Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task TestDelete()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 0;                                                                                                            // exisiting user
                var dbTodo = await context.Todo.AsNoTracking().Where(t => t.user.username == usernames[i]).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); // existing todo

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo(dbTodo.id) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkObjectResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Todo.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.User.Count());

                var okObject    = result as OkObjectResult;
                var deletedItem = okObject.Value as Todo;

                Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.id, deletedItem.id);
                Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.task, deletedItem.task);
                Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.complete, deletedItem.complete);
                Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.dueDate, deletedItem.dueDate);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task TestNullCookiePost()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 2; // task and user does not currently exists in db
                Todo newTodo = new Todo()
                    task     = tasks[i],
                    complete = completes[i],
                    dueDate  = dueDates[i]
                i = 3; //for null cookie

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.PostTodo(newTodo) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task TestEditOtherUsersTask()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 0; //
                IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo
                                          orderby t.id ascending
                                          select t;
                var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                Todo updatedTodo = new Todo()
                    id       = dbTodo.id + 1,
                    task     = tasks[i],
                    complete = completes[i],
                    dueDate  = dueDates[i]

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.UpdateTask(dbTodo.id + 1, updatedTodo) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task TestNullCookiePut()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 2; // task does not currently exists in db
                Todo updatedTodo = new Todo()
                    id       = (await context.Todo.AsNoTracking().FirstAsync()).id,
                    task     = tasks[i],
                    complete = completes[i],
                    dueDate  = dueDates[i]

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.UpdateTask((await context.Todo.AsNoTracking().FirstAsync()).id, updatedTodo) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task TestGet()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 0; //
                string username = usernames[i];
                string password = passwords[i];

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.GetTodo() as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkObjectResult));

                var okObject = result as OkObjectResult;
                var todo     = okObject.Value as List <Todo>;

                Assert.IsTrue(todo.Count == 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
        public TodoesController GetController()
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <finaltodoContext>();


            _context    = new finaltodoContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
            _controller = new TodoesController(_context);
            return(new TodoesController(_context));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task TestNullCookieDelete()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 3; //for null cookie

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo((await context.Todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync()).id) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task TestNoCookieGet()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 3; //
                string username = usernames[i];
                string password = passwords[i];

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.GetTodo();

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task TestPost()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 2; //task 2 doesn't esists in db
                Todo newTodo = new Todo()
                    task     = tasks[i],
                    complete = completes[i],
                    dueDate  = dueDates[i]
                i = 1; // user 1 exists

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.PostTodo(newTodo) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(CreatedResult));

                IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo
                                          orderby t.id descending
                                          select t;
                var newestTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.task, newestTodo.task);
                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.complete, newestTodo.complete);
                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.dueDate, newestTodo.dueDate);

                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.emailAddress, users[i].emailAddress);
                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.username, users[i].username);
                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.password, users[i].password);
                Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.online, users[i].online);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task TestDeleteNonDbAuthToken()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 2; //for non existant user with a valid authtoken
                IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo
                                          orderby t.id descending
                                          select t;
                var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo(dbTodo.id) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task TestDeleteOtherUsersTask()
            using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options))
                // Given
                i = 0; //for authorised user
                IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo
                                          orderby t.id descending
                                          select t;
                var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); // todoItem belonging to different user

                ICookieService   fakeCookie     = new FakeCookieService();
                TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie);
                var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo(dbTodo.id) as IActionResult;

                // Then
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count());