of value types
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="treeTmp"></param>
            /// <param name="targ"></param>
            /// <param name="cnt"></param>
            public static void CollectInArray(TreeNodeTmp treeTmp, TreeNode[] targ, ref int cnt)
                int ithis = cnt;

                targ[ithis].iMid = treeTmp.iMid;
                if (treeTmp.Left != null)
                    targ[ithis].Left = cnt;
                    CollectInArray(treeTmp.Left, targ, ref cnt);
                    targ[ithis].Left = int.MinValue;
                if (treeTmp.Right != null)
                    targ[ithis].Right = cnt;
                    CollectInArray(treeTmp.Right, targ, ref cnt);
                    targ[ithis].Right = int.MinValue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes <see cref="__tree"/> on demand
        /// </summary>
        private TreeNode[] InitTree()
            if (__tree == null)
                // construct tree
                // ==============

                TreeNodeTmp _tree = new TreeNodeTmp();
                //Console.WriteLine("entering tree ");
                //DateTime startRec = DateTime.Now;
                _tree.InitRecursive(default(GeomBinTreeBranchCode), 0x80000000, this, 0, Codes.Length, 0);
                //TimeSpan dt = DateTime.Now - startRec;
                //Console.WriteLine("tree finished: " + dt.ToString());
                __tree = new TreeNode[_tree.NoOfElements()];
                int dummy = 0;
                TreeNode.CollectInArray(_tree, __tree, ref dummy);

                // test
                // ====
                //vt = new VerifyTree(this);
                //VerifyRec(0, this.Codes.Length, default(BoundingBoxCode),0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
             * static int MyBinarySearch(GeomBinTreeBranchCode[] array, int i0, int Length, GeomBinTreeBranchCode searchValue) {
             *  if(Length <= 0)
             *      return -1;
             *  if (array[i0] >= searchValue)
             *      return i0;
             *  if (array[i0 + Length - 1] < searchValue)
             *      return i0 + Length;
             *  if (Length >= 2) {
             *      int ifnd = int.MinValue;
             *      MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, i0, Length, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      return ifnd;
             *  } else {
             *      if (array[i0] >= searchValue)
             *          return i0;
             *      else
             *          return i0 + 1;
             *  }
             * }
             * static void MyBinarySearchRec(GeomBinTreeBranchCode[] array, int i0, int Length, int _i0, int _Len, ref GeomBinTreeBranchCode searchValue, out int ifnd) {
             *  if( Length < 2)
             *      throw new ApplicationException();
             *  int iMid = i0 + Length / 2;
             *  if (array[iMid] >= searchValue && array[iMid - 1] < searchValue) {
             *      ifnd = iMid;
             *  } else {
             *      if (array[iMid] >= searchValue) {
             *          MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, iMid, i0 + _Len - iMid, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      } else {
             *          MyBinarySearchRec(array, i0, Length, i0, iMid - i0, ref searchValue, out ifnd);
             *      }
             *  }
             *  //if( iMid == i0 && array[iMid] >= searchValue && ) {
             *  //    return i0;
             *  //}
             *  //if(
             * }*/

            public void InitRecursive(GeomBinTreeBranchCode BoxCode, uint shifti, PointLocalization owner, int i0, int Len, uint RecDepth)
                GeomBinTreeBranchCode BoxB = BoxCode; BoxB.Code |= shifti;

                int __iMid;

                for (__iMid = i0; __iMid < (i0 + Len); __iMid++)
                    if (owner.Codes[__iMid].Code >= BoxB.Code)
                    // if there is a performance problem, this linear search should be exchanged by a binary one
                this.iMid = __iMid;

                //    GeomBinTreeBranchCode search = BoxB;
                //    search.Code -= 1;
                //    int iMid2 = MyBinarySearch(owner.Codes, 0, owner.Codes.Length, search);
                //    if (iMid2 != iMid)
                //        throw new ApplicationException();

                //if (iMid < 0) iMid = ~iMid;

                int LenLeft = iMid - i0;
                int LenRigt = Len + i0 - iMid;

                     * // test left
                     * {
                     *  BoundingBoxCode cdLeft;
                     *  cdLeft.Branch = BoxCode;
                     *  cdLeft.SignificantBits = RecDepth + 1;
                     *  Test(i0, iMid, owner, cdLeft);
                     * }
                     * // test right
                     * {
                     *  BoundingBoxCode cdRight;
                     *  cdRight.Branch = BoxB;
                     *  cdRight.SignificantBits = RecDepth + 1;
                     *  Test(iMid, i0 + Len, owner, cdRight);
                     * }

                if (shifti == 1)
                    return; // reached max. supported tree depth
                shifti = shifti >> 1;

                if (LenLeft > 0)
                    Left = new TreeNodeTmp();
                    Left.InitRecursive(BoxCode, shifti, owner, i0, LenLeft, RecDepth + 1);
                if (LenRigt > 0)
                    Right = new TreeNodeTmp();
                    Right.InitRecursive(BoxB, shifti, owner, iMid, LenRigt, RecDepth + 1);