private static void MeasureNode(SqlParseTreeNode node, int depth, Dictionary <int, int> levelCounts, List <TreeNodeIcon> icons)
            if (levelCounts.ContainsKey(depth) == false)
                levelCounts.Add(depth, 0);

            TreeNodeIcon icon = new TreeNodeIcon();

            icon.Node   = node;
            icon.X      = levelCounts[depth] - 1;
            icon.Y      = depth;
            icon.Left   = _leftMargin + icon.X * (_blockWidth + _spacingWidth);
            icon.Top    = _topMargin + icon.Y * (_blockHeight + _spacingHeight);
            icon.Width  = _blockWidth;
            icon.Height = _blockHeight;


            foreach (SqlParseTreeNode child in node.Children)
                MeasureNode(child, depth + 1, levelCounts, icons);
        private void TreeViewImage_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            string   noArgumentsMessage = "[No arguments to display]";
            Point    mouseLocation      = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
            NodeIcon selectedIcon       = GetMatchingNodeIcon(mouseLocation);

            if (selectedIcon != null)
                if (_currentToolTip != null)
                    _currentToolTip = null;

                string text = string.Empty;
                if (selectedIcon is TreeNodeIcon)
                    TreeNodeIcon treeIcon = selectedIcon as TreeNodeIcon;
                    text = FormatText(treeIcon.Node.Arguments);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        text = noArgumentsMessage;

                    text = treeIcon.Node.OperationName + Environment.NewLine + text;
                else if (selectedIcon is MemoNodeIcon)
                    MemoNodeIcon memoIcon = selectedIcon as MemoNodeIcon;
                    text = FormatText(memoIcon.Node.Arguments);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        text = noArgumentsMessage;

                    text = memoIcon.Node.OperationName + Environment.NewLine + text;

                text = text.Trim();

                int numberOfLines = text.Count(c => c == '\r') + 1;

                _currentToolTip           = new ToolTip();
                _currentToolTip.IsBalloon = true;
                    selectedIcon.Left + selectedIcon.Width - 25,
                    selectedIcon.Top - 44 - 13 * numberOfLines);
                _toolTipMouseLocation = mouseLocation;
                _currentNodeIcon      = selectedIcon;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private TreeNodeIcon PositionNode(SqlParseTreeNode node, int top, int left)
            string nodeText = node.ToString();
            SizeF  textSize = _dummyGraphics.MeasureString(nodeText, _textFont);

            TreeNodeIcon icon = new TreeNodeIcon();

            icon.X             = left;
            icon.Y             = top;
            icon.Left          = left;
            icon.Top           = top;
            icon.Width         = (int)Math.Max(_iconWidth, textSize.Width);
            icon.Height        = _iconHeight + _iconToTextSpacing + (int)textSize.Height;
            icon.Node          = node;
            icon.Text          = nodeText;
            icon.TextRectangle = new Rectangle(left + (icon.Width - (int)textSize.Width) / 2, top + _iconHeight + _iconToTextSpacing, (int)textSize.Width + 2, (int)textSize.Height + 2);
            icon.IconRectangle = new Rectangle(left + (icon.Width - _iconWidth) / 2, top, _iconWidth, _iconHeight);
            icon.Icon          = TreeNodeIconMapper.GetIconForNode(node);

        private static void PositionNodes(List <TreeNodeIcon> icons, out int width)
            // Get the root node
            TreeNodeIcon root = icons.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Parent == null);

            if (root == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find root node!");

            width     = _leftMargin + root.DescendantWidth + _rightMargin;
            root.Top  = _topMargin;
            root.Left = width / 2 - _blockWidth / 2;
            int level = 0;

            List <TreeNodeIcon> nodes = new List <TreeNodeIcon>()

            while (nodes.Count > 0)
                foreach (TreeNodeIcon node in nodes)
                    node.Children.Sort((a, b) => a.X.CompareTo(b.X));
                    foreach (TreeNodeIcon child in node.Children)
                        int previousSiblingWidth = node.Children.Where(n => n.X < child.X).Sum(n => n.DescendantWidth) +
                                                   node.Children.Count(n => n.X < child.X) * _interChildSpacingWidth;
                        double relativePosition = 1.0 * (previousSiblingWidth + child.DescendantWidth / 2) / node.DescendantWidth;

                        child.Top  = _topMargin + (_blockHeight + _spacingHeight) * level;
                        child.Left = (int)(node.Left - node.DescendantWidth / 2 + relativePosition * node.DescendantWidth);

                nodes = nodes.SelectMany(n => n.Children).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private List <TreeNodeIcon> PositionSubtree(SqlParseTreeNode head, int top, int left)
            List <TreeNodeIcon> icons = new List <TreeNodeIcon>();

            int originalTop = top;
            //int adjust = _connectorVerticalSpacing * head.Children.Count / 2 - _interIconVerticalSpacing;
            int firstArrowTop = (2 * top + _iconHeight) / 2 - _connectorVerticalSpacing * (head.Children.Count - 1) / 2;

            if (top > firstArrowTop)
                top += (top - firstArrowTop) + _iconHeight / 2;

            TreeNodeIcon icon = PositionNode(head, top, left);


            int horizontalSpacing = Math.Max(_interIconHorizontalSpacing, _connectorHorizontalSpacing * head.Children.Count);
            int newLeft           = left + icon.Width + horizontalSpacing;
            //int newTop = originalTop;
            int altTop = (icon.IconRectangle.Top + icon.IconRectangle.Bottom) / 2 - _connectorVerticalSpacing * (icon.Children.Count - 1) / 2;
            int newTop = Math.Min(originalTop, altTop);

            foreach (SqlParseTreeNode child in head.Children)
                List <TreeNodeIcon> childIcons = PositionSubtree(child, newTop, newLeft);
                if (childIcons.Count > 0)
                    childIcons[0].Parent = icon;
                newTop += childIcons.GetHeight() + _interIconVerticalSpacing;
