Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void UpdateByteViews(uint address, int size)
            byte[] bytes = TrashMem.ReadChars(address, size);
            textboxByteView.Text        = GenerateByteView(bytes);
            textboxDecodedByteView.Text = GenerateEncodedByteView(bytes, Encoding.ASCII);

            labelInt16.Content  = $"{BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 0)}";
            labelInt32.Content  = $"{BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)}";
            labelInt64.Content  = $"{BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0)}";
            labelFloat.Content  = $"{BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0)}";
            labelDouble.Content = $"{BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0)}";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void MemoryAllocFreeMultiCharsBytesTest()
            MemoryAllocation memAlloc = TrashMem.AllocateMemory(32);

            byte[] sampleBytes = new byte[] { 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5 };
            TrashMem.WriteBytes(memAlloc.Address, sampleBytes);
            byte[] bytesRead = TrashMem.ReadChars(memAlloc.Address, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(sampleBytes[0], bytesRead[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(sampleBytes[1], bytesRead[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(sampleBytes[2], bytesRead[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(sampleBytes[3], bytesRead[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(sampleBytes[4], bytesRead[4]);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void SetupEndsceneHook()
            // first thing thats 5 bytes big is here
            // we are going to replace this 5 bytes with
            // our JMP instruction (JMP (1 byte) + Address (4 byte))
            EndsceneAddress += ENDSCENE_HOOK_OFFSET;

            // if WoW is already hooked, unhook it
            if (IsWoWHooked)
                originalEndsceneBytes = TrashMem.ReadChars(EndsceneAddress, 5);

            // if WoW is now/was unhooked, hook it
            if (!IsWoWHooked)
                AmeisenBotLogger.Instance.Log($"[{ProcessId.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}]\tHooking EndScene at \"0x{EndsceneAddress.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}\"", LogLevel.Verbose);

                // the address that we will return to after
                // the jump wer'e going to inject
                EndsceneReturnAddress = EndsceneAddress + 0x5;

                // integer to check if there is code waiting to be executed
                CodeToExecuteAddress = TrashMem.AllocateMemory(4);
                TrashMem.Write(CodeToExecuteAddress.Address, 0);

                // integer to save the address of the return value
                ReturnValueAddress = TrashMem.AllocateMemory(4);
                TrashMem.Write(ReturnValueAddress.Address, 0);

                // codecave to check if we need to execute something
                CodecaveForCheck = TrashMem.AllocateMemory(128);
                AmeisenBotLogger.Instance.Log($"[{ProcessId.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}]\tCCCheck is at \"0x{CodecaveForCheck.Address.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}\"", LogLevel.Verbose);
                // codecave for the code we wa't to execute
                CodecaveForExecution = TrashMem.AllocateMemory(2048);
                AmeisenBotLogger.Instance.Log($"[{ProcessId.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}]\tCCExecution is at \"0x{CodecaveForExecution.Address.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}\"", LogLevel.Verbose);

                // save registers

                // check for code to be executed
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"MOV EBX, [0x{CodeToExecuteAddress.Address.ToString("X")}]");
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine("TEST EBX, 1");
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine("JE @out");

                // execute our stuff and get return address
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"MOV EDX, 0x{CodecaveForExecution.Address.ToString("X")}");
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine("CALL EDX");
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"MOV [0x{ReturnValueAddress.Address.ToString("X")}], EAX");

                // finish up our execution
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine("MOV EDX, 0");
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"MOV [0x{CodeToExecuteAddress.Address.ToString("X")}], EDX");

                // restore registers

                byte[] asmBytes = TrashMem.Asm.Assemble();

                // needed to determine the position where the original
                // asm is going to be placed
                int asmLenght = asmBytes.Length;

                // inject the instructions into our codecave
                // ---------------------------------------------------
                // End of the code that checks if there is asm to be
                // executed on our hook
                // ---------------------------------------------------

                // Prepare to replace the instructions inside WoW

                // do the original EndScene stuff after we restored the registers
                // and insert it after our code
                TrashMem.WriteBytes(CodecaveForCheck.Address + (uint)asmLenght, originalEndsceneBytes);

                // return to original function after we're done with our stuff
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"JMP 0x{EndsceneReturnAddress.ToString("X")}");
                TrashMem.Asm.Inject(CodecaveForCheck.Address + (uint)asmLenght + 5);
                // ---------------------------------------------------
                // End of doing the original stuff and returning to
                // the original instruction
                // ---------------------------------------------------

                // modify original EndScene instructions to start the hook
                TrashMem.Asm.AddLine($"JMP 0x{CodecaveForCheck.Address.ToString("X")}");
                AmeisenBotLogger.Instance.Log($"[{ProcessId.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)}]\tInjected Hook [IsWoWHooked = {IsWoWHooked}]", LogLevel.Verbose);
                // we should've hooked WoW now