Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AreEqual(BitVecExpr expr, Tv[] expectedTvArray, State state)
            Contract.Requires(expr != null);
            Contract.Requires(expectedTvArray != null);
            Contract.Requires(state != null);

            int nBits = (int)expr.SortSize;

            Assert.AreEqual(nBits, expectedTvArray.Length);
            Tv[] actualTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expr, (int)expr.SortSize, state.Solver, state.Solver_U, state.Ctx);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualTvArray.Length, nBits);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTvArray.Length, nBits);

            ulong?actualLong   = ToolsZ3.ToUlong(actualTvArray);
            ulong?expectedLong = ToolsZ3.ToUlong(expectedTvArray);

            if (actualLong.HasValue && expectedLong.HasValue)
                Assert.AreEqual(actualLong.Value, expectedLong.Value, "Expr " + expr + ": Expected value " + expectedLong.Value + " while actual value is " + actualLong.Value);
                for (int i = 0; i < nBits; ++i)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedTvArray[i], actualTvArray[i], "Expr " + expr + ": Pos " + i + ": expected value " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(expectedTvArray) + " while actual value is " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(actualTvArray));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void AreEqual(Rn name, Tv[] expectedTvArray, State state)
            Contract.Requires(state != null);
            Contract.Requires(expectedTvArray != null);


            int nBits = RegisterTools.NBits(name);

            Assert.AreEqual(nBits, expectedTvArray.Length);
            Tv[] actualTvArray = state.GetTvArray(name);
            Assert.AreEqual(nBits, actualTvArray.Length);

            ulong?actualLong   = ToolsZ3.ToUlong(actualTvArray);
            ulong?expectedLong = ToolsZ3.ToUlong(expectedTvArray);

            if (actualLong.HasValue && expectedLong.HasValue)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLong.Value, actualLong.Value, "Reg " + name + ": Expected value " + expectedLong.Value + " while actual value is " + actualLong.Value);
                AreEqual(expectedTvArray, actualTvArray);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Test_Z3_MemWithArray_2()
            #region Definitions
            uint    nBits = 8;
            Context ctx   = new Context();

            BitVecExpr bv_0  = ctx.MkBV(0, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_16 = ctx.MkBV(16, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_32 = ctx.MkBV(32, nBits);

            BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0", nBits);

            ArrayExpr mem = ctx.MkArrayConst("mem", ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits), ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits));

            Goal state = ctx.MkGoal();

            //Test possible memory overwrite
            Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[16], 0 ; store at address=16 value=0");
            mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, bv_16, bv_0);
            Console.WriteLine("mov rax, qword ptr[16] ; load rax with the value at address=16");
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, ctx.MkSelect(mem, bv_16)));
            Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[rcx], 32 ; store at unknown address rcx value 32, appreciate that address 16 could be overwritten");
            mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, rcx, bv_32);
            Console.WriteLine("mov rbx, qword ptr[16] ; load rbx with value at address 16, appreciate that rbx need not be equal to rax");
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, bv_16)));

            if (true)
                Console.WriteLine("cmp rcx, 16 ;");
                Console.WriteLine("jnz label1: ");
                state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, bv_16));
            #region Write to console
            Console.WriteLine("mem=" + mem);

            Solver solver   = ctx.MkSolver();
            Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver();
            Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state);
            if (true)
                Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values");
                Goal   state2  = tactic1.Apply(state).Subgoals[0];
                Console.WriteLine("state2=" + state2.ToString());
            Tv[] raxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rax, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rax = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(raxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(raxTV));
            Tv[] rbxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rbx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rbx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rbxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rbxTV));
            Tv[] rcxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rcx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rcx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rcxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rcxTV));
            //Tv5[] rdxTV = ToolsZ3.getTvArray(rdx, nBits, solver, ctx);
            //Console.WriteLine("rdx = " + ToolsZ3.toStringBin(rdxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.toStringHex(rdxTV));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void AreEqual(BitVecExpr expr, ulong expected, State state)
            Contract.Requires(expr != null);

            Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected, (int)expr.SortSize);
            AreEqual(expr, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void AreEqual(BitVecExpr expr, string expected, State state)
            Contract.Requires(expr != null);

            Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected);
            Assert.AreEqual(expr.SortSize, (uint)expectedTvArray.Length);
            AreEqual(expr, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public string GetRegisterValue(Rn name, IState_R state)
     if (state == null)
     Tv5[] reg = state.GetTv5Array(name);
     return(string.Format("{0} = {1}", ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(reg), ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(reg)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static void AreEqual(Tv expected, Tv actual)
     if ((actual == Tv.UNDETERMINED) && (expected != Tv.UNDETERMINED))
         Assert.Inconclusive("Expected value " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(expected) + " while actual value is " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(actual));
         Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Expected value " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(expected) + " while actual value is " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(actual));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Test_Z3_MemWithArray_3()
            #region Definitions
            uint    nBits = 8;
            Context ctx   = new Context();

            BitVecExpr bv_0  = ctx.MkBV(0, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_16 = ctx.MkBV(16, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_32 = ctx.MkBV(32, nBits);

            BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0", nBits);

            ArrayExpr mem = ctx.MkArrayConst("mem", ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits), ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits));

            Goal state = ctx.MkGoal();

            // Test if loading from two unknown addresses and then learning that the addresses were equal yields the same result

            // mov rcx, qword ptr[rax]
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, rax)));
            // mov rdx, qword ptr[rbx]
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rdx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, rbx)));
            // cmp rax, rbx;
            // jnz label1:
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, rbx));
            // cmp rax, 0
            // jnz label2:
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, bv_16));

            #region Write to console
            Console.WriteLine("mem=" + mem);

            Solver solver   = ctx.MkSolver();
            Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver();

            Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state);
            Tv[] raxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rax, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rax = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(raxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(raxTV));
            Tv[] rbxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rbx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rbx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rbxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rbxTV));
            Tv[] rcxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rcx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rcx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rcxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rcxTV));
            Tv[] rdxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rdx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rdx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rdxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rdxTV));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Test_Z3_MemWithArray_1()
            #region Definitions
            uint    nBits = 8;
            Context ctx   = new Context();

            BitVecExpr bv_0  = ctx.MkBV(0, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_10 = ctx.MkBV(10, nBits);
            BitVecExpr bv_20 = ctx.MkBV(20, nBits);

            BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!0", nBits);
            BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0", nBits);

            ArrayExpr mem = ctx.MkArrayConst("mem", ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits), ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits));

            Goal state = ctx.MkGoal();

            // Test chaining with memory loads

            // mov qword ptr[0], 10
            mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, bv_0, bv_10);
            // mov qword ptr[10], 20
            mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, bv_10, bv_20);
            // mov rbx, qword ptr[rax]
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, rax)));
            // mov rcx, qword ptr[rbx]
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, rbx)));
            // cmp rax, 10;
            // jnz label1:
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, bv_0));

            #region Write to console
            Console.WriteLine("mem=" + mem);

            Solver solver   = ctx.MkSolver();
            Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver();
            Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state);
            Tv[] raxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rax, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rax = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(raxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(raxTV));
            Tv[] rbxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rbx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rbx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rbxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rbxTV));
            Tv[] rcxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rcx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rcx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rcxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rcxTV));
            Tv[] rdxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rdx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("rdx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rdxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rdxTV));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Test_Z3_MemWithImplies()
            Context ctx = new Context();

            BitVecExpr bv_0  = ctx.MkBV(0, 64);
            BitVecExpr bv_10 = ctx.MkBV(10, 64);
            BitVecExpr bv_20 = ctx.MkBV(20, 64);

            BitVecExpr addr  = ctx.MkBVConst("ADDR", 64);
            BitVecExpr value = ctx.MkBVConst("VALUE", 64);

            BitVecExpr value1 = ctx.MkBVConst("value1", 64);
            BitVecExpr value2 = ctx.MkBVConst("value2", 64);

            BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0-1955042C05A090D2", 64);
            BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!1-5000C87A5EB2FB98", 64);
            BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!1-68FC98BF6AFBF63E", 64);
            BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0-231D57E228F579AD", 64);

            Goal state = ctx.MkGoal();

            // mov qword ptr[0], 10
            state.Assert(ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(addr, bv_0), ctx.MkEq(value, bv_10)));
            // mov qword ptr[10], 20
            state.Assert(ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(addr, bv_10), ctx.MkEq(value, bv_20)));
            // mov rbx, qword ptr[rax]
            //state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, ctx.MkEq(addr, value1));
            // mov rcx, qword ptr[rbx]
            //state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, ctx.MkEq(addr, value2));
            // cmp rax, 10;
            // jnz label1:
            state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, bv_0));

            Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values");

            Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state);
            Console.WriteLine("state2=" + tactic1.Apply(state).ToString());

            Solver solver   = ctx.MkSolver();
            Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver();

            Tv[] f = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(value, 64, solver, solver_U, ctx);
            Console.WriteLine("Value = 0b" + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(f) + " = 0x" + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(f));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void AreEqual(Tv[] expectedArray, Tv[] actualArray)
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedArray.Length, actualArray.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < actualArray.Length; ++i)
                Tv actual   = actualArray[i];
                Tv expected = expectedArray[i];

                if ((actual == Tv.UNDETERMINED) && (expected != Tv.UNDETERMINED))
                    Assert.Inconclusive("Pos " + i + ": expected value " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(expectedArray) + " while actual value is " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(actualArray));
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Pos " + i + ": expected value " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(expectedArray) + " while actual value is " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(actualArray));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Test whether the provided registers are equal in the provided state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reg1"></param>
 /// <param name="reg2"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 public static void AreEqual(Rn reg1, Rn reg2, State state)
     using (BoolExpr eq = state.Ctx.MkEq(state.Create(reg1), state.Create(reg2)))
         Tv tv = ToolsZ3.GetTv(eq, state.Solver, state.Ctx);
         if (tv == Tv.UNDETERMINED)
             Assert.Inconclusive("Could not determine whether " + reg1 + " and " + reg2 + " are equal");
             if (tv != Tv.ONE)
                 Console.WriteLine("TestTools:AreEqual: state:");
             Assert.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, tv);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Test whether the provided registers are unrelated in the provided state. That is, whether the
 /// equality of the two registers is unknown in the provided state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reg1"></param>
 /// <param name="reg2"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 public static void AreUnrelated(Rn reg1, Rn reg2, State state)
     using (BoolExpr eq = state.Ctx.MkEq(state.Create(reg1), state.Create(reg2)))
         Tv tv = ToolsZ3.GetTv(eq, state.Solver, state.Ctx);
         Console.WriteLine("TestTools:AreUnrelated: tv:" + tv);
         if (tv == Tv.UNDETERMINED)
             Assert.Inconclusive("Could not determine whether " + reg1 + " and " + reg2 + " are unrelated");
             if (tv != Tv.UNKNOWN)
                 Console.WriteLine("TestTools:AreUnrelated: state:");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Test_FPTools_BV_2_Doubles()
            Context ctx      = new Context(); // housekeeping OK!
            Solver  solver   = ctx.MkSolver();
            FPSort  fpSort64 = ctx.MkFPSort64();

            FPExpr[] values_FP = new FPExpr[] { ctx.MkFP(2, fpSort64), ctx.MkFP(4, fpSort64) };

            BitVecExpr value_BV = ToolsFloatingPoint.FP_2_BV(values_FP, ctx);

            Console.WriteLine(ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(value_BV, 128, solver, ctx)));

            IList <FPExpr> results_FP = new List <FPExpr>(ToolsFloatingPoint.BV_2_Doubles(value_BV, ctx));

            for (int i = 0; i < values_FP.Length; ++i)
                string expected = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(ctx.MkFPToIEEEBV(values_FP[i]), 64, solver, ctx));
                string actual   = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(ctx.MkFPToIEEEBV(results_FP[i]), 64, solver, ctx));
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Test_ToStringHex_2()
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(0xFF, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual("0xFF", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(0xFFFF, 16));
         Assert.AreEqual("0xFFFF", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(0xFFFF_FFFF, 32));
         Assert.AreEqual("0xFFFF_FFFF", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, 64));
         Assert.AreEqual("0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF", str);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void Test_ToStringHex_1()
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual("0x0A", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 16));
         Assert.AreEqual("0x000A", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 32));
         Assert.AreEqual("0x0000_000A", str);
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 64));
         Assert.AreEqual("0x0000_0000_0000_000A", str);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void Test_ToStringDec_1()
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringDec(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "10d");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringDec(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(200, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "200d");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringDec(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(511, 16));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "511d");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringDec(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(512, 10));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "512d");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void Test_ToStringBin_1()
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0b00001010");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 16));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0b00000000_00001010");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 32));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00001010");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 64));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00001010");
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void Test_ToStringOct_1()
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringOct(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(10, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0o012");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringOct(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(200, 8));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0o310");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringOct(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(511, 16));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0o000_777");
         string str = ToolsZ3.ToStringOct(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(512, 10));
         Assert.AreEqual(str, "0o1_000");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Test_BitTricks_Min_Unsigned()
            Tools tools = this.CreateTools();

            tools.StateConfig.RAX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RBX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RDX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.CF  = true;

            string line1 = "sub rax, rbx";
            string line2 = "sbb rdx, rdx"; // copy CF to all bits of edx
            string line3 = "and rdx, rax";
            string line4 = "add rbx, rdx";

            { // forward
                State state = this.CreateState(tools);

                BitVecExpr rax0 = state.Create(Rn.RAX);
                BitVecExpr rbx0 = state.Create(Rn.RBX);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line1, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line1 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line2, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line2 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line3, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line3 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                // ebx is minimum of ebx and eax
                Context    ctx  = state.Ctx;
                BitVecExpr rbx1 = state.Create(Rn.RBX);
                rax0 = rax0.Translate(ctx) as BitVecExpr;
                rbx0 = rbx0.Translate(ctx) as BitVecExpr;
                BoolExpr t = ctx.MkEq(rbx1, ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkBVUGT(rax0, rbx0), rbx0, rax0));

                    if (state.Solver.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore has " + state.Solver.UnsatCore.Length + " elements");

                        foreach (BoolExpr b in state.Solver.UnsatCore)
                            if (LogToDisplay)
                                Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore=" + b);
                    if (state.Solver.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("Model=" + state.Solver.Model);

                Assert.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv(t, state.Solver, state.Ctx));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static void AreEqual(BitVecExpr expr, ulong expected, State state)
     Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected, (int)expr.SortSize);
     TestTools.AreEqual(expr, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static void AreEqual(BitVecExpr expr, string expected, State state)
     Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected);
     Assert.AreEqual(expr.SortSize, (uint)expectedTvArray.Length);
     TestTools.AreEqual(expr, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static void AreEqual(ulong expected, Tv[] actualArray)
     Contract.Requires(actualArray != null);
     AreEqual(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected, actualArray.Length), actualArray);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static void AreEqual(Rn name, string expected, State state)
     Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected);
     Assert.AreEqual(RegisterTools.NBits(name), expectedTvArray.Length);
     AreEqual(name, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static void AreEqual(ulong expected, Tv[] actualArray)
     TestTools.AreEqual(ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected, actualArray.Length), actualArray);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static void AreEqual(Rn name, ulong expected, State state)
     Tv[] expectedTvArray = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(expected, RegisterTools.NBits(name));
     AreEqual(name, expectedTvArray, state);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Test_BitTricks_Parallel_Search_GPR_2()
            Tools tools = this.CreateTools();

            tools.StateConfig.RAX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RBX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RCX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RSP = true;

            string line1 = "mov rax, 0x80_80_80_80_80_80_80_80";
            string line2 = "mov rsp, 0x01_01_01_01_01_01_01_01";

            string line3  = "mov rbx, 0x01_02_03_04_05_06_07_08"; // EBX contains 8 bytes
            string line4a = "mov rcx, rbx";                       // cannot substract with lea, now we need an extra mov
            string line4b = "sub rcx, rsp";                       // substract 1 from each byte
            string line5  = "not rbx";                            // invert all bytes
            string line6  = "and rcx, rbx";                       // and these two
            string line7  = "and rcx, rax";

            { // forward
                State      state = this.CreateState(tools);
                BitVecExpr bytes = state.Create(Rn.RBX);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line1, state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line2, state);
                if (false)
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line3, state);
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line3 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4a, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4a + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4b, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4b + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line5, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line5 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line6, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line6 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line7, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line7 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                    // if at least one of the bytes is equal to zero, then ECX cannot be equal to zero
                    // if ECX is zero, then none of the bytes is equal to zero.
                    Context    ctx   = state.Ctx;
                    BitVecExpr zero8 = ctx.MkBV(0, 8);
                    bytes = bytes.Translate(ctx) as BitVecExpr;

                    BitVecExpr byte1 = ctx.MkExtract((1 * 8) - 1, 0 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte2 = ctx.MkExtract((2 * 8) - 1, 1 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte3 = ctx.MkExtract((3 * 8) - 1, 2 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte4 = ctx.MkExtract((4 * 8) - 1, 3 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte5 = ctx.MkExtract((5 * 8) - 1, 4 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte6 = ctx.MkExtract((6 * 8) - 1, 5 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte7 = ctx.MkExtract((7 * 8) - 1, 6 * 8, bytes);
                    BitVecExpr byte8 = ctx.MkExtract((8 * 8) - 1, 7 * 8, bytes);

                    BoolExpr property = ctx.MkEq(
                            ctx.MkEq(byte1, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte2, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte3, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte4, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte5, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte6, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte7, zero8),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte8, zero8)
                        ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(state.Create(Rn.RCX), ctx.MkBV(0, 64)))
                    AsmTestTools.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv(property, state.Solver, ctx));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void Test_BitTricks_Parallel_Search_GPR_1()
            Tools tools = this.CreateTools();

            tools.StateConfig.RBX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RCX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RDX = true;

            string line1 = "mov ebx, 0x01_00_02_03";        // EBX contains four bytes
            string line2 = "lea ecx, [ebx-0x01_01_01_01]";  // substract 1 from each byte
            string line3 = "not ebx";                       // invert all bytes
            string line4 = "and ecx, ebx";                  // and these two
            string line5 = "and ecx, 80808080h";

            { // forward
                State      state = this.CreateState(tools);
                BitVecExpr bytes = state.Create(Rn.EBX);

                if (false)
                { // line 1
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line1, state);
                    // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line1 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line2, state);
                // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line2 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line3, state);
                // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line3 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4, state);
                // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line5, state);
                // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line5 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                Context    ctx  = state.Ctx;
                BitVecExpr zero = ctx.MkBV(0, 8);
                bytes = bytes.Translate(ctx) as BitVecExpr;
                BitVecExpr byte1 = ctx.MkExtract((1 * 8) - 1, 0 * 8, bytes);
                BitVecExpr byte2 = ctx.MkExtract((2 * 8) - 1, 1 * 8, bytes);
                BitVecExpr byte3 = ctx.MkExtract((3 * 8) - 1, 2 * 8, bytes);
                BitVecExpr byte4 = ctx.MkExtract((4 * 8) - 1, 3 * 8, bytes);

                    // if at least one of the bytes is equal to zero, then ECX cannot be equal to zero
                    // if ECX is zero, then none of the bytes is equal to zero.

                    BoolExpr property = ctx.MkEq(
                            ctx.MkEq(byte1, zero),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte2, zero),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte3, zero),
                            ctx.MkEq(byte4, zero)
                        ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(state.Create(Rn.ECX), ctx.MkBV(0, 32)))
                    AsmTestTools.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv(property, state.Solver, state.Ctx));
                    BoolExpr p = ctx.MkOr(ctx.MkEq(byte1, zero), ctx.MkEq(byte2, zero), ctx.MkEq(byte3, zero), ctx.MkEq(byte4, zero));
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("After \"" + p + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                    BoolExpr p = ctx.MkAnd(
                        ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkEq(byte1, zero), ctx.MkFalse()),
                        ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkEq(byte2, zero), ctx.MkFalse()),
                        ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkEq(byte3, zero), ctx.MkTrue()),
                        ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkEq(byte4, zero), ctx.MkFalse())
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("After \"" + p + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                    // state.Solver.Pop();
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Test_BitTricks_Min_Signed()
            Tools tools = this.CreateTools();

            tools.StateConfig.RAX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RBX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RDX = true;

            return;                        // this trick does not seem to be correct?!

            string line1 = "sub rax, rbx"; // Will not work if overflow here!
            string line2 = "cqo";          // rdx1 = (rax0 > rbx0) ? -1 : 0
            string line3 = "and rdx, rax"; // rdx2 = (rax0 > rbx0) ? 0 : (rax0 - rbx0)
            string line4 = "add rbx, rdx"; // rbx1 = (rax0 > rbx0) ? (rbx0 + 0) : (rbx0 + rax0 - rbx0)

            {                              // forward
                State   state = this.CreateState(tools);
                Context ctx   = state.Ctx;

                if (true)
                    ulong       rax_value   = 0x61a4292198602827;
                    ulong       rbx_value   = 0x8739140220c24080;
                    StateUpdate updateState = new StateUpdate("!PREVKEY", "!NEXTKEY", state.Tools);
                    updateState.Set(Rn.RAX, rax_value);
                    updateState.Set(Rn.RBX, rbx_value);
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("Initially, we know:\n" + state);

                BitVecExpr rax0 = state.Create(Rn.RAX);
                BitVecExpr rbx0 = state.Create(Rn.RBX);

                    state.Solver.Assert(state.Ctx.MkNot(ToolsFlags.Create_OF_Sub(rax0, rbx0, rax0.SortSize, ctx))); // this code only works when there is no overflow in line1
                {                                                                                                   // line 1
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line1, state);
                    // retrieve the overflow after line 1, OF has to be zero for the code to work
                    state.Solver.AssertAndTrack(ctx.MkNot(state.Create(Flags.OF)), ctx.MkBoolConst("OF-ZERO"));
                    Assert.AreEqual(Status.SATISFIABLE, state.Solver.Check());
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line1 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                { // line 2
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line2, state);
                    // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line2 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                    BoolExpr t2 = ctx.MkEq(state.Create(Rn.RDX), ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkBVSGT(rax0, rbx0), ctx.MkBV(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, 64), ctx.MkBV(0, 64)));
                    // Assert.AreEqual(Tv5.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv5(t2, state.Solver, state.Ctx));
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line3, state);
                    // if (logToDisplay) Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line3 + "\", we know:\n" + state);
                    // BoolExpr t2 = ctx.MkEq(state.Get(Rn.RDX), ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkBVSGT(rax0, rbx0), ctx.MkBV(0, 64), ctx.MkBVSub(rax0, rbx0)));
                    // Assert.AreEqual(Tv5.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv5(t2, state.Solver, state.Ctx));
                    state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4, state);
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                // ebx is minimum of ebx and eax
                BitVecExpr rbx1 = state.Create(Rn.RBX);
                BoolExpr   t    = ctx.MkEq(rbx1, ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkBVSGT(rax0, rbx0), rbx0, rax0));

                if (false)
                    state.Solver.AssertAndTrack(t, ctx.MkBoolConst("MIN_RAX_RBX"));
                    Status s = state.Solver.Check();
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("Status A = " + s + "; expected " + Status.SATISFIABLE);

                    if (s == Status.UNSATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore has " + state.Solver.UnsatCore.Length + " elements");

                        foreach (BoolExpr b in state.Solver.UnsatCore)
                            if (LogToDisplay)
                                Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore=" + b);

                        if (LogToDisplay)

                if (true)
                    state.Solver.Assert(ctx.MkNot(t), ctx.MkBoolConst("NOT_MIN_RAX_RBX"));
                    Status s = state.Solver.Check();
                    if (LogToDisplay)
                        Console.WriteLine("Status B = " + s + "; expected " + Status.UNSATISFIABLE);

                    if (s == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("Model=" + state.Solver.Model);

                Assert.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv(t, state.Solver, state.Ctx));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void Test_BitTricks_Mod3()
             * mod3_A    PROC
             * ; parameter 1: rcx
             *  mov       r8, 0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabH      ;; (scaled) reciprocal of 3
             *  mov       rax, rcx
             *  mul       r8                          ;; multiply with reciprocal
             *  shr       rdx, 1                      ;; quotient
             *  lea       r9, QWORD PTR [rdx+rdx*2]   ;; back multiply with 3
             *  neg       r9
             *  add       rcx, r9                     ;; subtract from dividend
             *  mov       rax, rcx                    ;; remainder
             *  ret
             * mod3_A    ENDP
             * mod3_B    PROC
             * ; parameter 1: rcx
             *  mov       r8, 3
             *  mov       rax, rcx
             *  xor       rdx, rdx
             *  idiv      r8
             *  mov       rax, rdx
             *  ret
             * mod3_B    ENDP

            Tools tools = this.CreateTools(0);

            tools.StateConfig.RAX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RCX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.RDX = true;
            tools.StateConfig.R8  = true;
            tools.StateConfig.R9  = true;
            tools.StateConfig.R10 = true;

            string line0 = "mov       rcx, r10";

            string line1 = "mov       r8, 0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabH";
            string line2 = "mov       rax, rcx";
            string line3 = "mul       r8";
            string line4 = "shr       rdx, 1";
            string line5 = "lea       r9, QWORD PTR [rdx+rdx*2]";
            string line6 = "neg       r9";
            string line7 = "add       rcx, r9"; // rcx has result of

            string line8  = "mov       r8, 3";
            string line9  = "mov       rax, r10";
            string line10 = "mov      rdx, 0";
            string line11 = "idiv     r8";

            if (false)
                State state = this.CreateState(tools);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line0, state);
                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line1, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line1 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line2, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line2 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line3, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line3 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line4, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line4 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line5, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line5 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line6, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line6 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line7, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line7 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line8, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line8 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line9, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line9 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line10, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line10 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                state = Runner.SimpleStep_Forward(line11, state);
                if (LogToDisplay)
                    Console.WriteLine("After \"" + line11 + "\", we know:\n" + state);

                Context  ctx = state.Ctx;
                BoolExpr t   = ctx.MkEq(state.Create(Rn.RCX), state.Create(Rn.RDX));

                if (false)
                {// this test does not seem to terminate
                    if (state.Solver.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore has " + state.Solver.UnsatCore.Length + " elements");

                        foreach (BoolExpr b in state.Solver.UnsatCore)
                            if (LogToDisplay)
                                Console.WriteLine("UnsatCore=" + b);
                if (true)
                { // this test does not seem to terminate
                    if (state.Solver.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                        if (LogToDisplay)
                            Console.WriteLine("Model=" + state.Solver.Model);

                Assert.AreEqual(Tv.ONE, ToolsZ3.GetTv(t, state.Solver, state.Ctx));