Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Will spawn the Treasure Chest after the Cloud Anchor is set
        /// </summary>
        public void SpawnTreasureChest()
            // Spawn the treasure chest
            // Instantiate game object at the hit pose.
            var gameObject = Instantiate(TreasureChestPrefab, ChestPosition, ChestRotation);

            gameObject.transform.Rotate(-90f, ChestRotation.y, -180f);

            // Instantiate manipulator.
            var manipulator =
                Instantiate(ManipulatorPrefab, ChestPosition, ChestRotation);

            // Make game object a child of the manipulator.
            gameObject.transform.parent = manipulator.transform;

            // Make manipulator a child of the anchor.
            manipulator.transform.parent = ChestAnchor;

#pragma warning disable 618
            // Spawn the object in all clients.
#pragma warning restore 618

            // Key handling
            Vector3 keyPosition = ChestPosition;
            keyPosition.x += 0.5f;

            // Spawn the Golden key
            // Instantiate game object at the hit pose.
            var goldenKey = Instantiate(GoldenKeyPrefab, keyPosition, ChestRotation);

            // Instantiate manipulator.
            var manipulatorGoldenKey = Instantiate(ManipulatorGoldenKeyPrefab, keyPosition, ChestRotation);

            // Make manipulator a child of the anchor.
            goldenKey.transform.parent = manipulatorGoldenKey.transform;

#pragma warning disable 618
#pragma warning restore 618

            // Set the GameObject to the Event listener
            TreasureHandler treasureHandler = GameObject.Find("TreasureHandler").GetComponent <TreasureHandler>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public GameSocket(ISerializer serializer) : base(serializer)
     _achievementHandler       = new AchievementHandler(this);
     _activityHandler          = new ActivityHandler(this);
     _activityFavorHandler     = new ActivityFavorHandler(this);
     _amuletHandler            = new AmuletHandler(this);
     _arenaHandler             = new ArenaHandler(this);
     _attendanceHandler        = new AttendanceHandler(this);
     _bagHandler               = new BagHandler(this);
     _battleHandler            = new BattleHandler(this);
     _cardHandler              = new CardHandler(this);
     _consignmentLineHandler   = new ConsignmentLineHandler(this);
     _crossServerHandler       = new CrossServerHandler(this);
     _dailyActivityHandler     = new DailyActivityHandler(this);
     _demonTowerHandler        = new DemonTowerHandler(this);
     _equipHandler             = new EquipHandler(this);
     _exchangeHandler          = new ExchangeHandler(this);
     _fashionHandler           = new FashionHandler(this);
     _fightLevelHandler        = new FightLevelHandler(this);
     _fleeHandler              = new FleeHandler(this);
     _friendHandler            = new FriendHandler(this);
     _functionHandler          = new FunctionHandler(this);
     _functionOpenHandler      = new FunctionOpenHandler(this);
     _giftOnlineHandler        = new GiftOnlineHandler(this);
     _goddessHandler           = new GoddessHandler(this);
     _guildBlessHandler        = new GuildBlessHandler(this);
     _guildBossHandler         = new GuildBossHandler(this);
     _guildDepotHandler        = new GuildDepotHandler(this);
     _guildHandler             = new GuildHandler(this);
     _guildShopHandler         = new GuildShopHandler(this);
     _guildTechHandler         = new GuildTechHandler(this);
     _hookSetHandler           = new HookSetHandler(this);
     _interactHandler          = new InteractHandler(this);
     _intergalMallHandler      = new IntergalMallHandler(this);
     _itemHandler              = new ItemHandler(this);
     _leaderBoardHandler       = new LeaderBoardHandler(this);
     _limitTimeActivityHandler = new LimitTimeActivityHandler(this);
     _mailHandler              = new MailHandler(this);
     _mapHandler               = new MapHandler(this);
     _masteryHandler           = new MasteryHandler(this);
     _medalHandler             = new MedalHandler(this);
     _messageHandler           = new MessageHandler(this);
     _mountHandler             = new MountHandler(this);
     _npcHandler               = new NpcHandler(this);
     _offlineAwardHandler      = new OfflineAwardHandler(this);
     _onlineGiftHandler        = new OnlineGiftHandler(this);
     _payGiftHandler           = new PayGiftHandler(this);
     _petHandler               = new PetHandler(this);
     _petNewHandler            = new PetNewHandler(this);
     _playerHandler            = new PlayerHandler(this);
     _prepaidHandler           = new PrepaidHandler(this);
     _rankHandler              = new RankHandler(this);
     _resourceDungeonHandler   = new ResourceDungeonHandler(this);
     _resourceHandler          = new ResourceHandler(this);
     _rewardHandler            = new RewardHandler(this);
     _saleHandler              = new SaleHandler(this);
     _shopMallHandler          = new ShopMallHandler(this);
     _skillHandler             = new SkillHandler(this);
     _skillKeysHandler         = new SkillKeysHandler(this);
     _soloHandler              = new SoloHandler(this);
     _stealHandler             = new StealHandler(this);
     _sysSetHandler            = new SysSetHandler(this);
     _taskHandler              = new TaskHandler(this);
     _teamHandler              = new TeamHandler(this);
     _tradeHandler             = new TradeHandler(this);
     _treasureHandler          = new TreasureHandler(this);
     _upLevelHandler           = new UpLevelHandler(this);
     _vipHandler               = new VipHandler(this);
     _vitalityHandler          = new VitalityHandler(this);
     _wingHandler              = new WingHandler(this);
     _activityRevelryHandler   = new ActivityRevelryHandler(this);
     _auctionHandler           = new AuctionHandler(this);
     _chatHandler              = new ChatHandler(this);
     _daoYouHandler            = new DaoYouHandler(this);
     _entryHandler             = new EntryHandler(this);
     _roleHandler              = new RoleHandler(this);
     _farmHandler              = new FarmHandler(this);
     _five2FiveHandler         = new Five2FiveHandler(this);
     _guildManagerHandler      = new GuildManagerHandler(this);
     _xianYuanHandler          = new XianYuanHandler(this);