/// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="ProcessRecord"/> method for <see cref="RenameTransmissionTorrentPathCmdlet"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                RenamedTorrent renamedTorrents = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.RenameTorrentPath(TorrentId, TorrentPath, TorrentName)).Result;

                if (renamedTorrents == null)
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Failed to rename torrent path"), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));

                if (Json)
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to rename torrent path with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
 public void GetHash_NotPass_UpperCase()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b";
     var hash = service.GetHash(magnet);
     Assert.AreNotEqual("08C2C30CA85CF78ED147488A431D9AEE50824A7B", hash);
 public void GetHash_Pass_32()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BDBMGDFILT3Y5UKHJCFEGHM25ZIIEST3";
     var hash = service.GetHash(magnet);
     Assert.AreEqual("08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b", hash);
 public void GetHash_Pass_40()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b";
     var hash = service.GetHash(magnet);
     Assert.AreEqual("08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b", hash);
 public void NormalizeMagnetUrl_Pass_32()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BDBMGDFILT3Y5UKHJCFEGHM25ZIIEST3";
     var after = service.NormalizeMagnetUrl(magnet);
     Assert.AreEqual("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b", after);
 public void NormalizeMagnetUrl_Pass_40()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b";
     var after = service.NormalizeMagnetUrl(magnet);
     Assert.AreEqual(magnet, after);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="AssertTransmissionTorrentsVerifiedCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                // validate a torrent id has been supplied
                if (!_torrentIds.Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("The TorrentIds parameter must be supplied."), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                bool success = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.VerifyTorrents(_torrentIds)).Result;

                if (AsBool.IsPresent)


                if (!success)
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Torrent(s) verification failed"), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));

                WriteObject("Torrent(s) verification successful");
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to verify torrent(s) with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
 public async Task DownloadTorrent_Pass_Online()
     var api = RestService.For<IMagnetApi>("https://m2t.chinacloudsites.cn");
     var service = new TorrentService(api, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08c2c30ca85cf78ed147488a431d9aee50824a7b";
     var torrentBytes = await service.DownloadTorrent(magnet);
 public void NormalizeMagnetUrl_Pass_Tracker()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var magnet =
     var after = service.NormalizeMagnetUrl(magnet);
     Assert.AreEqual("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4cda49aa1c28db946e89ecb6e18482c8d347b41d", after);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="SetTransmissionTorrentsCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                // validate a torrent id has been supplied
                if (!(TorrentIds ?? new List <int>()).Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("The TorrentIds parameter must be supplied."), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                var request = new TorrentSettings
                    BandwidthPriority   = BandwidthPriority,
                    DownloadLimit       = DownloadLimit,
                    DownloadLimited     = DownloadLimited,
                    HonorsSessionLimits = HonoursSessionLimits,
                    Ids            = _torrentIds.ToArray(),
                    Location       = Location,
                    PeerLimit      = PeerLimit,
                    QueuePosition  = QueuePosition,
                    SeedIdleLimit  = SeedIdleLimit,
                    SeedIdleMode   = SeedIdleMode,
                    SeedRatioLimit = SeedRatioLimit,
                    SeedRatioMode  = SeedRatioMode,
                    UploadLimit    = UploadLimit,
                    UploadLimited  = UploadLimited,
                    TrackerAdd     = (TrackerAdd ?? new List <string>()).Any()
                        ? TrackerAdd.ToArray()
                        : null,
                    TrackerRemove = (TrackerRemove ?? new List <int>()).Any()
                        ? TrackerRemove.ToArray()
                        : null

                bool success = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.SetTorrents(request)).Result;

                if (AsBool.IsPresent)


                if (!success)
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Set torrent(s) failed"), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));

                WriteObject("Set torrent(s) successful");
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to set torrent(s) with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
 public void IsTorrentFileValid_NotPass()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var torrentBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("valid.torrent");
     for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++)
         torrentBytes[i] = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="RemoveTransmissionTorrentsCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                if (!All.IsPresent && !Completed.IsPresent && !Incomplete.IsPresent && !(TorrentIds ?? new List <int>()).Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("One of the following parameters must be supplied: All, Completed, Incomplete, TorrentIds"), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                (bool success, int torrentCount)response;
                string info = "";

                if (All.IsPresent)
                    response = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.RemoveTorrents(null, DeleteData.IsPresent)).Result;
                else if (Completed.IsPresent)
                    response = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.RemoveCompletedTorrents(DeleteData.IsPresent)).Result;

                    info = "completed ";
                else if (Incomplete.IsPresent)
                    response = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.RemoveIncompleteTorrents(DeleteData.IsPresent)).Result;

                    info = "incomplete ";
                    response = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.RemoveTorrents(_torrentIds, DeleteData.IsPresent)).Result;

                if (!response.success)
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Failed to remove torrents"), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));

                if (response.torrentCount == 0)
                    WriteWarning("No torrents found.");
                    WriteObject($"{response.torrentCount} {info} torrent{(response.torrentCount > 1 ? "s" : "")} removed.");
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to remove torrents with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public TorrentsModule(
            TorrentService torrentService
            : base("/api/torrents")
            _torrentService = torrentService;

            Get["/"]               = Index;
            Get["/{torrentID}"]    = Details;
            Put["/{torrentID}"]    = Update;
            Delete["/{torrentID}"] = DeleteTorrent;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static async Task Main(string[] args)
            _provider = SetupDependencies();

            _semaphore      = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
            _logger         = _provider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <object> >();
            _fileService    = _provider.GetRequiredService <FileService>();
            _torrentService = _provider.GetRequiredService <TorrentService>();
            _rssService     = _provider.GetRequiredService <RssService>();

            _logger.LogInformation("Application Startup Complete.");
            await Task.WhenAll(PollFeeds(), PollCompleteFiles());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static IServiceCollection AddTorrentServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            var dataServiceOptions    = new DataService.DataServiceOptions();
            var torrentServiceOptions = new TorrentService.TorrentServiceOptions();


            services.AddSingleton <ITorrentService>(p =>
                var ts = new TorrentService(torrentServiceOptions, p.GetService <ILoggerFactory>());
            services.AddTransient <IDataService>(p => new DataService(dataServiceOptions));
            services.AddTransient <ITorrentRepository, TorrentRepository>();

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public IndexModule(
            SearchService searchService,
            TorrentService torrentService
            _torrentService = torrentService;

            Get["/"] = parameters =>
                var user = this.GetUser() ?? new User();

                var model = new
                    User             = user,
                    UserPresent      = user.ID != null,
                    FilterVideo      = (int)user.FilterVideo,
                    FilterAudio      = (int)user.FilterAudio,
                    FilterTraslation = (int)user.FilterTraslation,
                    FilterSizes      = user.FilterSizes,

                    LibScript = Bundle.JavaScript().RenderCachedAssetTag("lib"),
                    AppScript = Bundle.JavaScript().RenderCachedAssetTag("app"),
                    LibCss    = Bundle.Css().RenderCachedAssetTag("css")

                return(View["index", model]);

            Get["/test"] = parameters =>
                using (var db = new DbTorronto())
                    var user    = db.User.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 3);
                    var message = new StringBuilder()

                    EmailService.SendMail(user, "test", message);

            Get["/rss/{userHash}"] = GetUserRss;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="MoveTransmissionTorrentsQueueCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                // validate queue move parameter has been supplied
                if (!Up.IsPresent && !Down.IsPresent && !Top.IsPresent && !Bottom.IsPresent)
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("One of the following parameters must be supplied: Up, Down, Top, Bottom"), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                // validate a torrent id has been supplied
                if (!(TorrentIds ?? new List <int>()).Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("The TorrentIds parameter must be supplied."), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                if (Up.IsPresent)
                    Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.MoveTorrents(MoveInQueue.Up, _torrentIds));
                else if (Down.IsPresent)
                    Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.MoveTorrents(MoveInQueue.Down, _torrentIds));
                else if (Top.IsPresent)
                    Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.MoveTorrents(MoveInQueue.Top, _torrentIds));
                else if (Bottom.IsPresent)
                    Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.MoveTorrents(MoveInQueue.Bottom, _torrentIds));

                WriteObject("Torrent(s) moved.");
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to move torrent(s) with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="GetTransmissionTorrentsCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                Torrent[] torrents;

                if (Completed.IsPresent)
                    torrents = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.GetCompletedTorrents()).Result;
                else if (Incomplete.IsPresent)
                    torrents = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.GetIncompleteTorrents()).Result;
                else if (_torrentIds.Any())
                    torrents = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.GetTorrents(_torrentIds)).Result;
                    torrents = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.GetTorrents()).Result;

                if (Json)
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to retrieve torrents with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
 public void IsTorrentFileValid_Pass()
     var service = new TorrentService(null, new NullLogger<TorrentService>());
     var torrentBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("valid.torrent");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public RootHandler(TorrentService torrent, IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
     _torrent      = torrent;
     _scopeFactory = scopeFactory;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public CallbackHandler(TorrentService torrent, IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
     _torrent      = torrent;
     _scopeFactory = scopeFactory;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public TorrentController()
     this.torrentService = new TorrentService();
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the <see cref="EndProcessing"/> method for <see cref="AddTransmissionTorrentsCmdlet"/>.
        /// Retrieve all torrents
        /// </summary>
        protected override void EndProcessing()
                // build an array of all supplied torrents to validate against
                var allTorrents = _urls

                // validate files, urls or metainfos have been supplied
                if (!allTorrents.Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("At least one of the following parameters must be supplied: Urls, Files, MetaInfos"), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                // validate FilesWanted, FilesUnwanted, PriorityHigh, PriorityLow & PriorityNormal haven't been supplied if multiple torrents are to be added
                if (allTorrents.Count > 1 &&
                    (FilesWanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ||
                    (FilesUnwanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ||
                    (PriorityHigh ?? new List <int>()).Any() ||
                    (PriorityLow ?? new List <int>()).Any() ||
                    (PriorityNormal ?? new List <int>()).Any())
                    ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("If multiple torrents are supplied then none of the following parameters should be supplied: FilesWanted, FilesUnwanted, PriorityHigh, PriorityLow, PriorityNormal"), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null));

                var torrentSvc = new TorrentService();

                List <NewTorrent> newTorrents = _urls
                                                .Select(t => new NewTorrent
                    Cookies           = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cookies) ? Cookies : null,
                    DownloadDirectory = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DownloadDirectory) ? DownloadDirectory : null,
                    Filename          = t,
                    MetaInfo          = null,
                    Paused            = Paused,
                    PeerLimit         = PeerLimit,
                    BandwidthPriority = BandwidthPriority,
                    FilesWanted       = (FilesWanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? FilesWanted.ToArray() : null,
                    FilesUnwanted     = (FilesUnwanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? FilesUnwanted.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityHigh      = (PriorityHigh ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityHigh.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityLow       = (PriorityLow ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityLow.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityNormal    = (PriorityNormal ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityNormal.ToArray() : null

                newTorrents.AddRange(_metas.Select(m => new NewTorrent
                    Cookies           = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cookies) ? Cookies : null,
                    DownloadDirectory = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DownloadDirectory) ? DownloadDirectory : null,
                    Filename          = null,
                    MetaInfo          = m,
                    Paused            = Paused,
                    PeerLimit         = PeerLimit,
                    BandwidthPriority = BandwidthPriority,
                    FilesWanted       = (FilesWanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? FilesWanted.ToArray() : null,
                    FilesUnwanted     = (FilesUnwanted ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? FilesUnwanted.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityHigh      = (PriorityHigh ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityHigh.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityLow       = (PriorityLow ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityLow.ToArray() : null,
                    PriorityNormal    = (PriorityNormal ?? new List <int>()).Any() ? PriorityNormal.ToArray() : null

                AddTorrentsResponse response = Task.Run(async() => await torrentSvc.AddTorrents(newTorrents)).Result;

                if (Json)
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Failed to add torrent(s) with error: {e.Message}", e), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public TorrentUploaderWidgetController()
     this._torrentService = new TorrentService();