public void SearchGenericWithCollector()
            const int NumObjects         = 10;
            const int MinNumberInclusive = 0;
            const int MaxNumberExclusive = 8;

            WriteTestObjects(NumObjects, obj => obj.ToDocument());
            Assert.AreEqual(NumObjects, writer.NumDocs());

            using (Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir, true))
                TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(
                    new Sort(new SortField("Number", SortField.LONG, true)),
                searcher.Search <TestObject>(
                    NumericRangeQuery.NewLongRange("Number", MinNumberInclusive, MaxNumberExclusive, true, false),

                TopDocs topDocs = collector.TopDocs();

                VerifyTopDocsTestObjects(searcher, topDocs, MinNumberInclusive, MaxNumberExclusive, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestEarlyTerminationDifferentSorter()
            // test that the collector works correctly when the index was sorted by a
            // different sorter than the one specified in the ctor.
            int  numHits                 = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, numDocs / 10);
            Sort sort                    = new Sort(new SortField("ndv2", SortField.Type_e.LONG, false));
            bool fillFields              = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool trackDocScores          = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool trackMaxScore           = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool inOrder                 = Random().nextBoolean();
            TopFieldCollector collector1 = Search.TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, fillFields, trackDocScores, trackMaxScore, inOrder);
            TopFieldCollector collector2 = Search.TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, fillFields, trackDocScores, trackMaxScore, inOrder);

            IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(reader);
            int           iters    = AtLeast(5);

            for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
                TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term("s", RandomInts.RandomFrom(Random(), terms)));
                searcher.Search(query, collector1);
                Sort different = new Sort(new SortField("ndv2", SortField.Type_e.LONG));
                searcher.Search(query, new EarlyTerminatingSortingCollectorHelper(collector2, different, numHits));

                assertTrue(collector1.TotalHits >= collector2.TotalHits);
                AssertTopDocsEquals(collector1.TopDocs().ScoreDocs, collector2.TopDocs().ScoreDocs);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IEnumerable <Movie> Search(string keywords, int?page, out int count, out string words)
            string        indexPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/IndexData");
            FSDirectory   directory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(indexPath), new NoLockFactory());
            IndexReader   reader    = IndexReader.Open(directory, true);
            IndexSearcher searcher  = new IndexSearcher(reader);

            //PhraseQuery query = new PhraseQuery();
            //foreach(string word in Common.SplitContent.SplitWords(Request.QueryString["SearchKey"])) {
            //    query.Add(new Term("content", word));//这里是 and关系

            BooleanQuery queryOr = new BooleanQuery();
            TermQuery    query   = null;

            words = "";
            foreach (string word in SplitWords(keywords))
                words += word + ",";
                query  = new TermQuery(new Term("title", word));
                queryOr.Add(query, Occur.SHOULD);//这里设置 条件为Or关系
            SortField[]       sortfield = new SortField[] { SortField.FIELD_SCORE, new SortField(null, SortField.DOC, true) };
            Sort              sort      = new Sort(sortfield);
            TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, false, false, false);

            searcher.Search(queryOr, null, collector);

            int start = 0, pagesize = 24;

            start = (page ?? 1) - 1;
            count = collector.TotalHits;
            ScoreDoc[] docs = collector.TopDocs(start * 24, pagesize).ScoreDocs;//取前十条数据  可以通过它实现LuceneNet搜索结果分页

            List <Movie> bookResult = new List <Movie>();

            for (int i = 0; i < docs.Length; i++)
                int      docId = docs[i].Doc;
                Document doc   = searcher.Doc(docId);

                Movie book = new Movie();
                book.MovieTitle   = HightLight(keywords, doc.Get("title"));
                book.MovieContent = doc.Get("content");
                book.MovieID      = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Get("id"));
                book.Stars        = doc.Get("stars");
                book.Director     = doc.Get("director");
                book.PictureFile  = doc.Get("picfile");
                book.Grade        = double.Parse(doc.Get("grade"));


Ejemplo n.º 4
        // main search method
        private static IEnumerable <IndexableEntity> _search(string searchQuery, string searchField = "")
            // validation
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchQuery.Replace("*", string.Empty).Replace("?", string.Empty)))
                return(new List <IndexableEntity>());

            // set up lucene searcher
            using (var searcher = new IndexSearcher(_directory, false))
                var hits_limit = 1000;
                var analyzer   = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30);

                // search by single field
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchField))
                    var sort = new Sort(new SortField[] {
                        new SortField(searchField, SortField.STRING)
                    TopFieldCollector topField = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, hits_limit, true, true, true, true);

                    var parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, searchField, analyzer);
                    var query  = parseQuery(searchQuery, parser);
                    //var hits = searcher.Search(query, hits_limit).ScoreDocs;
                    searcher.Search(query, topField);
                    var hits    = topField.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;
                    var results = _mapLuceneToDataList(hits, searcher);
                // search by multiple fields (ordered by RELEVANCE)
                    var parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser
                                     (Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, new[] { "Id", "TitleName", "SubtitleText" }, analyzer);
                    var query   = parseQuery(searchQuery, parser);
                    var hits    = searcher.Search(query, null, hits_limit, Sort.INDEXORDER).ScoreDocs;
                    var results = _mapLuceneToDataList(hits, searcher);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static IEnumerable <IndexableEntity> _searchMultiField(Dictionary <string, string> searchTerms)
            // validation
            if (searchTerms == null)
                return(new List <IndexableEntity>());

            // set up lucene searcher
            using (var searcher = new IndexSearcher(_directory, false))
                var hits_limit = 1000;
                var analyzer   = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30);

                var mainQuery = new BooleanQuery();
                TopFieldCollector topField = null;
                foreach (var pair in searchTerms)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pair.Key))
                        var sort = new Sort(new SortField[] {
                            new SortField(pair.Key, SortField.STRING)
                        topField = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, hits_limit, true, true, true, true);

                        var parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, pair.Key, analyzer);
                        var query  = parseQuery(pair.Value, parser);

                        mainQuery.Add(query, Occur.MUST);

                searcher.Search(mainQuery, topField);
                var hits    = topField.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;
                var results = _mapLuceneToDataList(hits, searcher);
        public IEnumerable <LuceneDoc> Search(string searchTerm)
            IndexSearcher     searcher       = new IndexSearcher(luceneIndexDirectory);
            QueryParser       parser         = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_30, "ImageInfoList.Description", analyzer);
            TopFieldCollector fieldCollector = TopFieldCollector.Create(Sort.RELEVANCE, 1000, true, true, true, true);

            Query query = parser.Parse(searchTerm);

            searcher.Search(query, fieldCollector);

            var           results   = fieldCollector.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;
            List <string> fileNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in results)
                var doc = searcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc);

                var luceneDoc = doc.ToObject <LuceneDoc>();
                luceneDoc.Score = scoreDoc.Score;
                yield return(luceneDoc);

            //return fileNames;
            //List<SampleDataFileRow> results = new List<SampleDataFileRow>();
            //SampleDataFileRow sampleDataFileRow = null;

            //for (int i = 0; i < hitsFound.Length(); i++)
            //    sampleDataFileRow = new SampleDataFileRow();
            //    Document doc = hitsFound.Doc(i);
            //    sampleDataFileRow.LineNumber = int.Parse(doc.Get("LineNumber"));
            //    sampleDataFileRow.LineText = doc.Get("LineText");
            //    float score = hitsFound.Score(i);
            //    sampleDataFileRow.Score = score;
            //    results.Add(sampleDataFileRow);

            //return results.OrderByDescending(x => x.Score).ToList();
            //return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Search, sorting by <see cref="Sort"/>, and computing
 /// drill down and sideways counts.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual DrillSidewaysResult Search(DrillDownQuery query, Filter filter, FieldDoc after, int topN, Sort sort, bool doDocScores, bool doMaxScore)
     if (filter != null)
         query = new DrillDownQuery(config, filter, query);
     if (sort != null)
         int limit = searcher.IndexReader.MaxDoc;
         if (limit == 0)
             limit = 1; // the collector does not alow numHits = 0
         topN = Math.Min(topN, limit);
         TopFieldCollector   hitCollector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, topN, after, true, doDocScores, doMaxScore, true);
         DrillSidewaysResult r            = Search(query, hitCollector);
         return(new DrillSidewaysResult(r.Facets, hitCollector.TopDocs()));
         return(Search(after, query, topN));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestEarlyTermination_()
            int  numHits                 = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 1, numDocs / 10);
            Sort sort                    = new Sort(new SortField("ndv1", SortField.Type_e.LONG, false));
            bool fillFields              = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool trackDocScores          = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool trackMaxScore           = Random().nextBoolean();
            bool inOrder                 = Random().nextBoolean();
            TopFieldCollector collector1 = Search.TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, fillFields, trackDocScores, trackMaxScore, inOrder);
            TopFieldCollector collector2 = Search.TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, fillFields, trackDocScores, trackMaxScore, inOrder);

            IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(reader);
            int           iters    = AtLeast(5);

            for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i)
                TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term("s", RandomInts.RandomFrom(Random(), terms)));
                searcher.Search(query, collector1);
                searcher.Search(query, new EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector(collector2, sort, numHits));
            assertTrue(collector1.TotalHits >= collector2.TotalHits);
            AssertTopDocsEquals(collector1.TopDocs().ScoreDocs, collector2.TopDocs().ScoreDocs);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override TopDocs TopDocs()
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 多索引文件联合查询搜索(带分页)
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">返回结果数据类型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="indexPaths">索引文件路径集合</param>
        /// <param name="query">Query</param>
        /// <param name="sort">排序</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">当前搜索页</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">每页显示数</param>
        /// <param name="count">总搜索结果数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <T> Search <T>(string[] indexPaths, Query query, Sort sort, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int count) where T : BaseIndexModel
            count = 0;

            if (null == query)

            if (pageIndex < 1)
                pageIndex = 1;

            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 1;

            int start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;

            if (null == indexPaths || indexPaths.Length < 1)

            List <IndexSearcher> searchers = new List <IndexSearcher>();

            foreach (var indexPath in indexPaths)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexPath))

                FSDirectory directory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(indexPath), new NoLockFactory());

                if (null == directory)

                bool isExist = IndexReader.IndexExists(directory);

                if (!isExist)

                IndexReader reader = IndexReader.Open(directory, true);

                IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);


            if (searchers.Count < 1)

            MultiSearcher multiSearcher = new MultiSearcher(searchers.ToArray());

            TopFieldCollector results = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, start + pageSize, false, false, false, false);

            multiSearcher.Search(query, results);

            count = results.TotalHits;

            var docs = results.TopDocs(start, pageSize).ScoreDocs;

            List <T> list = new List <T>();

            foreach (var scoreDoc in docs)
                Document doc = multiSearcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc);

                var data = new IndexFactory(doc).Result as T;

                if (null != data)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public IList <T> Retrieve <T>(string keyword, out int totalCount, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) where T : class, new()
            using (IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory, true))
                List <string>    queries    = new List <string>();
                List <string>    fields     = new List <string>();
                List <Occur>     flags      = new List <Occur>();
                List <SortField> sortFields = new List <SortField>();
                PropertyInfo[]   properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

                foreach (var property in properties)
                    if (property.IsDefined(typeof(OccurAttribute), false))
                        OccurAttribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(OccurAttribute)) as OccurAttribute;
                        Occur          occur     = attribute.Occur;
                        if (!occur.Equals(Occur.MUST_NOT))
                    if (property.IsDefined(typeof(SortAttribute), false))
                        SortAttribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SortAttribute)) as SortAttribute;
                        int           sortField = attribute.Type;
                        bool          reverse   = attribute.Reverse;
                        sortFields.Add(new SortField(property.Name, sortField, reverse));

                Query query = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, queries?.ToArray(), fields?.ToArray(), flags?.ToArray(), analyzer);

                //Query queryR= new TermRangeQuery()

                TopDocs tds;
                int     startRowIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;              //分页
                if (sortFields.Count > 0)
                    Sort sort = new Sort(sortFields?.ToArray());
                    TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, pageIndex * pageSize, false, false, false, false);
                    searcher.Search(query, collector);                     //返回结果
                    tds = collector.TopDocs(startRowIndex, pageSize);
                    TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(pageIndex * pageSize, false);
                    searcher.Search(query, collector);
                    tds = collector.TopDocs(startRowIndex, pageSize);
                totalCount = tds.TotalHits;

                IList <T> list = new List <T>();
                foreach (ScoreDoc sd in tds.ScoreDocs)
                    Document doc          = searcher.Doc(sd.Doc);
                    T        searchResult = new T();
                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        string value = doc.Get(property.Name);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                            Action <object, object> setValue = ReappearMember.CreatePropertySetter(property);
                            if (property.IsDefined(typeof(OccurAttribute), false))
                                setValue(searchResult, Preview(value, keyword));
                                setValue(searchResult, value);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve suggestions, specifying whether all terms
        ///  must match ({@code allTermsRequired}) and whether the hits
        ///  should be highlighted ({@code doHighlight}).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IList <LookupResult> Lookup(string key, HashSet <BytesRef> contexts, int num, bool allTermsRequired, bool doHighlight)
            if (searcherMgr == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("suggester was not built");

            BooleanClause.Occur occur;
            if (allTermsRequired)
                occur = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST;
                occur = BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD;

            TokenStream  ts = null;
            BooleanQuery query;
            var          matchedTokens = new HashSet <string>();
            string       prefixToken   = null;

                ts = queryAnalyzer.TokenStream("", new StringReader(key));

                //long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                var    termAtt   = ts.AddAttribute <CharTermAttribute>();
                var    offsetAtt = ts.AddAttribute <OffsetAttribute>();
                string lastToken = null;
                query = new BooleanQuery();
                int maxEndOffset = -1;
                matchedTokens = new HashSet <string>();
                while (ts.IncrementToken())
                    if (lastToken != null)
                        query.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD_NAME, lastToken)), occur);
                    lastToken = termAtt.ToString();
                    if (lastToken != null)
                        maxEndOffset = Math.Max(maxEndOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset());

                if (lastToken != null)
                    Query lastQuery;
                    if (maxEndOffset == offsetAtt.EndOffset())
                        // Use PrefixQuery (or the ngram equivalent) when
                        // there was no trailing discarded chars in the
                        // string (e.g. whitespace), so that if query does
                        // not end with a space we show prefix matches for
                        // that token:
                        lastQuery   = GetLastTokenQuery(lastToken);
                        prefixToken = lastToken;
                        // Use TermQuery for an exact match if there were
                        // trailing discarded chars (e.g. whitespace), so
                        // that if query ends with a space we only show
                        // exact matches for that term:
                        lastQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(TEXT_FIELD_NAME, lastToken));
                    if (lastQuery != null)
                        query.Add(lastQuery, occur);

                if (contexts != null)
                    BooleanQuery sub = new BooleanQuery();
                    query.Add(sub, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                    foreach (BytesRef context in contexts)
                        // NOTE: we "should" wrap this in
                        // ConstantScoreQuery, or maybe send this as a
                        // Filter instead to search, but since all of
                        // these are MUST'd, the change to the score won't
                        // affect the overall ranking.  Since we indexed
                        // as DOCS_ONLY, the perf should be the same
                        // either way (no freq int[] blocks to decode):

                        // TODO: if we had a BinaryTermField we could fix
                        // this "must be valid ut8f" limitation:
                        sub.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(CONTEXTS_FIELD_NAME, context.Utf8ToString())), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

            // TODO: we could allow blended sort here, combining
            // weight w/ score.  Now we ignore score and sort only
            // by weight:

            Query finalQuery = FinishQuery(query, allTermsRequired);

            //System.out.println("finalQuery=" + query);

            // Sort by weight, descending:
            TopFieldCollector c = TopFieldCollector.Create(SORT, num, true, false, false, false);

            // We sorted postings by weight during indexing, so we
            // only retrieve the first num hits now:
            Collector            c2       = new EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector(c, SORT, num);
            IndexSearcher        searcher = searcherMgr.Acquire();
            IList <LookupResult> results  = null;

                //System.out.println("got searcher=" + searcher);
                searcher.Search(finalQuery, c2);

                TopFieldDocs hits = (TopFieldDocs)c.TopDocs();

                // Slower way if postings are not pre-sorted by weight:
                // hits =, null, num, SORT);
                results = createResults(searcher, hits, num, key, doHighlight, matchedTokens, prefixToken);

            //System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " msec for infix suggest");

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 字段分组统计(支持分页)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexSearcher"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <param name="groupKeyValueList">分组结果</param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="sortFields"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc> SelectGroup(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, int pageSize, int pageIndex, Query query, out int recordCount, out GroupKeyValueList groupKeyValueList, Filter filter = null, params SortField[] sortFields)
            recordCount       = 0;
            groupKeyValueList = null;
            Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc> dictPager = new Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc>();
            int maxDoc = indexSearcher.IndexReader.MaxDoc;

            if (maxDoc == 0)
            TopDocs docs     = null;
            string  key      = string.Format(CACHE_KEY, query.ToString(), string.Join("_", sortFields.Select(item => item.ToString())), filter == null ? string.Empty : filter.ToString());
            string  listKey  = key + string.Format(",PAGE_INDEX:{0},PAGE_SIZE:{1}", pageIndex, pageSize);
            string  groupKey = "GROUP:::" + key;

            docs = MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Get(listKey) as TopDocs;
            groupKeyValueList = MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Get(groupKey) as GroupKeyValueList;
            if (docs == null || groupKeyValueList == null)
                int start = pageIndex * pageSize;
                start = Math.Min(start, maxDoc);

                using (GroupCollectorField groupCollectorField = new GroupCollectorField("NameValue"))
                    if (sortFields.Length > 0)
                        Sort sort = new Sort();
                        TopFieldCollector     topFieldCollector     = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, start, true, false, false, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                        GroupCollectorWrapper groupCollectorWrapper = new GroupCollectorWrapper(start, topFieldCollector, groupCollectorField);
                        indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, groupCollectorWrapper);
                        start = start - pageSize;
                        if (start < 0)
                            start = 0;
                        docs = topFieldCollector.TopDocs(start, pageSize);//只返回前start条记录
                        TopScoreDocCollector  topScoreDocCollector  = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(start + 1, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                        GroupCollectorWrapper groupCollectorWrapper = new GroupCollectorWrapper(start, topScoreDocCollector, groupCollectorField);
                        indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, groupCollectorWrapper);
                        start = start - pageSize;
                        if (start < 0)
                            start = 0;
                        docs = topScoreDocCollector.TopDocs(start, pageSize); //只返回前start条记录
                    groupCollectorField.GroupKeyValueDocCountList.Sort();     //排序
                    groupKeyValueList = ObjectExtensions.Clone(groupCollectorField.GroupKeyValueDocCountList);
                    if (docs != null && groupKeyValueList != null)
                        TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CACHE_TIME);
                        MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Insert(groupKey, groupKeyValueList, timeSpan);
                        MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Insert(listKey, docs, timeSpan);
            #region 返回搜索的结果集合
            if (docs != null)
                recordCount = docs.TotalHits;          //搜索结果总数量
                ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = docs.ScoreDocs; //搜索的结果集合
                if (scoreDocs != null)
                    foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in scoreDocs)
                        if (scoreDoc.Doc != int.MaxValue && scoreDoc.Score != System.Single.NegativeInfinity)
                            dictPager.Add(indexSearcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc), scoreDoc);
            if (dictPager.Count == 0)
            if (groupKeyValueList.Count == 0)
            groupKeyValueList = groupKeyValueList ?? new GroupKeyValueList(0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页查询(高效率)。wyp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexSearcher"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="sortFields"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc> SelectAfter(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, int pageSize, int pageIndex, Query query, out int recordCount, string culture = "", Filter filter = null, params SortField[] sortFields)
            recordCount = 0;
            Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc> dictPager = new Dictionary <Document, ScoreDoc>(pageSize);
            int maxDoc = indexSearcher.IndexReader.MaxDoc;

            if (maxDoc == 0)
            TopDocs docs = null;
            string  key  = string.Format(CACHE_KEY, query.ToString(), string.Join("_", sortFields.Select(item => item.ToString())), filter == null ? string.Empty : filter.ToString(), culture.ToUpper());

            #region 先取出某(PageIndex)页文档结果中的最后一个文档,然后在从这个文档开始继续往下取出PageSize大小的文档记录
            ScoreDoc lastScoreDoc = GetLastScoreDoc(indexSearcher, pageSize, pageIndex, query, filter, culture, sortFields);
            if (lastScoreDoc == null)
                key += string.Format(",PAGE_SIZE:{0}", pageSize);
                docs = MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Get(key) as TopDocs;
                if (docs == null)
                    if (sortFields.Length > 0)
                        Sort sort = new Sort();
                        docs = indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, pageSize, sort);//只返回前pageSize条记录
                    {                                                         //不支持排序
                        docs = indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, pageSize); //只返回前pageSize条记录
                    if (docs != null)
                        MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Insert(key, docs, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CACHE_TIME));
                if (lastScoreDoc.Doc < maxDoc)
                    key += string.Format(",DOC:{0},PAGE_INDEX:{1},PAGE_SIZE:{2}", lastScoreDoc.Doc, pageIndex, pageSize);
                    docs = MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Get(key) as TopDocs;
                    if (docs == null)
                        if (sortFields.Length > 0)
                            int start = pageIndex * pageSize;
                            start = Math.Min(start, maxDoc);
                            Sort sort = new Sort();
                            TopFieldCollector topFieldCollector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, start, true, false, false, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                            indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, topFieldCollector);
                            start = start - pageSize;
                            if (start < 0)
                                start = 0;
                            docs = topFieldCollector.TopDocs(start, pageSize);//只返回前start条记录
                            //||IndexSearcher 482行
                            TopScoreDocCollectorEx topScoreDocCollectorEx = TopScoreDocCollectorEx.Create(pageSize, lastScoreDoc, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                            indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, topScoreDocCollectorEx);
                            docs = topScoreDocCollectorEx.TopDocs();
                        if (docs != null)
                            MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Insert(key, docs, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CACHE_TIME));
            #region 先取出前(PageIndex+1)页的文档数,然后在从文档结果中取出最后一页的文档记录。
            key += string.Format(",PAGE_INDEX:{0},PAGE_SIZE:{1}", pageIndex, pageSize);
            docs = WebCache.DataCacheBus.Get(key) as TopDocs;
            if (docs == null)
                int start = pageIndex * pageSize;
                start = Math.Min(start, maxDoc);
                if (sortFields.Length > 0)
                    Sort sort = new Sort();
                    TopFieldCollector topFieldCollector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, start, true, false, false, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                    indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, topFieldCollector);
                    start = start - pageSize;
                    if (start < 0)
                        start = 0;
                    docs = topFieldCollector.TopDocs(start, pageSize);//只返回前start条记录
                    TopScoreDocCollector topScoreDocCollector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(start + 1, !query.CreateWeight(indexSearcher).GetScoresDocsOutOfOrder());
                    indexSearcher.Search(query, filter, topScoreDocCollector);
                    start = start - pageSize;
                    if (start < 0)
                        start = 0;
                    docs = topScoreDocCollector.TopDocs(start, pageSize);//只返回前start条记录
                if (docs != null)
                    WebCache.DataCacheBus.Insert(key, docs, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CACHE_TIME));
            #region 返回搜索的结果集合
            if (docs != null)
                recordCount = docs.TotalHits;          //搜索结果总数量
                ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = docs.ScoreDocs; //搜索的结果集合
                if (scoreDocs != null)
                    foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in scoreDocs)
                        if (scoreDoc.Doc != int.MaxValue && scoreDoc.Score != System.Single.NegativeInfinity)
                            lastScoreDoc = scoreDoc;//获取搜索结果中当前页中最后一个ScoreDoc对象
                            dictPager.Add(indexSearcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc), scoreDoc);
            if (dictPager.Count == 0)
            else if (lastScoreDoc != null)
            {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   //提前设置好当用户搜索下一页时,需要用到当前这一页的最后一个ScoreDoc对象用于下次搜索使用。wyp
                key = string.Format(CACHE_KEY, query.ToString(), string.Join("_", sortFields.Select(item => item.ToString())), filter == null ? string.Empty : filter.ToString(), culture.ToUpper()) + string.Format(",PAGE_INDEX:{0},PAGE_SIZE:{1}", pageIndex + 1, pageSize); //提前把下一页用到的LastScoreDoc放入缓存中。wyp
                MemCache.MemoryCacheBus.Insert(key, lastScoreDoc, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CACHE_TIME));
