Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void updateMove(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (null != TrackObj)
         if (TrackObj.Moveable && TrackObj.Drag == true)
             int x = e.X - mptLastPos.X;
             int y = e.Y - mptLastPos.Y;
             if (x != 0 || y != 0)
                 TrackObj.onPositionChange(new Point(x, y));
                 //mTrackObj.Property.SetValue("Location", mTrackObj.Location.X.ToString() + "," + mTrackObj.Location.Y.ToString());
                 mptLastPos     = e.Location;
                 m_AddToHistory = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void onMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            DrawElement hitItem = null;

            mptLastPos     = e.Location;
            hitItem        = FindTrackObj(e.Location, HitObj);
            TrackObj       = hitItem;
            m_AddToHistory = false;
            if (TrackObj != null)
                if (TrackObj.Moveable)
                    TrackObj.Drag = true;
                // Need to move in the manager class
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompose and add a SuperElevation on top of MSTS track section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewer">Viewer reference.</param>
        /// <param name="trackList">DynamicTrackViewer list.</param>
        /// <param name="trackObj">Dynamic track section to decompose.</param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrixInput">Position matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="TileX">TileX coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="TileZ">TileZ coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="shapeFilePath">Path to the shape file.</param>
        public static bool DecomposeStaticSuperElevation(Viewer viewer, List <DynamicTrackViewer> trackList, TrackObj trackObj, WorldPosition worldMatrixInput, int TileX, int TileZ, string shapeFilePath)
            TrackShape shape = null;

                shape = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackShapes.Get(trackObj.SectionIdx);

                if (shape.RoadShape == true)
            catch (Exception)
            SectionIdx[] SectionIdxs = shape.SectionIdxs;

            int  count    = -1;
            int  drawn    = 0;
            bool isTunnel = shape.TunnelShape;

            List <TrVectorSection> sectionsinShape = new List <TrVectorSection>();

            //List<DynamicTrackViewer> tmpTrackList = new List<DynamicTrackViewer>();
            foreach (SectionIdx id in SectionIdxs)
                uint[] sections = id.TrackSections;

                for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)
                    uint         sid     = id.TrackSections[i];
                    TrackSection section = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackSections.Get(sid);
                    if (Math.Abs(section.SectionSize.Width - viewer.Simulator.SuperElevationGauge) > 0.2)
                        continue;                                                                                  //the main route has a gauge different than mine
                    if (section.SectionCurve == null)
                        //with strait track, will remove all related sections later
                    TrVectorSection tmp = null;
                    if (section.SectionCurve != null)
                        tmp = FindSectionValue(shape, viewer.Simulator, section, TileX, TileZ, trackObj.UID);

                    if (tmp == null) //cannot find the track for super elevation, will return 0;


            if (drawn <= count || isTunnel)//tunnel or not every section is in SE, will remove all sections in the shape out
                if (sectionsinShape.Count > 0)
                    RemoveTracks(viewer.Simulator, sectionsinShape);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompose and add a SuperElevation on top of MSTS track section converted from dynamic tracks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewer">Viewer reference.</param>
        /// <param name="dTrackList">DynamicTrackViewer list.</param>
        /// <param name="dTrackObj">Dynamic track section to decompose.</param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrixInput">Position matrix.</param>
        public static void DecomposeConvertedDynamicSuperElevation(Viewer viewer, List <DynamicTrackViewer> dTrackList, TrackObj dTrackObj,
                                                                   WorldPosition worldMatrixInput)
            // The following vectors represent local positioning relative to root of original (5-part) section:
            Vector3 localV = Vector3.Zero;                                   // Local position (in x-z plane)
            Vector3 localProjectedV;                                         // Local next position (in x-z plane)
            Vector3 displacement;                                            // Local displacement (from y=0 plane)
            Vector3 heading = Vector3.Forward;                               // Local heading (unit vector)

            WorldPosition worldMatrix = new WorldPosition(worldMatrixInput); // Make a copy so it will not be messed

            WorldPosition nextRoot = new WorldPosition(worldMatrix);         // Will become initial root

            WorldPosition wcopy         = new WorldPosition(nextRoot);
            Vector3       sectionOrigin = worldMatrix.XNAMatrix.Translation; // Save root position

            worldMatrix.XNAMatrix.Translation = Vector3.Zero;                // worldMatrix now rotation-only

            TrackPath path;

                path = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TSectionIdx.TrackPaths[dTrackObj.SectionIdx];
            catch (Exception)
                return; //cannot find the path for the dynamic track

            nextRoot      = new WorldPosition(wcopy); // Will become initial root
            sectionOrigin = nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation;

            heading = Vector3.Forward; // Local heading (unit vector)
            localV  = Vector3.Zero;    // Local position (in x-z plane)

            Vector3 trackLoc = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);// +new Vector3(3, 0, 0);
            Matrix  trackRot = Matrix.CreateRotationY(0);

            //heading = Vector3.Transform(heading, trackRot); // Heading change
            nextRoot.XNAMatrix = trackRot * nextRoot.XNAMatrix;
            uint[] sections = path.TrackSections;

            int count = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)
                float         length, radius;
                uint          sid     = path.TrackSections[i];
                TrackSection  section = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackSections[sid];
                WorldPosition root    = new WorldPosition(nextRoot);
                nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                if (section.SectionCurve == null)
                    length          = section.SectionSize.Length;
                    radius          = -1;
                    localProjectedV = localV + length * heading;
                    displacement    = Traveller.MSTSInterpolateAlongStraight(localV, heading, length,
                                                                             worldMatrix.XNAMatrix, out localProjectedV);
                    length = section.SectionCurve.Angle * 3.14f / 180;
                    radius = section.SectionCurve.Radius; // meters

                    Vector3 left;
                    if (section.SectionCurve.Angle > 0)
                        left = radius * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Down, heading);                                 // Vector from PC to O
                        left = radius * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Up, heading);                         // Vector from PC to O
                    Matrix rot = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-section.SectionCurve.Angle * 3.14f / 180); // Heading change (rotation about O)

                    displacement = Traveller.MSTSInterpolateAlongCurve(localV, left, rot,
                                                                       worldMatrix.XNAMatrix, out localProjectedV);

                    heading            = Vector3.Transform(heading, rot);     // Heading change
                    nextRoot.XNAMatrix = trackRot * rot * nextRoot.XNAMatrix; // Store heading change
                nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation  = sectionOrigin + displacement;
                root.XNAMatrix.Translation     += Vector3.Transform(trackLoc, worldMatrix.XNAMatrix);
                nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation += Vector3.Transform(trackLoc, worldMatrix.XNAMatrix);
                sv = ev = mv = 0f; dir = 1f;
                //if (section.SectionCurve != null) FindSectionValue(shape, root, nextRoot, viewer.Simulator, section, TileX, TileZ, dTrackObj.UID);

                //nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation += Vector3.Transform(trackLoc, worldMatrix.XNAMatrix);
                dTrackList.Add(new SuperElevationViewer(viewer, root, nextRoot, radius, length, sv, ev, mv, dir));
                localV = localProjectedV; // Next subsection
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompose and add a wire on top of MSTS track section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewer">Viewer reference.</param>
        /// <param name="trackList">DynamicTrackViewer list.</param>
        /// <param name="trackObj">Dynamic track section to decompose.</param>
        /// <param name="worldMatrixInput">Position matrix.</param>
        public static int DecomposeStaticWire(Viewer viewer, List <DynamicTrackViewer> trackList, TrackObj trackObj, WorldPosition worldMatrixInput)
            // The following vectors represent local positioning relative to root of original (5-part) section:
            Vector3 localV = Vector3.Zero;                                   // Local position (in x-z plane)
            Vector3 localProjectedV;                                         // Local next position (in x-z plane)
            Vector3 displacement;                                            // Local displacement (from y=0 plane)
            Vector3 heading = Vector3.Forward;                               // Local heading (unit vector)

            WorldPosition worldMatrix = new WorldPosition(worldMatrixInput); // Make a copy so it will not be messed

            WorldPosition nextRoot = new WorldPosition(worldMatrix);         // Will become initial root

            WorldPosition wcopy         = new WorldPosition(nextRoot);
            Vector3       sectionOrigin = worldMatrix.XNAMatrix.Translation; // Save root position

            worldMatrix.XNAMatrix.Translation = Vector3.Zero;                // worldMatrix now rotation-only
                if (viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackShapes.Get(trackObj.SectionIdx).RoadShape == true)
            catch (Exception)
            SectionIdx[] SectionIdxs = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackShapes.Get(trackObj.SectionIdx).SectionIdxs;

            foreach (SectionIdx id in SectionIdxs)
                nextRoot      = new WorldPosition(wcopy); // Will become initial root
                sectionOrigin = nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation;

                heading = Vector3.Forward; // Local heading (unit vector)
                localV  = Vector3.Zero;    // Local position (in x-z plane)

                Vector3 trackLoc = new Vector3((float)id.X, (float)id.Y, (float)id.Z);// +new Vector3(3, 0, 0);
                Matrix  trackRot = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-(float)id.A * 3.14f / 180);

                //heading = Vector3.Transform(heading, trackRot); // Heading change
                nextRoot.XNAMatrix = trackRot * nextRoot.XNAMatrix;
                uint[] sections = id.TrackSections;

                for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)
                    float         length, radius;
                    uint          sid     = id.TrackSections[i];
                    TrackSection  section = viewer.Simulator.TSectionDat.TrackSections[sid];
                    WorldPosition root    = new WorldPosition(nextRoot);
                    nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                    if (section.SectionCurve == null)
                        length          = section.SectionSize.Length;
                        radius          = -1;
                        localProjectedV = localV + length * heading;
                        displacement    = Traveller.MSTSInterpolateAlongStraight(localV, heading, length,
                                                                                 worldMatrix.XNAMatrix, out localProjectedV);
                        length = section.SectionCurve.Angle * 3.14f / 180;
                        radius = section.SectionCurve.Radius; // meters

                        Vector3 left;
                        if (section.SectionCurve.Angle > 0)
                            left = radius * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Down, heading);                                 // Vector from PC to O
                            left = radius * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Up, heading);                         // Vector from PC to O
                        Matrix rot = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-section.SectionCurve.Angle * 3.14f / 180); // Heading change (rotation about O)

                        displacement = Traveller.MSTSInterpolateAlongCurve(localV, left, rot,
                                                                           worldMatrix.XNAMatrix, out localProjectedV);

                        heading            = Vector3.Transform(heading, rot);     // Heading change
                        nextRoot.XNAMatrix = trackRot * rot * nextRoot.XNAMatrix; // Store heading change
                    nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation = sectionOrigin + displacement;
                    root.XNAMatrix.Translation    += Vector3.Transform(trackLoc, worldMatrix.XNAMatrix);
                    //nextRoot.XNAMatrix.Translation += Vector3.Transform(trackLoc, worldMatrix.XNAMatrix);
                    trackList.Add(new WireViewer(viewer, root, nextRoot, radius, length));
                    localV = localProjectedV; // Next subsection