Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate all document peptides. If a library peptide already exists in the
        /// current document, update the transition groups for that document peptide and
        /// remove the peptide from the list to add.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The starting document</param>
        /// <param name="dictCopy">A dictionary of peptides to peptide matches. All added
        /// peptides are removed</param>
        /// <param name="toPath">Currently selected path.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedPath">Selected path after the nodes have been added</param>
        /// <returns>A new document with precursors for existing petides added</returns>
        private SrmDocument UpdateExistingPeptides(SrmDocument document,
                                                   Dictionary <PeptideSequenceModKey, PeptideMatch> dictCopy,
                                                   IdentityPath toPath, out IdentityPath selectedPath)
            selectedPath = toPath;
            IList <DocNode> nodePepGroups         = new List <DocNode>();
            var             keysAddedWithoutMatch = new
                                                    SortedDictionary <PeptideSequenceModKey, PeptideMatch>();

            foreach (PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepGroup in document.MoleculeGroups)
                IList <DocNode> nodePeps = new List <DocNode>();
                foreach (PeptideDocNode nodePep in nodePepGroup.Children)
                    var          key = nodePep.SequenceKey;
                    PeptideMatch peptideMatch;
                    // If this peptide is not in our list of peptides to add,
                    // or if we are in a peptide list and this peptide has been matched to protein(s),
                    // then we don't touch this particular node.
                    if (!dictCopy.TryGetValue(key, out peptideMatch) ||
                        (nodePepGroup.IsPeptideList &&
                         (peptideMatch.Proteins != null && peptideMatch.Proteins.Any())))
                        if (keysAddedWithoutMatch.ContainsKey(key))
                            keysAddedWithoutMatch.Add(key, new PeptideMatch(null, null, false));
                        var proteinName  = nodePepGroup.PeptideGroup.Name;
                        int indexProtein = -1;
                        if (peptideMatch.Proteins != null)
                            indexProtein =
                                peptideMatch.Proteins.IndexOf(protein => Equals(protein.ProteinMetadata.Name, proteinName));
                            // If the user has opted to filter duplicate peptides, remove this peptide from the list to
                            // add and continue.
                            if (FilterMultipleProteinMatches == BackgroundProteome.DuplicateProteinsFilter.NoDuplicates && peptideMatch.Proteins.Count > 1)
                            // [1] If this protein is not the first match, and the user has opted to add only the first occurence,
                            // [2] or if this protein is not one of the matches, and [2a] we are either not in a peptide list
                            // [2b] or the user has opted to filter unmatched peptides, ignore this particular node.
                            if ((indexProtein > 0 && FilterMultipleProteinMatches == BackgroundProteome.DuplicateProteinsFilter.FirstOccurence) ||
                                (indexProtein == -1 &&
                                 (!nodePepGroup.IsPeptideList || !Properties.Settings.Default.LibraryPeptidesAddUnmatched)))
                        // Update the children of the peptide in the document to include the charge state of the peptide we are adding.
                        PeptideDocNode nodePepMatch      = peptideMatch.NodePep;
                        PeptideDocNode nodePepSettings   = null;
                        var            newChildren       = nodePep.Children.ToList();
                        Identity       nodeGroupChargeId = newChildren.Count > 0 ? newChildren[0].Id : null;
                        foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup in nodePepMatch.Children)
                            var chargeGroup = nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct;
                            if (nodePep.HasChildCharge(chargeGroup))
                                if (nodePepSettings == null)
                                    nodePepSettings = nodePepMatch.ChangeSettings(document.Settings, SrmSettingsDiff.ALL);
                                TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupCharge = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePepSettings.FindNode(nodeGroup.TransitionGroup);
                                if (nodeGroupCharge == null)
                                if (peptideMatch.Proteins != null && peptideMatch.Proteins.Count > 1)
                                    // If we may be adding this specific node to the document more than once, create a copy of it so that
                                    // we don't have two nodes with the same global id.
                                    nodeGroupCharge = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodeGroupCharge.CopyId();
                                    nodeGroupCharge = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodeGroupCharge.ChangeChildren(
                                        nodeGroupCharge.Children.ToList().ConvertAll(child => child.CopyId()));
                                nodeGroupChargeId = nodeGroupCharge.Id;
                        // Sort the new peptide children.
                        var nodePepAdd = nodePep.ChangeChildrenChecked(newChildren);
                        // If we have changed the children, need to set automanage children to false.
                        if (nodePep.AutoManageChildren && !ReferenceEquals(nodePep, nodePepAdd))
                            nodePepAdd = nodePepAdd.ChangeAutoManageChildren(false);
                        // Change the selected path.
                        if (PeptideMatches.Count == 1)
                            selectedPath = nodeGroupChargeId == null
                                                ? new IdentityPath(new[] { nodePepGroup.Id, nodePepAdd.Id })
                                                : new IdentityPath(new[] { nodePepGroup.Id, nodePepAdd.Id, nodeGroupChargeId });
                        // Remove this peptide from the list of peptides we need to add to the document
                        if (peptideMatch.Proteins != null)
                            if (indexProtein != -1)
                                // Remove this protein from the list of proteins associated with the peptide.
                            // If this peptide has not yet been added to all matched proteins,
                            // put it back in the list of peptides to add.
                            if (peptideMatch.Proteins.Count != 0 && FilterMultipleProteinMatches != BackgroundProteome.DuplicateProteinsFilter.FirstOccurence)
                                dictCopy.Add(key, peptideMatch);