public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Trasy trasy = db.Trasy.Find(id); db.Trasy.Remove(trasy); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Dlugosc,OplatyDodatkowe,IDCentrum1,IDCentrum2")] Trasy trasy) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(trasy).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.IDCentrum1 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum1); ViewBag.IDCentrum2 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum2); return(View(trasy)); }
// GET: Trasy/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Trasy trasy = db.Trasy.Find(id); if (trasy == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(trasy)); }
// GET: Trasy/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Trasy trasy = db.Trasy.Find(id); if (trasy == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.IDCentrum1 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum1); ViewBag.IDCentrum2 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum2); return(View(trasy)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Dlugosc,OplatyDodatkowe,IDCentrum1,IDCentrum2")] Trasy trasy) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (trasy != null) { string a = null, b = null; SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection("Server=SPIERDOLENIE;Database=LogisticDB;Trusted_Connection=True; "); using (sqlConnection1) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( "SELECT Miasto, Ulica, Numer FROM CentraLogistyczne WHERE ID = " + trasy.IDCentrum1 + ";", sqlConnection1); sqlConnection1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { a = reader.GetString(0) + " " + reader.GetString(1) + " " + reader.GetInt32(2); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No rows found."); } reader.Close(); SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand( "SELECT Miasto, Ulica, Numer FROM CentraLogistyczne WHERE ID = " + trasy.IDCentrum2 + ";", sqlConnection1); SqlDataReader reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader1.HasRows) { while (reader1.Read()) { b = reader1.GetString(0) + " " + reader1.GetString(1) + " " + reader1.GetInt32(2); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No rows found."); } reader1.Close(); sqlConnection1.Close(); trasy.Dlugosc = getDistance(a, b) / 1000; } //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); //SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(); //SqlDataReader reader; //SqlDataReader reader1; //cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Trasy" ; //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1; //sqlConnection1.Open(); //reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //// Data is accessible through the DataReader object here. //string a = reader.GetString(0); //sqlConnection1.Close(); //cmd1.CommandText = "SELECT Miasto FROM CentraLogistyczne WHERE ID = '2'"; //cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //cmd1.Connection = sqlConnection1; //sqlConnection1.Open(); //reader1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); //// Data is accessible through the DataReader object here. //string b = reader1.GetString(0); //sqlConnection1.Close(); //string centrum1 = trasy.CentraLogistyczne.Miasto + trasy.CentraLogistyczne.Ulica + // trasy.CentraLogistyczne.Numer; //string centrum2 = trasy.CentraLogistyczne1.Miasto + trasy.CentraLogistyczne1.Ulica + // trasy.CentraLogistyczne1.Numer; } db.Trasy.Add(trasy); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.IDCentrum1 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum1); ViewBag.IDCentrum2 = new SelectList(db.CentraLogistyczne, "ID", "Kod", trasy.IDCentrum2); return(View(trasy)); }