Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     north_light_loc = new Traffic_Light_Loc(north_light_tile_pos, GameManager.traffic_tilemap_offset_east, RouteManager.Orientation.North);
     east_light_loc  = new Traffic_Light_Loc(east_light_tile_pos, GameManager.traffic_tilemap_offset_south, RouteManager.Orientation.East);
     west_light_loc  = new Traffic_Light_Loc(west_light_tile_pos, GameManager.traffic_tilemap_offset_north, RouteManager.Orientation.West);
     south_light_loc = new Traffic_Light_Loc(south_light_tile_pos, GameManager.traffic_tilemap_offset_west, RouteManager.Orientation.South);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void change_traffic_signal_tile(Traffic_Light traffic_signal, Traffic_Light_Loc traffic_light_loc)
     if (traffic_signal == Traffic_Light.Green)
         traffic_light_loc.traffic_tilemap.SetTile(traffic_light_loc.tile_pos, green_light_tile);
     else if (traffic_signal == Traffic_Light.Yellow)
         traffic_light_loc.traffic_tilemap.SetTile(traffic_light_loc.tile_pos, yellow_light_tile);
     else if (traffic_signal == Traffic_Light.Red)
         traffic_light_loc.traffic_tilemap.SetTile(traffic_light_loc.tile_pos, red_light_tile);
     else if (traffic_signal == Traffic_Light.None)
         traffic_light_loc.traffic_tilemap.SetTile(traffic_light_loc.tile_pos, null);
         throw new Exception(traffic_signal + " is not a valid traffic light");
     traffic_light_matrix[traffic_light_loc.tile_pos.x, traffic_light_loc.tile_pos.y] = traffic_signal;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void set_signal_from_exit_route(Vector3Int city_tile_position, Traffic_Light_Loc traffic_light_loc)
        bool    exit_route_is_shown = CityManager.is_exit_route_shown(traffic_light_loc.orientation);
        Tilemap toggled_tilemap     = TrackManager.instance.top_tilemap;

        tile_position = (Vector3Int)RouteManager.get_depart_tile_position(traffic_light_loc.orientation, city_tile_position);
        if (!exit_route_is_shown) // no route exists, dont show signal
            change_traffic_signal_tile(Traffic_Light.None, traffic_light_loc);
        HashSet <Vector3Int> seen_track_tile_set = new HashSet <Vector3Int>(); // keep track of tracks to discover loop routes

        // used by traffic lights to warn of incoming trains etc.
        final_orientation = traffic_light_loc.orientation;
        Traffic_Light signal     = Traffic_Light.Green;
        int           tile_count = 0;

        while (true)
            tile_count      += 1;
            this.orientation = final_orientation; // updating the orientation at every new tile
            if (seen_track_tile_set.Contains(tile_position))
                ////print("yellow warning for orientation " + orientation + " this route contains loop");
                signal = update_signal(signal, Traffic_Light.Yellow); // warning, this route contains a loop
            GameObject vehicle_go = VehicleManager.vehicle_board[tile_position.x + 1, tile_position.y + 1]; // remove offset
            if (!tile_position.Equals(city_tile_position) && vehicle_go != null)
                ////print("RED warning for orientation " + orientation + " vehicle " + vehicle_go.name + " found at " + tile_position);
                signal = update_signal(signal, Traffic_Light.Red); // is train enroute? . If YES return RED todoed
            PositionPair position_pair;
            Vector2      no_offset = new Vector2(0, 0);
            position_pair         = RouteManager.get_destination(this, toggled_tilemap, no_offset); // set the final orientation and destination
            next_tilemap_position = position_pair.tile_dest_pos;                                    // discard abs pos information
            tile_position         = new Vector3Int(next_tilemap_position.x, next_tilemap_position.y, 0);
            if (is_end_of_track())
                GameObject city_object = CityManager.instance.get_city(next_tilemap_position);
                if (city_object == null) // end of track
                    ////print("yellow warning for orientation " + orientation + " this route does not end at a city");
                    signal = update_signal(signal, Traffic_Light.Yellow);
                else // is a city, find station
                    // return green or red depending on whether another train station is full todoed
                    // return city_object;
                    City city = city_object.GetComponent <City>();
                    RouteManager.Orientation flipped_final_orientation = TrackManager.flip_straight_orientation(final_orientation);
                    Station incoming_station  = city.get_station_by_orientation(flipped_final_orientation);
                    bool    station_available = incoming_station.is_station_track_available();
                    if (station_available)
                        ////print("GREEN for orientation " + orientation + " stations available GOOD TO GO");
                        signal = update_signal(signal, Traffic_Light.Green);
                        ////print("RED warning for orientation " + orientation + " the destination city has no available tracks");
                        signal = update_signal(signal, Traffic_Light.Red);
                    } // station track is not available
        change_traffic_signal_tile(signal, traffic_light_loc);