Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void DoShrub(Level lvl, ref Check C)
            Random rand = lvl.physRandom;
            ushort x, y, z;

            lvl.IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z);
            if (lvl.physics > 1)   //Adv physics kills flowers and mushroos in water/lava
                AirPhysics.PhysAir(lvl, lvl.PosToInt((ushort)(x + 1), y, z));
                AirPhysics.PhysAir(lvl, lvl.PosToInt((ushort)(x - 1), y, z));
                AirPhysics.PhysAir(lvl, lvl.PosToInt(x, y, (ushort)(z + 1)));
                AirPhysics.PhysAir(lvl, lvl.PosToInt(x, y, (ushort)(z - 1)));
                AirPhysics.PhysAir(lvl, lvl.PosToInt(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));

            if (!lvl.growTrees)
                C.data.Data = 255; return;
            if (C.data.Data < 20)
                if (rand.Next(20) == 0)

            TreeDrawOp op = new TreeDrawOp();

            op.random = rand;
            op.method = DrawOp.M_BlockChange;
            op.Perform(new [] { new Vec3U16(x, y, z) }, null, lvl, null);
            C.data.Data = 255;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void GenNonLavaColumn(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Level Lvl, int index)
            if (y > LiquidLevel)
                int pos = x + Lvl.Width * (z + y * Lvl.Length);
                for (ushort yy = 0; y - yy >= 0; yy++)
                    if (genParams.SimpleColumns)
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.sand;
                    else if (overlay[index] < 0.72f)
                        if (genParams.IslandColumns)   //increase sand height for island
                            if (y > LiquidLevel + 2)
                                if (yy == 0)
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.grass;              //top layer
                                else if (yy < 3)
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.dirt;               //next few
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;               //ten rock it
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.sand;                   //SAAAND extra for islands
                            if (yy == 0)
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.grass;
                            else if (yy < 3)
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.dirt;
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                    pos -= Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length;

                if (genParams.GenFlowers && overlay[index] < 0.25f)
                    switch (rand.Next(12))
                    case 10:
                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, Block.redflower); break;

                    case 11:
                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, Block.yellowflower); break;


                if (genParams.GenTrees && overlay[index] < 0.65f && overlay2[index] < treeDens)
                    if (Lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z) == Block.air)
                        if (Lvl.GetTile(x, y, z) == Block.grass || genParams.UseCactus)
                            if (rand.Next(13) == 0 && !TreeDrawOp.TreeCheck(Lvl, x, y, z, treeDist))
                                treeDrawer.Type = genParams.UseCactus ? TreeDrawOp.T_Cactus : TreeDrawOp.T_Tree;
                                treeCoords[0].X = x; treeCoords[0].Y = (ushort)(y + 1); treeCoords[0].Z = z;
                                treeDrawer.Perform(treeCoords, null, Lvl, null);
            else     //Must be on/under the water line then
                int pos = x + Lvl.Width * (z + LiquidLevel * Lvl.Length);
                for (ushort yy = 0; LiquidLevel - yy >= 0; yy++)
                    if (LiquidLevel - yy > y)
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.water;    //better fill the water above me
                    else if (LiquidLevel - yy > y - 3)
                        byte block = overlay[index] < 0.75f ? Block.sand : Block.gravel; // sand on top
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = block;
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                    pos -= Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length;