Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Initialize()
            // F5 - Reload and restart the current screen.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[4] = () => {
                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)
                Engine.Scene = new LevelLoader(level.Session, level.Session.RespawnPoint);

            // F6 - Open map editor for current level.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[5] = () => {
                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)
                Engine.Scene         = new MapEditor(level.Session.Area);
                Engine.Commands.Open = false;

            // Set up the touch input regions.
            TouchRegion touchTitleScreen = new TouchRegion {
                Position  = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f) * 0.5f,
                Size      = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f),
                Condition = _ =>
                            ((Engine.Scene as Overworld)?.IsCurrent <OuiTitleScreen>() ?? false) ||
                            (Engine.Scene is GameLoader)
                Button = Input.MenuConfirm
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a visual representation of LEDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="touchRegion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DrawingVisual CreateTouchRegtionVisual(TouchRegion touchRegion)
            var color1 = Brushes.LightBlue;
            var color2 = Brushes.Black;
            var dv     = new DrawingVisual();
            var dc     = dv.RenderOpen();

            dc.DrawEllipse(color1, null, new Point(touchRegion.X, touchRegion.Y), 8, 8);
            dc.DrawText(new FormattedText(touchRegion.number + "", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), new FlowDirection(), new Typeface("arial"), 7, color2), new Point(touchRegion.X - 2.5, touchRegion.Y - 4));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Initialize()
            // F5: Reload and restart the current screen.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[4] = () => {
                // CTRL + F5: Quick-restart the entire game.
                if (MInput.Keyboard.Check(Keys.LeftControl) ||
                    // block restarting while the game is starting up. this might lead to crashes
                    if (!(Engine.Scene is GameLoader))


                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)

                AssetReloadHelper.Do(Dialog.Clean("ASSETRELOADHELPER_RELOADINGMAP"), () => {

            // F6: Open map editor for current level.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[5] = () => {
                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)
                Engine.Scene         = new MapEditor(level.Session.Area);
                Engine.Commands.Open = false;

            // Set up the touch input regions.
            TouchRegion touchTitleScreen = new TouchRegion {
                Position  = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f) * 0.5f,
                Size      = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f),
                Condition = _ =>
                            ((Engine.Scene as Overworld)?.IsCurrent <OuiTitleScreen>() ?? false) ||
                            (Engine.Scene is GameLoader)
                Button = Input.MenuConfirm
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Initialize()
            // F5: Reload and restart the current screen.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[4] = () => {
                // CTRL + F5: Quick-restart the entire game.
                if (MInput.Keyboard.Check(Keys.LeftControl) ||
                    Scene scene = new Scene();
                    scene.HelperEntity.Add(new Coroutine(QuickFullRestartRoutine()));
                    Engine.Scene = scene;

                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)

                Engine.Scene = new LevelLoader(level.Session, level.Session.RespawnPoint);

            // F6: Open map editor for current level.
            Engine.Commands.FunctionKeyActions[5] = () => {
                Level level = Engine.Scene as Level;
                if (level == null)
                Engine.Scene         = new MapEditor(level.Session.Area);
                Engine.Commands.Open = false;

            // Set up the touch input regions.
            TouchRegion touchTitleScreen = new TouchRegion {
                Position  = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f) * 0.5f,
                Size      = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f),
                Condition = _ =>
                            ((Engine.Scene as Overworld)?.IsCurrent <OuiTitleScreen>() ?? false) ||
                            (Engine.Scene is GameLoader)
                Button = Input.MenuConfirm
        public void Execute(System.Windows.Point startClick, System.Windows.Point endClick)
            Animation a = Animation.getInstance();

            // if (a.touchRegions.Count <= 12)
            //  {
            TouchRegion t = new TouchRegion
                X      = endClick.X,
                Y      = endClick.Y,
                number = a.touchRegions.Count + 1

            //   }
Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the information about the GameObject hit by the given pixel position.
    /// </summary>
    private RaycastHit2D GetHitInfo(Vector2 touchPosition)
        // Shoot a ray from the touch point to the game and store the
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(touchPosition);

        RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(ray.origin, ray.direction, 1000f, TouchInfo.touchableLayers);

        // Stores the closest collider that was hit by the given touch coordinates
        RaycastHit2D closestHit = default(RaycastHit2D);

        // Cycle through each collider hit by the touch. Note that the hits are sorted from closest to the screen to the furthest from the screen.
        for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
            Collider2D touchedCollider = hits[i].collider;

            Debug.Log("Object touched: " + touchedCollider);

            // Retrieve the 'TouchRegion' component attached to the touched collider. Each touchable collider has a TouchRegion component.
            // It helps the 'TouchInfo' class determine information about the GameObject it touched.
            TouchRegion touchedRegion = touchedCollider.GetComponent <TouchRegion>();

            Debug.Log("Region touched: " + touchedRegion);

            // If the region that was touched belongs to a player or an enemy
            if (touchedRegion.objectType == ObjectType.Player || touchedRegion.objectType == ObjectType.Enemy)
                // Get the Character component of the character that was hit.
                Character touchedCharacter = touchedRegion.character;

                // If the touched character is not dead, he is elligible to be returned by this method. However, if the character is dead,
                // it should ignore user input. In this case, this character will be ignored by the raycast.
                if (!touchedCharacter.CharacterStats.IsDead())
                    // Store this character as the closest GameObject touched by the given touch position.
                    closestHit = hits[i];
                    // The object touched by the given touch position has been found. Break the loop and return the touched character.

        // Return the information about the closest