public static void Start() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); CreateColorPalette(); DrawPentagon(); }
private static void CreateMonsters() // Just because i want random kind of monsters, in different lvls i go through this loop. And the settings gives them random lvls and names. { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { Dragon dragon = new Dragon(); fireMonsters.Add(dragon); Demon demon = new Demon(); fireMonsters.Add(demon); Tortoise tortoise = new Tortoise(); waterMonsters.Add(tortoise); SwampTroll troll = new SwampTroll(); waterMonsters.Add(troll); Crocodile croc = new Crocodile(); waterMonsters.Add(croc); RabiesBear bear = new RabiesBear(); grassMonsters.Add(bear); Wasp wasp = new Wasp(); grassMonsters.Add(wasp); Scarab scarab = new Scarab(); grassMonsters.Add(scarab); } DragonLord dL = new DragonLord(); // but only one dragon lord. fireMonsters.Add(dL); }
public static void Main2() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); Tortoise.InstantSpeed(false); //var sides = MessageBox.AskForInput("Hány oldal legyen?"); // int - integer - egész szám var sides = 25; //Tortoise.SetPenColor(Colors.GetRandomColor()); for (int i = 0; i < sides; i = i + 1) { var color = Colors.GetRandomColor(); Tortoise.SetPenColor(color); // string - szöveg Tortoise.SetPenWidth(i * 2); Tortoise.Move(i * 1.5); Tortoise.Turn(-3 * 360.0 / sides); //string s1 = 'a'.ToString(); //char c1 = 'a'; //string sdf = "" + 3; // 360.0 / 13; // 360.0 / 13.0; //new Random().Next(); // 360 /13 => int / int => 27 // 360.0/13 => double / int => 27.69... // 360 - int // 360.0 - double } }
public void Test1() { Console.WriteLine("****** Basic Tests"); Assert.AreEqual(new int[] { 0, 32, 18 }, Tortoise.Race(720, 850, 70)); Assert.AreEqual(new int[] { 3, 21, 49 }, Tortoise.Race(80, 91, 37)); Assert.AreEqual(new int[] { 2, 0, 0 }, Tortoise.Race(80, 100, 40)); }
public static void Start() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.BlueViolet); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.Violet); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.Purple); for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) { try { //var aaa = 100 / i; var nextColor = ColorWheel.GetNextColor(); Tortoise.SetPenColor(nextColor); Tortoise.Move((i + 1) * 5); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 3); } catch (Exception re) { MessageBox.ShowMessage("Hold up: " + re); } } }
private static void movingthetortoise100pixels() { var start = Tortoise.GetY(); Tortoise.Move(100); Homework.CheckAnswer(Tortoise.GetY(), equals, start - 100); }
public static void Start() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.Hide(); Tortoise.SetX(225); Tortoise.SetY(150); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.Crimson); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.DarkRed); ColorWheel.AddColor(Colors.FireBrick); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Tortoise.SetPenColor(ColorWheel.GetNextColor()); Tortoise.Move((i + 1) * 4); Tortoise.Turn(-360.0 / 6); for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { Tortoise.SetPenWidth(17); Tortoise.Move((j + 1) * 8); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 5); } //--Tortoise.getBackgroundWindow().setBackground(PenColors.Yellows.PeachPuff); } Tortoise.SetX(300); Tortoise.SetY(200); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Tortoise.SetPenColor("Black"); Tortoise.Move(25); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 5); } }
public Enemy SpawnEnemy(EnemyType newType, Vector2 position) { Enemy newEnemy = null; switch (newType) { case (EnemyType.Slicer): newEnemy = new Slicer(manager.thisScene, position); break; case (EnemyType.Tortoise): newEnemy = new Tortoise(manager.thisScene, position); break; case (EnemyType.Dragonfly): newEnemy = new Dragonfly(manager.thisScene, position); break; case (EnemyType.Komodo): newEnemy = new Komodo(manager.thisScene, position); break; case (EnemyType.Phantom): newEnemy = new Phantom(manager.thisScene, position); break; default: break; } return(newEnemy); }
private static void thetortoiseturns15twice() { var ans = 15; Tortoise.Turn(ans); Tortoise.Turn(ans); Homework.CheckAnswer(Tortoise.GetAngle(), equals, 30); }
public static void Start() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); var currentBranchLength = 60; DrawBranch(currentBranchLength); }
private static void AdjustColor_WithIfs(int currentBranchLength) { if (currentBranchLength == 60) { Tortoise.SetPenColor(Colors.SaddleBrown); } //... }
private static void DrawTriangle(int length) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 3); Tortoise.Move(length); } }
private static void DrawOctagonWithOverlap() { for (int i = 0; i < 8 + 1; i++) { Tortoise.Move(110); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 8); } }
private static void thetortoiseturns15twice() { var ans = ___; Tortoise.Turn(ans); Tortoise.Turn(ans); Homework.CheckAnswer(30, equals, Tortoise.GetAngle()); }
private static void MoveToTheSquareStart(double length) { Tortoise.PenUp(); Tortoise.Move(length / 2); Tortoise.Turn(-90); Tortoise.Move(length / 2); Tortoise.Turn(180); Tortoise.PenDown(); }
private static void DrawBranch(int currentBranchLength) { if (currentBranchLength > 0) { AdjustColor(currentBranchLength); Tortoise.Move(currentBranchLength); DrawLowerBranches(currentBranchLength); } }
private static void movingthetortoise100pixels() { var start = Tortoise.GetY(); //240 Tortoise.Move(100); // var end = Tortoise.GetY(); Homework.CheckAnswer(start - 100, equals, Tortoise.GetY()); }
private static void setUpPyramidLand() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); //Tortoise.GetBackgroundWindow().setBackground(Colors.AliceBlue); Tortoise.SetPenColor(Colors.DarkGoldenrod); Tortoise.SetPenWidth(2); Tortoise.Hide(); }
public static void Start() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetPenColor(Colors.Gold); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); double length = 100.0; MakeASquare(length); }
private static void DrawLowerBranches(int currentBranchLength) { Tortoise.Turn(30); DrawShorterBranch(currentBranchLength); Tortoise.Turn(-60); DrawShorterBranch(currentBranchLength); Tortoise.Turn(30); AdjustColor(currentBranchLength); Tortoise.Move(-currentBranchLength); }
public static void WeaveOneLayer(double lineLength, double zoom) { lineLength = lineLength + zoom; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { DrawTriangle(lineLength); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 6); //lineLength = lineLength + zoom; } }
public static void DrawTriangle(double lineLength) { Console.WriteLine(lineLength); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Tortoise.Move(lineLength); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 3); } }
private static void DrawOctogon() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var nextColor = ColorWheel.GetNextColor(); Tortoise.SetPenColor(nextColor); Tortoise.Move(50); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 8); } }
public static void main(string[] args) { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); Tortoise.SetX(200); drawHouse(40); drawHouse(120); drawHouse(90); drawHouse(20); }
private static void MoveBackToCenter(double length) { Tortoise.PenUp(); Tortoise.Turn(90); Tortoise.Move(length / 2); Tortoise.Turn(90); Tortoise.Move(length / 2); Tortoise.Turn(180); Tortoise.PenDown(); }
public static void Main2() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { DrawSquare(); Tortoise.Turn(90); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rabbit rabbit = new Rabbit(); Tortoise tortoise = new Tortoise(); Thread t1 = new Thread(() => rabbit.Run(this.richTextBox1)); Thread t2 = new Thread(() => tortoise.Run(this.richTextBox2)); t1.Start(); t2.Start(); }
private static void AdjustPen() { Tortoise.SetPenColor(ColorWheel.GetNextColor()); var width = Tortoise.GetPenWidth(); Tortoise.SetPenWidth(width + 1); if (Tortoise.GetPenWidth() > 4) { Tortoise.SetPenWidth(1); } }
private static void DrawHouse(int heigthOfHouse) { Tortoise.Move(heigthOfHouse); Tortoise.Turn(90); Tortoise.Move(30); Tortoise.Turn(90); Tortoise.Move(heigthOfHouse); Tortoise.Turn(-90); Tortoise.Move(20); Tortoise.Turn(-90); }
private static void DrawPentagon() { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { AdjustPen(); var length = i; Tortoise.Move(length); Tortoise.Turn(360.0 / 5); Tortoise.Turn(1); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Whether we should use the unsafe, Direct interface to MPI. // When false, use the normal MPI.NET interface. bool useDirectInterface = false; using (MPI.Environment env = new MPI.Environment(ref args)) { if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "/direct") { useDirectInterface = true; System.Console.WriteLine("Using direct MPI interface."); System.Console.WriteLine("Bzzt. Can't do that here. Goodbye"); return; } else System.Console.WriteLine("Using MPI.NET interface."); comm =; if (comm.Size != 2) { if (comm.Rank == 0) System.Console.WriteLine("Only two processes allowed. Rerun with -np 2"); return; } else { self = comm.Rank; other = (comm.Rank + 1) % 2; } System.Console.WriteLine(comm.Rank + ": " + MPI.Environment.ProcessorName); bwdata = new Data[nSamp]; testLatency(); testSyncTime(); comm.Broadcast(ref latency, 0); if (self == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Latency: {0:F9}", latency); System.Console.WriteLine("Sync Time: {0:F9}", synctime); System.Console.WriteLine("Now starting main loop"); } int i, j, n, nq; int inc = 1, len; int start = 0, end = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; int bufflen = start, bufalign = 16 * 1024; double tlast = latency; for (n = nq = 0, len = start; tlast < stopTime && len <= end; len += inc, nq++) { if (nq > 2 && (nq % 2 != 0)) inc *= 2; int ipert, pert; for (ipert = 0, pert = (inc > PERT + 1) ? -PERT : 0; pert <= PERT; ipert++, n++, pert += (inc > PERT + 1) ? PERT : PERT + 1) { int nRepeat = bufflen == 0 ? latencyReps : (int)Math.Max((RUNTM / ((double)bufflen / (bufflen - inc + 1.0) * tlast)), TRIALS); comm.Broadcast(ref nRepeat, 0); bufflen = len + pert; Tortoise[] sendBuffer = new Tortoise[bufflen]; // Align the data? Some day. Maybe. Tortoise[] recvBuffer = new Tortoise[bufflen]; for (i = 0; i < bufflen; i++) { sendBuffer[i] = new Tortoise(); sendBuffer[i].contents = 0; } if (self == 0) System.Console.Write("{0,3:D}: {1,9:D} bytes {2,7:D} times ---> ", n, bufflen, nRepeat); bwdata[n].t = 1e99; double t1 = 0, t2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; i++) { sync(); double t0 = when(); if (useDirectInterface) { } else { for (j = 0; j < nRepeat; j++) { if (self == 0) { comm.Send(sendBuffer, other, 142); comm.Receive(ref recvBuffer, other, 242); } else { comm.Receive(ref recvBuffer, other, 142); comm.Send(sendBuffer, other, 242); } } } double t = (when() - t0) / (2.0 * nRepeat); t2 += t*t; t1 += t; bwdata[n].t = Math.Min(bwdata[n].t, t); bwdata[n].variance = t2 / TRIALS - t1 / TRIALS * t1 / TRIALS; tlast = bwdata[n].t; bwdata[n].bits = bufflen * sizeof(byte)*8; bwdata[n].bps = bwdata[n].bits / (bwdata[n].t * 1024 * 1024); bwdata[n].repeat = nRepeat; } if (self == 0) System.Console.WriteLine("{0,9:F2} Mbps in {1:F9} sec", bwdata[n].bps, tlast); } } } }