Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

        Totems.Add(ServerPlayerId, new List <Totem>());
        Totems.Add(ClientPlayerId, new List <Totem>());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Initialize()
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("Kyber Destruction Warlock - v 1.0", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("These macros can be used for manual control:", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("Recommended talents: 3203012", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx SaveCovenant", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles using Covenant abilities on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx SaveCooldowns", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles the use of big cooldowns on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx AOE", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles AOE mode on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Replace xxxxx with first 5 letters of your addon, lowercase.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("This rotation will use Havoc on your focus target, so please make a macro to set focus quickly.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists]", Color.Blue);

            Aimsharp.Latency    = 50;
            Aimsharp.QuickDelay = 125;
            Aimsharp.SlowDelay  = 250;

            foreach (string Spell in SpellsList)

            foreach (string Spell in CovenantAbilities)

            foreach (string Spell in Racials)

            foreach (string Buff in GeneralBuffs)

            foreach (string Buff in BuffsList)

            foreach (string Buff in BloodlustEffects)

            foreach (string Debuff in DebuffsList)

            foreach (string Debuff in GeneralDebuffs)

            foreach (string Totem in TotemsList)

            Items.Add(GetString("Potion name:"));

            Macros.Add("DPS Pot", "/use " + GetString("Potion name:"));
            Macros.Add("havoc focus", "/cast [@focus] Havoc");
            Macros.Add("cata cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Cataclysm");
            Macros.Add("rof cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Rain of Fire");
            Macros.Add("inf cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Summon Infernal");
            Macros.Add("TopTrink", "/use 13");
            Macros.Add("BotTrink", "/use 14");

            foreach (string MacroCommand in MacroCommands)

            CustomFunctions.Add("GetCovenant", "local spell = 0 local i = 1 while true do local spellName, spellSub = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL) if not spellName then do break end end if spellName == 'Decimating Bolt' then spell = 4 elseif spellName == 'Soul Rot' then spell = 3 elseif spellName == 'Impending Catastrophe' then spell = 2 elseif spellName == 'Scouring Tithe' then spell = 1 end i = i + 1 end return spell");
            CustomFunctions.Add("GetLegendarySpellID", "local power = 0 for i=1,15,1 do local xcs = ItemLocation:CreateFromEquipmentSlot(i) if(C_Item.DoesItemExist(xcs)) then if(C_LegendaryCrafting.IsRuneforgeLegendary(xcs)) then local id = C_LegendaryCrafting.GetRuneforgeLegendaryComponentInfo(xcs)[\"powerID\"] power = C_LegendaryCrafting.GetRuneforgePowerInfo(id)[\"descriptionSpellID\"] end end end return power");