private static bool changeRegisteredAgent(ref Agent agent, string session_id)
        /* Check if the given agent is still connected (the session does not expire)
         * If he is no, we remove it from memory
         * If agent is removed return true, else false

        if (updateRegisteredAgent(agent, session_id))
            /* If agent has been connected but the session expired (or user is connected to the same computer with an other windows sessions)
             * In fact if client connect from a computer to be considered as connected he will need to have the given cookie (send during
             * its connection attemps)
             * If he does not have the same cookie it's mean that another client use the same computer but not the same windows session


            string ip_adress = agent.ipAdress;
            setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);
            //order of instructions is important here (as previously said)

    private static void setNewAttempForAgent(ref Agent agent)
        /*When user fails to connect to the database we update his number of attemps
         * and eventually make him as a banned agent

        if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(agent.lastConnectionTime) >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(TIME_BANNED_SESSION_MIN))
            /* Since the number of attemps is related to the computer and not the windows session
             * When nobody try to connect to the database from the computer for a certain time
             * we reset the number of attemps assiociate to that computer
            agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps = 0;

        agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps = agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps + 1;
        //increase the number of attemps

        if (agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps >= NUMBER_CONNECTION_ATTEMPS_ALLOWED)
        {                        //to many tries
            string ip_adress = agent.ipAdress;
            agent.toDefault();   //not necessary but just to be careful
            setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);
            agent.banned = true; //agent is now banned
            agent.banishmentStartTime = DateTime.Now;
    private static bool changeBannedAgent(ref Agent agent)
        /*Check if the given agent is no longer banned
         * If so we remove it from memory
         * If agent is removed return true, else false
        if (updateBannedAgent(agent))
        {//agent is no longer banned

            string ip_adress = agent.ipAdress;
            agent.toDefault();//not necessary but just to be careful
            setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);
            agent.banned = false;

            /* order of instructions is important here because we have to update agent information only after removing it from database
             * else there will be no corresponding agent into memory
             * We update agent even if we remove it from memory because it will be used later to know what the client
             * can acces at that time for that request
             * Then for other request, since there will be no more corresponding agentin in memory, client will have to connect again


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public AccessManagementForm()
            list_ids     = new List <int>();
            list_results = new List <string>();
            database     = new DataBase();

            DEFAULT_COLOR = display_password_state_textBox.BackColor;


            right_checkedListBox.DataSource = new BindingSource(SecurityManager.RIGHTS_LIST, null);
            //Add to the checkedlistbox all the right (accreditation level) transcripted to text
    public static int setConnection(string id, SecureString secure_given_password)
        /*When a user is physically connected to the app we retrieve all the information about him in a structure Agent from the database
         * If an agent is find in the database from the input id and password (given after being in an hashing function)
         * then we set a timer (that represent the connection time left before disconection ) and save temporarily all the informations in a structure

        if (id == "" || secure_given_password == null)


        Agent agent = database.getAgentByAuthentificationId(id);

        if (agent.error)

        //Hash the password with salt saved in the database
        if (agent.hashedPassword != DataProtection.getSaltHashedString(secure_given_password, agent.saltForHashe))
        {                      //if the stored hashe password is not equal to the given hashe password (with the salt saved in the database)
            agent.toDefault(); //reset agent

        if (agent.tableId != -1)     //agent is found
            connected_agent = agent; //save temporarily the information


 public static void setOnlineDisconnection(ref Agent agent)
     /* When user want to be disconnected from the sever we remove all information about him from memory
      * so the next time he will try to connect to the server there will be no more informations about him
      * and he will have to connect again
     if (agent.tableId != -1)
         /*If the client is in memory and registered
          * because if a client who is not registered try to diconnect it will remove all his informations from server
          * (and that's a problem if the user will be banned soon because he made too much attemps)
          * (even the number of attemps). In other words, it could be a way to avoid beeing banned after multiple failed
          * So to be disconnected client have to be registered
          * (at that step assume that session expiration has been cheked before)
    public static Agent getOnlineAgentFromIpAdress(string ip_adress, string cookie)
        /* That function update informations about saved agent into the list "client_list"
         * (for exemple figure out if the agent is disconnected, or not any more banned)
         * Then update that infomration into memory and return it

        Agent agent = new Agent();

        setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);

        int index = getIndexAgentFromIpAdress(ip_adress);

        if (index != -1)
        {//if agent is already into memory
            agent = client_list[index];

            bool index_refer_to_the_same = (!changeBannedAgent(ref agent)) && (!changeRegisteredAgent(ref agent, cookie));
            //update information and if there is no more reason to keep that information into memory remove it from the list "client_list"
            setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);

            /* order of insctruction are important here because when call setEssentialParmsForAgent the last
             * connection time is update. So if we put that call before checking data about client then the last connection time
             * will be the current time which is not correct for the rest of the code
             * In fact it is the last connection time before that request (request which explain why we can set the
             * current time as the last connection time, because without that request the last connection time will be the one previously saved
             * and not the current time)

            if (index_refer_to_the_same)
            {// else agent has been removed from the list so index does not refer to he same as previously
                client_list[index] = agent;
        }//if the client is not registered we do nothing
    public static Agent setOnlineConnection(string id, SecureString secure_given_password, string ip_adress)
        /* When client try to establish a connection as a registered agent, he send his id and password.
         * Then we check in the database those informations matches with an agent into the database
         * If yes we gather all information about that agent into a structure and save it into a list "client_list"
         * and the information will stay in it until the client disconnect himself or the session expired
         * If no we save the ip adress of the client and update his number of attemps into the list "client_list"
         * If agent was found into the database that function return it
         * else retrun a standard agent with default values set
         * On the server side, we have mutiple possible cases :
         *  - agent is recognise as registered agent into the database
         *  - agent is unknown but try to connect
         *  - agent is banned (because he fails to many time to connect)
         * All agents are (temporarily) indistinctly stored into memory (trough the list "client_list")
         * We can differianciate agent because of its internal parameters that are not the same if the agent is registered or banned or unknown
         * We delete those informations from memory only when user states evoluate (for exemple if agent has been banned but now he wait enough time
         * we remove information about that user from memory or when agent is disconnected we remove its informations)
         * In orther words, the only way to if agent is registered (so allow to access the website) is to look if the ip adress is saved in memory
         * and if he is not banned.
         * The case "unknown agent" held to figure out the number of attemps client did : in that case we stored the ip adress and increase
         * the number of attemps by one each time he fails to connect. Then when he try again but the number of attemps is too high that client
         * became banned. In fact, if agent try to connect few time the ip adress of the user computer will be stored as long as a new agent
         * use the same computer and succeed in connecting with the server. In otherwise, the informations will remain into memory
         * The banishment is not assiociate to the a windows session but to a computer
         * But when agent is registered he is from its windows session on a specific computer (and not only from the computer)
         * This is the only function that can add a new user

        Agent agent = new Agent();


        if (id == "" || secure_given_password == null)

        /*When the database is not used form a while the cache are clear (the database become "cold")
         * So after a certain time if a user try to connect to the database it will have to wait
         * that the database end to load and then wait to have the result of the request
         * But the needed amount of time will almost always overpass the maximun connection time of the databse
         * which will procude an error
        agent = database.getAgentByAuthentificationId(id);//could return an agent with error set to true

        if (agent.error)
        {//error from the server (not the fault of the client)

        //Hash the password with salt saved in the database
        if (agent.hashedPassword != DataProtection.getSaltHashedString(secure_given_password, agent.saltForHashe))
        {                      //if the stored hashe password is not equal to the given hashe password (with the salt saved in the database)
            agent.toDefault(); //reset agent

        int index = getIndexAgentFromIpAdress(ip_adress);

        if (index == -1)//add new user
            Agent temp_agent = new Agent();

            setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref temp_agent, ip_adress);
            index = client_list.Count - 1;

        if (agent.tableId == -1)
        {//there is no corresponding agent into the database (wrong id or password or both)
            agent = client_list[index];

            /*All client that send a request to the server are saved into memory with there ip adress
             * So at that step when we search for a client define by its ip adress the result
             * will never be out of range
            setNewAttempForAgent(ref agent);

            /* If the user fail to connect we already have its information into memory
             * In this case, we update the information abour that agent
             * We can not directly add the agent into the database because agent are found by their ip adress (at the first match)
             * In other words, if we have multiple agent set in memory with the same ip adress just one will be retrieve
            //agent was found into the database
            agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps = 0;
            //reset the number of attemp
            agent.sessionId = setCookiesForClient();
            //all the cookie are set at the connection and will remain the same until the next connection

        setEssentialParmsForAgent(ref agent, ip_adress);
        //registerAgentNewAttemp use agent.lastConnectionTime so order insctruction is here important and setEssentialParmsForAgent() update lastConnectionTime

        client_list[index] = agent;
        //again index will never be out of range